Political Systems & Ideologies essays

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War and Peace in Terms of Realism and Liberalism': Critical Essay

3 Pages 1486 Words
“War made the state, and the state made war”, this cyclical representation of war and peace presented by Charles Tilly is a defining feature of international relations (IR). By using theory in this discipline, the recurring theme of war and peace amongst states can again be expanded upon. Realism and liberalism are two core theoretical concepts in IR which attempt...

Use of Karl Marx's Theories of Culture and Ideology in Literature

3 Pages 1253 Words
Karl Marx sought the answers to questions by trying to understand how our capitalist society works (for whom it works better, for whom worse), how it arose out of feudalism and where it is likely to lead. Concentrating on the social and economic relations in which people earn their livings, Marx saw behind capitalism's law and order appearance a struggle...

Totalitarianism and Its Effects in George Orwell’s ‘1984’ and Chelsea Vowel’s ‘Monster’

3 Pages 1159 Words
A totalitarian government desire to stay in power by denying individualism, and eradicating freedom through propaganda and terror. Is this birthright or is it something that we, as a human, need to chase and fight for? There are stories that have been told about oppressed people who met their savior and have redeemed them from the injustice they have been...

Three Main Classes of Marxist Criticism in the Novel 'Snowpiercer'

1 Page 454 Words
The graphic novel 'Snowpiercer', created by Jacques Lob and illustrated by Jean-Marc Rochette is a clear depiction of the three major classes of Marxist criticism: the aristocracy, the bourgeoisie, and the proletariat. To begin with, in the novel, the Snowpiercer is a train consisting of one thousand and one carriages which are divided into classes. The closer a carriage is...

Representation of the Graphic Novel ‘Snowpiercer’ by Marxist Criticism

1 Page 479 Words
The graphic novel ‘Snowpiercer’, written by Jacques Lob and illustrated by Jean-Marc Rochette, is most closely represented by Marxist criticism. Marxist literary criticism is a loose term describing literary criticism based on socialist and dialectic theories. ‘Snowpiercer’ represents the three-class in Marxist criticism: the aristocracy, the bourgeoisie, and the proletariat. The aristocracy can be best represented by the lieutenant in...

Perspectives on the Relationship between the Individual and Society

4 Pages 1585 Words
Liberal, Marxist, and nationalist perspectives are often described as contrary to one another in their beliefs of the relationship between the individual and society. In this essay, I will show that through these differences, though with slight underlying agreements, liberalism has been the most successful in predicting a relationship between the individual and society. I will first explore each of...

Nations under Totalitarian Rule and Their Histories

2 Pages 994 Words
Why would anyone want to give up their liberty to be controlled completely by a supreme figure? Totalitarianism was found in a few European countries and the common reason between them was that they were living in miserable conditions, and it feels irreparable. Some of the outcomes of their conditions caused production to plummet, faltered economies, and a rapid decline...

Marxist Criticism in the Novels ‘Scythe’ by Neal Shusterman and ‘1984’ by George Orwell

6 Pages 2836 Words
“It is a wise man who said that there is no greater inequality than the equal treatment of unequals” (Frankfurter). Inequality happens anywhere and everywhere in different times and places throughout the world. It is oppressive by nature and seeks to condemn those who are seen as lesser or unworthy of equal and fair treatment. Prominently, the novels ‘Scythe’ by...

Marxist and Post-Colonialism Criticism of F. Sionil José's Story 'The God Stealer'

2 Pages 776 Words
From a National Artist for Literature and one of the famous Filipino writers not only known in the country but globally, Francisco Sionil Jose who was not born with a silver spoon in Pangasinan on December 1924. He has experienced political and economic activities in different countries. With his experience, he put it into a story which he titled ‘The...

George Orwell’s ‘1984’ and Its Warning about Totalitarianism

3 Pages 1374 Words
‘1984’ delves into a world where the all-powerful party, Ingsoc, governs the state of Oceania. The party limits free-thought and individualism with the power of newspeak, double-think, and the existence of Big Brother. The worldbuilding and general tone of George Orwell’s ‘1984’ allow darkness and pessimism to burgeon using several motifs and symbolism to paint a bleak, gray, and dystopian...

Exploring Ron Rush's Novel 'Serena' through Marxist Criticism

3 Pages 1432 Words
Generally, in industrial activity, the factors of production are needed in producing goods and services. Eyiyere argues that the factors of production are nature, labor and capital. Labor is an active resource which is one of the factors in the smoothness of a production process. Workers in their activity should be supported by good, human forms of management work so...

Examples of Totalitarianism and Its Consequences in the Novel '1984'

3 Pages 1219 Words
Orwell observed that every line of serious work he’s written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and for democratic socialism, from his understanding. Around the time of World War II, George Orwell was a major contributor to anticommunist literature. Orwell lived in England during World War II, when Nazi Germany, a totalitarian state, was at war...

