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The Nature, Reasoning And Implementation Of The Prohibition In Mississippi

Despite the contentious topic of the Prohibition within Mississippi, it was a significant method of oppression in which social and cultural minorities suffered. An individual’s cultural identity proves to be tantamount in evolving historical interpretations regarding the area of debate. The addition of modern contextual values such as equality and access to new evidence has compelled an overwhelming and homogenous perception following the era, that regards it as discriminatory legislation. The Prohibition within the United States, saw the transportation, selling...
5 Pages 2386 Words

Restorative Justice As A Component Of The Criminal Justice System In England And Wales

Introduction The Criminal Justice System (CJS) in England and Wales is the major public service set up with the aim to deliver justice to all those that have been effect by crime, to achieve this effectively the CJS consist of multiple government agencies that have been tasked to “ deliver justice for all by convicting and punishing the guilty and helping them to stop reoffending, while protecting the innocent”, (Gardside,2008), other gaols of the CJS include the rehabilitation of offenders,...
6 Pages 2715 Words

The Theme Of Revenge In Cask Of Amontillado And The Count Of Monte Cristo

The Cask of Amontillado” and The Count of Monte Cristo both have various ways to show how the theme of revenge is betrayed in the text. In the short story “The Cask of Amontillado”, Poe starts off by showing us how our protagonist, Montressor acts post betrayal. In the book The Count of Monte Cristo, we are shown how our protagonist, Edmond Dantes acts pre and post betrayal. Theme “the insight into what it is to be human” is revealed...
2 Pages 850 Words

Is The Dialogue Theory Beneficial In The Relations Of The Court And Legislature?

The Post-Charter Canada has given the Courts “teeth” in the realm of the political atmosphere and started a dialogue with the government in regards to legislation. Due to the array of issues the Charter has dealt with, and how the courts interpret the writer’s intent; the Supreme Court of Canada’s involvement in public political matters has increased, empowering and having expectations of the courts to pass judgment on their merit and take on more of an activist responsibility in a...
3 Pages 1535 Words

Characteristics Of Criminal Justice And Racial Profiling

According to Profiling and Criminal Justice in America by Jeff Bumganger criminal justice profiling occurs when criminal justice officials strategically take characteristics such as race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation as they make important decisions in the course of their job responsibilities. In considering such characteristics, criminal justice officials may select some actions over others, in part because of the profile of the suspect, convicted offender, victim, witness, or another relevant party under consideration. Profiling in America today is very...
3 Pages 1471 Words

Speakers Bank As An Advocacy Program In Raising Awareness About Disability And Challenges Faced By People With Disability

I have been given the opportunity to do my final placement at Annecto in their Speakers Bank program. Annecto is a social not for profit organisation with community contacts throughout Australia. They offer and provide services that help individual feel safe and comfortable at home. They deliver these services to people with disabilities, older people, families and carers who want advice, advocacy and support. Annecto is an organisation who wants to point out the importance of awareness and understanding people...
5 Pages 2084 Words

Death Penalty: The Case Of Cameron Todd Willingham

Have you ever thought about the death penalty? What it is, why it happens, what they do to deserve it, or if some of the people that are convicted and murdered were even guilty? Imagine, if you were put on trial for raping and murdering a women. You were put on death row and executed. But after you were murdered, more evidence was found that you were not guilty. Oops sorry, you're dead. There is no erasing that giant mistake...
2 Pages 857 Words

The Perspectives Of Criminal Justice To Adult Prostitution In Canada

Introduction Basic morality is widely known as the guiding principle for our legal system, explaining why things like murder and assault are criminalized; but what about adult prostitution? Reasonably, the law argues that it is because prostitution often comes alongside dangerous activities such as drug use and violent crime, thus its heavy regulation is in the best interest of personal and public safety. Nevertheless, the nature of the issue still sparks controversy to this day. As a result, I will...
6 Pages 2655 Words

The Problems Of Criminal Justice System In The USA

The formation of the US Criminal Justice system dates back decades ago to the Colonial time period. At that time; the foundation, laws, and punishment all came from the tactics in which the British had used. Often times, the punishments that came with breaking laws were not always just and fair to the indiviual who broke them law; and needless to say some of the same laws and forms of punishment is still used in the modern day Criminal Justice...
4 Pages 1659 Words

The Count Of Monte Cristo: The Legend Of Revenge

A man by the name of Pierre Picaud, was wrongly accused of being a spy by his “friends,” and because of this he was sentenced to jail. While in prison Pierre spent ten years plotting his brutal revenge on his friends turned foe. He inflicted great horrors on each and every person involved in his wrongful accusation, even their innocent children. Alexandre Dumas, author of The Count of Monte Cristo, based his novel on this man, Pierre Picaud, and his...
2 Pages 1001 Words

