Australia essays

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4 Pages 1627 Words
Abstract Multiculturalism is a big reality in Australian society. People live it daily either in cities, suburbs, schools, workplaces, buses or even trains. While in each of these places, Australians tend to mix up with others from different backgrounds. This acknowledgment of multiculturalism has attracted a debate though. The self-declared multiculturalism friends sometimes have become the real source of concern....
3 Pages 1439 Words
The mental health of a person decides the behavioral patterns, feelings and their relationships with others. A broad spectrum of disorders is included in mental illness (‘Mental Health’). About one-quarter of Australian people are experiencing mental health problems in their lives especially between aged 16-85. The affective disorders like depression, anxiety and substance use disorders such as alcohol use are...
2 Pages 776 Words
My essay is about whether or not rice plantations should continue in Australia. Many people see the rice plantations as an economic benefit but rice plantations also take up a lot of water which may be needed in other agriculture. Other farming businesses have had to close down because of the limited availability of water with the majority of the...
1 Page 632 Words
The first person known to plant rice in the south east of Australia was a merchant named Jo Takasuka who had previously been a parliamentarian in Japan. In 1906 he sowed 35 acres worth of rice on land rented from a man in Nyah, on the Murray River. In the beginning he struggled to produce commercial crop, however in 1914...
1 Page 622 Words
Rice cultivation is an interesting matter that happened many years ago and until this day, we still talk about it. Jo Takasuka was the creator of it. Sadly, he passed away in 1940 living for 75 years he was born in 1865. He was Japanese man that lived in Matsuyama and he ended his rice cultivation business in 1927. In...
1 Page 563 Words
The first known time that rice was planted in Australia was in 1906. It was planted in the south-eastern part of Australia and was planted by Jo Takasuka. Jo Takasuka was an import/export merchant who was previously in the Japanese the same year of the plantation of rice he sowed a total 35 acres of rice on flood-prone land...
1 Page 450 Words
In the year 1906 the first person to ever plant rice in the south-eastern Australia was Jo Takasuka who was a merchant. Still in 1906, Jo Takasuka planted 35 acres of rice on the land that he had rented from a farmer on the Murray River. The farming of rice was an economic decision because there was no law against...
1 Page 629 Words
Food waste is a massive issue that happens in Australia, and is continuing to grow. Over 5 million tons of food is wasted just alone in Australia. On average $3’800 per year is thrown out per household, food waste is killing wildlife believe it or not. Due to the fact food waste produces methane, methane is a very powerful gas....
2 Pages 942 Words
Think of that peanut butter sandwich you threw away at lunch because you ‘didn’t feel like it’. Or maybe that half-eaten banana you tossed in the bin because of you ‘didn’t like the texture’. Seriously? I mean, come on. It all adds up. Did you know that Australia wastes 5 million tons of food per year? That’s enough to fill...
3 Pages 1252 Words
Cancer is a perplexing opponent. Over a hundred distinctive anatomical and histological diseases are known as cancer. There are molecular variants within subtypes of malignancies of a single organ, with differing prognosis, metastatic potential and response to treatment. Its arcane nature is reflected in its complex genetic and biochemical pathways, cell survival mechanisms and processes of proliferation and dissemination. It...
1 Page 596 Words
Did you know that Australia could fill an Olympic sized swimming pool 9,000 times from just food waste? The Australian economy spends an estimated $20 billion on food waste. When you go to the supermarket one of those five bags end up in the bin off to landfill, that is equal to $3,800 worth of groceries per household each year....
4 Pages 2015 Words
Cancer control is one of the key National Health Priority areas in Australia (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2018). Cancer is a group of diseases in which cells of the body divide and develop uncontrollably, with the ability to infiltrate and infect nearby cells (World Health Organization, 2018a; Yabroff, 2019). Cancer is the result of various alterations in the processes that...
