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Juvenile Justice System: Where Is It Now?

From the start of the nineteenth century, youth have been granted the privilege of being tried as children, rather than adults. Before then, any child above the age of seven could be charged as an adult criminal and sent to prison (National Academic Press). According to Juvenile Justice, Juvenile Crime which was published by the National Academic Press, the first juvenile court was founded in 1899 in Chicago. The United States juvenile justice system has been back and forth on...
3 Pages 1359 Words

Marijuana Legalization and the United States

The United States is constantly evolving around new ideas and ever changing matters. The stance on how people and governments see and understand matters that affect them is ever changing and must be evaluated to keep up with current policies and data. Marijuana is a matter that is a present subject which is in the news and creating much debate. This discussion will speak on how cannabis affects our economics, medical uses, and laws. The economics of a state and...
3 Pages 1480 Words

Marijuana: A Weed for a Cure

What is marijuana? Or in generic term, it is referred to as ‘Cannabis’. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Cannabis is by far the most widely cultivated, trafficked and abused illicit drug. Half of all drug seizures worldwide are cannabis seizures. The geographical spread of those seizures is also global, covering practically every country of the world. Simply, this only state that marijuana or cannabis is illegal and used for unethical works not only in certain areas around the...
4 Pages 1760 Words

The Legalization of Marijuana and its Benefits

Over the years the evolution of medicine has drastically improved. Along with the technological advances, the field of medicine has steered away from old medicinal practices such as leeching, herbal medicines, immediate amputation, and others in favour of modern medical drugs and technology. However there is a debate whether marijuana could be used for modern medicine. Many studies show that this is a solution of a multitude of illnesses while there are also studies which say that it is not....
2 Pages 1008 Words

The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Legalization of Marijuana for Recreational and Medical Purposes

Marijuana that is legally available for adults has multiple implications for adolescent substance use. One potential effect that legalization may have is an increase in adolescent use to due increased availability, greater social acceptance, and possibly lower prices. Legalization may also introduce new formulations of marijuana (edible or vaporized) that are very influential, especially to the younger generation. It is unknown what adolescent consumption patterns will be if marijuana is widely available and marketed in different forms, or what effects...
2 Pages 1026 Words

Populist Politics and Criminal Justice Policy-Making

Populist politics and criminal justice policy-making refers to the influence public opinion and fear of crime has on politicians and policy. Moral panics and punctuated equilibrium emerging in the 1970s allowed populist politics to become dominant in society; influencing criminal justice policy making as politicians focussed on what was popular in the media, with moral panics causing the dominance of fear of crime within society leading to policy rupture and political parties toughing it out to get the most votes...
2 Pages 1090 Words

Global Distributive Justice

I want to focus my project on global distributive justice and the issues of the current pandemic, concentrating specifically on vaccine distribution and health services. I aim to demonstrate that a global effort is vital. Since the world is so interconnected because of globalisation, and the pandemic is global and affects all, it is important to find a vaccine on a global scale to ensure that everyone can access it, regardless of their resources. COVID-19 highlights how the world is...
2 Pages 960 Words

Police Use Of Restorative Justice In England And Wales

Introduction What is restorative justice? Restorative justice is the process to involve those who have a stake in a specific offence and to collectively identify and address harms, needs and obligation, in order to put things as right as possible (Howard Zehr) It brings those who have been harmed by crime and conflict into communication with those responsible for the harm, in order to repair the harm in a positive way. The program aims to get offenders to understand their...
4 Pages 2036 Words

The Peculiarities Of Restorative Justice Programs

It is important to understand that restorative justice may not be beneficial from a victim’s perspective as it is a complexed issue. Not every individual that has been victimised is the same, there are various types of victims and offenders. They differ from race, ethnicity, gender, religion, age, levels of education, sexual orientation, maturity along with others. These different factors between individual victim(s) and individual offender(s) are rendered problematic concerning the interaction between the individuals, which is what adds to...
2 Pages 765 Words

Implementing Restorative Practices In Schools

In a traditional approach to school discipline, the enquiry is one of blame and punishment. This retributive approach, initially described as a ‘quick fix’, does not provide significant evidence that this tactic leads to the required change of behaviour (Blum, McNeeley & Rinehart, 2002). A restorative approach, on the other hand, is focused on helping to realize the impact of someone’s action and repairing the harm. It encompasses understanding that the harm has been done and work with those involved...
2 Pages 970 Words

