Plastic Pollution essays

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Think about this question for a moment, how much plastic are you using? Whether it's the zip lock bags you carry your lunch in, the glad wrap you use for a sandwich, or the plastic bags you put your shopping in, most of us are using plastic every single day. But none of us are thinking of the negative effect plastic has on the ocean. Did you know that almost 2 million plastic bags are used globally every minute? And,...
1 Page 652 Words
Imagine having a pile of plastic bottles in your backyard. Disgusting right? That’s exactly what we’re doing though, we don’t have piles of it in our backyards yet, no but we are polluting the habitats of animals and soon if plastic bottles aren't banned, it won't be very long till we see those bottles everywhere including our homes. I agree, the production and sale of bottled water should be banned. Why? Well because it would not only remove waste but...
2 Pages 983 Words
Executive Summary This report was commissioned to examine and evaluate a pressing issue known as Plastic Product pollution. This has been administered and accepted by the government of Canada, Organizations such as Walmart, and Markets which are the customers and suppliers. Plastic product pollution is killing the planet and us, slowly but steadily and we are causing our own peril by allowing it to happen, I believe my policy known as the Plastic Product Ban will take down this problem....
6 Pages 2867 Words
Abstract This case study aims to analyze Dell’s contribution towards addressing the crisis of ocean plastics which is a major pollutant in ocean bodies. Dell which is a privately owned company and a major technological service and products provider, started the Ocean Plastics Initiative after the challenge facing many oceans was brought to the attention of the company. This is also after United Nations announced its inclusion of the ocean crisis in its Sustainable Development Goals. Despite various hesitations at...
3 Pages 1388 Words
Introduction Plastic can be valuable in so many ways; worldwide, people can purchase about one million plastic drinking bottles per minute and use about five trillion disposable plastic bags per year; mostly, people use plastic only once and then throw it away. People dispose of plastic anywhere in the environment; this makes plastic ubiquitous thus becoming a threat to the natural environment. Production of plastic products began after World War 11; plastics made it possible for people to travel into...
5 Pages 2344 Words
A turtle goes to a plastic bag and thinks it is food. It eats it. The next day it eats another one, then the day after, and the day after that. Do you know how much plastic is in it? Plastic bags are not only harmful to animals but to the environment as well. The plastic bags in the water causes water pollution and on land, it is air pollution. Plastic bags should be banned as it pollutes the water...
2 Pages 707 Words
Did you know that humans are dumping more than 8 million tons of plastic into our oceans every year? That's over 21,918 tons of plastic per day thrown into our ocean. Our Earth can’t hold all of the plastic we have thrown away, and we need to ban all single-use plastic. Since over 60 million plastic bottles are thrown away every day, plastic bottles need to be banned in all countries. Plastic is harming the health of animals and humans...
3 Pages 1369 Words
Ocean Trash is a lot of trash in the ocean and it is affecting animals and humans. It is very sad how this can hurt the environment by a man made mistake. Ocean Trash is debris from and land that gets taken away to the ocean and kills millions of animals. Ocean Trash is usually abandoned and know one cares to even pick it up from the deep or even the shores. For example, ocean trash kills many marine animals....
6 Pages 2505 Words
Releasing substances to the environment that can cause harm is pollution. Various types of pollution include land pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, air pollution, and radioactive pollution. Pollution is normally associated with devastating effects on human life, such as cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, and cancer. However, it can also have good effects, such as reducing climate change and helping plants flourish. Pollution is a great contributor to global warming. Pros of pollution 1. Helps plants flourish: Release nitrogen into the...
2 Pages 1135 Words
Anthropogenic activities such as plastic pollution account to the death of many marine organisms. Research states, the plastic debris accumulating within the oceans now equates to around 5.25 trillion pieces, along with 269,000 tonnes that floats to the surface. The main culprit of the plastic pollution is plastic bags, with approximately 500 billion bags being used per year. These bags can take between 20-1000 years to degrade, that means a single plastic bag could potentially harm numerous organisms due to...
2 Pages 944 Words
Piilani Partners, a company who is proposing to open a bottling plant here in Hilo, has been met with the greater amount of resistance, rather than larger amounts of supporters who are in favor of this proposal. The problem identified during the hearing seems to stem from the bottling plant manufacturing and using plastic, which the people continue to witness plastic polluting our lands, streams, rivers, and oceans which has caused grave harm and extinction to our wildlife on land...
2 Pages 819 Words
The Last Generation able to Fight Global Crisis Intro We need to change. Today alone [enter statistic here] has happened as a result of the ecological crisis we have caused, do you want these numbers to increase? Do you want to die from old age or global warming? All life known to man exists on this planet, we have overexploited the planet’s resources for decades, and despite the negative effects, we fail to act. This chaos will result in the...
2 Pages 782 Words
Every year, millions of kilograms of plastic and other pollutants enter the ocean. Where do the pollutants come from? Where does this waste...eventually go? And why is it allowed? the pollution in the oceans is killing animals and killing the plants that we need to breathe. Other forms of pollution that impact the health of the ocean are run off from fertilizers or big oil spills and yet, if the pollution did not go in the ocean where would it...
2 Pages 989 Words
Reduce, reuse, and recycle. These three words have been passed down for decades, embedding the minds of millions of people all around the world. But it is no accident that recycling is the last word out of the three; the recycling industries wanted that word to be stuck in people’s minds for decades to come. And, it did. Recycling has transformed to become a term associated with saving the earth. The common myth is that if we recycle our products...
1 Page 608 Words
The history of plastics according to this paper dates back to the mid-1800 when humans started using natural products with plastic characteristics such as chewing gum. Later it was modified by use of chemicals on naturally occurring substances to produce materials such as rubber. The earliest invention of plastics was made by Alexander Parkes who through laboratory experiments and projects came up with the first plastic which was known as celluloid, but he named it Parkesine. From then, other scientists...
2 Pages 1039 Words
Plastic bags, though useful in numerous ways, have attested to be dangerous and unsafe to our environment due to one major factor, that is, they are nonbiodegradable, simply meaning they do not decompose easily hence making their disposal a huge challenge. Plastics are mainly used in the community because they are light weight, durable, defiance to degradation and above all they are cheap. Besides the many benefits individuals gain from using these plastic bags, the problem one faces in disposing...
1 Page 453 Words
Plastics are the type of synthetic or semi-synthetic polymer which can moulded to any shape. It is an example of inorganic waste. Plastics are not toxic as such to humans since it is less soluble, but additives like plasticizers are toxic. Plastics though non-toxic cause a great deal of damage to the environment because of their nonbiodegradability. This is because most plastics are derived from monomer of propylene and the propylene link formed is extremely strong to be decomposed by...
1 Page 569 Words
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