Essay on Benefits and Dangers of Virtual Reality

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Alongside the development of technology, Virtual Reality (VR) was invented through a learning and developmental process involving many scientists. It has brought enormous benefits to education, medicine, the military, and other fields. However, VR also has its dark side. The problems commonly arise from the feeling of over-involvement of users in VR, leading to symptoms like sickness and nausea after spending time in a virtual environment. Over-immersion in VR can cause various physical and mental issues, the causes and effects of which will be discussed in this essay. To date, there are few treatments for psychological issues caused by VR, and sometimes drugs can be useful. However, in my opinion, the best approach is to use VR to treat VR-related issues.

More than one individual has been involved in the advancement of this innovative framework, but in the realm of virtual experience, Morton Heilig is a key figure. He created the first interactive film experience, known as the Sensorama, which allowed viewers to engage their senses fully and become part of the film. While the Sensorama was not widely adopted, its ideas served to drive future research into VR.

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The definition of VR naturally derives from the definitions of both ‘virtual’ and ‘reality’. “Virtual” refers to something closely resembling reality without actually being it, while “reality” pertains to the experience of life as human beings. Thus, the term “virtual reality” essentially means “near-reality”. Although the definition of VR could vary, it usually refers to a specific type of reality emulation.

VR is used to describe the use of computer modeling and simulation to enable interaction with a three-dimensional or computer-generated environment using devices like headsets, body suits, or gloves that send and receive information. Motion sensors create the illusion of being in an artificial environment by tracking the user’s movements and adjusting their view accordingly. VR finds applications in education, medicine, entertainment, training, and more, leading to new developments with real-life impacts.

There are many kinds of VR systems, but they all allow people to enter and interact with 3D environments. However, they also present some issues that can significantly impact our lives.

The graph below illustrates the negative effects of VR in a specific field.

In general, nausea is the most common symptom experienced by users who are over-immersed in VR in the first three associations, followed by disorientation and oculomotor issues. The figures for nausea and disorientation in CSRDF of NASA are the highest among all the sicknesses mentioned, with nausea peaking at over 60 and disorientation passing 40. In contrast, the symptoms in AFPRE belonging to the UK appear to be the lowest among the four organizations, with oculomotor issues scoring less than 15.

From the graph, it is evident that the negative impacts of VR cannot be denied, not only in training but also in other fields.

VR can be a double-edged sword if people do not know how to use it wisely. There are various issues caused by VR, with physical effects being one of the main problems. Motion sickness is a common symptom experienced by people spending time in virtual environments. It affects balance by disrupting the inner ear, leading to feelings of nausea similar to those experienced during travel. Some people may experience symptoms after just 30 minutes in a virtual environment, while others can tolerate several hours without ill effects.

Another significant effect related to over-immersion in VR is its impact on users' lives. Spending too much time in a virtual environment can lead to addiction and detachment from real life. This not only affects physical health but also impacts self-esteem and social interactions, potentially leading to phobias and relationship problems.

Desensitization is another issue associated with VR, particularly concerning exposure to extreme acts like violence. Virtual reality gamers and soldiers in training may become desensitized to violence, leading to a lack of empathy or compassion.

A more recent concern is virtual criminality, where individuals commit criminal acts in virtual environments that can have real-world consequences. This raises questions about responsibility and punishment for actions committed in VR.

Despite these challenges, VR offers enormous benefits in various fields. However, it is essential to address these issues to ensure the responsible use of VR technology.

Several solutions exist for treating VR-related issues, including medicine, behavioral therapy, and virtual reality therapy. Each solution has its benefits and limitations, but virtual reality therapy stands out as a promising approach.

Virtual reality therapy utilizes VR technology to treat patients with various mental health issues, including phobias and PTSD. It offers several advantages, such as providing stimuli in a controlled environment, ensuring patient confidentiality, and enabling treatment from anywhere with the necessary equipment.

While virtual reality therapy has some limitations, such as the cost and time required for treatment, it remains the most effective solution for addressing VR-related issues.

In conclusion, virtual reality has both positive and negative impacts on society. While it offers numerous benefits, including advancements in education, medicine, and entertainment, it also presents challenges such as physical and mental health issues. By addressing these challenges and implementing effective treatments like virtual reality therapy, we can harness the full potential of VR technology while minimizing its negative effects.


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Essay on Benefits and Dangers of Virtual Reality. (2024, April 18). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 8, 2024, from
“Essay on Benefits and Dangers of Virtual Reality.” Edubirdie, 18 Apr. 2024,
Essay on Benefits and Dangers of Virtual Reality. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 8 Sept. 2024].
Essay on Benefits and Dangers of Virtual Reality [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Apr 18 [cited 2024 Sept 8]. Available from:

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