Restorative Justice As A Way Forward To Reduce Reoffending In Youth Delinquency

Restorative Justice (RJ) is a relatively young discipline in the Criminal Justice system, aiming to enable a safe communication between victims of crimes and offenders. Evidence suggests that restorative interventions have been successful in serious and complex offences, and now a significant amount of work is focusing on the use of restorative approaches to support young offenders to provide opportunity to make amends for their actions and to reduce reoffending rates. The elegant definition of Restorative Justice The main aim...
2 Pages 1048 Words

Why Marijuana Should be Legalised in the UK

For many years, Marijuana has been illegal in the UK. However, many people like me believe that it should be legal. Therefore, you may ask why should weed be legal. Cigarettes are legal in the UK even though they cause cancer of the lungs but weed is quite the opposite, it kills cancer cells. Therefore, why hasn’t the government banned cigarettes and legalized weed. Marijuana is also 114 times safer than alcohol. Alcohol causes liver problems and yet is still...
2 Pages 711 Words

The Relation of Equity and Social Justice

Social justice has been part of the discussion within Scottish Parliament since it was established in 1999 with one of the first policy programmes focusing on social justice (‘Social Justice: A Scotland Where Everyone Matters -Scottish Executive, 1999). Social justice is concerned with socially marginalised groups and how society responds to this. Inclusion is education’s response to social justice and social justice can only be achieved through inclusive schools and teachers (Dyson, 1999). A key feature of social justice is...
1 Page 438 Words

Importance of First Amendment for Being American

What does being American mean? Is it okay to kneel during the National Anthem? Is kneeling during the National Anthem really a disrespectful gesture? Can you be forced to display signs of patriotism? These questions among others have come up a lot in the wake of Colin Kaepernick’s kneeling protest. Kaepernick is an ex-NFL quarterback, who began kneeling during the National Anthem in September of 2016. It became a trend throughout the NFL with many teams protesting in their own...
2 Pages 1074 Words

Revenge In Romantic Relationships

Revenge in romantic relationships typically has negative consequences and is considered immoral, but it can also be considered beneficial. Revenge can cause unexpected and unintentional consequences that can be destructive in a relationship, but it can also be constructive and help regulate a relationship. It can encourage empathy and avoid future offences by showing the consequences of when one partner is vengeful. This study intends to analyze the costs and benefits of revenge in romantic relationships. The participants were assigned...
1 Page 560 Words

Criminal Justice System: Racism in America

Introduction In today’s society, the topic of racism is a sensitive subject to touch on, as it affects more than just African-Americans, it effects all minorities living in America such as: Hispanics, Asian-Americans, Native Americans, Canadians, and people who are put purely, “White.” In many cases, such as the young man, Emantic Bradford, who was killed on Thanksgiving night by police and an outrage of racism and discrimination was frowned upon officers, but the whole story was never actually “seen,”...
3 Pages 1399 Words

Principles Of Restorative Justice

Introduction Restorative justice is an approach to justice that has its focus on a wide range of human emotions such as healing, mediation, compassion, forgiveness and reconciliation. According to Jim Consedine, (1997; 184) it is an approach that focuses on three key components; the offenders, the victim and the community on the needs of the victim. The purpose is to repair the damage caused by the offender by providing a process of dialogue between the offenders, the victims, their families...
4 Pages 1755 Words

Women in Criminal Justice: Analytical Essay

Imagine it, you have found the love of your life! He is tall, great head of hair, gorgeous eyes and a smile that could charm the pants off anyone. You could not be happier or more in love. Then, not long after your wedding day, everything changes. He is soon monitoring your every action. Giving you permission to whom you can and cannot speak to. Insulting you, and lastly begins to get physical. You make up excuses, telling yourself, family...
5 Pages 2255 Words

Reflection On Criminal Justice: Opinion Essay

It is important for high school students who are interested in going into the criminal justice system to be educated on the field and the different careers made available to them. Careers in the criminal justice field are in high demand by United States citizens for both increased protection and better prison facilities. According to Johnson (1998), “students interested in working in the criminal justice system have many careers from which to choose, including policing, corrections, and the judiciary” (para....
2 Pages 746 Words

The Immigration Issue From Justice Theory Perspective

Outline: Introduction of current statutes of the immigration issue in Europe Different perspectives of justice on the immigration problem Conclusion with personal review and opinion on the immigration issue The immigration issue is a recent issue that brings complicated situations to European countries. Although the EU and European countries are committed to improving European the immigration issue, the future situation is still not clear and guided. With both economic immigration and the arriving asylum immigrants, different European countries face their...
3 Pages 1343 Words

