Workers essays

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1 Page 487 Words
Do you know safety is vital to everyone? Businesses need to start taking employees’ welfare with seriousness. So, business has an obligation of ensuring the employees’ safety is guaranteed. If businesses don’t plan early enough, they might end up spending a lot of money pay for medical expenses and bills relating to the employees’ health? I hope from today the...
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1 Page 524 Words
How many of us truly consider the potential consequences of being seriously injured at work? No workplace is ever completely safe or without risk. Workers who get hurt on the job can go through physical, emotional, and financial difficulties. Getting the aid, they deserve can be grueling for them and their families. Costly hospital bills and treatments can destroy savings,...
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1 Page 508 Words
How true the statement ‘insurance fraud is a victim-less crime’ is, is debatable. What’s not debatable is that workers’ compensation fraud committed by businesses has huge impacts on the lives of thousands of employees in North Carolina. We are too focused on the crimes committed by workers targeting to collect undeserved benefits that we turn a blind eye on fraudulent...
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1 Page 559 Words
Workers’ compensation previously known as workmen's compensation is a form of insurance given to an employee who is injured in the line of duty. It is presented in form of payment of money commensurate to the work or medical services needed by the injured persona. The employer is mandated to show humanity and avoid litigation. While there are many plans...
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1 Page 487 Words
Many a times employees do not know when they are being exposed to injuries at their duty stations. They believe it is their fault if something went wrong and would only assume that the gravest of accidents at work are what the definition is. Sometimes it is not even written on the employment handbook on how to go about the...
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1 Page 502 Words
Compensation law is coverage that connects the proprietor and worker, trade union and government. Workers’ compensation attorney in Charlotte NC provides treatment toward the worker and pays back all the wages used. However, sometimes the valid claims are denied. If denial occurs, the workers are entitled to appeal uncertainty they feel the decision is wrong. It offers protection towards the...
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2 Pages 1016 Words
How would you feel if you knew that Nike factory workers in Indonesia are payed $1.60 a day for a 40 hour workweek? People who work in some of our favorite company’s factories are being mistreated everyday. One example of people being mistreated in Nike factories are the low wages. Another example is that workers are being abused by other...
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3 Pages 1224 Words
Community practice work, through its method of collective action, is a process that involves empowering and mobilising communities to drive social change and achieve cooperative objectives. The following essay will analyse the utilisation of community development frameworks and approaches in the case study ‘Dubai on Country Camp’, whilst simultaneously exploring the context, method and outcomes of working within the community...
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2 Pages 1121 Words
The article 'Blue-Collar Brilliance.' published in The American Scholar by Mike Rose is about blue-collar workers. An example of blue-collar workers are people who hold jobs in restaurants or factories. People who work with their hands but still must use problem-solving skills to do their job correctly are blue-collar workers. Mike Rose gives a child's view of his mother working...
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1 Page 538 Words
COVID-19 is the word which has feared the whole world for past few months. The virus which originated in a small city in China has spread to the whole world and affected every single person’s life, the rich as well as the poor. It has brought the ever-busy world to a complete halt. Most of the world countries have started...
4 Pages 1676 Words
Kenya’s economic and employment crisis are driving more people to seek jobs outside the country. Women are the most affected because they are underrepresented in various sectors of the workforce, and therefore risky opportunities in the Middle East often seem like the only option.]About 42 percent of Kenyans live below the poverty line; therefore support through working abroad is the...
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2 Pages 1003 Words
Introduction The construction industry, a cornerstone of economic development, is undergoing a transformation driven by the integration of automation technologies. This shift, characterized by the adoption of robotics, drones, and artificial intelligence, promises to enhance productivity, safety, and efficiency. However, it also raises significant concerns regarding the impact on the workforce. The effects of automation on construction workers are multifaceted,...
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6 Pages 2863 Words
Introduction The regulation of sex markets has long been controversial, and the debate was recently re-ignited in 2015 when Amnesty International’s took a stand to support worldwide decriminalization of all aspects of sex trade including supplying, demanding, and mediating i.e pimping transactions. On one hand, critics worry that decriminalization facilitates and boosts sex trafficking. On the other hand, voluntary sex...
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7 Pages 3243 Words
Introduction The current situation of the US economy shows that already more and more people are preferring to work in the gig economy, meaning that they do not have an official working place for a certain organization. The majority of the population prefers working as independent workers rather than being hired (Petriglieri, Ashford & Wresniewski, 2018). The predictions are that...
