Art History Essays

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5 Pages 2595 Words
‘Out of studies and observations of his own features – laughing, terrified, grimacing – and of his torso, which he apparently saw in three-quarter length in his mirror, Caravaggio invented his imaginary portrait…of the frightened effeminate boy bitten by a lizard’ In 1955 Walter Friedländer published his seminal work, Caravaggio Studies; a monograph that included comments on the life and...
6 Pages 2825 Words
Title of Work: Dream of a Sunday Afternoon in Alameda Central Park Artist: Diego Rivera Medium: fresco mural Date Created/Art Period/Art Movement: Surrealism, 1946-1947 Where Created/Culture: Mexico City, Mexico Funky (Form, Focus of work, Use of Elements and Principles, Artist’s specific style used): This work ‘Dream of a Sunday Afternoon in the Alameda Central Park’ ( known in Spanish as...
5 Pages 2380 Words
Schapiro: ‘By style is usually meant the constant form – and sometimes the constant elements, qualities, and expression – in the art of an individual or a group’. Barthes: ‘Style excuses everything, absolves us from everything, notably any historical reflection; it imprisons the spectator in the servitude of a pure formalism’. The above two quotations give, firstly, a working definition...
1 Page 631 Words
When Duchamp entered his 'Fountain' to the Society of Independent Artists in 1917, it was rejected as it was not deemed art. Dadaism responded in outcry, and ever since the progression of art has been in doubt as Duchamp inspired artists to explore the bounds of visual culture. Consequently, art has moved in unprecedented directions and created new questions: Why...
1 Page 543 Words
My decision to pursue graduate studies in art history originates from a strong desire to teach and do cutting-edge research within the discipline that I would define as my raison d’être. While attaining my undergraduate degrees in Anthropology and Art History at the University of South Alabama, I became inspired to specialize in ancient Greek and Roman art. I am...
3 Pages 1252 Words
The impact of Art today and through the years has interesting takeaways to it when it’s being discussed. Art history identifies works of art and concepts by focusing heavily on the particular context or setting in which the work of art was created in its political, social, cultural, and economic settings. Oftentimes, if people were asked, what are the impacts...
3 Pages 1505 Words
Introduction The main topic to be discussed in this synthesis paper will be the Historical, Social, Economic and Political Implications of Art. Through the various given readings, specifically 5 readings related to the topic, the determining of main arguments in each reading by carefully deconstructing the readings and gathering salient information on it. The order of each reading to be...
2 Pages 770 Words
The particular themes analyzed in this reporting helped to introduce some interesting concepts into this work. In seeking to harbor a deeper understanding of the connection within the framework of contemporary artists working in Leipzig as well as between a larger framework of art history in general, we feel that the visual results of our analysis provide ample evidence for...
2 Pages 1119 Words
While art history gives insight into how artists created their work, it is a skewed impression of art history. Many people who were keeping records of art never included women artists into their records. Women were challenged by the record-keeping of art, but also had difficulty in finding training, selling their artwork, and gaining recognition for their skills. Despite the...
2 Pages 777 Words
The global modern art introduces to the readers about the artists, art movements, debates, and theoretic positions that have shaped contemporary art and the modern era worldwide. It does bring together critical art history and modern art literature. The history of modern art has been repositioned and connected with global art history. Elaine O'Brien is the writer of the Modern...
3 Pages 1345 Words
Using Audrey Flack’s ‘World War II (Vanitas)’, I hope to outline the ways in which visual culture and art historical interpretations of images might differ, and the ways in which they might overlap. First, I will evaluate this painting from an Art History perspective, and then I will go on to critique it using my knowledge of Visual and Cultural...
2 Pages 874 Words
When observing the progression of humanity, the accomplishments achieved regarding art have proven not only everlasting but ever-impressive. From the first cave paintings to the most recent architectural marvel, art in any form can both reflect and impact society in significant and meaningful ways. With each work serving as a glimpse into humanity’s past, we hope to achieve a greater...