Community Sentences And Restorative Justice: Analytical Essay

Introduction This report will aim to find a suitable sentence for Mr S by looking at different sentences such as community sentencing and restorative justice to see which would be more appropriate to help rehabilitate Mr S into society and prevent potential future offences. Restorative Justice The aim of Restorative Justice is to get the offender and victim to meet and address the harm and trauma that has been caused to a victim to attempt to repair the victims harm...
4 Pages 1942 Words

Influence of Patriot Act on Personal Privacy in the Digital Age

Subject This briefing paper is going to discuss about personal privacy in the 21st century, the digital age. The purpose of this document is to inform the people about how the technology they are using is being used as a tool to monitor their every move and how they are completely under the control of the government. The report aims to: Explain why the government is surveilling its people Analyze how the government has been watching its people Address the...
4 Pages 1617 Words

Revenge Pornography: The Need To Make The Internet Safe For Women In A Digital Age

1. Introduction On the 20th of November 2019, Nigerian cyberspace was abuzz with the video of what appeared to be two young people having sex[footnoteRef:1]. The video itself began with the propping of the smartphone used to film by the male partner with what appeared to be the full consent of the female partner. [1: Michael, Isaac. “Twitter Users React To Leaked Sex Tape Of Babcock Students.” (accessed December 23, 2019)] A slew of reactions trailed the video,...
6 Pages 2566 Words

Key Issues Within The Criminal Justice Profession Which Pertain To White Collar Crimes

In this paper I will be discussing three key issues within the criminal justice profession which pertain to white collar crimes. The issues which will include: money laundering, racketeering and fraud. I will address the key points regarding these issues, create a time line from earlier crimes to crimes today as well as identify and describe multicultural and diversity issues. I will explain how members of society are aware of the duties and responsibilities within the criminal justice system. Explain...
3 Pages 1233 Words

Patriot Act And Life in the Homeland: Post 9/11-Treatment of Arab and Muslim Americans in the US

September 11th, 2001 (9/11), is a day that will long be remembered in small ways and in big ways. That morning, many families said goodbyes to their loved ones, not realizing it would be their last time together. On a larger scale, 9/11 will be remembered as an event that reshaped the mindset and perspectives of the entire nation, as it quickly launched a Global War on Terror, known as GWOT. The attacks that day included planes crashing into the...
3 Pages 1514 Words

First Amendment and Social Media: Analytical Essay

#1 Body Intro Paragraph (for part 1 of my research paper) In order to better understand the possible impact of internet censorship on our society, it is necessary to begin by looking at the 1st Amendment (see figure 1). Among other things, the 1st Amendment protects our freedom of speech. It is one of the building blocks of the democratic society we’ve all grown so used to. It allows citizens of the United States to use any kind of speech...
6 Pages 2858 Words

Patriot Act: Power That Companies And The Government Has Over The Citizenry Of The United States

This paper will explain the power that companies and the government has over the citizenry of the United States within the influence(s) and confines of the cyber world, and how our introduced bill will stop, punish, and dismantle the easy ability that corporations and the government have in violating privacy for monetary and political gain(s). With the rise of the Internet, Companies and the government have committed numerous privacy invasions. This paper will explain the negative Informational Scandals, intrusive marketing...
4 Pages 2012 Words

Patriot Act: Arguments For And Against

Imagine living in a mysterious world where your every move you was being monitored by the speakers of your phone, and everything that requires a connection. A place where it is no secret who you are, where you have went and who you associate with. The word privacy doesn’t exist in such a world like ours and the world everyone is heading to is becoming more secluded from the truth. Although surveillance isn't different from the practice of people watching,...
4 Pages 1679 Words

Focus On Crimination Concerning The Criminal Justice System

The concept of this paper is to focus on crimination concerning the criminal justice system. It will cover privacy concepts regarding social media, voice calls, and text messages and further on the concept of computer forensics, where it will give a description and the types of crimes committed as well as traditional warrants. Also it will answer why the law enforcement offers search warranty refrain from asking people against whom the search is directed to assist. Lastly, it will discuss...
2 Pages 684 Words

Justice: What’s the right thing to do? By Michael J. Sandel’s - Critical Analysis

Sandel, M. J. (2015). Justice: What’s the right thing to do? New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Introduction: Harvard professor Michael J. Sandel’s “Justice: What’s the Right Thing to Do?” second half follows the same formula as the first half.After exposing readers to three philosophies regarding the term justice, Sandel moves from introducing readers to the contemporary philosophies of Bentham, Nozick, and Kant to the ideals of John Rawls and Aristotle. In the last half of the book, Sandel explores...
6 Pages 2677 Words
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