Criticism of Communism and Totalitarianism by George Orwell in His '1984' and 'Animal Farm'

4 Pages 1730 Words
The 20th century saw political extremism take an accentuated stand through the ruling of malevolent leaders. As specific examples, both Russia and Germany underwent significant changes regarding their political systems. In 1924, Russia took on a communist totalitarian perspective under Joseph Stalin, whereas in 1933 Germany was taken into a strictly totalitarian regime under Adolf Hitler’s rule. Both of these...

Can America Become a Totalitarian State?

2 Pages 692 Words
America, known as the constitution or federation, is ultimately led by President Donald J. Trump, and as stated by the Constitution of the United States, “All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives” (Baltzell, 2007). Though the American government was designed to keep...

Analysis of Mohsin Hamid's Novel 'Moth Smoke' through Marxist Criticism

5 Pages 2460 Words
Literature from Marxist point of view is a reflection of the human existence in such a society which is divided into different classes on the basis of economic conditions. This paper aims to explore various aspects of exploitation, systems of domination, oppression and socioeconomic conflicts that arise in the novel ‘Moth Smoke’ by Mohsin Hamid. The novel weaves a complex...

Socialism in 'The Jungle': Critical Analysis

5 Pages 2438 Words
Review of Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle President Theodore Roosevelt coined the term muckrakers. A popular term used to describe journalists during the Progressive Era who exposed corrupt leaders and corporations. They had the intent to show the public how these companies eliminated competition, set high prices, and treated workers as “wage slaves”. Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle is a famous example...

Similarities between Capitalism and Socialism: Compare and Contrast Essay

4 Pages 1817 Words
There is an ongoing debate about the two economic systems namely, Socialism and Capitalism. The main difference between these two is the ownership of the assets. In Capitalism, assets are owned by private companies, while in Socialism they're owned by the government (Pettinger, 2017). According to Tejvan Pettinger (2017), capitalist societies' income depends on the market forces of the economy...

Informative Essay on Socialism and Industrial Revolution

2 Pages 871 Words
Capitalism, socialism, and imperialism are all government systems that have been utilized by countries of Western society for over two centuries. Since these practices were enforced, Western society as a whole has changed indefinitely. In each of these systems, there were pros and cons involved, for instance, in capitalism, where workers were faced with severe working conditions, but these hardships...

Critical Essay on Democratic Socialism: Pros and Cons

2 Pages 1099 Words
To guarantee the basic needs of all people are being met, it is easy to see a lack of government intervention and capitalist economies fail to ensure it. While it sustains a society focused on individuality, it is evident that capitalist economies let their citizens down. Democratic socialism and government intervention would be the best economic system for a country’s...

Compare and Contrast Essay on Economic Systems: Capitalism, Communism and Socialism

4 Pages 1666 Words
Socialism is a leftist political ideology that developed out of the attitudes reflecting the exploitation of workers in capitalist systems. The socialist ideology critiques the idea of capitalism as being held on the basis of competition, and selfishness. It argues rather that humans are societal, and that economic rivalry weakens and threatens “the cooperative and community-oriented nature of humanity” (Mintz...

Critical Essay on Revisionist Socialism

2 Pages 1005 Words
What is Social Democracy? Social democracy is a political ideology that originally advocated a peaceful evolutionary transition of society from capitalism to socialism using established political processes. In the second half of the 20th century, there emerged a more moderate version of the doctrine, which generally espoused state regulation, rather than state ownership, of the means of production and extensive...

Is Marx Still Relevant Today: Argumentative Essay

6 Pages 2824 Words
Abstract The interest of modern scientists in Karl Marx’s relevance has arisen due to the globalization of the world economy and the financial crisis that has hit the leading industrial countries in recent years. The opinion of Marx’s importance today is divided between two camps of scientists and critical scholars: one says that there is a certain historical “backwardness” of...

Analysis of Marxist Historiography

4 Pages 1852 Words
Into History is mutable; all historians are, despite attempts to avoid it, a product of their own historical contexts. So since the beginning of the study of history, there have always been different theories and methods used to approach it. Moreover, as social and cultural beliefs have changed, these theories and methodologies have changed as well. The last two hundred...

Political Ideology of Liberalism and Ideals of Democracy: Essay

2 Pages 995 Words
Governments need to be held accountable to ensure that they don’t overstep their mandate and encroach on civil and individual liberties. A political ideology that best achieves this (holding governments accountable) is liberalism. A political ideology is a combination of ideals, principles, and doctrines that guide a social movement and political activity in a community. The concept of ‘best’ as...

Informative Essay on Political Ideology

2 Pages 727 Words
“A political ideology is a set of ideas, beliefs, values, and opinions, exhibiting a recurring pattern, that competes deliberately as well as unintentionally over providing plans of action for public policy making, in an attempt to justify, explain, contest, or change the social and political arrangements and processes of a political community” (M. Freeden, 2001). The definition of Political Ideology...

Influence of Political Ideology, Public Opinion and Economic Factors on Developments in Health and Social Care Policy

7 Pages 2987 Words
This essay aims to provide a critical discussion on how the influence of political ideology, public opinion, and economic factors had on major stages that the UK health and social care policy passed since the Beveridge Report published in 1942. The writer surveys the literature that documents significant events of the health and social care policies. Furthermore, the four significant...

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