Contemporary History essays

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The Worst Events In World During The 20th Century

2 Pages 1064 Words
People say that we should never look back at the past because it is a waste of time and you will gain knowledge that you shall not need because it’s the future but they are wrong, these incidences that have happened in the past have now shaped our future and what we have now. There have been a lot of...

Relevance Of Poetry In The 21st Century

1 Page 597 Words
One of the biggest arguments today is whether or not poetry is relevant in the 21st century. Many people believe that poetry is not relevant to the current generation and therefore should not be taught at school. However, poetry is important for various reasons, which allow it to be relevant to the modern era. Firstly, most poetry was written long...

Coco Chanel Essay: Impact on the Society in the 20th Century

7 Pages 3421 Words
Early Life and Beginnings of Coco Chanel Coco Chanel was born in 1883 in France. After her mother’s death, Coco Chanel was put in an orphanage by her father at the age of 12. In the orphanage, Chanel was raised by nuns who thought her skills which is the reason she became a famous designer, they thought her how to...

Propaganda During Cuban Missile Crisis

2 Pages 1014 Words
Propaganda; A tool of strategic influence. Throughout history political parties, sports teams, and pretty much anyone who wanted to bring down an opposition or competitor has used propaganda of some sort. It is a powerful weapon used to create dislike and degrade an enemy. This could be through the exaggeration of a certain event or the falsifying of evidence to...

Mental Illness: A Srime In The 19th Century

3 Pages 1541 Words
If the level of tension/stress that we bear in today's times was carried by the people in the 19th century, they were considered lunatic. With all the research, it seems like the authorities back then really made sure that the environment is calm and peaceful for everyone. Even though it meant they had to “arrest” the people causing a slight...

Development Of Religion Freedom In The 1960s

3 Pages 1331 Words
Religion has played a big part in shaping the United States. It is important in many ways, bringing tradition, diversity, and sometimes peace. The 1960s was an important decade when it comes to religion. Without many events that occurred in those years, our nation would be missing much of the diversity we have today. The 1960s was the decade of...

Black Nationalism And Independence Movements In Early 20th Century

4 Pages 2062 Words
When we think of nationalism today, we typically react to nationalism’s negative connotation pertaining to white supremacy which is inextricably tied to the racist history and fabric of the United States. However, What is black nationalism? It is important that we contextualize what it is especially as it pertains to the 19th and early 20th centuries. Therefore, we use an...

The 1960s: The Chaotic Decade For World Politics

2 Pages 1076 Words
The 1960s was a chaotic decade for world politics. Major political assassinations, desegregation, and the Vietnam War are all events that encouraged culture to go outside of what is generally agreed upon to be normal. Young people would gather around, do all sorts of socially inept things, and talk about their politics. (Hill, 2019) This is one of the reasons...

Social And Protest Movements Of The 1960s

4 Pages 1753 Words
Introduction to the Impact of Social and Protest Movements Social and protest movements throughout history, specifically in the 1960s, have significantly affected American culture and politics by pressuring elected and appointed officials to make changes. America was founded from a revolution; the original colonists of this country used protest tactics that led to the Revolutionary War and formed an independent...

Social Life Of Canadian Women During 1920s

3 Pages 1259 Words
World War One was a depressing and horrific event that took place during the years 1914-1918. Many lives were taken over the span of the war and countless changes took place during and after the war to adapt to the situation at hand. Canada gained recognition globally after plenty of courageous acts during the war, giving them a chance to...

Roles Of Feminism In Life Of Women In The 21st Century

4 Pages 1803 Words
Introduction Feminism seeks to create equity in the social and cultural constructs that perceive the female gender as being inferior to their male counterparts. In the 21st Century, feminists have involved in the fight for equality, not only in the family setup but also in society. A strive for gender equality, hence, exists, with constant improvements being made to eradicate...

Global Warming In The 20th Century

3 Pages 1177 Words
Throughout the centuries of human exploration in the Arctic, the Arctic encompasses sea ice throughout the entire year up to the last few decades. However, satellite observations indicate that the extent, thickness, and volume of Arctic sea ice has declined since 1979. The average extent of the Arctic sea ice has been the lowest since 1850 (Climate). (Frischmann) Acknowledges that...

Childhood Memories Of The Cuban Missile Crisis

2 Pages 845 Words
Mr. Anderson first learned about the Cold War when the Cuban Missile Crisis was happening. His dad was a veteran from World War Two, so his family was very aware of what was happening. He said, “it was a nervous time”. He still remembers the day he first learned of the Cuban Missile Crisis. He recalls president John F Kennedy...

1920s: The Decade Of Rights For Women In Canada

2 Pages 1098 Words
In Canada, the 1920s was a decade full of social, technological, and economical advancements. Due to these revolutionary transformations, the decade earned the title of the “Roaring Twenties.” One of the significant changes during the 1920s concerned women's rights and their roles. Women are associated with society through politics, education, and more. Was the revision of women beneficial for them...

World War One: A 20th Century Conflict

4 Pages 1836 Words
War has been a part of the world since the dawn of time and continues to be at war for a number of reasons, however, wars of today are very different from a war fought in the 17th century. The change in strategy over time directly correlates to the change in wartime technology, nevertheless, there is a brief period of...