Yacvic's Advocacy Among Youth: Types, Challenges And Strategies

As children and young people are usually shunned from society due to their ‘age’ and ‘lack of experience in the real world’, they are considered powerless as they don’t have much room to voice their opinions on the decisions that impact their livelihoods, nor do they have an input when the decisions that are made for them go against their best interests. This is where advocacy comes in, in which it is defined as ‘any action that speaks in favour...
4 Pages 1682 Words

Sources Of Business Law In England

Introduction The system in England area unit created on common law which suggests precedents area unit given binding authority besides statutory laws. It conjointly considers customs, parliamentary conventions and books as sources of law. English system needs business organizations to follow multiple laws. The laws area unit created by taking the assent of each homes and Monarch. English courts area unit guaranteed to apply the statutory similarly as common laws. Sources of law The sources of law in UK (hereinafter...
2 Pages 1036 Words

American Criminal Justice System Effects On Youth

In America's Criminal Justice System there are many faults, from racism, sexism or mistreatment of the incarcerated, there is one issue stands prominent to others. That is the terrifying violence that affects our youth. From very young ages, children are put into situations where they have to fight for their own lives because of the color of their skin or where they live. This deeply affects the future of our country and further generations after. Sadly, the criminal justice system...
1 Page 681 Words

Social Customs As A Factor For Revenge In The Play King Lear

Would you ever want to get revenge on society, because of how it treated you? In the play King Lear, there were many social injustices going on. Characters were treated unfairly, and it drove them to get revenge. The shadow, Edmund, was Gloucester’s illegitimate son. He wanted to get back at society for labeling him a bastard. Goneril and Regan however, behaved that way because of how they were treated, and they wanted to get back at their father. They...
2 Pages 981 Words

Marijuana Abuse And Economic Benefits From Its Legalisation

Marijuana is a double edge sword. While having some benefits to the health industry, it can have detrimental health effects on long term user. Many developed countries such as Canada, Austria and the United States has increasingly adopting and legalize marijuana for medical use. Many people abuse marijuana benefits and become addictive. Young people from age 18-25 are more likely to abuse marijuana. These young adults could certainly try marijuana due to peer pressure or just want to try new...
1 Page 575 Words

War On Drugs In Philippines: For And Against

Since 2016, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte established war on drugs to eliminate all the people who used and sell drugs. As a Filipino who saw how Duterte’s war on drugs became the reason of killings in our country I can say that this platform is not the platform that we need in our country so I’m against on how war on drugs propagated. In stated in the article that was written 4 years ago by Natalie Regoli, there are 6...
2 Pages 1145 Words

The Reasons Against War On Drugs In Philippines

It violates the right to life. The war on drugs established a violation of right to freedom from execution by the extrajudicial killings (Dickson, 2019). The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights has signed the recognition of right to life. Under the ICCPR, the right to be free from death includes arbitrary and extrajudicial killings. Dickson (2019) also stated from the article that the death of Oliver Dela Cruz who was shoot in Bulacan is an example of denial...
1 Page 587 Words

The Peculiarities Of War On Drugs In Philippines

The start of the Duterte administration was the beginning of the campaign on war on drugs in the Philippines (Kishi, Pavlik, & Constantino, 2019) . According to Simbulan, Dioquino-Maligaso, Herbosa and Withers (2019), The Philippines has 1,8 million current drug users and 4,8 million Filipinos have reported utilizing illegal drugs at least once in their lives. This alarmed the Duterte administration in which his war on drugs campaign started. However, on Duterte’s war on drug campaign, it first, resulted to...
3 Pages 1304 Words

Psychological Aspects Of Contract Breach

When an individual joined an association, many papers has to signed by both of the employee and company and employee create desire for each other. On the same day they are additionally shaping another contract which is not visible and does not composed any paper. It is known as Psychological contract. (Rousseau, 2000) has defined psychological contract as “the terms of an exchange agreement between individuals and their organizations”. A psychological contract plays an important role for understanding how employee...
3 Pages 1326 Words

Marijuana Should Be Illegal Again

Problem The legalization of Marijuana created more problems than expected. The Purpose of legalizing Marijuana was to help the ones that need it to survive. Instead, It turned into a vast usage among many in different aspects of life. The media and researchers believe that marijuana would fix many problems like lowering the incarceration rate and free up cap space for harsher offenses. Turns out that they were wrong, Due to the fact that the DUI rate has gone tremendously...
3 Pages 1157 Words

