Emotional Intelligence essays

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2 Pages 988 Words
At outset, I was more focused on the technical aspects of executive leaders. After reading the article ‘The Focused Leader: How effective executives direct their – and their organizations’ attention’ written by Daniel Goleman, I started to understand how important for leaders to master their attention. According to Goleman (2013), attention plays a fundamental role in leadership skills, such as...
2 Pages 1085 Words
Individuals experience a wide scope of emotions. Terror, rage, desire, guilt, indignation, disappointment, entrancement, happiness is only a few of the emotions that influence our daily events. The anxiety of presenting in front of crowds, joy in helping someone else, satisfaction with the appearance of successful results, are only a few things that the person experiences at work. Each individual...
2 Pages 1032 Words
Introduction Nursing leadership theories are formed to create excellent leaders that accommodate the objectives of the team and these theories allow the team members to understand different leadership situations. This following scholarly paper describes a case study of conflicts regarding a new graduate nurse who experiences a rude behavior from a senior colleague during the workplace. This paper explains the...
2 Pages 994 Words
The business environment has constantly changed and to enhance project results, and at the same time maximize the use of resources, it is essential and opportune for a project manager to recognize and apply the principles of Emotional Intelligence (EI). The project manager has to create an environment suitable for stakeholders to communicate clearly, handle challenges more effectively and make...
6 Pages 2689 Words
This paper will discuss sensory deprivation and how it can impact and effect one’s development as a child. Sensory deprivation is the loss or the partial loss of a sensory stimulation under uncontrollable circumstances. This impairment deprives a child of external stimuli such as sound or light, important and essential sensory inputs become reduced. The rationale for exploring this particular...
2 Pages 936 Words
Importance of Emotions and Emotional Intelligence Obtaining Emotional Intelligence (EI) allows a person to analyze their own feelings towards others while observing the emotions of those around them to formulate responses to both their emotions and the feelings of others. The brain is composed of two sides: the rational mind that provides justification for decisions and the emotional mind that...
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