Genetics essays

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The Ethics Of Genetically Modified Babies

5 Pages 2370 Words
A newlywed couple steps into their local geneticist’s office excitedly. Today is the day they have been looking forward to for years. With a loan from the bank, genetic insurance, and financial aid from their parents, the couple has finally collected enough money to design their perfect child. As future parents, they must ensure a perfect life for their first...

The Absolute And Explicit Need For DNA Databases

6 Pages 2631 Words
Abstract In this Research Paper, the reader will be able to learn what is the meaning, the purpose, and how DNA databases are used. DNA databases are not just lists of DNA collected by law enforcement from individuals and crime scenes, and they are also created by profit and non-profit organizations. This paper also has my personal opinion as the...
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RPL And Gene Polymorphism

2 Pages 932 Words
There are several physiological changes that occur during normal pregnancy, hypercoaggulabilty state is one of them in which some coagulation factors increased in blood in harmony with decreased blood level of others. These changes are needed for normal fetal growth and development with complete return to the normal physiological state after labor and purperium without leaving any harm to the...
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Microbial Fuel Cell Process And Applications

3 Pages 1212 Words
Abstract Some real threats such as global warming, air pollution have made the necessity of thinking about a renewable power resource, among the different methods Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) as a method to produce electricity from the oxidation of organic molecules by biocatalysts, has been proposed. In MFC reactors, electrons generated by biological oxidation reactions are harvested by the anode....

The Effects Of Genetic Engineering On Children

7 Pages 3360 Words
ABSTRACT The invention of a robust gene-editing tool, Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR) which is cost efficient and quite simple to use, made the birth of humans genetically modified in in-vitro fertilization ( IVF) center a theoretical possibility. According to the Center for Genetics and Society, a non-profit-making data and public affairs organization, human genetic engineering is the...

Gene Therapy And Cloning

1 Page 636 Words
The cloning process is taking cells from an individual and replicating genes or DNA. In the process of cloning the gene is entered in the plasmid, which is a piece of the DNA (Overview: DNA cloning, 2019). There are four steps into the cloning process (Eric J. Simon, 2016). The steps are as follow; Put the gene in the plasmid...

Genetic Inheritance And The Function Of DNA

2 Pages 698 Words
In 1940, biologist had a hard time accepting DNA as genetic information due to its chemistry (The Structure and Function of DNA, n.d.). DNA is a nucleic acid and is where genetic information is stored in a molecule to build and maintain an organism (DNA structure and function, 2014). DNA is known as the molecule of heredity (Gaughan, 2019). The...
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The Use Of DNA In Science And Life

2 Pages 1028 Words
Everything in the universe is made of plenty of different types of atoms such as hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and so on, but plenty of them do not have life; for example, they can be clothes, machines, papers, and so on. Even though they do not have life, they are very useful for human beings’ life, so we need to be...
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Gene Editing Methods (CRISPR) in Australia: Legal vs Non-Legal

3 Pages 1401 Words
In Australia Gene editing technology is fast on the rise and has large potential for change in the future and therefore must be legislated and monitored with great care for the benefit of Australia and its inhabitants. Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR) allows scientists to essentially copy and paste DNA in humans, animals,bacteria and plants. The benefits of...
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Genome Sequencing: Types, Uses, Impact on Human Life

3 Pages 1447 Words
Introduction Sequencing is the arrangement of nucleotides. It includes different technologies that are used to arrange or know the arrangement of adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine. It is used for molecular study of genomes and protiens that are encoded. Information that's obtained by sequencing help us to understand the changes in genome of an organism. Even by sequencing we can...

DNA Cloning and Sequencing of Coral Proteins into pTTQ18 Vector

3 Pages 1245 Words
Abstract Through the lens of this experiment, it shows that the gene Rfp encoding, a mutant of the red fluorescent protein - a product of the coral Discosoma striata, AmilCp encoding for the blue chromoprotein from Acropora millespora were duplicated into a pTTQ18 plasmid vector. Accompanied with the amplified PCR of the DNA fragments encoding carrying the Rfp and AmilCp...
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Unlocking The Mitochondrial DNA Code To Lockdown Illegal Shark Fishing

4 Pages 1702 Words
Abstract The exploitation of shark species to satisfy the high market demand is now becoming a worldwide concern since the numbers for many species of these apex predators are now declining at an alarming rate. Shark DNA extracted from shark samples collected from the Australian fisheries management, amplified and used for identification. Although there are different methods of identifying a...

The Use Of Chromoproteins For Positive Identification Of Gene Expression

3 Pages 1291 Words
Abstract DNA cloning and expression vectors are the modern-day mainstays for molecular biology studies. In Spite Of advances in synthetic biology and modern techniques, researchers around the world still uses the standard way of DNA cloning, using plasmids and reporter proteins for selecting possible recombinant DNA. The coloured properties of blue coral chromoproteins (AmilCP) and red fluorescent protein (Rfp), from...
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The Features Of Human Genome Editing

1 Page 632 Words
In current research, genome editing has become an essential and a very powerful tool that holds the capacity to tackle extreme biological problems by purposeful alteration of a specific DNA segment in a cell. In late 2018, Jiankui He (JK), a Chinese researcher revealed his experiments to confer resistance against HIV by conducting germline genome editing on human embryos. JK...

CRISPR-Cas9 Gene Editing Technology In Agriculture

4 Pages 2050 Words
Gene editing in agriculture Gene editing involves making distinct changes in the DNA sequence of a plant/animal cell creating a desired genetic make-up. Gene editing is a powerful tool for genome editing which requires high specificity and uses enzymes known as nucleases which cut the DNA at the desired site while another sequence is inserted to replace the cut sequence...
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Alzheimer’s Disease And Gene Therapy

3 Pages 1400 Words
The clinical symptomatology of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is considered to be the result of an extensive destruction or disorganization of the cerebral cortex, as the patient’s cognitive functions become impaired. Late onset Alzheimer’s disease affects 5-10% of people over the age of 65 years old and while the case for this disease has not yet been fully understood, it is...

