Gender Diversity essays

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Smoking Cessation in Women

4 Pages 1721 Words
The world has this consistent tendency to overlook women in many aspects unfortunately this includes health situations. it is not as well-known of a fact that Women are at higher risk for things such as cardiovascular disease and stroke. Not enough studies are done regarding this and when they are done, they do not focus on women as much. Women...

Ways In Which Violence Is Linked To Gender

2 Pages 699 Words
While doing my research on how violence is linked to gender, I found a few web articles that cover this topic. Most of this articles are written by people who have faced violence or any form of inhumanity because of their gender. My goal in this paper is to describe while giving examples; how violence is linked to gender and...

Twelfth Night By Shakespeare: Societal Standards And Gender Roles In The Elizabethan Era

3 Pages 1234 Words
Throughout William Shakespeare’s time during the Elizabethan Era in the late 1500s, societal standards and gender roles were not like how they are in most of the world today. Women in the Elizabethan Era were raised to believe that they were inferior to men. The Church enforced this, quoting from the bible to ensure that this principle was widely followed....

Women’s Fight for Freedom through Historical Lens

3 Pages 1373 Words
Freedom; having the power to think, speak, and act in any way without control or constriction. Throughout history, women fought to be seen as individuals and to be able to advocate for the things they believed in. The women of this time were unfairly treated and overlooked. They were denied the right to act by not being included in the...

Jane Eyre: Gender and Class Roles

1 Page 594 Words
Jane Eyre, a victorian mentor, was a distanced figure for two essential reasons: sexual direction and class. For sexual direction, women, ultimately, had fewer rights than men. For one, no woman was allowed to cast a polling form, however, rich men and even lower office class men could cast a voting form. Also, women had some educational open entryways than...

Eliminating Discrimination Against Women

2 Pages 939 Words
Who are to be called as a women? Women are not born, but made. What better than India to exemplify this statement by Simone de Beauvoir. With the whole world celebrating International Women’s Day with great pomp and show, it would be only apt to analyse the position and space Indian women occupy today, and comparing it to the time...

Ethics and Sexuality

2 Pages 776 Words
Introduction In this paper I will discuss the immorality or premarital intercourse and the importance of abstinence, and in the case of divorce the importance of celibacy. I will approach this issue in two steps. First, I will describe my ethical theory that I believe a person, specifically a Christian, should apply when attempting to solve moral dilemmas. Then I...

Medea: Bias Towards Women In Athenian Society

1 Page 538 Words
In the play Medea, the historical context effects and deepens the understanding of culture, identity, and community. During this period women had no place in society except in the home taking care of family and being looked down at all the time. The Athenian society expected women to submit to their husbands having no privileges and absolutely no power. Madea...

Gender Roles In A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Helena & Demetrius

2 Pages 828 Words
Throughout A Midsummer Night’s Dream, gender stereotypes prevail as a main source of comedy. As the audience, we notice this common theme between character relationships in certain scenes and events that occur within the play and the many film adaptations. It ultimately provides this idea of men having more control and greater power over women. More specifically, the relationship between...

The Major Characters And Their Roles In Lord Of The Flies

2 Pages 895 Words
“Lord Of The Flies” is a novel about a group of young boys who get stranded on an island after a plane accident and need to depend on one another to get help. They are a group of older boys called 'biguns' and younger boys called 'littluns'. Piggy, Ralph, and Jack symbolizes the significance in society. Ralph becomes the chief...

Medea: A Role Of Woman In Classical Greece

1 Page 440 Words
Medea, written by the infamous Greek tragedian Euripides, shines a light on the injustices women faced in Classical Greece. Throughout the play, Medea is constantly ostracized and villainized due to the heinous crimes she committed with Jason to retrieve the Golden Fleece. Despite this, Medea “fights” back against the patriarchy, and shows that she won't confine herself to gender expectations....

Woman Or Women Of Influence

4 Pages 1633 Words
“Influence is when you are not the one talking and yet your words fill the room; when you are absent and yet your presence is felt everywhere.” (TemitOpe Ibrahim) Throughout my life, there have been several people who have great influences on me, but some have left a vast impact on my life. Beside of my loving mother, Staci was...

Vindication Of Rights Of Woman

3 Pages 1160 Words
In a world where patriarchy has always been prominent and dominant, class, caste and sex differences between male and female are explicitly noticed. Women have always been portrayed as inferior to men and as argued by Mary Wollstonecraft in her essay, Rights of Women, censoriously expresses her opinion and rues on the fact that women, though treated as inferior, have...

The Role Of Higher Education In Women Empowerment

3 Pages 1238 Words
Abstract Higher Education refers the education at the degree level and above. Education is one of the most important means of empowering women with the knowledge, skills and self-confidence. For empowering the women, higher education will play a vital role. India holds the second position in the world of having highest population. There are approximately 49% female in total population...

