Health Care essays

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Development of Nursing Theory: Reflective Essay

3 Pages 1352 Words
In my perspective, theories are developed by analytical thinkers, who assemble a set of reports such as: proposals, models, philosophies, depictions, qualitative and quantitative data to be thoroughly tested with the support of evidenced-based research. Furthermore, I believe theories are also hypothetical opinions that encounter trial runs to be verified as reliable resources to practice in healthcare settings. The development...

Analysis of Importance of Sanitation and Hygiene at Hotel Industry: A Thesis Proposal

8 Pages 3650 Words
Abstract Proposals talks about the importance of sanitation and personal hygiene in the field of hotel industry due to which many customers can be attracted towards the hotel. At present condition most of the people those who visited to hotel from different places are so much conscious about sanitation and good hygienic environment for spending their quality time on the...

Quality Improvement in Healthcare System: Analytical Essay on Importance of Hand Hygiene

7 Pages 3102 Words
1.0 Introduction Barone (2019) define quality management (QM) as “the act of overseeing all activities and tasks needed to maintain desired level of excellence”. Association for Project Management (2019), further explains that QM consist of four elements which are quality planning, quality assurance, quality control and quality improvement. The focus in this discussion is on quality improvement (QI). QI is...

Experiences and Perceptions of Trained Volunteers in Dementia Palliative Care: Descriptive Qualitative Study

8 Pages 3461 Words
1. Abstract The aim of this study is to understand the perceptions and experiences of trained volunteers in caring for patients in dementia-palliative ward in Singapore. Methods A descriptive qualitative research study will be conducted in Assisi Hospice (AH). Purposive sampling will be used to recruit 20 participants. The data will be collected through face-to-face semi-structured interviews and will be...

Identity and Access Management in Nursing Home: Analytical Essay

7 Pages 3102 Words
Executive Summary This report will focus on the CISSP Domain 5 - Identity and Access Management in Nursing homes. With brief overview of what nursing home is to -how the identity of resident managed in nursing home is covered in the report. The report also contains in root analysis of how authentication and authorization management is carried out in nursing...

Importance of Health Care Policy in America: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 1990 Words
Health policy refers to decisions, plans, and actions that are undertaken to achieve specific health care goals within a society (World Health Organization, 2019). It outlines priorities and the expected roles of different groups; and it builds consensus and informs people (WHO, 2019). Health care policy implicates the nursing field on so many levels. There are around four million nurses...

Assessment of Ethical and Policy Issues that Affect the Coordination of Care in Nursing Homes

3 Pages 1249 Words
Ethical and Policy factors Introduction The elderly in nursing homes are among those who require the highest level of care coordination. However, various ethical and policy issues have been reported to be the primary factor affecting effective care coordination in nursing homes (Townsend et al. 2017). Even though most of the nursing care staff have reported low care coordination, minimal...

Concept of Hildegard E. Peplau’s Theory in Nursing Care Plan: Case Study

4 Pages 1715 Words
Introduction Hildegard E Peplau believes that nursing helps a person learn and grow during the time of illness by strengthening the person’s intellectual and interpersonal competencies through the process of nurse-client interactions. This assignment is going to discuss how to apply Hildegard E Peplau’s theory and how this theory could help me in reviewing and developing my own nursing practice....

Justice as Fairness: Annotated Bibliography on Palliative Care

3 Pages 1258 Words
Palliative care improves the quality of life and diminishes symptoms for individuals diagnosed with a serious illness. Also, it assists patients to understand all of their choices for medical treatment. It is useful at any stage of the illness, but is most effective if provided from the point of diagnosis. It can be provided to the patient along with curative...

Nursing Care Plan for Patient with Peripheral Fluid Retention

5 Pages 2275 Words
Nursing Care Plan for Patients with Edema The patient being discussed in this nursing care plan will be referred to as Mrs. Eileen Sparks. She is 80 years old, of German decent, speaks very little English, and currently resides in the Richmond, Vancouver area. Mrs. Spark’s husband, Ian Sparks, died five years ago. They had met in Berlin and immigrated...

Causes of Malnutrition in Nursing Homes: Argumentative Essay

5 Pages 2133 Words
Introduction Nutritional issues, especially Malnutrition has been an ongoing challenge for the Long-Term Care industry. During the 20th century, the United States witnessed an 11-fold increase in the elderly population, summing it up to 33 million (Crogan & Evans, 2001). Out of the 33 million, an estimated 5% of the people aged 65 years and above reside in nursing homes...

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy: Analysis of Health Care Policy

4 Pages 1825 Words
Identify and discuss health policies that apply to the topic. (This requires approximately 600 words and is to be supported with evidence and in-text referencing). Throughout this review on the health issue of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) explore and examine the policies and guidelines applied to the health problem. According to Mayo Clinic (2018) that Sudden infant death Syndrome...

Potential of Umbilical Cord Stem Cells to Repair Damaged Cardiac Tissue in Vascular Disease Patients: Analytical Essay

5 Pages 2279 Words
Research report Claim: Stems cells have the potential to improve life. Research question: Does umbilical cord stem cells or 3D printed mini heart have the most potential to repair or replace damaged cardiac tissue in vascular disease patients? Rationale Cristy Lytal from the Keck School of Medicine of USC claimed that ‘if you lose a limb, it’s lost for life....

Research Report on Hospital-acquired Infections and the Dominance of Hand Hygiene in This Sector

6 Pages 2622 Words
Introduction Hospitals are the trusted entities for people when they are affected by serious disease conditions. However, it is an irony that hospital itself creates several complications and puts the needy in a greater dilemma. Hospital-acquired infections are one of the most common complications affecting hospital patients, in which most of them make raises the morbidity and mortality rate among...