The Theme Of Justice In The Novel To Kill A Mockingbird

To Kill a Mockingbird was published in 1960 at the height of the Civil Rights movement in the US. Set in the depression, circa 1930, it was an instant success and focussed on common humanity through the eyes of an innocent, uncorrupted girl, Scout Finch. Set in the South, Scout’s young female voice navigates the reader through the complexities of human nature and societal conform such as morality and inequality. Human morality is a prominent theme in To Kill a...
2 Pages 935 Words

Marijuana Legalization: National Support Is Growing

The Legalization of Marijuana has been a controversial topic for the past couple of years. In the early two-thousands, most people were against the idea. But more recent polls have shown the approval rate has increased dramatically. Some states such as California, Colorado, and Nevada have already legalized the drug along with eight other states. Much like Alcohol, weed will obviously bring disturbances but it’s all about how one manages the product. There are a lot of pros to the...
2 Pages 778 Words

The War On Drugs In The USA: The History Of Drugs And Approaches To Overcome Them

An aggravative solution to a vague problem 'All things are poisons, for there is nothing without poisonous qualities. It is only the dose which makes a thing poison', Paracelsus The notion that drugs are bad is mostly true, however there are a lot of debates and fallacies that are perhaps oblivious to most people, and more importantly, the method used to handle issues caused by drugs is not really a fruitful one, if anything, it is creating more complications and...
8 Pages 3466 Words

Restorative Justice, Alternative Dispute Resolution And Therapeutic Jurisprudence As Innovative Justice Approaches

I Introduction Over the past several decades in countries like Australia, the response to crime is moving in two directions. One track is innovative. It promises a change in established forms of criminal justice, to do justice differently. The other track is repetitive. It promises to intensify the established forms of criminal justice, to do justice more efficiently, and often more punitively. Crime control and justice policies have always been varied. But there now exists an unprecedented state of penological...
8 Pages 3703 Words

The Pros And Cons Of The Legalization Of Marijuana In Kenya

I. The Question This issue of the legalization of marijuana has braced the news for years now as different activists from researchers to celebrities to politicians have attempted to sway the masses to legalise the herb. The different activists have attempted to argue that marijuana is in fact more beneficial than harmful not only on an individual level but also on the society as a whole. This is the reason for the choosing of this topic, the fact that not...
3 Pages 1570 Words

Legal Contract: Case Study Of John And Span & Spic

Introduction The concern that requires being determined in the given case study of John is an issue of consumers’ satisfaction and consumers’ well-being at the lounge of business organizations through the legal and legitimate rules and regulations at any place of this globe. As the Span and Spic offers upgraded and high-class garment cleaning services, John trusted their service blindly without any hesitation. That’s why John did not turn over his receipt to go through all the related legal issues....
4 Pages 1672 Words

Significance Of Advocacy Campaign On Miscarriage

The global complexity in health and life of the modern population often enforces the healthcare practitioners in being health advocates for the general population. As per the definition of WHO, it is proved that advocacy can be considered as one of the critical three health promotion strategies, which can be performed by using different types of promotional channels and attributes. Based on the previous campaigning strategies, it can be stated that health advocacy is a combined approach, for gaining policy...
6 Pages 2537 Words

Alcohol Prohibition And Its Consequences

It’s February 13th, 1929, and a police car arrives in front of the garage on North Clark Street in Chicago. According to witnesses, five men exit a car and entered into garage while two of them were dresses as police officers. After less than ten minutes shots had been fired and police officers left the building leading three civilians with hands raised up. The car drove away, the public was shocked and newspapers were full of the articles. There were...
3 Pages 1537 Words

Social Justice As The Attribute Of Modern Society

Social Justice Social justice is a complex and contested term (Morgaine, 2014). Although it is universally accepted and adopted in community work it holds different meanings and interpretations (Watts & Hodgson, 2019). According to Morgaine (2014), social justice refers to the view that every individual deserves the same economic, social, and political rights and opportunities. This definition is consistent with the one described by Austin (2014) that social justice involves arranging economic, social, and political organizations in a manner that...
2 Pages 1023 Words

The Consequences Of The War On Drugs In The USA

Drugs in our world have been used for centuries, yet have been illegal for one 1% of our time. In 1971, President Nixon declared drug abuse to be public enemy number one. Tv shows and social media made it clear that drug dealers and cartels are villains and must be stopped. These social media networks decided to turn their heads the other way on the drug abusers and instead attack the hustlers and dealers. Nixon also put in place mandatory...
5 Pages 2139 Words
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