Reflection on Volunteering Experience Essay

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Volunteering is a life-changing experience. It is hard to explain the feelings when I get involved. There is a feeling of happiness in helping others. In other words, it is a feeling I want to share with others such as friends, classmates, family members, or maybe even a stranger.

On the 26th of October 2019, we are attending a service-learning project on soap making as part of our group assignment. Soap making is a great hands-on project where you learn how to make your soap using simple and natural ingredients. What I learned from the participation, I can gain more from the experience that anyone else has, and through volunteering, I will get to know people who are less fortunate than others.

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It is an eye-opener for me to see how the mother raises a child with special needs through care. She is willing to learn how to make a soap to work from home to help her family's income. This is how she can earn a living by helping her husband who is the sole breadwinner and at the same time taking care of her 4 kids one of whom is a special needs child. We use natural ingredients such as essential oils, and goat milk cubes for moisturising which will be good for the health of all consumers. I learned how to make a soap that gives a lot of benefits that are not harmful to our bodies. Besides that, I can help other people too. It was my first time making a soap and being involved in volunteering. I strongly believe that volunteering gives us joy and many rewards. When we give, it often comes back to us tenfold.

As we work as a team, we don’t face any difficulty cooperating for the success of the project.

There is some action plan if I wish to render my service to the community such as identifying the needs of the community by taking time to research to find out what are the community needs. This research is important especially if you are new to the community or you have not been involved in the volunteering work before. Reading newspapers also will help us to get to know the community and learn what people are doing to address problems. By taking time to find out the community's needs, we can identify ways that we can help as volunteers.

Donating our time is an excellent choice to make, as we have a positive impact on the community and strengthen our relationships with the community members. The smallest gestures that we are making as a volunteer means a lot to others who need help.

In conclusion, volunteering helps you connect with the community. If you are connected means you are connected with the problem as well as the solution and process through actions and involvement that benefit others and us too.

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Reflection on Volunteering Experience Essay. (2024, February 28). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 8, 2024, from
“Reflection on Volunteering Experience Essay.” Edubirdie, 28 Feb. 2024,
Reflection on Volunteering Experience Essay. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 8 Sept. 2024].
Reflection on Volunteering Experience Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Feb 28 [cited 2024 Sept 8]. Available from:

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