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Diminished Responsibility Within Scots Criminal Law

3 Pages 1344 Words
Here in Scotland we have a hybrid legal system, this means it has combined aspects of both civil and common law systems. In Scots criminal law, it is recognised that there are two different types of mitigating pleas, these are diminished responsibility and provocation. If a mitigating plea is successful, an accused’s charge will be reduced. In the case of...

Justice Sandel And On Immunity Vaccination

2 Pages 1110 Words
In relation to Michael Sandel’s Justice, Jeremy Bentham’s theory draws a fine line between the decision on whether to vaccinate or not to vaccinate. According to Bentham, utilitarianism is defined as “maximizing the happiness of the community as a whole” (Sandel 34). In relation to Biss’ argument, although being vaccinated results in this “euphoria” that consists of happiness, pleasure, and...

The Police Officers As Functionaries In The Criminal Justice System

4 Pages 1639 Words
When individuals hear terms such as valorous, venturesome, dauntless, or lionhearted one of the professionals people think of are Police officers. Police officers are appreciated in society because people know they are the primary reason for people being able to sleep peacefully at night. They are the ones who risk their lives to protect us from threatening individuals. Police officers...

Principles Of Natural Justice: Reasoned Decision

4 Pages 1898 Words
INTRODUCTION Adam Smith's economic theory Laissez-Faire had support from numerous classical economists, but this individualistic theory had devasting outcomes. Then all the industrial relations were administered by the management. Over time, society was shifting gears from laissez-faire to social welfare society. Administrative law was expanding its horizon, and therefore socio-economic justice obliged the executives to implement a statutory safeguard to...

Expanding The Recognition Of Family Relationships Through Law

4 Pages 1642 Words
Early family law recognized “traditional” families as consisting of a married man and women who biologically conceive a child naturally. As time progressed, different social revolutions and technological advancements influenced society to expand their perception of what qualifies as a family. As a result of these adjustments, different laws were reassessed and modified to better suit the changes that these...

The Family Court And Taylah Clavell Federal Circuit Court Of Australia

2 Pages 1088 Words
Law reform is the process of reviewing current laws and proposing and introducing reforms in the legal system in order to promote justice or efficiency. The law reform bodies or law commissions are closely linked and are entities formed to promote legislative reforms. The Family Court was created by the legislation on Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) which aims to...
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The Role Of Betrayal And Revenge In Medea

2 Pages 905 Words
Euripides uses betrayal and revenge as strong influences on the characters of his play, “Medea”. The story starts seeing Medea as the one who’s been betrayed but as it continues, she turns that hurt into revenge, therefore losing trust in other characters. Her revenge is seen as excessive and perverse. Jason and ageus are only thinking about what is best...

Justice Vs Mercy in The Merchant of Venice & Poem Justice

2 Pages 706 Words
The common module gives an understanding of the human experience through collective and individual experiences. Through various modes of storytelling, texts have the ability to explore timeless issues which have always been faced by humanity, whilst illustrating lone perspectives of the individual characters. The universal themes portrayed in the texts are enhanced by the specific experiences of the characters, allowing...

China Pakistan Free Trade Agreement (CPFTA)

4 Pages 2175 Words
Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) are treaties between two or more countries to promote trade without any hindrance, and thus to ensure smooth outflow of goods and service across the countries territory. There is a long history and theory behind the formation of FTAs. One of the earliest concepts which supported FTAs was comparative advantage theory given by the Economist “David...
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The Colonial Prerequisites Of British Constitution

3 Pages 1478 Words
As Declared by Collymore v AG, the constitution declares supremacy of the law. However, when it comes to the Caribbean, we are in a peculiar situation; our laws are transcribed from Britain. Our constitutions are model after a variant of the Westminster system maintaining colonial presence in the Caribbean, despite us being independent states. The line from Drayton, ‘The worm...

Brisbane Courts: Planning & Environmental Court Observation

6 Pages 2576 Words
INTRODUCTION Between August 20th and 23rd I observed six hours of legal procedure in Planning and Environmental Court in the Supreme and District Courts of Brisbane. Over the course of the three days I observed the court, I witnessed a range of reviews as well as two different hearings held by two different judges. Many similarities and a spattering of...
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Justice And Mercy In The Merchant Of Venice

2 Pages 717 Words
Shakespeare has captured the attention of the world creating his new words and developing characteristics in characters relationships that are still seen in the 21st century. His personal views on justice and mercy are implicitly and explicitly shown through characters and their relationships. The Merchant of Venice; one of Shakespeare’s most famous articles of work has many examples of justice...

Court System And Proceedings

1 Page 599 Words
The role of court system is to help citizens protect their constitutional rights and enforce the rights of individuals. Their main purpose is to give opportunities to parties that are in conflict to be heard in the court in order to solve the dispute in a fair, consistent and rational manner using the law and also to bring justice towards...
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Commercial Law And Agreements

4 Pages 1718 Words
Hire purchase agreements are agreements whereby an owner of goods allows a person, the hirer, to hire goods from him for a specified time while paying the owner in scheduled instalments. The hirer has an option to buy the goods at the end of the agreement if all installments are being paid. Hire Purchase Agreements however, are not contracts of...
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Federal And State Court System In The USA

1 Page 481 Words
The court system in the United States is based on the government system. The term “federalism” is defined as “a system of government power” ( In the United States, government power includes the national and state government. The White House in Washington, D.C is the symbol of the national government or federal government. Each state has its own state government...
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James Rachels And Martin Luther: Cultural Relativism And Justice

2 Pages 988 Words
Rachels principle guarantee is that the hypothesis of social relativism has genuine shortages, though a portion of the premises it depends on are substantial. In Rachels word, it is “not [as] plausible as it appears to be.”(57) One of the primary premises that social relativism remains on is that “different cultures have different moral codes.”(54) Rachels demonstrates this is valid...