Importance of Hand Hygiene in an Emergency Department: Analytical Essay

5 Pages 2096 Words
In nursing and other professions, evidence has shown that hand hygiene is highly important. Hand hygiene has helped reduce the spread of bacteria and infection. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has made a standardised step by step process that is known across the whole world. Hand hygiene can prevent most healthcare-associated infections if health professional wash their hands at the...

Public Health Approach to Gun Violence: Analytical Essay

3 Pages 1348 Words
Many communities across Canada have been impacted by very public displays of gun violence. In 2018, the rate of gun violence in Canada reached it’s highest since 1992. While there have been many public debates on gun violence, one question remains unanswered, “How do we stop it?” Canada has had its share of opportunities to commit preventive actions that would...

Patients’ Spirituals Needs: Case Study

3 Pages 1239 Words
Healing and Autonomy There exists a contradiction between spiritual faith and medical intervention, globally. The Holy Books of Christianity, for instance, have not offered the right direction on the illness intervention. It remains a hot topic whether Christians should follow their faith or seek medical treatment in case of illnesses. Healing and Autonomy case study offers a similar scenario where...

Reflective Essay on Code of Conduct for Nurses: Case Study of Consent of the Patients, Safety Procedures, Practice under the Influence of Drugs

6 Pages 2811 Words
Introduction The legal requirements and professional behaviours are set by the code of conduct for the nurses. The code of conduct for the nurses further describe the principles that are to be maintained in professional practice in order to maintain effective professional practice. This code is abided by the National law made for the nurses in Australia. The code principles...

Business Research: Modern Effects of Industrialization on Employees’ Health/ Stress/ Employability

4 Pages 1651 Words
1. Introduction The revolution of the industry from agro based to industrial sector is said to be industrialization (Chappelow, 2019). As the immense need of revolution in the planet, the growth of industrialization has begun from 18th-19th century. The urbanization and industrialization goes hand in hand as the growth of industrialization persuaded people to shift from rural place to urban...

Individual Case Study: Nursing Care Plan on Interventions with Rationales

3 Pages 1480 Words
Nursing Problem (1st) Assessment Goals Interventions with Rationales (I: Intervention; R: Rationale) Evaluation Controlling body temperature: Hyperthermia related to wound infection Subjective: Matt had treated the wound himself by bathing it in vinegar and water His daughter discovered the left knee wound has been getting worse today Objective: Abnormal vital sign: 38.9ºC in oral temperature Left knee wound back assessment:...

Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Theory: Case Study

4 Pages 1996 Words
Mr. Shoaib is a 62 year old male patient admitted to your ward. He has right ischemic CVA and resultant left site body paralysis. He has no sensation or movement in the left side of body. He has lost his gag reflux and is unable to swallow food. An N/G tube is placed for providing him nutrition. Mr. Shoaib is...

Palliative Care, Philosophy, Concepts and Debates: Argumentative Essay

5 Pages 2221 Words
What is your understanding of Palliative Care? The definition of Palliative care is constantly changing. In the early 1970’s the term palliative care was introduced by Balfour Mount Medicine (AAHPM) defines palliative care as “ to prevent and relieve suffering and to support the best possible quality of life for patients facing life-threatening or debilitating illness and their families regardless...

Ethical Principles in Nursing Home: Case Study of Dora

3 Pages 1576 Words
Introduction In regard of culture, society and ethics is to respond by analyzing the issues, by seeking ways to solve the issues presented by following the Laws of human right also implying the “FREDA principles” which is a involves of Fairness, Respect, Equality, Dignity, and Autonomy. The ETHICAL principles (by doing or putting in practice what is morally right) it...

Health Promotion and Vulnerability in Teenage Pregnancy

2 Pages 1068 Words
Introduction Health promotion has been considered a vital part of nursing for over 150 years. Florence Nightingale stated in 1859 that health promotion is significant to the definition of nursing. Health promotion has been confused with health education for years in nursing literature. However, health promotion as a concept requires more patient involvement than health education because it requires the...

Health Promotion and the Type Two Diabetic Patient and Family

2 Pages 1020 Words
The purpose of this written assignment is to discuss health promotion with a patient and their family that suffers from the chronic condition type two diabetes mellitus. First, I will define and describe health promotion. Next, we will discuss type two diabetes mellitus, its disease process, symptoms, and possible treatments. Finally, I will discuss three ways I could promote the...

Public Health: Promoting Health and Wellbeing

5 Pages 2393 Words
Public health as a whole is focused on ensuring a population stays healthy and is protected from any potential threats to their health (National Health Service (NHS), 2015). This was summarised by Acheson (1988) when he defined public health as the ‘art and science of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through the organized efforts of society’. The importance...

Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

2 Pages 749 Words
Langford et al., (2018) Describes the behavioral and genetic beliefs in line with developing hypertension (HTN) using sociodemographic factors and reports based on self HTN status as well as individuals with a history of HTN, evaluating the association between the behavior change attempts and HTN related causal beliefs. Langford et al., (2018) uses a data elicited from the 2014 Health...

Health Communication and Promotion in Singapore

2 Pages 916 Words
As Singapore continue to progress and prosper, health issues will forever be a cause of concern for us. From Statistics, one in nine Singaporeans has diabetes. Almost twenty-four percent of Singaporeans have high blood pressure. Singapore Promotion Board, a government organisation committed to promoting healthy living in Singapore, has also implemented a few measures to encourage individuals in order to...

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