Moral Philosophy essays

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To Kill A Mockingbird: Moral And Ethical Lessons

2 Pages 830 Words
Most authors provide lessons sugar-coated with stories of unrealistic and non-relevant plots and twists. To Kill a Mockingbird deeply explores real life problems while simultaneously teaching its readers valuable life lessons. As a classic literature enthusiast, itā€™s truly disappointing that To Kill a Mockingbird is not a part of the ā€˜Guides to the classicsā€™ series. Harper Leeā€™s richly textured novel...

Carol Gilliganā€™s Ethics of Care

5 Pages 2317 Words
We are living in an unsatisfactory world. Climate change, inequalities, poverty, religious conflicts, unemployment and lack of education, are the critical global issues humans are still fighting against. To change those unsatisfactory social conditions, Carol Gilligan firstly proposes ā€œethics of careā€ as a moral theory to be substituted for such dominant moral theories as Liberalism and Kantianism which she thinks...

Why Do Human Beings Have To Distract Ourselves? Is It Moral?

6 Pages 2985 Words
Is it within human nature to distract ourselves from uncomfortable or challenging realities, events or thoughts? This idea has been explored by philosophers such as John Stuart Mill, Immanuel Kant and Jean-Paul Sartre. However, at this point in time, can distractions become overbearing and are they possibly stunting the progress of humanity. This shift in distractions has gone from a...

The Missing Gaps in David Millerā€™s Moral and Economic Justice Theory

4 Pages 1620 Words
In this essay we will explore the contention that the guiding principle for income distribution of work should be the principle of desert, whereby the desert is the contribution to the social product - drawing upon the work of David Miller. Miller argues for income distribution to be desert-based, where monetary rewards are provided as a portion of net output...

The Importance of Ethics in Universities

1 Page 498 Words
McKeachie and Svinicki (2006) assume that ethical standards are intended to guide us in carrying out the responsibilities we have, to the different groups with whom we interact, and violation of ethics can occur when one acts contrary to standards (326). For Peale and Blanchard (1984), wherever we go today there are visible signs of deterioration of ethics, in the...

Solitary Confinement ā€“ An Ethical Dilemma

3 Pages 1243 Words
In 2011, a man named David Laffer entered a New York pharmacy with the intent of stealing painkillers for himself and his wife. After a brief conversation with the pharmacist, Laffer took out his gun and shot him in the abdomen. He then shot the pharmacistā€™s wife and unloaded more bullets into the wounded pharmacist. He also proceeded to kill...

Ethical Issues And Dilemmas In Society

2 Pages 1018 Words
Imagine yourself being unable to walk, unable to see, unable to breath let alone speak. You canā€™t even scratch an itch. But the worst part of all this, is you still feel sensations of pain, hunger, loneliness and fear, yet youā€™re unable to react. The topic of euthanasia is one that is cloaked with much ethical deliberation and ambiguity. Numerous...

Integrity and Ethics in Law Enforcement

2 Pages 731 Words
There are numerous integrity and ethical issues that arise in law enforcement, issues that are unique to the profession; and in order to prevent corruption among the rank and file, and ensure the success of any agency, itā€™s important that leaders and supervisors be held responsible for their deficiencies. Weaknesses in both recruiting and training are considered to be direct...

Ethics and Professional Conduct

2 Pages 985 Words
Introduction In relation to the context of Australia, it can be mentioned that ethical codes and conducts can support workplace management. IT can help to mitigate the dilemma within a workplace. Based on six codes of ethics, it can provide support to professional conduct in the job roles of ICT. This study discussed a real-life case study to explain ethical...

The Need for Ethics for Accounting and Financial Professionals

2 Pages 823 Words
Ethics, particularly for accounting and financial professionals, plays a significant role in their daily professional operations and business associations. Ethics influences professional behaviour and has an impact on clients as well (Leonard 2018). Quality behaviour can provide positive role models and opportunities. However, unethical values promote dishonest and unrighteous behaviour toward clientā€™s demands. Professionals need ethics to maintain public trust,...

Ethics and Social Teaching

1 Page 624 Words
Ethics is the examination of what is morally good and wrong, it is clear that philosophy would have only been in existence if humans began to reflect on the best way to live. The reflection of moral influenced actions emerged long after human societies had developed some form of ethics. Consequently, ethics started with the beginning of the early ethical...

Professional Development And Ethics

4 Pages 1831 Words
Introduction Creative thinking is the ability to look into something in a new and broader way. It can be also said as thinking something out of the box. Creative thinking is the sense, which involves what is called lateral thinking or the ability in perceiving the patterns, which are not obvious (Paul 2018). Creative people have the ability to carry...

An Integrated Critique Paper on Moral Principles and Corporate Social Responsibility

2 Pages 944 Words
In the previous decade, arriving at the bottom of the pyramid, the world's most minimal financial levels, has become an undeniably significant arranging guideline for experts working in universal turn of events. The guarantee of deliberately saddling the market capability of the world's most unfortunate individuals has demonstrated persuasive, as enormous organizations, social business people and even non-benefits look for...