Family Law In African Jurisprudence

5 Pages 2471 Words
Introduction When we speak of sources of law, it is essential to mention custom. This is due to its peculiarity, as unlike other sources of law. Which are in a form imposed on the populace, the custom is a totality of what the people generally as having the effect of law. African customs are unwritten traditions and practices of the...

Mercy Vs. Justice

1 Page 404 Words
If mercy requires a departure from strict justice, it is calling for injustice, a vice; if mercy never requires a departure from strict justice, it is then merely a part of justice , The purpose of this paper is to analyse charges on mercy. Murphy describes mercy as “As a moral virtue, mercy derives its value at least in part...

Paris Agreement: History And Effects

4 Pages 1781 Words
Abstract Climate Change has become one of the criticalities towards the sustainability our existence, with continuous increase in carbon and greenhouse gas emissions and lack of significant targets to tackle this global problem, The purpose of this paper is to deliberate on the Paris Accord, and analyze if the agreement is ambitious enough, if it will bring the planet Earth...
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The Hierarchy Of The Civil And Criminal Courts And Their Structure

3 Pages 1348 Words
Civil courts Supreme Court The supreme court is one of the highest courts in the United Kingdom has the final say on the most significant legal issues. They are the conclusive check and excess on the UK's legislation and establishment their duty is no different to many similar bodies in other kingdoms. The restriction on what legislation says when there...
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Five Pillars of Dharma: Knowledge, Patience, Justice, Love, Dedication

4 Pages 1923 Words
In Sanatan Dharma, each individual creation needs to function as per their characteristics (the basic properties given by the creator) and code of conduct. For example - fire should burn and give heat to function- according to its dharma, and water in rivers needs to flow into the oceans. Dharma upholds the created universe, supports it and sustains it, without...

Features Of Scottish Family Law

4 Pages 1711 Words
There are two famous legal system existed in the world. Roman law which is functioning in European countries and the common law known as English common law. Therefore, Scotland has a mixed or hybrid legal system which is derived from both Roman law and the Common law. It is suggested that Scottish law has more empathy with the civilian systems...

Pros And Cons Of Roe V Wade

3 Pages 1608 Words
Introduction: Overview and Summary Statements The controversial culture war on abortion refers to the government’s recent decisions to overthrow the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court ruling. The Roe v. Wade Supreme Court Case addressed states that banned abortions because they were unconstitutional and that women should be able to request an abortion if they choose. Since the Roe v....

Career As Lawyer

3 Pages 1495 Words
Ever since the time of the Greek and the Romans, lawyers have been an important part of society. They were the help needed in any legal case. The need for them is very high but there are also ways to become one. It is a very rewarding job that requires a certain amount of education. A lawyer is a career...
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Abortion Opinion Essay: Thoughts

2 Pages 1148 Words
The topic of abortion issues is one with great controversy. There are many ethical, moral, medical and religious question. Many people take side as pro-choice or pro-life. There is strong feeling for both school of thought. We look at the public opinion of both positive and negative aspect of abortion issues. Abortion is one of about six major issues that...

Woman Behind The USA Abortion Ruling

2 Pages 696 Words
During the Nixon presidency many movements like the Hippie Movement, The Protest on Alcatraz by members of “Indians of All Tribes”, and the Women’s Rights Movement started to arise. Former President Richard Nixon was a strong supporter of the Equal Rights Amendment that would have guaranteed equality for women. Up until the 19th century abortion was legal in the United...

Punitive And Restorative Justice

3 Pages 1421 Words
There are many reasons and answers on the punishment for crime as it have changed over the past 20 years more than restorative. The attitudes to crime and deviance have influenced this change. The easiest way to explain this is that back it was common in the ancient times up to until a couple decades ago, offenders would have their...

Difference Between Lawyer And Attorney

2 Pages 1128 Words
It is not rare to see two different terms with similar meanings being used interchangeably in every language writing and speaking. There are quite a lot of them in the English language, but for the sake of this piece, we will focus on the difference between lawyer and attorney. In the legal profession (and life generally), there are stages to...
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The Genealogy Of The Dilemma Of Women

3 Pages 1314 Words
Introduction There are many factors that affect the choices that one makes. This involves societal influences, the beliefs that families and friends strong upon, and religious worship. When it comes to abortion, this choice is solely dependent on the woman to make. There are two sides to the argument regarding abortion: pro choice and pro life. Ms. Politt, a known...

Victim-Offender Mediation In Restorative Justice

2 Pages 1121 Words
Are we often the first ones to apologize to the person who was hurt? “Forgiveness means letting go of anger and the desire for revenge and moving toward an increasingly positive view of and acceptance of the party that harmed oneself or the people one cares about” (Coleman) When the offender directly addresses the victim, the latter may also, for...

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