Philosophical Theories essays

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John Locke Versus Socrates in Ideas Concerning Just Society: Analytical Essay

6 Pages 2662 Words
In John Locke’s book The Second Treatise of Government, he expresses the importance of property rights in regard to its reflexiveness toward labor. With property rights, others are able to own different things with full ownership and use it towards their own advantage however they would like. Thereby, Locke demonstrates that labor demonstrates the legitimacy of one’s possessions even if...

Violence and Nonviolence Movements: Critical Analysis

2 Pages 1139 Words
Violence and nonviolence movements seek to gain power through the use of force while using different methods to achieve their goals. However, in what situation is violent dissent deemed necessary, only to be used as an act of protection toward those who are using violence? Martin Luther King states that nonviolent dissent is effective in that it forces everyone to...

Critical Review of Interview with Adams: Issues of War and Pacifism

4 Pages 1754 Words
Interviews are one of the best methods that one can have a better understanding of the opinions and viewpoints of an individual on a variety of issues. Many people find it enjoyable to take part in an interview especially if they have an opinion and perceived knowledge regarding a particular topic. I decided to interview my father, John Adams since...

Analytical Essay on Ethical Relativism

3 Pages 1441 Words
Ethical relativism highlights the idea that every situation may not have the same solution for all people. In Ethics Theory and Contemporary Issues, the authors explain “Relative means that our judgments about ethics are relative to (or dependent on) something else.” In other words, one’s ethics are dependent on the person’s culture, religion, beliefs, and many other factors that make...

Concept of Pacifism In Moral Man and Immoral Society: Analytical Essay

2 Pages 957 Words
In Moral Man and Immoral Society, Niebuhr discusses the conflict between individual morality and social justice and acknowledges the difficulty in resolving the conflict. Despite the difficulty, he argues that in order to change the world for good, a person needs to simultaneously pursue individual morality and justice for society, and have the illusion that perfect justice is attainable. I...

Philosophy of Utilitarianism in Ideas of Jeremy Bentham

2 Pages 982 Words
Philosophy Term Paper: Jeremy Bentham Jeremy Bentham is a famous English political radical and philosopher. Among his philosophical works, the most well-known is the concept of utilitarianism in which the acts and actions are assessed based on the potential outcomes and consequences (Stanford Encyclopedia, 2019). The most aspired result or the relevant outcome is happiness or pleasure to ensure for...

Essay on Jurisprudence: Arguments For Natural Law Theory

6 Pages 2942 Words
In this essay I will be discussing why and to what extent I agree with the position of the Natural Law Theory (NLT) that there are rationally identifiable moral principles which are embedded in the very fabric of human nature and which can and should universally be utilised to guide and evaluate the correctness of human conduct as well as...

Analysis of the Relationship between Absolute Meta-ethical Realism and Deontological Normative Theory Based on Kantianism and Natural Law Theory

5 Pages 2378 Words
Purpose Meta-ethics regards a specific group of claims, which ethicists recognize as moral claims. In the process of grappling with the question of what exactly moral claims purport to report, ethicists have developed two general approaches. This research proposal is concerned with only one of the two approaches, moral realism, which encompasses the assertions that: 1) moral claims purport to...

Reconceptualizing the Concept of Cultural Relativism: Critical Analysis

6 Pages 2749 Words
This essay critically engages with and moves toward reconceptualizing the concept of cultural relativism. In ongoing public policy and academic debates, cultural relativism has become a nuanced idea generating diverse perspectives from various segments of the political continuum. Indeed, through its proliferation in international relations dialogue, it has become a concept that is difficult, if not impossible, to apply in...

Ideas of Traditional Relativism: Analytical Essay

3 Pages 1447 Words
Albeit traditional relativism beforehand the mid‐1950s was a craft utilized by both Western anthropologists and original people clusters to challenge European hobbies for traditional power, as decolonization, the believed possesses been seized by third globe bourgeois‐nationalist elites to undermine pre‐colonial opportunities of people from disparate non‐Western people group. Employing the contextual scrutiny of homophobia in Zimbabwe, I scrutinize how to...

Business Ethics Report on Theory of Utilitarianism: Ideas of Jeremy Bentham

6 Pages 2790 Words
Executive Summary This is qualitative research that possesses the capacity to introduce the standard of Utilitarianism as a standout amongst the most effective and enticing ways to deal with regulating morals. John Stuart Mill is an early established supporter of Bentham, who concocted this philosophical hypothesis. John Stuart Mills by one means or another did share some unique perspectives with...

Historical Essay: Analysis of Great Puritan Migration

3 Pages 1491 Words
During the years 1620-1640 many Puritans left England to come to the “New World”. The Puritans left because of the religious persecution The English Church was not fond of the Puritans which eventually pushed Puritans to leave England. This event affected the culture and society of the early Americas as religion played an important role in many events to come....

“Family Systems Theory” and “Ecological Systems Theory”: Case Study of Somalian 70+-year-old Lady

5 Pages 2212 Words
Introduction This case study is about a Somalian 70+-year-old lady, Salma, who came to Australia with her grandchildren. Her husband, son, and daughter-in-law were killed in Somalia by the army. I met Salma in Dallas Neighborhood Housing during my field placement. In this paper, I will discuss the main difficulties that the lady and her grandchildren are facing and how...