IT Governance and Ethics

3 Pages 1266 Words
Introduction Cow Wow is cereal-flavored milk, an item that plans to bring out the fluid left over after a morning meal eater completes all the grains, however milk stays in the bowl. Focusing on small kids, somewhere in the range of 5 and 12 years old, Cow Wow started by presenting flavors like Chocolate Chip Cathy and Fruity Trudy. Since...

Ethical Dilemmas: End Of Life Care

3 Pages 1549 Words
The healthcare profession is a fluid industry. Advances and the expanse of knowledge are continuously changing interventions and treatments. The medical advances created by research and technological growth have increased the lifespan of individuals. These advances have also created new ways of prolonging life even when the most traumatic events occur to the body. In the healthcare industry, ethical dilemmas...

Legal And Ethical Dilemmas Of Nurses

4 Pages 1888 Words
I am writing this paper over the ethical dilemma of chemical impaired nurses on duty. This subject is an ongoing problem is the nursing profession today that can and has changed a patientā€™s quality of life, due to mistakes made by a nurse while under the influence. Nurses have access to countless amounts of medications and are trusted to disperse...

Personhood, Human Dignity and Moral

1 Page 634 Words
The study shows why four individuals, Dr. Wilson, who is on the medical side, offer recommendations to couples that the pregnancy is unhealthy and go through abortion. He describes in his opinion that the infant is born with an irregular disease and the infant has a shortened lifespan. The doctor's decision was based on the virtue ethics theory, in which...

Ethical Issues And Dilemmas In Healthcare

3 Pages 1157 Words
Healthcare professionals are obligated to avail care to ailing patients by minimizing any form of suffering as well as alleviating pain. Because of this, every action taken by healthcare personnel or physician constitutes both a moral and ethical dimension. These dimensions are supposed to be in alignment with a set of ethical principles that aim at enhancing the quality of...

Ethical Viewpoints and Factors of Capital Punishment

2 Pages 898 Words
The ongoing discussion of whether Capital Punishment is useful or not needs to understood how it is a problem that forever will be relevant. Understanding that there are numerous supporters of this neverending topic of capital punishment, there are additionally a lot of people who also believe a death sentence is wrong. In my opinion, I accept that capital punishment...

Ethics in Criminal Justice Administration

3 Pages 1374 Words
The criminal justice system ought to consistently rehearse demonstrable skill just as morals in request to guarantee the residents are dealt with decently consistently. There are times when polished methodology also, morals are not appropriately utilized, and individuals can wind up illegitimately sentenced as well as somebody who might some way or another be demonstrated blameworthy may get away from...

Kantā€™s Ethical Evaluation on Human Happiness as Motive to Determine Moral Worth

1 Page 578 Words
Kant is a widely known western philosopher and influential thinker. His book on Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals (1785) argues that any act of good or bad done for the purpose of achieving self-satisfaction or happiness either for others or oneself lacks ethical value. He described goodwill as the purest and highest standard of goodness without qualification, conceived out...

The Ethics in Competition

1 Page 482 Words
Sports are an integral part of the lives of billions of people around the world, with most if not all types of sport bearing the use as an outlet of competition. Now then, competition in sports can be thought of as a contest with the goal or objective of defeating the opposition resulting in a zero-sum game as there can...

The Moral Dilemma of Cannabis Legalization

6 Pages 2823 Words
Abstract Throughout our history, legal and illegal drugs have been a topic of discussion and a concern for society as some of the worst drugs ever have made it to the streets of our communities and destroy lives every day. Illegal drugs like meth, cocaine, LSD, and heroin are just some of the major drugs that have left their footprints...

Loyalty Ethical Dilemma Of Harry Markham

2 Pages 758 Words
Harry Markham is a chartered financial analysist (CFA) that now works for Investment Consulting Associates (ICA), a firm which offers advice to pension funds, after earning his Master of Finance in 2004. Mr. Markham had an increasing concern over the valuation of public sector pension fund liabilities. Markham felt professionally conflicted as he prepared for a meeting with the board...

To What Extend are Reason and Emotion Necessary in Justifying Moral Decisions?

3 Pages 1360 Words
Since the introduction of human onto this world, reasons and feelings are as often as possible utilized by us to legitimize any choices made. Nonetheless, to what degree that them two assume a significant job in deciding? This brings up some questionable issues concerning reason and feeling; would they say they are actually similarly important? Similarly significant methods the two...

Spiritual Life and Moral Codes

2 Pages 800 Words
'Hafidaka Allah'- May God protect you. Cultures throughout the world have generally ruled by one notion, the belief of a higher power. Whether God or Allah, religion has heavily influenced societies' spiritual life and moral codes. The expression of mystical ideas and practices have been, are, and will continue to be an imperative aspect of numerous religions around the world...

The Theory Of Moral Sentiments

1 Page 641 Words
Adam Smith begin the theory of moral sentiments about sympathy and the level of selfish a man can be and to what extent that he can reach. Due to the indication of his natural norm at the expense of others. Since we cannot in a way determine how other people feel, therefore we cannot assume what we might think about...

Ethics in Economics

2 Pages 997 Words
Ethics According to Rendtorff (2016), ethics plays a significant role in economic debates. While the field of economics tends to focus on welfare outcomes, ethical consideration is of great importance as they also influence the success of a business. The economic paradigm is facing a crisis of legitimacy with the many dimensions of unethical issues. The global financial crisis and...

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