MBA essays

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1 Page 684 Words
The management of business fascinates me. Maybe it is because I come from a family of entrepreneurs who believe that nothing in life is easy and that if something is worth doing, it is worth doing well. If we need or want to live that dream, then the initiative must be ours alone. My idol is my grandmother, an indomitable...
2 Pages 782 Words
It is inevitably true that education plays a vital role in everyone’s life. Without education, no one can survive in this modern world. I believe that the days when life experience was more important than academic qualification are gone, but nowadays having an academic qualification is as important as blood for the body. Several universities are available to get a...
1 Page 419 Words
I believe what was once a relatively straightforward role of supply chain manager has now become one that is complex and multifaceted. Anticipating consumer trends and demands for different goods is one way a superior supply chain manager is differentiated from a merely good one. To establish myself, I need a degree program that will provide me with a framework...
3 Pages 1195 Words
1. Why do you wish to study in Canada in the program for which you have been accepted? Most people aim for a career path with an upward trajectory. Today’s world is performance-driven and it is helpful for people to have an edge over their contemporaries. The MBA course will present me with a string of opportunities that can help...
2 Pages 1051 Words
According to the obstetrician, my mothers’ estimated date of delivery for my younger twin sisters was 4 February – my birthday. My mother used to tell the story of how when she initially told me that the twins would be born on the same day as me, I promptly declared that they thus belonged to me and that she should...
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2 Pages 1112 Words
Study Plan I have been accepted for the MBA program, in September 2019 at the University of New Brunswick. I believe that this degree will present me with a string of opportunities that will help me develop my professional career. Therefore, I decided to pursue my MBA program in Canada, because it is one of the most suitable countries compared...
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2 Pages 965 Words
In my childhood, I knew that I wanted to start my own business because I did small on my own for example when Independence Day was near I bought flags, hats, and shirts from the bulk market and then sold them with little margin. I am submitting this statement of purpose for an MBA in the hopes of attaining an...
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5 Pages 2352 Words
Management: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow Pursuing an MBA degree equips one with the knowledge, skills, and abilities that a good and effective manager should possess. Moreover, better resources and great teachers ensure that students are prepared for the various tasks that are a part of managing an organization. As Aristotle once said, “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom”. This...
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1 Page 674 Words
MBA and Executive MBA ( abbreviated as EMBA) are management courses offered by various schools around the globe. Undoubtedly, many students are unaware of the difference between MBA and Executive MBA. Some of them have a misconception that pursuing an EMBA is better than MBA. In real terms, both of them do not hold much difference in their prestige values....
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3 Pages 1366 Words
Commonly, students who are nearing the completion of their undergraduate course find taking the next step in their education tough these days. It is hard to choose the next course of action. With the best MBA College in Chennai as well as the best M.Tech College in Chennai available, the task becomes further hard. So, after B.Tech, MBA, or M.Tech?...
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2 Pages 990 Words
Taking the right decision for a career is one of the most important factors to decide how your future is going to take shape. Nowadays PGDM (MBA) has become a prevalent post-graduation course. Because of the continuous change in technology from machine learning, IoT, Industry 4.0, and AI to transform our lives and businesses, the right blend of technical and...
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4 Pages 1920 Words
This research paper focuses on effective communication of MBA students through help of media and technology. It emphasizes the cruciality of English Communication for MBA students as they need to face interviews and group discussions for their good placements in employment sector. The paper highlights the gravity of media for improving communication skills. As the world is moving with 4G...
1 Page 585 Words
When I first come over in United States from east Africa age 17 then, School was the last thing on my mind and did not even finish high school at time. Every time I begin to tell this story to my younger siblings they think I am bluffing. But it is true story I thought I was going to work...
2 Pages 894 Words
As a woman who has always had a dream of becoming great, I take pride in knowing that I’ve accomplished part of what I set out to accomplish. I often hear phrases such as, “You’re crazy to keep going back to school,” and “Who does that?” Now, I am on a higher playing field, though – back to square one....
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2 Pages 1132 Words
Introduction Thesis statement Ethical Issue: Can readily available answers of a test over the internet in an OBOW exam create dilemma to consider the behavior of taking advantage of the situation an academic misconduct? What kind of steps are to be taken in such a situation? Background Horizon university was founded in 1940 and was one of the top universities...
3 Pages 1363 Words
MBA in marketing management is a full-time 2-year degree program offered by various business schools across the world to students who are interested in developing practical and theoretical knowledge in the branch of marketing so that they can assist the reputed corporations with their marketing activities. The course structure is designed to educate students in core topics such as sales,...
1 Page 450 Words
Global changes in the world, changes in political, economic and commercial activities, such as the development of technology, transportation and communications, impose the need for companies to struggle to survive, change strategy and leave their country . Limited markets, high competitive pressures, the need for cheaper resources, and the dynamics of the postmodern era have forced business leaders to divert...
3 Pages 1193 Words
Summing up my education was the most challenging task for me. I have a business background and I wanted to have a dream to study MBA not only because I’ve studied BBA previously but MBA is a sophisticated degree. MBA graduates have a high level of credibility and help you to develop your skills as a manager and also how...
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