3 Pages 1212 Words
In Australia’s society it’s essential to have respect for others rights, needs and viewpoints due to the idea of all people are created equal and that government or society should not unjustifiably restrict what individuals can think, say or worship, whom they associate with and how they enjoy the rewards of their work. Racism is defined by the Australian Human...
1 Page 600 Words
At the start of the World War I, Australia was getting so many soldiers volunteering to go over to fight because it was the first war that we were ever involved in. Number of volunteers would skyrocket up until the numbers of death recorded came back putting off so many from enlisting in the war. The Australian Prime Minister at...
1 Page 710 Words
This essay aims to explore migration in The United States of America (USA) and Australia, as in some instances they have very similar migration patterns. It will be an investigation into the similarities between the two countries regarding immigration laws and policies. Immigration Laws and Policies in Australia Australia is a country that has a very rich and positive migration...
2 Pages 757 Words
On the surface, Australia is a wealthy country; rich, prosperous, full of educational and career opportunities, excelling in sport and the arts, and with a phenomenal standard of health. However, many of us fail to understand how deeply our country has been affected by the poverty epidemic. Studies in 2016 found that 739,000 children are living below the poverty line...
2 Pages 977 Words
In a world full of fast communications, rapid technological change, and global reach, many social issues arise leading to social change. Homelessness is one of the main ones that have arisen to become an Australian and worldwide concern. The latest estimates reveal that the number of homeless people in Australia increased by 4.6 percent over the last five years, according...
2 Pages 800 Words
Livability is a specific quality or factor for somebody to be able to live. Countries and cities around the entire world have factors that are suitable for people to live in more than others. Australia is one of the countries that have the most livable cities in the world such as Melbourne. Australia is most known for its natural wonders...
3 Pages 1225 Words
For a significantly long time Australian culture has been separated by the discussion over asylum seekers and refugees, who touch our shores by boat. In the expressions of our National Anthem, they have 'come across the seas', yet the two sides of governmental issues have misrepresented the test they present to this nation. Australia's reaction has been to devise ever-harsher...
2 Pages 722 Words
In this essay, I am going to answer the question why everyone should visit the west coast of Australia and what makes this region one of the best tourist destinations. An incredible continent - Australia - a holiday for beach and nature lovers. Because here you can cuddle and have close encounters with super friendly Australian native animals and large...
2 Pages 1119 Words
Introduction One interesting observation in landscape ecology is that natural environments occur heterogeneously or exhibit patchiness. This case study examined this hypothesis by evaluating the occurrences of trees and mistletoes in a large remnant area of natural vegetation in Australia. Mistletoes are generally hemiparasites that feed on trees and shrubs. Therefore, this study provided an opportunity to examine the distribution...
1 Page 541 Words
Australia has a national and state governments and federalism refers to the relationship between these governments. Federalism is when a government divides power between the national government and the state governments. Some advantages of federalism include that it separates powers of government to prevent one person or group to make all the rules in a society, this prevents a dictatorship....
2 Pages 841 Words
Medically supervised injection clinics are a topical, yet controversial approach to the issue of drug addiction in Australia. Substance abuse negatively impacts many Australians and it is essential that these implications are minimised. Injection facilities have proven to be effective in decreasing mortality, successfully encouraging drug addicts to seek further health treatment and promoting sanitary practices that reduce issues such...
4 Pages 1968 Words
The first colony of Australia was established at Sydney by Captain Arthur Phillip on January 26, 1788. They believed the land was terra nullius or empty land as they couldn’t see any evidence of buildings, crops, land development, fences, borders or governments. This assessment was incorrect as the land belonged to the Aborigines as they had lived there for over...
2 Pages 852 Words
Governor Arthur Phillip founded the first British settlement in Port Jackson (Sydney Harbor) on the 26th of January 1788. Just over a week later the Aboriginals first saw the European settlers. The First Fleet carried around 759 convicts and 206 marines. They described Australia as terra nullius, which means wastelands that could be taken without approval. Terra nullius translates to...
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