The Giver Essays

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 “The Giver” is an incredible work by Lois Lowry. Basically, Lois Lowry says that ‘The Giver’ was motivated by her father’s memory loss but as he began to forget, his past, the author says she began to imagine a book about eliminating painful memories. The Giver has recently been adjusted...

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3 Pages 1325 Words
“The Giver” is an incredible work by Lois Lowry. Basically, Lois Lowry says that ‘The Giver’ was motivated by her father’s memory loss but as he began to forget, his past, the author says she began to imagine a book about eliminating painful memories. The Giver has recently been adjusted into a film It is the account of an anonymous...
2 Pages 946 Words
Can you imagine not knowing what true happiness was? In the novel, “The Giver”, Jonas was selected to be the next Receiver of Memory. His job is to hold the memories of the world, good and bad. Being selected to be the receiver is a great honor. There are many good parts of being the Receiver. Now Jonas has the...
4 Pages 1712 Words
1. Provide context regarding the author of the novel. Outline any influences upon the author that may have impacted their novel. The Author of the book The Giver is Lois Lowry, this book was written in the year 1933 and won many awards. Lois Lowry’s main influence to write this book was her 90-year-old father. Lois Lowry mentioned interaction with...
1 Page 640 Words
Lois Lowry’s The Giver ignites the minds of readers, both young and old. It has a story, unlike any other young reader’s fiction novel. Not every fictional tale includes talking animals, magic, or happily ever after. Its tightening plot sends forth post-apocalyptic elements, themes, symbolism, and some ties to certain concerns of reality. I will discuss the language in The...
1 Page 659 Words
How would you like living in a world with no color, no music, and no love? Well, that’s how Jonas’s life was like. All of those things are present in the book, The Giver, by Lois Lowry, 1993, dystopian. Jonas’s community is idyllic. Everyone is assigned their jobs or assignments. This community has no conflict, inequality, divorce, unemployment, injustice, or...
2 Pages 870 Words
INTRODUCTION In an attempt to make a perfect society the people in the community lose their freedom and don't gain anything from it. Through her novel The 'Giver', Lois Lowry utilizes the aims, that the community tried to make a perfect society and gain a lot, by solving world problems. Firstly, Lowry explores the community controlling the weather. Secondly, the...
1 Page 673 Words
Although the community in The Giver may seem utopian, things are not always what they seem. Lois Lowry, author of many young adult novels, won two Newbery Medals for her books Number the Stars and The Giver. In 2014, The Giver became a film adaptation. The Giver has become a mandatory curriculum book in some schools. The community within the...
2 Pages 953 Words
The Giver by Lois Lowry introduces a concept of a utopian society being created through predictability and sameness. What if today was as predictable as tomorrow? Twenty years into the future? The community within The Giver paints a failed attempt at creating a utopian society beneath the seemingly perfect surface, in which results a dystopian community, defines as a futuristic...
2 Pages 1098 Words
The Novel, The Giver, by Lois Lowry allows readers to examine many hidden lessons and messages throughout the story. In the book, we follow Jonas’ journey in learning the unpleasant truth about his community and his attempt to save its people before they destroy themselves. Many themes and messages are brought to light in the novel, like the negative impact...
1 Page 587 Words
In the novel ‘The Giver’ by Lois Lowry, the main protagonist is faced with an important decision when he learns of the true meaning of ‘Release’. He (Jonas) lives in a ‘Community’ where a decision had previously been made to create a ‘utopian’ (perfect) society by eliminating all things that were considered potentially dangerous. In doing so, the Elders removed...
3 Pages 1343 Words
The Giver, a young adult novel written by Lois Lowry in 1993, is set in what appears at first to be a utopian society with immaculate and faultless systems. Although as the story progresses, more and more of the society’s imperfections are revealed, posing the question to both readers and the protagonists of the book, is the community a utopia...
2 Pages 802 Words
Imagine a world where everyone is the same. Same house, same food, same clothes, and same beliefs. Individuality and freedom are stripped from each and every person and you would be killed in you thought any different. In Lois Lowry's novel, The Giver all of this is reality. They live in a world with no freedom or justice. The distinct...
