Computer Science essays

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Net Neutrality: Needed or Not

1 Page 628 Words
Possible solutions that were seen which would not have a good impact would be what is being seen by numerous customer promoters, which have intended that if net neutrality continues, Internet suppliers will start selling the web in packs, just like digital TV is sold today. If you need to access Facebook and Twitter, there will be a packaging framework,...

Reflections on the Geographic Information System Used in the Criminal Justice System

3 Pages 1203 Words
From policing to corrections, technology has been playing an increasingly important role within the criminal justice system. Computer records management and geographic crime-mapping systems have been used more frequently in order to grant effectiveness and efficiency when it comes to analyzing large amounts of crime data. As mentioned in the textbook ‘Criminal Justice in Canada’, “A crime mapping system called...

Economic Implications of Net Neutrality for ISPs

2 Pages 1037 Words
On May 18, 2017, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted to repeal net neutrality laws that had been put in place by the Obama Administration (Fiegerman, 2017). The earlier regulations had ensured that no service provider could restrict individual components of the Internet. Groups that favor net neutrality believe it supports freedom of expression and creates an environment where small...

Should Cities Offer Free Public Wi-Fi? Persuasive Essay

1 Page 485 Words
Free Wi-Fi is a wireless network in public areas like restaurants, store’s airport’s act. Did you know that more than 60% of businesses said that the customers spend more time at your business when free Wi-Fi is offered? Having free and fast Wi-Fi will help customers stay productive and connected while they are at your business place, or store, so...

Argumentative Essay About the Benefits of the Internet in Education

3 Pages 1242 Words
Present day training procedure has changed because of the utilization of the Internet. Educators today use it to enhance exercises, speak with the understudies and even hold online talks and courses abroad. The far-reaching utilization of the Internet has opened up instruction in less fortunate nations and removed learning open doors for a more extensive scope of individuals. Actually, it...

Kenneth Goldsmith's Viewpoint on Whether the Internet Is a Waste of Time: An Essay

2 Pages 943 Words
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According to Kenneth Goldsmith’s essay, ‘Go Ahead: Waste Time on the Internet’, people have not figured out how the usage of the Internet can have multiple ways to be used. According to the author, “We’re not all using our devices the same way. Looking over the shoulders of people absorbed in their devices on the subway, I see many people...

Should We Use Net Neutrality?

1 Page 451 Words
Net neutrality is that all networks should provide equal access to all content on line. Net neutrality states that Internet service providers (ISP) should treat all content flowing through their cables and cell towers equally. This prevents data to slip into ‘fast lanes’ and blocking or discriminating against other material. The creator of net neutrality, Tim Wu, believed that providers...

What Strategic Business Objectives Do UPS's Information Systems Address?

3 Pages 1229 Words
United Parcel Service (UPS), the international package delivery company, grew out of a messenger service established in Seattle in 1907 by an enterprising 19-year-old named James E. 'Jim' Casey and his friend, Claude Ryan. Beginning with two bicycles, one phone, a tiny office in the basement of a saloon, and $100 borrowed from Ryan's uncle, the two lay the foundation...

Major Challenges Facing Cyber Security

3 Pages 1593 Words
Cybersecurity has been growing rapidly since 2006 when cloud computing was introduced by most companies. Has a result more and more companies are spending more cash to improve their networks. There is no doubt that cyber has brought more problems with, however lack of training, unwarranted attacks, loss of property and human error have become a barrier that cannot be...

Cyber Security and Its Importance in Cyberspace

3 Pages 1356 Words
We are living in a world that is swiftly developing. At this world, most of us have been using smart devices and we have been using the Internet with these devices. Generally, our data is kept on the Internet and this place in which this information are stored is designated as cyberspace. In this place, there are lots of attackers,...

Data Breaches and the Efficiency of Cryptography to Reduce Them

3 Pages 1114 Words
Due to the enormous growth of technology, online data has become an essential element and made radical changes to lives. As the data economy and data capitalism have evolved, online information is prone to attacks. The problems such as data leakage and personal information exposure arose and caught the interest of the experts. According to Purohit and Singh (2013, pp.1311-1316),...

Data Mining Application in Healthcare

4 Pages 2021 Words
The concept of data mining is generally concerned with finding and looking up for relevant information or knowledge previously available in data. Data mining is applied in many fields, one of the hottest fields is healthcare. Since healthcare data is stored in electronic format, the storage of the data will be huge and complex, which make it a fertile environment...