The Role of Women in Antigone

2 Pages 1002 Words
Antigone, originally written by Sophocles and reinterpreted by Seamus Heaney, presents Antigone, daughter of Oedipus and Jocasta, as a woman who is willing to speak out when the king, her uncle, bans the burial of her brother. Antigone meets all of Aristotle’s criteria for tragedy with the exception of featuring a bold and headstrong female in the lead role. Antigone...

The Influence Of Gender On Perceptions Of Intelligence

3 Pages 1573 Words
Abstract Past research has found that males estimate their own intelligence higher than females, and that in general, individuals estimate their father’s intelligence to be higher than their mothers. This study aimed to examine these gender differences in the perception of intelligence through a methodologically similar survey to Hogan’s (1978) study on IQ estimations, and found that females consistently estimate...

How Might Harriet Brandt Represent The New Woman Development In Florence Marryat's Gothic Novel The Blood Of The Vampire?

2 Pages 1124 Words
Thinking about literary novels in 1897 and vampires alike it is unlikely that the first gothic novel to come to mind is The Blood of the Vampire but rather to Bram Stoker's popular creation, Dracula. It can be stated that due to the overwhelming success of Dracula, Marryat's vampire novel can often be overlooked as a cheap imitation of Stoker's...

The Peculiarities Of Woman In Asia Today

2 Pages 930 Words
The role of women look after the house, kids, and took care of her husband. The women also did the house works like cleaning, ironing, and preparing meals. The women back then didn’t have many rights, Traditionally, rural and tribal women do all the household related chores. Heavy works that require more strength is done by the husband. Now, the...

The Role Of Female Characters In Oedipus Rex And Macbeth

2 Pages 732 Words
In Oedipus Rex by Sophocles and Macbeth by Shakespeare, we see to extraordinary lady that are fundamentally for the two disasters. In Oedipus Rex, we've Jocasta and in Macbeth, Lady Macbeth. These two ladies have some various viewpoints and other where they're indistinguishable. Three focuses can be: their demises, characters and as spouse. A first point to coordinate is their...

Gothic Sexuality In Dracula

1 Page 650 Words
The few elements that make up Gothic literature, sexuality contributes to many themes of novels. While being such a controversial topic, especially during the Victorian era, many authors continued push this element in their works. Two novels that really concentrated on the theme of sexuality was Carmilla written by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu and Dracula by Bram Stoker. Centered around...

Female Roles In Gothic Novel Dracula

2 Pages 1000 Words
The novel, Dracula, by Bram Stoker is an important piece of gothic literature written to reflect on society’s views on female sexuality in the Victorian Era. Published in 1897, Stoker highlights the role of women in society as purely virgin and devoted to one man in their lives. The introduction of Dracula offsets the innocent side of women bringing forth...

Woman VS Islamic Revolution

4 Pages 1766 Words
In 1979, in the middle east, a series of laws were constrained onto women that shaped their role in the country. This marked the beginning of the Islamic Revolution. During this period, the unique daughter of a young couple name Marjane Satrapi, gave an inside story of her family, and everyone arounds the family during the revolution. this revolution is...

Dracula: The Role Of Woman In The Victorian Era

3 Pages 1177 Words
The traditional women were willing to play the roles that the society gave them. They did not live for themselves. At the end of the 19th century, women who lived in the Victoria Era(1837-1901) gradually realized the unequal status of men and women. They started to involve in activities including “ bicycle riding, bloomers, badminton” (Senf 34). They wanted to...

Representation of Women and Crime in the Show Good Girls

2 Pages 1134 Words
In the first episode of season one in the Netflix series, Good Girls, the central themes of crime and female empowerment are represented. The show is a feminist crime drama about three independent women Beth, her sister Annie and their best friend Ruby, who take part in illegal activities to gain financial safety, in desperation to support their families. The...

Proposal For The Implementation Of A Structured Program To Prevent Domestic Violence

5 Pages 2095 Words
Domestic violence is an egregious act against women in the Barbadian society, therefore, it is paramount that the implementation of a structured program can help mitigate the problems precipitated by domestic violence. This proposal focuses on the implementation of a facility which will act as a refuge and offer a combination of educational prevention, crisis intervention approaches and long-term treatments...

Gender Plays a Role in How our Society Defines and Perceives Drug Abuse as a Crime

4 Pages 1639 Words
Introduction The misuse of substances such as alcohol, cigarettes, cocaine, marijuana, illegal drugs, and other such stimulants has augmented at an extreme level. The illegal trafficking of harmful drugs is also common these days. Many of such cases have been identified while many of them still exist, which is why the population, especially the youth is getting affected and addicted...

How Does The Play Medea Reflect Inequality Within The Male And Female Gender?

3 Pages 1457 Words
In Euripides’ ancient Greek tragedy ‘Medea,’ he explores how women are disadvantaged in society in terms of welfare under the authority of men. Firstly, Euripides speaks against men dehumanising women in their pursuit of higher social standing, criticising such actions as morally wrong. Moreover, Euripides exposes how the patriarchal society places men in positions of authority, inevitably leading women to...

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