2 Pages 1138 Words
The society in which Jonas lives in is essentially known as a dystopian world that portrays a failed utopian world. His society is a world where everything has gone wrong. Jonas society has attempted utopia – where they try to hide the pain, suffering and violence within these memories that no one other than The Giver and Receiver of Memory...
2 Pages 1001 Words
The Giver is the famous young adult dystopian novel made by Lois Lowry in 1993. This novel is set in a society that is in the future. In the beginning, it first appeared as utopian but as the readers read further, it is become more obvious to say that this is dystopian. What is a dystopia? “Dystopia” is the word...
2 Pages 902 Words
In today's society, all are encouraged to be true to oneself (be unique) and to express inner thoughts through emotions and actions. Society often takes the meaning of memories and feelings, lightly yet it is so crucial to have such features in a society! However, in the novel “The Giver”, those luxuries were not given in the community that Jonas,...
3 Pages 1278 Words
It’s this thought, this notion of absolute compliance felt by those submitted to authority which allows power and control to be established and maintained. Imagine believing something to be the complete truth, then realising it was all a lie. A falsehood by those in power forcing you to conform without question. All previously thought values you held dear falling apart...
9 Pages 4140 Words
A society is essentially a community of people living together with there being a sort of order to everything. In novels, there can be two types of societies that can be present. The first is a utopian society which is defined by as “a place of ideal perfection especially in laws, government, and social conditions.”The second type of society...
1 Page 665 Words
Louis Lowery has created a place where there is no color, no choice; a place where individuality and freedom has been given up for sameness and security in her book The Giver. This place is thought to be in the future and is meant to be a kind of utopia where everyone follows the rules and obeys without question. There...
1 Page 567 Words
In the dystopian novel, The Giver, Lois Lowry illustrates the boringness of conformity. She has positioned the readers to view the community as a calculated and controlled society. The concept of individualism is non-existent in the dystopian novel the Giver. Consequently, people do not have the ability to make their individual decisions and people are unable to think for themselves,...
5 Pages 2201 Words
Protagonist: The protagonist is Jonas. He lives in a family of 4, which consists of himself, Lily, Father, and Mother. He will later meet a baby named Gabe, who has a matching trait with Jonas that is very unique. They both had pale blue eyes. His best friend was named Asher, and he was also close friends with a girl...
2 Pages 725 Words
In most cases, feelings, emotions, and passions don’t seem to have a proper role in the truth that logic aims to achieve. Various logical fallacies stem from them, making such human experiences a nuisance to the pursuit of objective truths. We lose sight of the actual argument and topic because of argumentum ad hominem, and misericordiam, baculum and appeal to...
3 Pages 1202 Words
Jonas is a twelve-year-old boy who has accepted the sameness in his community just like everyone else. When December rolled around Jonas became the receiver of memory. On his first day he received the memories sunshine and sunburn. He described the sunshine as pleasant and the sunburn as pain. The more and more training he received the more and more...
4 Pages 1852 Words
In this century, many authors have been producing many novels about utopian or idealistic society to describe the world in a perfect environment. For example, in The Giver, Lois Lowry tells the story of the absolute perfect community. In The Giver, there are full of many controlling in society such as controlling of relationships, career, languages, behavior and, knowledge in...
2 Pages 782 Words
Have you ever wondered if there was a world that was the same? You couldn’t see a color or hear a sound. How would you feel? I know if I couldn’t see the color I wouldn’t be happy because I couldn’t see the joy in the world. The book where it’s the same is called “The Giver” by Lois Lowry....
4 Pages 1640 Words
The Giver by Lois Lowry sets place in a futuristic society. It is undetermined the exact location or period that the story takes place. This society is based on a utopian community. A perfect society, where everyone is safe, they have never suffered pain, or ever heard of violence, but the citizens have no individuality, choice, or any freedom. The...

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