3 Pages 1489 Words
The influences for my own manifesto begin with manifestos by; Wassily Kandinsky and Franz Marc’s “Preface to Der Blaue Reiter Almanac” (1912), Vincente Huidobro “We Must Create” (1922), Barnett Newman “the sublime is now” (1948) and Claes Oldenburg’s “I am for an art” (1961). The fundamentals of these manifesto’s wish for exploration of endless possibilities, a desire to be the...
2 Pages 898 Words
Art history spans the entire history of humankind, from prehistoric times to the twenty-first century. In modern times, art history has emerged as a discipline that specializes in teaching people how to evaluate and interpret works of art based on their own perspective. Art history has frequently been criticized for its subjectivity because the definition of what is beautiful varies...
9 Pages 4278 Words
Good and Bad Art from Tolstoy’s and Danto’s Perspective Abstract Although people realized that there is a problem in defining what is art a long time ago, this question is still controversial until now. Tons of artists and philosophers claim their own standards for categorizing good art from bad art. Lots of people relate art to beauty and pleasure, but...
3 Pages 1278 Words
In the reading ‘Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?’ written by Linda Nochlin, the author attempts to explain how the social and cultural biased system has obstructed women from partaking in and succeeding in the art field. She also reflects on the implications of the ‘perennial question’, shown in the main title of this essay, by laying down...
4 Pages 1831 Words
Do you ever wish you could be a superhero like Batman, The Incredible Hulk, or Spiderman? Growing up, I idolized seeing superheroes go as far as to even dress up as them for Halloween and watch movies with friends for hours and hours. The heroes captured my imagination and made me want to know more about them, and I assume...
3 Pages 1381 Words
Since the 15th Century, ballet has developed greatly from what it originated from to the current day. Originating in Italy, nobles used ballet as entertainment at ceremonies such as weddings and parties, and became popular with both the Italian court and nobles. The ballet we know and love today has been created through themes of gender stereotypes and racism which...
3 Pages 1430 Words
The history of photography is deeply rooted in a constant debate about its status as an “Art” or a “craft”. The history of photography is credited as beginning with the discovery of two fundamental principles. That of camera obscura and the observation that some materials are altered by exposure to light (Hirsch, 200). Photography, as it is understood today, can...
4 Pages 1825 Words
Surrealism is an art movement that took place in Paris in the early 1920s, becoming more popular between the First World War and the Second World War. Dadaism is a movement prior to Surrealism and occurred as a response to the brutality of the war. However, Surrealism is less aggressive and almost playful in the sense that it can be...
1 Page 507 Words
Portraiture has changed drastically over hundreds of years and influenced the way view and create it. There have been many eras of art throughout history that have slowly evolved into what we now recognize as a portrait. The earliest forms of portraits dated back to the era of Ancient Egypt, about 5000 years ago. Portraiture was created for religious and...
2 Pages 790 Words
Revolutions begin with a collective shift in public perception. “The 1960s was a decade of rapid change” (Watson, 2019). This period set out to re-establish the founding pillars and perspectives of contemporary society, which became the catalyst for social change. This shift in societal attitude inspired the women's liberation movement, which was a collective protest that embodied notions of equality,...
2 Pages 840 Words
Imagine yourself sitting in a fairly dark and crowded room. There are hundreds of seats occupied by people around you. A stage lies in front of you, filled with actors, lights, music, and different sound effects to set the mood of the play. A combination of these accommodations has let viewers grasp the performance actors have been portraying. However, it...
4 Pages 1627 Words
Pre-historic “It has been truly said that protection from the inclemency of the seasons was the mother of architecture and according to Vitruvius, a man in his primitive savage state began to imitate the nests of birds and the lairs of beasts.” – Banister F. Fletcher, (Fletcher, 1905: 1). Materials such as arbors of twigs covered with mud and branches...
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