Health Care essays

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End-of-Life Care and Practice

3 Pages 1546 Words
End-of-life care and practice has evolved over the years. There has been a shift on the attitudes about death in American society. Age, gender, race, and socioeconomic status all contribute to the attitudes toward death. It impacts everyone individually and it is not a universal grief. Many Americans are uncomfortable in speaking about death. Young older adults have a higher...

Huntington's Disease: Causes, Typical Symptoms and Signs, Treatment

3 Pages 1597 Words
Huntington’s disease is a genetic disease that causes progressive damage to cells in the basal ganglia and cerebral cortex which are both found in the brain. These areas control movement and the way one thinks, understands and remembers. The disease was characterized by George Huntington in 1872. People with Huntington’s disease generally develop symptoms between the ages of 30 and...

Prevention of Transmission of Hepatitis in Dental Practice

6 Pages 2558 Words
The oral cavity is increasingly becoming recognised as a window to general health. Hepatitis is a heterogeneous inflammatory liver disease which manifests in the oral cavity and has important implications in the dental setting. Dentists and oral health workers must be aware of the full spectrum of signs and symptoms, as well as how the disease is transmitted, in order...

Patient Education as a Way to Prevent Readmission

1 Page 415 Words
Patient Education is a process of empowering patients to be the in charge of their own wellbeing and be more independent concerning their health management (Yeh, Wu, & Tung, 2018). It is one of the most important responsibilities of the nurses to educate the patient properly to prevent hospital readmission, improve patient’s confidence in health care and avoid relapses. Moreover,...

The Working and Living Conditions in the Industrial Revolution

3 Pages 1183 Words
The Industrial Revolution was the big ‘manufacturing boom’ when Europe and the US transitioned to a new manufactured/ technological age and system. Due to this revolution many citizens of Europe moved into large, cramped cities which had very poor hygiene and living conditions. Majority of people worked on farms or in small communities. They would grow, harvest and make what...

Nigerian Oral Hygiene Struggle and Sustainable Solutions

3 Pages 1292 Words
Nigeria is struggling with many health, infrastructural, economic and political challenges. But the most challenging of these issues is that “major issues seem to be treated as minor issues and minor issues seem to be treated as major issues”. As nationals and dental professionals that should uphold health we are asked to answer the varying questions that hold back on...

Proposed Changes for Significant Health Legislation

2 Pages 1014 Words
The provision of health care in the United States (U.S.) does not function as a logical and interconnected system network designed to work together in a coherent manner. Instead, it is devoid of any unity and remains poorly structured in terms of funding, insurance delivery, distribution and payment processes. In a system that is fundamentally fractured and in which the...

Critically Reviewing Current American Health Policy and the Need for Change

2 Pages 682 Words
As we are in the center of a presidential campaign where several politicians are debating the need for a huge health reform, it is important to talk about the current health care policy focusing so heavily on cost and relatively little on quality. Health insurance remains a big topic in American policy, with critical discussions about affordable care provision and...

The Existing Restrictions of CBT for People with GAD in the UK

3 Pages 1143 Words
Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) is a serious, debilitating condition which affects around 5% of the UK’s population, therefore it is vital that the advice given by health care professionals to help cope with this disorder is accessible to all those who require it. Currently, once an individual is diagnosed with GAD, the main recommended treatment is cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)...

Factors Affecting Quality of Care in Nursing Homes

1 Page 480 Words
The population around the world is growing in the fast pace every year with significant increase in the elder population. As the population ages, there is growing interest in the health care services for seniors. Nursing homes, also known as Long-Term Care facilities (LTC) or personal care homes across Canada, represent a critical component of our health care system, especially...

How Can We Address the Health and Well-Being of Our Veterans, Military and Their Families?

1 Page 493 Words
The health and well-being of all people should be a number one priority, especially to those veterans, military and their families. Unfortunately, it is not a priority. There has been a lot of research done throughout the years that portrays the negative consequences our veterans and military undergo through the transition of military life to civilian life. I admit that...

Application of Kotter’s Change Theory in Nursing

6 Pages 2892 Words
John Kotter was born in California on 25th February 1947. He graduated from Massachusetts Institute of technology in 1968 with a Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering and a Master of Science later in 1970. In 1972, John completed his Doctor in Business Administration at Harvard Business School. He joined Harvard Business School faculty and in 1981 he received tenure...

Poor Sanitation Leads to Mortality

1 Page 503 Words
The Crimean War was a military conflict fought from October 1853 to February 1856. In the end, the Russian Empire lost to an alliance of the Ottoman Empire, France, Britain, and Sardinia. By January 1856, “Russia lost 500,000 troops, mostly to disease, malnutrition, and exposure…” ( Editors). In 1855, there was a discovery found stating that poor sanitation levels led...

Dynamics of the Spread of Common Mental Disorders

2 Pages 813 Words
The world health organisation (2014) states that mental health is a condition of mind which includes psychological, social and emotional well-being. Mental health can also be a great factor in how an individual feels, thinks and act thereby determining how a person handles stress, make choices and relates to other people around. The US department of health and human services...