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4 Pages 1766 Words
Abstract High exposure to hazards and unsafe behaviors are the most important factors contributing to ocular injuries and visual problems at the workplace. Evidence show high prevalence of ocular injuries in Asian countries. However, in Malaysia, very little is known about the ocular injuries and visual problems of workers in construction industries. A cross-sectional study was conducted on 385 workers...
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3 Pages 1262 Words
With over 320 million people residing in the United States, this makes the country one of the most populated in the world. Although there are millions upon millions of people living in the United States, not all of them are in legal residence. Although there has been much controversy surrounding all of the undocumented people in the country, there have...
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5 Pages 2568 Words
INTRODUCTION The Western world is undergoing a demographic decline. The western term means not only the United States, Western Europe or Japan but also China and Eastern Europe. There is a growing average age in the population, and this is having a substantial impact on communities, social systems, countries and the world of work. Over 30/40 years, the average age...
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4 Pages 1885 Words
Many high schools students are unsure of what careers they want to do after high school. Many jobs today require a degree however there are plenty of jobs for those do not want to go to college, the assembly line worker being one of them. Beginning in 1913, the assembly line worker has been one of the most available jobs...
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5 Pages 2250 Words
Abstract Sex work, is like any other profession in the world and the workers involved in such trade must be allowed to conduct their business freely without government intervention. That is to say, decriminalization of sex work is what is needed rather than legalization. Although there is a thin line of difference between prostitution and sex work, the activity remains...
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5 Pages 2454 Words
The study that will be analysed is titled ‘On our own terms: the working conditions of internet-based sex workers in the UK’ and looks at researching all the permutations that come with earning your living as an online sex worker. The aim of this essay is to critically analyse the methodological approach taken to acquire the research for this study....
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2 Pages 1003 Words
“Guys like us, that work on ranches, are the loneliest guys in the world.”(Steinbeck 13) This quote by Steinback through the character George symbolizes many of the people’s lack of aspirations for a comfortable and happy life during the Great Depression. John Steinbeck portrays his character George to exemplify the difficulties that a 1930’s migrant worker had to face. Of...
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3 Pages 1532 Words
Malaysia has always been one of the top countries in Asia Pacific that welcomes immigrants to work in the country long since the early 90s. Immigrants are attracted to work in Malaysia because of its low living cost and numbers of job opportunities apart from being one of the most peaceful country in the world. Immigrant labor is significant in...
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2 Pages 972 Words
Exploitation of workers refers to the action of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work. Exploitation is not voluntary, but rather achieved through threats and acts of violence, hence why it is a violation of human rights. Examples of how migrant workers are exploited include working long hours, not getting the correct wage for which they work,...
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2 Pages 736 Words
The Portuguese introduced cashew trees to India in the 16th century in hopes to prevent soil erosion. (Lindberg, 2005). It was only until the 20th century the Indian market discovered its commercial value. Today, India is one of the world's largest producers and importers of raw cashew nuts. It is also the largest exporter of processed cashew nuts. The expanding...
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3 Pages 1573 Words
INTRODUCTION This report discusses how Uber company uses Gig economy workers for the working of the company. It will highlight the use of freelance economy by the company and how they maximise their profit without investment and use of flexible working hour employees. It introduces us to the working of gig economy, how companies gets advantage and disadvantaged by it....
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5 Pages 2184 Words
Health issues In Western Australia, fly-in fly-out (FIFO) lifestyle, is where people are required to temporarily travel to their jobs and live for a period of time on site. FIFO contracts require employees to live and work-away from their families and friends, and return to a location of their choice when they are rostered off/off duty. Individuals classified as FIFO...
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4 Pages 1661 Words
Recently, many different parts of the world have been affected by the pandemic of the coronavirus. Because this virus spread so quickly across the world, the safe measure that would help slow the spread of the virus was to shelter in place and close all businesses except for the essential workers. This now has many American workforces working from home...
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1 Page 409 Words
In 21st century, where technology is growing on fast pace it is still hard to replace human labour. Most of the industries still rely on human labour for their production. In countries like china, India and Vietnam they are still facing problems like labour violation rights and low wages in all the leather and footwear industries. According to the survey...
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4 Pages 2042 Words
During the Industrial Revolution, social workers were needed because of all the societal issues. Also, at this time, the economy was booming. Lots of people had jobs in factories, assembly lines, coal mines, etc. However, at the time, America was a capitalist economy which meant that people had the freedom to do whatever they wanted to, in order to make...
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6 Pages 2641 Words
In this assignment I am going to be discussing the role of a youth worker and how that role is defined, I will look at how youth work has changed over the years as well as the youth service. My research will examine the question-Youth workers- Are we agents of social control or agents of social change? I will also...
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