Research essays

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Introduction to Hisaye Yamamoto and Her Works Hisaye Yamamoto was a Japanese American, Nisei (“Second Generation”) author. One of her most famous works, Seventeen Syllables, and other short stories, was a collection of short stories produced over her 40-year career. Owing to the nature of Realistic Fiction writing, the short stories of Hisaye Yamamoto reveal her perspective on gender roles in Japanese culture and the generational conflicts between the Issei and Nisei, with her technique of double-telling in her stories....
6 Pages 2584 Words
Service-Dominant Logic in the Hair and Beauty Industry Introduction: The beauty salon is a typical service-based industry. We provide our customers with the most sincere and caring services, and customers will always choose to return to your salon. We aim to understand customers' needs and to provide satisfactory services. Therefore, service-dominant logic plays a vital role in salon business management. The other reason I chose the beauty salon industry as the topic of this poster was that I owned a...
2 Pages 1157 Words
Spoken dialogue in music can be traced back to 16th and 17th centuries however, it was also used more specifically to signify the independent dialogue settings included in an abundance of madrigals, motets and cantatas; and it was for this type of setting that in the early 17th century G.B. Doni coined the phrase, 'dialoghi fuor di scena' (dialogues without stage performance), (Nutter, Whenham). During the nineteenth century, the uses of spoken dialogue was essential when it came to German...
4 Pages 1653 Words
The study of obesity is a relatively new interdisciplinary academic field. The community college library shelves should contain two types of resources. First, several kinds of reference materials, and second, a host of broader materials that place the discussion of obesity within a cultural framework. This overview is divided into two major sections, the first is reference materials, and the second is a list of useful and current monographs that discuss the societal implications of obesity. Keywords obesity, eating disorders,...
3 Pages 1582 Words
Thanksgiving is one of the most anticipated and celebrated holidays in the United States. It is a time when family and friends come together as one and give thanks. However, Thanksgiving can be a complex occasion due to the planning, preparing, and cooking of the holiday dinner. Despite these challenges, everyone can work together to make the dinner go smoothly. Also, if done right, these components call help to create an exciting and successful Thanksgiving dinner. When planning a Thanksgiving...
1 Page 483 Words
“As a narrative medium in film, dialogue is overrated”, I agree and disagree with this statement. According to film reference, “Cinematic dialogue is oral speech between fictional characters”. The source goes on to say, “This distinguishes dialogue from other types of cinematic language such as voice-over narration, internal monologue, or documentary interviews, which have different characteristics.” I will discuss narratives and compare it to the role of dialogue. To begin with, a narrative is a story. A linear narrative is...
2 Pages 1055 Words
S.E Hinton was born, raised, and still lives today in Tulsa, Oklahoma. (“S. E. Hinton Biography.” Encyclopedia of World Biography, Advameg, Inc., ). In Hinton's book, The Outsiders, are rival gangs; this was very similar to what was going on at Will Rogers High School where she attended. The decade Hinton grew up in was based on her writing in, The Outsiders. Hinton wrote during a time where there were not many female authors, because of that, she used her...
3 Pages 1206 Words
To initiate any scientific investigation, a researcher needs to collect factual information. Based on that factual knowledge; the researcher can understand where there is a gap in knowledge. This process gives birth to the problem, which needs to be solved. A problem is engendered on the ground of the existing gap in knowledge about the concept or contradiction in existing concepts. It leads to several investigations for a better understanding of the concept. The roots of the word 'problem’ lie...
4 Pages 1582 Words
Ethnography exists as an integral component of contemporary anthropology, allowing for the exploration and understanding of culture through the study of subjects and their behaviours in given situations. The practice enables the documentation of accounts of livelihood; producing credible accounts wherein knowledge and understanding is received through observation and immersion with participants to form a representation of a community or group. Of course, modern ethnography exists as wholly different to early 20th century practices, and this essay will explore the...
5 Pages 2146 Words
This paper covers five published articles that report on the Wells Fargo case. These online articles show many different ways the Wells Fargo Scandal affected the customers and employees. One article covers what actually happened throughout the whole process and investigation of Wells Fargo. Another talks about how employees still aren’t satisfied with how things are being run at Wells Fargo. Many people were fired and fined and that is also talked about in one of these articles. Leadership is...
3 Pages 1552 Words
“to hold as 'twere the mirror up to nature: to show virtue her feature, scorn her own image, and the very age and body of the time his form and pressure” (Hamlet 3:2). This quote from Shakespeare's infamous play Hamlet seems to be echoing to us a message of power. Specifically the power of not just his own play, but of texts as a whole in holding up a mirror up to us, a mirror which reflects our values, virtues,...
4 Pages 1680 Words
Intro ‘Vita’ in Latin means alive and the term viability may have been derived from this notion and the opposite is considered as non-viable . Therefore, a non-viable pregnancy indicates a fetal demise or most commonly known as a miscarriage in clinical terms. In return it is also known as a spontaneous loss of a fetus before it can survive independently (after 24wks.). Miscarriage can be further sub divided into many forms depending on the symptoms presented and from the...
2 Pages 1043 Words
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