Analyzing Aspects of Mysticism in Rumi's Works: Rumi’s Thoughts on Pacifism

6 Pages 2869 Words
Abstract This paper explores mysticism in Sufism, and the works of one of the greatest Sufi poets, Jalaluddin Rumi. Three poems by Rumi: ‘Masnavi Manavi’, ‘How Very Close’ and ‘The Song of Reed’ are discussed and analyzed, while answering two main questions: How has Jalaluddin Rumi’s past affected his mystical journey and his poems? How is mystical experience represented in...

Arguments for Ethical Naturalism and Intuitionism: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 1637 Words
Moral philosophy or ethics is the discipline that is concerned with what is morally good and bad, and morally right and wrong. This term can also be applied to any theory of moral values or principles. How should we act? Is it right to be dishonest in good cause? Morality describes the principles that govern the answers to these kinds...

Analysis of the Methods of Intervention: Systems Theory and Attachment Theory

5 Pages 2466 Words
Assessment and Intervention, Theories and Methods. This essay will explain and evaluate the theoretical bases and influences of two methods of intervention, namely Systems Theory and Attachment Theory. It will show how both approaches might be implemented in work with a service user, drawing on the contrasts and comparisons in how they would be applied as an intervention. Using research,...

Use of Personification, Naturalism, and Setting in The Street by Ann Petry

3 Pages 1309 Words
The Deceitful Street The term blackness is a term that has been extremely prominent throughout the history of black individuals not only in the United States but from all corners of the earth. The meaning of the term has changed multiple times from when it was first originally coined, but to highlight its original meaning, it can be described as...

Argumentative Essay on Objection to the Natural Law Theory

3 Pages 1501 Words
If you have ever watched animals in nature, you may have noticed that they tend to behave a little selfishly. That is, they act on their urges without much regard to other creatures. People, on the other hand, are a little different; we care about how our actions influence others. However, we still are a part of the animal kingdom,...

Impact of Naturalism on Renaissance Art: Analytical Essay

6 Pages 2726 Words
Headmasters Essay In my headmaster's essay I will describe ‘what affected Renaissance art?’ and use artists to illustrate my points. In my opinion, there were three key factors which significantly affected Renaissance art. The Renaissance period was a time after the Medieval era of European social, literary, economic, and political 'rebirth.' The Renaissance described as taking place between the 14th...

Conversation between Ancient Greek and Ancient China: Nicomachean Ethics Versus Confucianism

4 Pages 1808 Words
At the very beginning of Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle starts from goodness and states one of his main ethical ideas, “Every art and inquiry, and similarly every action and pursuit, is thought to aim at some good.”[footnoteRef:1] The good here refers to something that is morally right, or in other words, righteousness. The he distinguishes between two kinds of practical activities,...

Plato’s Republic and the Idea of Golden Mean and Moderation: Analytical Essay

7 Pages 3052 Words
Knowledge can be depicted in many ways. In Plato’s foundational text on Western philosophy and justice, Republic, true knowledge is represented in terms of permanent and immortal truths that can be represented only by the absolute reality of Forms; whereas in John Milton’s biblical epic poem, Paradise Lost, knowledge is symbolized by an all-knowing God and the Tree of Knowledge....

Impact of Puritans on the Political Views on the New England Colonies: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 1718 Words
Throughout history, many colonies have been influenced by other people. For example, the Puritans influenced the New England colonies from 1630 through the 1660s in multiple ways. Specially, politically by coming up the idea of a united government which later on was used by the United States, economically by using fair pricing, and socially, because they had a big emphasis...

Importance of Pacifism and Peacemaking: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 1946 Words
The two events I attended were From Just War to Peacebuilding: Lessons for US Racial Justice lecture by ethicist Lisa Sowle Cahill and Someone’s Gotta Tell the Freakin Truth! Writing about ‘Fundamentalism’ in the Age of Trump. A discussion between Brandon Ambrosino, journalist, and David Harrington Watt, the author of Antifundamentalism in Modern America. Mrs. Cahill discusses the importance of...

Critical Analysis of Puritans' Culture and Beliefs

2 Pages 710 Words
John Bunyan, was an english writer that was famous for the book “The Pilgrim's Progress”. One of his famous quote said. “ The whole life of a Christian should be nothing but Praises and thanks to God; we should neither eat nor sleep, but eat to God and sleep to God and work to God and talk to God, do...

Control Parameters of Dynamic Systems Theory: Analytical Essay

3 Pages 1361 Words
In dynamic systems theory, an “individual is viewed as a complex, multi-component system that self-organizes patterns of movement from the interaction of many subsystems… [the] motor development is considered a process of self-organization, brought about by the interaction between multiple factors” (Lloyd, 2019). The three different concepts that make up the dynamic systems theory: are attractors, self-organization, and control parameters....

Human Person’s Responsibility for Peace, Nonviolence and Human Development: Reflective Essay

2 Pages 822 Words
Peace Conference Reflection Last Tuesday, October 1st, I attended the peace conference here at Seton Hall. Leading up to the event I did not know what to expect. My lecture was the opening lecture on the second day. It was titled, “The Human Person’s Responsibility for Peace, Nonviolence and Human Development.” The speaker was very intriguing as he spoke about...

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