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Sophocles' Oedipus Rex And Nathanial Hawthorne's Young Goodman Brown

2 Pages 800 Words
The title characters of Sophocles' Oedipus Rex and Nathanial Hawthorne's 'Young Goodman Brown' share common traits -- those of arrogance, righteousness and a belief that they could raise themselves to the level of the gods. Both sought to define the wicked, though only Oedipus truly succeeded because he determined to discover the truth even if it meant his own destruction...

Twelfth Night By Shakespeare: Societal Standards And Gender Roles In The Elizabethan Era

3 Pages 1234 Words
Throughout William Shakespeare’s time during the Elizabethan Era in the late 1500s, societal standards and gender roles were not like how they are in most of the world today. Women in the Elizabethan Era were raised to believe that they were inferior to men. The Church enforced this, quoting from the bible to ensure that this principle was widely followed....

Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex And Plato’s Apology: Common Themes And Ideas

3 Pages 1393 Words
Both Sophocles’ Oedipus the King and Plato’s Apology explore the limits of human wisdom. Socrates spends times trying to understand the nature of wisdom and whether the people who claim to possess it actually do. This investigation stems from the oracle, who proclaimed that Socrates was the wisest man in Athens. Through this quest, Socrates develops a negative reputation, and...

Essential Topics and Issues in Hamlet

2 Pages 731 Words
Throughout the play “Hamlet”, written by William Shakespeare, there are various important themes that are developed among the characters within their respective traits and personalities. However, in the midst of all the chaos and tragedy in the story line, there is one major theme that tends to always stand out in Hamlet’s life; death. Over the course of the play,...

What is Hamlets Tragic Flaw?

2 Pages 1098 Words
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It is a valid argument that evil is something that we all possess in one way or another. It is also true that evil draws its power from indecision, this can be examined through Hamlet's behaviour in the play. Hamlet the protagonist has revealed the tendency to overthink and procrastinate upon situations. Life-changing decisions can be made if one is...

Gender Roles In A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Helena & Demetrius

2 Pages 828 Words
Throughout A Midsummer Night’s Dream, gender stereotypes prevail as a main source of comedy. As the audience, we notice this common theme between character relationships in certain scenes and events that occur within the play and the many film adaptations. It ultimately provides this idea of men having more control and greater power over women. More specifically, the relationship between...

Othello: the Issues Iago Represents

2 Pages 678 Words
Since the beginning of mankind, humans have craved power and the benefits that come with having it. Throughout history, social classes have been used to categorize how much power and influence people have. Generally, the three most common social classes have been upper class, middle class, and lower class. One’s social class was of great significance during the Elizabethan Era,...

A Doll’s House, Little Red Riding Hood And Anna Karenina: Common Features Of The Main Character

1 Page 514 Words
There are a few characters in the play, A Doll’s House, that I could discuss for this short paper. For starters, there’s Torvald Hemler, a lawyer who got a new position at the bank. But I’m more interested in discussing his wife, Nora, who is the protagonist of the play. I just think that the protagonist of any story should...

The Role Of Destiny In Oedipus Rex

5 Pages 2171 Words
ABSTRACT In Greek society there is a great influence of myths on the literature and traditions. People believe that gods have a great role in the making of their fate. People and significant heroes try to escape from destiny but they are generally surrounded by the fate, in order to make them tragic This can be seen in many Greek...

The Role Of Female Characters In Oedipus Rex And Macbeth

2 Pages 732 Words
In Oedipus Rex by Sophocles and Macbeth by Shakespeare, we see to extraordinary lady that are fundamentally for the two disasters. In Oedipus Rex, we've Jocasta and in Macbeth, Lady Macbeth. These two ladies have some various viewpoints and other where they're indistinguishable. Three focuses can be: their demises, characters and as spouse. A first point to coordinate is their...

The Theme of Revenge in Othello

2 Pages 1117 Words
Revenge occurs because of hate which leads to people’s demise. Vengeance is one of the main themes in the play Othello by William Shakespeare. It is a recurring theme throughout the play, and the plot revolves around it. Retribution has been shown many times in Roderigo, in Othello, the play’s main character, and Iago, the main villain. They all have...

Iago as an Antagonist in the Play Othello

3 Pages 1540 Words
“It takes 20 minutes to build a reputation and five minutes to destroy it”. “If that is thought about things will be done differently (Warren Buffet)”. Reputation is the general belief or opinion that most people may view about who you are. In certain situations, one’s identity can hold so much value that it may impede judgement and the decisions...

