Nursing Scholarship Essays

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There’s a heartbeat, a rhythm, that pulses through the corridors of every hospital and clinic. It’s not just the beep of monitors or the shuffle of feet. It’s the steady, unwavering commitment of nurses who, day in and day out, answer a calling that goes beyond the routine of a...

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2 Pages 729 Words
I wish to apply for an MSc. Adult Nursing. This program caught my interest because as a graduate who already has a first degree in health-related courses (Microbiology), this course is a faster route to achieving my dream of becoming a certified Nurse in 2 years. This course would enable me to study both in an academic setting and work...
2 Pages 928 Words
More than ever before, I am highly motivated and prepared to take on the course of Learning Disability Nursing at your reputable University. I am passionate and best positioned to function effectively in this role, given my strong interest in nursing and care service provision. My passion is supported by my progressive qualifications that fit the requirements and the extensive...
1 Page 660 Words
I am interested in the Nursing Bachelor's Degree Programme. I intend to pursue a career in Adult or Mental Health nursing which offers exciting explorations and fascinating discoveries, inspiring goals and absorbing new challenges. I believe Nursing would be a good fit for me because the idea of supporting and caring for the sick in society gives me joy. I...
4 Pages 1854 Words
Design thinking is a cognitive process where the person thinks like a designer to try to understand the thoughts and perspectives of the consumers of the products the designer makes. This thinking process helps people develop a deep understanding and empathy of the people for whom they are designing the products. In the nursing field, design thinking benefits nursing students'...
4 Pages 1919 Words
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Introduction to Reflective Nursing Journey In this reflective essay, I am going to reflect on what I have learned from nursing course. My journey from the last 12 weeks and progress I had made this semester also my learning experience in this semester. This piece of reflect will incorporate Borton model of reflection throughout. And the areas I intent to...
1 Page 637 Words
I want to study 'Child Nursing' because I have a very adaptable approach in speaking to children and adults. I am a caring, committed and motivated individual who has also a good understanding of equality and diversity. I am able to solve and respond to stressful and hectic situations confidently and calmly. Although the role of work can be difficult...
3 Pages 1369 Words
A nurse that holds a Master’s Degree in Science as a Nurse Educator has the ability to teach, develop, and shape the new generation of nurse professionals. Nurse Educators can work in a variety of landscapes, such as academic nursing institutions and clinical settings. Health care has evolved tremendously, thereby, forcing all health care providers, especially nurses to have an...
2 Pages 706 Words
Although I earned an Associate of Arts Degree, I became interested in nursing when my country of birth (Sierra Leone) was faced with an outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus which decimated hundreds of the population. As more people lost their lives, I became increasingly aware of the importance of medical care in our society. Within that same year, I...
1 Page 451 Words
My passion to pursue a career in nursing was largely contributed to my volunteer experience at Kenol and Exotic Private Hospital, where I worked as a health educator and health care assistant. In this position I had sole responsibility for taking care of some patients’ daily needs, such as cleaning, feeding, exercise and educating them on how to live, improve...
1 Page 629 Words
I am applying for Adult Nursing as I am eager to pursue a career in which I can have a positive impact on people’s lives every day. I have always looked upon nursing and other medical professionals’ roles with respect, increasingly so during the current pandemic. I am interested in nursing as it is a challenging and rewarding profession with...
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