Data Mining and Educational Data Mining: Techniques and Tools

2 Pages 1150 Words
Data mining can be referred as the process of mining hidden knowledge from large volumes of raw data previously stored in data bases or as excel sheets. Data mining also enables the organizations to uncover and understand the hidden patterns in vast databases by using their current reporting capabilities, which are then further built to data mining models and applied...

Software Testing Techniques in Mobile Healthcare Applications

4 Pages 1885 Words
Mobile healthcare applications are an alternative support for individuals with health issues like diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, blood pressure and many others. With the ongoing advancements of remote wireless systems and with a gigantic assortment of cell phones, portable healthcare applications are trending in the market. With the expanded utilization of versatile applications, quality assurance rises rapidly. Applications must have an...

Benefits of Cryptography and Its Future Potential

5 Pages 2437 Words
Cryptography is a broad topic and has been around for quite a while. The principal was known utilization of cryptography dates to roughly 1900 BC. It was essential cryptography, and wasn't generally developed until the finish of World War I. Amid World War II we utilized a machine known as the Enigma Machine. The substitution figure, which was made by...

Cyber Security Cost Effectiveness

1 Page 623 Words
Cybersecurity for any organization is one of its crucial aspects which needs to be addressed. The approach of the organizations towards their security mechanism does not help the organization to ensure the safety and also the methodology incorporated by the organization for securing the data and system is questionable as the efficiency of the system less and the cost of...

The Importance of Computer Graphics for Modern Architects

2 Pages 726 Words
Up until recently architects were required to hand draw designs for their projects and these were called blueprints. The main problem with having to hand draw everything was that it was incredibly slow, it was difficult to get accurate or to change and it would take time to physically send the design to everyone involved. Correcting a mistake or modifying...

Open Source Software for Government in Developing Countries

2 Pages 1002 Words
Open source programming is programming with source code that anybody can review, change, and upgrade. 'Source code' is the piece of programming that most PC clients absolutely never observe; it's the code software engineers can control to change how a bit of programming—a 'program' or 'application'— works. Software engineers who approach a PC program's source code can improve that program...

Data Mining and How Companies Use It

4 Pages 1733 Words
Databases are everywhere. In the ever-emerging Internet age our daily interactions with databases and cloud storage have increased in ways we can barely imagine and will only continue to increase in the future. With the rise in the collection of raw data, techniques must be developed to sort through and find the usable data. This is where data mining comes...

Dangers of Application Software Failure

1 Page 466 Words
The world is developing very fast, each task is completed through modern technology. Software and application are taking over the human labor. Software is used in every aspect of modern life like transportation, education, entertainment, construction, navy, air force, satellites and many more daily things that we are using. But always software is not successful, at some stage software gets...

Cybersecurity and Countermeasures Awareness

2 Pages 900 Words
Cybersecurity is the system used to protect software, hardware and data from many cyberattacks, application security is the system that protects the application and PC from external threats. When considering software design, security has become an increasingly important concern during development as the apps have become more accessible to the network and as a result, it has become vulnerable to...

Future Trends in Information Systems Infrastructure

2 Pages 1035 Words
Information system for the association the administrators (ISFM) have been, and are a key factor in huge business improvement. In its procedure with progression, it has gone from just a work gadget to a serious and strategy segment, regardless, making new strategies subject to its unforeseen development. This is the explanation information systems for the association the load up has...

Security in Computer Networks

3 Pages 1481 Words
The world is getting increasingly interconnected of the Internet and new systems administration innovation. There is a so enormous measure of individual, military, business, and government data on systems administration foundations overall accessible. Security is happening to incredible significance due to licensed innovation that can be effectively procured through the web. On the off chance that organize security is broken...

Mobile Applications and Their Importance in Our Daily Life

2 Pages 875 Words
Smartphones have become one of the most central parts of our lives due to mobile apps development. Technology growth had made our lives busier so it is difficult for us to be organized while multitasking. The growth of mobile apps had made our day-to-day life easier and well organized. Starting from entertainment to business, everything became more compact, accessible and...

Essay on Data Collection Methods

1 Page 481 Words
In this era, information is a crucial tool, thus necessitating a precise and appropriate method for gathering it. The choice of the mechanism for accumulating data depends on the intention of assembling the info. Moreover, gaining the trust of the participants is vital during the entire process of both qualitative and quantitative research. Therefore, this essay aims to expound on...

Essay on the Importance of Internet in Today's World

4 Pages 1795 Words
Born in the late 20th century, the Internet's influence undeniably caused the rapid advancement of a new era that of which is ours today. It assisted with the significant shift of technologies based on industrialization to that of information. The influence of the Internet has changed daily life around the world, making it one of the most important modern inventions,...

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