Hunger Games VS Hamlet

3 Pages 1529 Words
Have you ever seen an idea as an appearance but it turns into a reality? The play Hamlet and the movie The Hunger Games are very similar to each other based on Characters and plot in the book/movie. In Hamlet, the appearance of the characters is so vain. Everyone is so full deception that the appearance is made to look...

The Reasons Iago Stayed Silent in Othello

2 Pages 1024 Words
In act 5 scene 2 of Othello, Iago had chosen to stay silent when confronted by Othello, after he was caught manipulating him into killing Desdemona. He had done this for various reasons which included keeping Othello and others thinking about his motives, having accomplished everything he had wanted to from the start, and the realization of what he had...

American Dream in Death of a Salesman

5 Pages 2153 Words
Introduction: The Illusion of the American Dream in 'Death of a Salesman' The American dream is most often defined as being successful and financially stable. To achieve the American dream, one must work hard and sometimes people can be so focused on their goals that they can be causing pain, both emotionally and physically, without noticing. The play, Death of...

Hedda Gabler: The Struggles Of Conscious And True Expression For Women Of The 19th Century

3 Pages 1308 Words
The play “Hedda Gabler” was written by Henrik Ibsen, a Norwegian playwright, who was sometimes referred to as woman’s rights activist. The play was first performed in 1890,focusing on gender and societal roles within the Victorian Era. The story is told through symbolic meaning as seen by protagonist Hedda Gabler. Hedda is a young newlywed married to an academic man...

The Peculiarities Of Iago's Speech in Othello

2 Pages 731 Words
In William Shakespeare’s classic tragic play ‘Othello’, published in 1622, the dangers of illusion and deception develops in the play as Iago manipulates his appearances and works to fool Othello who has trouble differentiating between what appears to be true and what really is true. Iago adopts his preferable style of speech to conceive images in characters’ minds which are...

Fate vs Free Will in Oedipus Rex

3 Pages 1190 Words
Reviewed double_ok
The play Oedipus by Sophocles is a Greek disaster, which investigates the difference of destiny. The play spins around Oedipus, a man who in the end winds up lowered by his destruction. Emotional, verbal, and situational incongruity can be noted in Oedipus Rex. Dramatic inconsistency is a major piece of the play as the characterizing component and trademark which enables...

Othello and Iago’s Views and Values of Love, Appearance verses Reality and Racial Classes Conflict throughout the Play Othello

1 Page 606 Words
Firstly, love. To Othello, love needs passion and trust to maintain. As a black man, even if he was the general, falling in love with Desdemona goes against the traditional 16th century Venice notions. They fell in love just because of passion, with Desdemona disobeying her father and not considering the importance of filial obedience. “O heaven! How got she...

Shakespeare’s Othello VS Nelson’s O: Mixing Alienation with Tyranny

3 Pages 1607 Words
Tim Blake Nelson’s modern film, O, and William Shakespeare’s classic play, Othello, both involve Othello (Odin) handing the lieutenant position to Michael Cassio instead of Iago (Hugo). The main difference comes between the two settings, Othello representing an army and O representing a basketball team. Iago knows he deserves the promotion because he had some experience in the war, unlike...

Twelfth Night: Play And Screen Adaptation

2 Pages 956 Words
Shakespeare endeavors to make a dreary distress inside twelfth night, accentuating the torment got by the detested characters, while additionally including a detailed storyline that finishes in the traditional Elizabethan manner; marriage. Be that as it may, Trevor Nunn, with the additional component of visuals, weakens the play's content by utilizing stage activities and camera developments. In Nunn's 1996 adjustment...

Macbeth, Romeo And Juliet, Julius Caesar And Midsummer Nights Dream: Value Of Shakespeare’s Drama

2 Pages 811 Words
I believe Shakespeare is still relevant in today's age as he made characters that can be related to kids and adults in the present time. He made characters about teenagers going through hard times, older people nearing the end of their lives, and people going mad for power, and the reason these characters stay relevant is because they have become...

Macbeth And Oedipus Rex As Didactic Tragic Plays

2 Pages 931 Words
The concept of tragedy, and the popularization of the emotion as a genre of written form, cannot be spoken about thoroughly without considering the two plays that defined the genre - Shakespeare’s Macbeth, and Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex. Macbeth is a play written by William Shakespeare that tells the story of the titular character, who hears of a prophecy dictating his...

Theme Of Disguise In Twelfth Night, Or What You Will And Measure For Measure

6 Pages 2830 Words
Disguise has played a major role in society and England during the sixteenth and seventeenth century. The role of disguise was an extremely important concept in Shakespearean theatre, as it is used in to conceal the identity of one or more characters from other person in the play (Kreider 168). Often disguise within Shakespearean plays either exceeded the “boundary of...

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