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Genetic Modification

5 Pages 2392 Words
WHAT IS GENETIC MODIFICATION A transgenic species (TGS) is defined as an organism that has had part of another species genome transferred into its own gene through the techniques of genetic engineering. This is often called “Genetic Engineering”. It allows selected individual genes to be carried from one organism into another and their traits to be passed on. Further, transgenic...

Genetic Modification (GMO) Of Food

3 Pages 1490 Words
Agricultural practices of harvesting crops (fruit and vegetables) must consider the environmental impacts, profitability for produces and unknown effects of the genetic modification of foods upon consumption. The biggest issue surrounding GM foods is consumer uncertainty and varying attitudes, and controversy surrounding the labelling of whether or not certain foods have been genetically modified. This investigation aims to evaluate and...

Gene mapping and linkage analysis in Bactrocera Tryoni for pest control

3 Pages 1141 Words
Introduction The Queensland fruit fly, Bactrocera tryoni, is a serious pest that has cost Australian farmers hundreds of millions of dollars due to its destructive nature of Australian horticulture and fruit production. They are widely distributed across the eastern and northern territory of Australia and are known to be Australia’s most difficult and costly biosecurity challenge (Taylor, 2016). Learning more...
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Gene Editing And Genetics

4 Pages 1762 Words
Genes are the building blocks of DNA, which makes us who we are. Gene Editing is the process of breaking the double strand of DNA and then deleting the gene disruption. It then replaces the disruption with a new and healthy strand of DNA. Gene editing affects life on earth. Our genome affects us and our behaviour towards others. Gene...
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Should Gene-editing Be Allowed In Humans?

2 Pages 973 Words
Background Introduction Do you believe that scientists will change genes in the future? The late physicist Stephen Hawking predicted that the wealthy would use gene-editing to improve the DNA of their offspring, potentially leading to the creation of superhuman species that would rapidly self-renew and self-evolve, from pure humans to genetically modified humans (Stephen Hawking. (2018). Brief Answers to the...
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The Advantages Of Compartmentalisation In A Eukaryotic Cell

4 Pages 1784 Words
A eukaryotic cell is a cell that incorporates DNA which is surrounded by a nucleus. Prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells have a few things in common that cells have. The endosymbiotic idea clarifies how eukaryotic cells have evolved from prokaryotic cells that lived collectively. Prokaryotic cells do not have any nucleus and are not membrane bound organelles in which as...

The Significance Of DNA Database

2 Pages 962 Words
DNA database plays an important role in the world, specifically the criminal and forensic world. DNA database, in this case forensic DNA database. The term DNA database refers to a collection of DNA samples and any other evidence stored as DNA profiles. DNA database could be extremely useful during criminal investigations. For example comparing a DNA sample, specifically taken from...

Linkage And Gene Mapping With Molecular Markers

2 Pages 821 Words
Introduction A molecular marker is a DNA polymorphism within a single nucleotide sequence that can distinct from other individuals within the identical population. In these makers, a visible marker causes a change in phenotype. However, these markers do not create an observable difference in phenotype, but both markers have similar characteristics. Moreover, both visible and noticeable markers can be utilized...
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Identifying An Unknown Tissue Sample Via DNA Extraction

3 Pages 1210 Words
Introduction DNA, or Deoxyribonucleic acid, contains vital coding that makes up the entirety of an organism (Lesk, 2005). These long, double helix structures contain four nucleotides which sequentially create nucleic acids, then consequently combine in different ways to form specific proteins that perform various tasks for the organism during its lifetime (Sanderson, 2007). Once the animal reproduces, this genetic coding...

Exploring fictional futures in science fiction texts

2 Pages 842 Words
Science fiction texts use many different ideas and messages to explore possible futures. These ideas and messages warn the audience about a possible future and make a comment on the present. Gattaca, a movie made in 1997 by director, Andrew Niccol, and Movement, a short story by Nancy Fulda, both use ideas and messages to comment on the present and...

New Future With Human Gene Modification

3 Pages 1496 Words
Human Gene Modification may have its positives, but it is dangerous to our society and may damage what makes us human. What is it that makes us human and differentiates us from all other species? Humans have superlative brain development and thus we experience a range of emotions and behaviours unlike any other living things. We feel passion, love, hatred...

Molecular Diagnostics: Forensics DNA Profiling

2 Pages 1116 Words
Abstract DNA analysis is very important in forensics as it is a method to discover a victim or perpetuator of a crime. The study done was to extract DNA using a buccal swab and analyse it using a capillary gel electrophoresis which was then compared to determine the perpetuator of a crime. The DNA was extracted, quantity of DNA determined...

Gene Therapy And Catholic Social Teachings

1 Page 633 Words
Gene Therapy Imagine if people living with life threatening diseases had the chance to have a second chance at life, with gene therapy that could be possible. Gene therapy is an experimental form of treatment that works by replacing a disease causing gene with a new working gene, or by introducing a new gene to cure a condition or make...
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How Genetic Modification Technology Will Affect The Future

3 Pages 1311 Words
Rationale and background The growth and advancements of GM technology are rapidly evolving. The original claim stated that ‘genetic technology will benefit society in the future?’ This then led to form the more specific question, ‘will genetic modification technology affect human evolution positively or negatively in the future?’ The question was refined to make the focus point about one certain...
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