Curriculum for Excellence and Getting It Right for Every Child (GIRFEC) Approach

5 Pages 2220 Words
The World Health Organization (1948) defines Health “as a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. This meaning suggests that the health of an individual incorporates much more than just the absence of an illness and includes several aspects of a person’s wellbeing. The World Health Organization (2004) describes the...

Arguments for Free Health Care in the UK

2 Pages 1001 Words
Many people know Health care in Scotland is free and people believe that everything under the NHS is provided with this ‘free health care’. This is not always the case. As I was sitting in the waiting room of an orthodontist a young boy came out from his checkup. At the desk, he was told that because he lost his...

Health Care Policy and Health Care System in the Soviet Kazakhstan: Historical Essay

6 Pages 2728 Words
Abstract: On the exit of Tsars Central Asia including Kazakhstan was plagued with malaria, leprosy, polio, diphtheria, and tuberculosis.[footnoteRef:2] The general mortality rate was 30.2 per 1000 inhabitants and infant mortality rate was 272.0 per 1000 births. In 1913, average life expectancy was under 32.0 years, and 0.4 doctors were available per 10,000 inhabitants in Kazakhstan.[footnoteRef:3] The condition in Russia...

The Role of the Healthcare Professional in Health Care Policy Making: Analytical Essay

6 Pages 2690 Words
Policies regarding health are essentially plans that are subsequently put into action. These policies help to guide health care professionals in providing care to achieve specific health-related goals. (WHO, 2019). My personal interpretation of health policy is basically rules and regulations set forth by various government agencies to guide health care professionals in providing evidence-based, ethical medical care. A health...

Assessment of Adverse Drug Reaction of Injectable Disease-Modifying Drugs in the Treatment Of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Patients

2 Pages 959 Words
Introduction Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory, demyelinating and debilitating autoimmune disease of the central nervous system (CNS),with Overcoming Woman gender which without effective cure and requires Lifetime treatment(1). The purpose of Treatment in MS is to prevent recurrence and reduce the rate of neurologic Destruction.(2). Doctors generally prescribe disease-modifying drugs (DMDs) to reduce the frequency and severity of relapses...

Nursing Care Plan for Chronic Nerve Pain

2 Pages 945 Words
A nursing care plan allows a nurse to identify the most pressing concerns for a client, develop nursing interventions and evaluate them. This report details a nursing care plan for a client with liver cirrhosis presenting with unresolved chronic sciatic pain. My client D.R was a gentleman who presented with this disease. He is 75 years old and quite sharp...

Negative Perception of Nursing Homes in Society: Analytical Essay

3 Pages 1208 Words
Imagine forty or seventy years from now, you’re in a beautiful home that you built for you and your family. Then your children and grandchildren try to convince you to go to a nursing home saying it’s better for you and you’d be taken care of better. It’s like a slap to the face, it hurts. Your own children that...

Effectiveness of Teaching Methods on Knowledge and Practice of Food Hygiene among Almajirai in Nigeria

8 Pages 3634 Words
Abstract The study assessed the effectiveness of demonstration, discussion and recitation teaching methods on knowledge and practice of food hygiene among almajirai in tsangaya in Kano Municipal, Nigeria. A quasi-experimental design was adopted for the study. A sample of 147 participants was drawn using a multi-stage sampling procedure. Participants were assigned to three groups and lesson on food hygiene was...

Nursing Care Plan: Case Study of Cerebrovascular Accident

3 Pages 1633 Words
Case Study: CVA A Cerebrovascular accident (stroke) is a rapid-onset medical emergency than can cause neurological damage and disabilities. Many people know of or heard of someone having a stroke before; it is very common in the United States. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, stroke kills about 140,000 Americans each year- that’s 1 out of every 20...

Essay on Interpretation of ‘Hospice & Palliative Care Centre’ and Definition of Related Terminologies

5 Pages 2438 Words
Aim To provide the relief from pain and care for the patients who are at the last stage of cancer, by creating spaces related to activities which a soothing effect on the inhabitants which eventually acts generate as a stress reliever. Objectives To analyse the factors that affect human and human psychology health and their influences which improves the quality...

The Benefits of Palliative Care: Case Study

5 Pages 2246 Words
Discussion Questions 1 The benefits of palliative care for a patient with a terminally ill disease are numerous. First, palliative care follows a patient-centered holistic approach that focuses on the mind, body, and spirit. Palliative treatment includes the psychosocial, spiritual, pain management and management of symptoms that are specific to the patient. The palliative care team is made up of...

Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory As the Relevant Theory That Underpins the Principles of Nursing Practice

2 Pages 709 Words
The essence of theory in the profession of nursing is to improve practice by positively influencing the health and quality of life of patients. The relationship between theory and practice is reciprocal. Practice is the basis for the development of nursing theory whereas nursing theory must be validated in practice (Saleh, 2018). To bridge the theory practice gap we must...

Nursing Theory: Annotated Bibliography

2 Pages 982 Words
Annotated Bibliography Fronczek, A. E. (2019). Nursing theory in virtual care. Nursing Science Quarterly, 32(1), 35-38. In this peer reviewed journal on nursing theory in virtual care, Fronczek explains the benefits of nursing theory in virtual care environments. The main idea of this article is that, in this day and age, nursing actions can be conducted in nontraditional spaces and...

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