Cuban Missile Crisis: Why Cuba Was An Obsession For US Covert Operators

8 Pages 3832 Words
Introduction The question of America’s intentions in Cuba may sound simple, yet the answers are not. The essay will attempt to make the reader understand why America spent decades trying to intervene in Cuba and overthrow the Castro government. Numerous American presidents launched covert operations in Cuba to destabilize the government and failed. Using the available literature on the history...

Nuclear Age: Nuclear Weapons In International Politics

3 Pages 1194 Words
The first nuclear bomb was developed in the early 1940s, and there have been a few cases where these weapons have been used. In those few cases, the damage these weapons caused has led to them being outlawed worldwide. So, if they have been globally banned then why do countries still have large stockpiles of these weapons? The most infamous...

1960s British: Cinema And Society

2 Pages 895 Words
The first part of the report demonstrates social realism and its reflection in the contrasting films. The second subject taken into consideration is the significance of discrimination and racism problem in the 1960s British society. The third part of the report is the subject of homosexuality. The last part includes the interview with John Greenwood, who exemplifies briefly reflection on...

Role Of President Kennedy During Cuban Missile Crisis

2 Pages 977 Words
JFK was showing the country what was going on within the government and was showing that he can be trusted as a president who cares for his country. During that time there were scandals from the government hiding secrets from the U.S so when he shared the information with the citizens it was proving that he is reliable and that...

Cuban Missile Crisis: Dangerous Confrontation Between The United States And The Soviet Union

3 Pages 1174 Words
Though many might say that the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 was the result of just Fidel Castro, many other factors contributed. The combination of the relationships and tensions between Fidel Castro, John F. Kennedy, and Nikita Khrushchev all contributed to the Cuban Missile Crisis. The Cuban Missile Crisis was a result of not just Fidel Castro, but many peoples'...

Nuclear Medicine: Technological Advancements In Medicine

2 Pages 701 Words
Studies are showing that today's generation heavily relies on the latest nuclear equipment and medicine heavily. The advancements in medicine and technology are tremendously different than 50 years ago and really show how far this world has really come. There are many benefits of these advancements but some say that the medicine can be very dangerous and hazardous if not...

Effects Of Nuclear Radiation And Decay

2 Pages 808 Words
Nuclear radiation and decay are often perceived as dangerous and harmful. In 2011, at the Fukushima Daiichi Accident, following a major earthquake, a 15-meter tsunami disabled the power supply and cooling of three Fukushima Daiichi reactors. An average of 400 mSv/hour (accumulated background radiation dose) was produced which is 40,000 times the amount of radiation in a dental X-ray. Although...

The Role Of The 21st Century Corporate Security And Risk Manager

3 Pages 1233 Words
The security landscape in the 21st century differs immensely from that of the 20th, I entered the world of security and risk management 22 years ago during a time where the view of security was the stereotypical ex-military/ex-police staff who were believed to be the font of all knowledge because of the “vast experience” that they had developed during their...

Importance Of Cell Biology In The 21st Century

2 Pages 931 Words
Introduction of Cell Biology All living things on this planet are made up of cells that are considered to be a living thing's building blocks. Several cells come together to form a living organism. During their entire lifespan, each living being performs various functions such as respiration, excretion, reproduction, etcetera. Our body has different organs to perform these functions. Such...

The Formation And Development Of Religion In The 1960s

3 Pages 1272 Words
Religion has been huge when it comes to shaping our nation. It brings tradition, differences, and occasional peace. When it comes to religion, the 1960s was an important decade. If many events in those years had not happened, our nation would not have the diversity people have right now. This decade was when religion started to drastically change, when Protestantism,...

Is Space Exploration Worth It?

2 Pages 999 Words
The 12th of April, 1961, Yuri Gagarin completed his first orbit around Earth in the Vostok spacecraft taking the title of the first person to journey in outer space. Some 7 years later, Neil Armstrong touches down on the moon. Nearly 600 million people watched the Apollo 11 moon landing and its historic achievement. These were the two main events...

The History And Nowadays Of Soccer

6 Pages 2537 Words
When The Soccer Was Created? Humans has created a lot of ball games, since antiquity . It is known that this sport existed both in the culture of the Mediterranean Sea and in America. The oldest and most revealing finding dates back to a relief from Ancient Greece 400 BC, where a man dominates a ball on his thigh. This...

Why Children Should Not Be Vaccinated

4 Pages 1598 Words
Vaccination was hailed as one of the most important medical interventions of the 20th century, preventing up to 3 million pediatric deaths every year ( Diekema DS, 2005). In addition to saving millions of lives from infectious diseases, they prevent certain cancers and save billions of dollars in healthcare costs ( Loria K , September 11, 2014). Yet despite their...

The Features Of 20th Century Biotechnology

3 Pages 1438 Words
INTRODUCTION The 20th century, the first things to cross one’s mind when the word is given is certainly not anything concerning advanced technology nor world changing biotechnology. The technology might have been below average at the time but a lot of the world’s most important biotechnological advancements were discovered in this era. Although there still is no dictionary definition that...

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