Social Movements essays

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Critical Essay on the Feminism in 'The Yellow Wallpaper' and 'The Story of an Hour'

Women in both the past and the present, and maybe even in the future, lived a life under unfair conditions. These conditions were decided on by men. To further explain the depth of these conditions, I am going to analyze the following stories: “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin, “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, “Barbie Doll” by Marge Piercy, and “A Doll House” by Henrik Ibsen. These stories all showed the truth and similarities of the...
2 Pages 1107 Words

Women and Their Fight for Safety: Informative Essay

Women have always had to fight for their safety, the only difference now is that they get to be more open about it. The fight for feminism can be a bit difficult to understand when one has not personally experienced trauma or helped a loved one through it. The world in which feminism and law enforcement come together can be a very touchy subject as so many people have so many different opinions. Typically, people that have been through instances...
3 Pages 1560 Words

Rosa Parks and the Civil Rights Movement: Critical Essay

A brave woman, Rosa Parks played a key role in starting the civil rights movement for African Americans. Rosa Parks lived in Montgomery, Alabama, a city with a reputation as the first pro-slavery capital of the Confederacy during the American Civil War. Rosa Parks, a seamstress at a downtown department store, had a prior history as a civil rights campaigner, having served as a youth organizer for the local branch of America’s oldest and most effective civil rights organization, the...
1 Page 406 Words

Persuasive Essay on Abortion Pro-Life

Pro-life is the right choice until the day you die. The abortion rate has fallen by one-third over the past two decades! The pro-life issue means you believe that all human life is created equal regardless of size, level of development, education, and degree of dependency. This issue is so important because everyone has the right to life. Abortion is murder because a fetus has the right to life and this should not be used as birth control. Abortion is...
1 Page 412 Words

Why I Am Passionate about Pro-Life: Argumentative Essay

I am passionate about many things, but in these last few years, particularly in 2020, because of the time to think, one passion has grown. This passion is to fight one of the largest issues in the country that often gets pushed to the side among other smaller issues. I take every opportunity to speak up for those who cannot speak up for themselves. I am choosing to speak up for the unborn. In 2016 alone, 623,471 abortions were reported....
1 Page 650 Words

Essay on the Baton Rouges and Black Lives Matter Movement

In this essay, I am going to discuss Jonathan Bachman, taking in Baton Rouge a press photograph from a Black Lives Matter protest in 2015.  This photo shows a woman -named Leshia Evans a nurse from New York- calmly standing in a long summer in the middle of the road confronting the police who are all wearing full riot gear. Two officers are running up to her to arrester her with zip ties – the police use zip ties so...
2 Pages 856 Words

Black Lives Matter: Cause and Effect Essay

The black lives movement with the #blacklivesmatter has greatly influenced the action as a democracy acts. The influential movement’s goal is to pave the way for african american freedom from modern systematic dehumanization. BLM has transformed the way we talk about police violence among minorities and has succeeded in transforming how Americans talk about, think about, and organize for justified freedom. The organizations of the movement include Assata’s Daughters, Black Youth Project 100, the St. Louis Action Council, the Dream...
2 Pages 831 Words

Black Lives Matter as the Cause of the War on Police Essay

The Black Lives Matter movement started gaining nationwide attention for police brutality during the mid to late 2010s. However, people brutality has been a major problem for almost 100 years with many examples occurring from the 1950s to today. There are three major examples of police brutality that I will touch on in this section. The first two (John Derrick and Jessie Roberts) are from before 1965 and show the beginnings of social movements against police brutality. The latter example...
4 Pages 2016 Words

Bell Hooks Talking Back Essay

Bell Hooks response to Beyoncé’s visual album, lemonade, contains five main charges on why she is not an ideal role model and does not deserve the title feminist. In this essay, I will be analyzing bell hook’s charge that the album over-sexualizes women and contributes to the unachievable beauty standards thrust upon people and is not an attribute of equality and feminism. I will be arguing this against the charge and how it is an outdated feminist thought that is...
2 Pages 853 Words

Why We Need Feminism: Persuasive Essay

Once upon a time, women were not allowed to live their lives on their terms, they had no right to decide what they wanted to do with their lives, they had no liberty to become who they wanted to become, and summarily they had no hold over their lives. That is what life was for women, but it was the opposite for men. They not only got to live their own lives on their terms but also got to do...
2 Pages 938 Words

Thelma and Louise' in the Historical Context: Analytical Essay

‘Thelma and Louise’, written by Callie Khouri and directed by Ridley Scott, is a drama and mystery film released in 1991. It was a remarkable film at the time, given that it had two strong female leads. It is very representative of the second and third waves of feminism. Although this was not the only film or show displaying feminist ideals at the time, it is one of the most well-known, highly criticized, and controversial because of its differing views...
5 Pages 2027 Words

Can Art Ever Actually Make a Difference in the World: Analytical Essay

Revolutions begin with a collective shift in public perception. “The 1960s was a decade of rapid change” (Watson, 2019). This period set out to re-establish the founding pillars and perspectives of contemporary society, which became the catalyst for social change. This shift in societal attitude inspired the women's liberation movement, which was a collective protest that embodied notions of equality, and which was most active during the late 1960s and 1970s. A pivotal artist responding to social inequalities at this...
2 Pages 790 Words

Informative Essay on Feminist Ethics

Based on the discussion about theory, I choose feminist ethics, because feminist ethics is focused on advancing women’s interests and correcting injustices inflicted on women through social oppression. Also, feminist ethics is not only concerned with women’s interests. However, feminism is about working against the systems built to keep certain groups of people oppressed and striving toward equality for everyone. It means fighting for intersectionality and acknowledging how race, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic status affects feminism. So, it is very...
1 Page 407 Words

Black Lives Matter: Persuasive Speech

Police brutality against African Americans isn't a fresh topic in America but the foremost recent one. The shootings of young black males and women by cops in cities around the United States have turned it into a hot topic. There have been numerous protests and riots because of cops not being arrested for killing unarmed young black men and with these protests, a replacement movement was formed that began as a Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook hashtag that's entitled #BlackLivesMatter. Throughout...
1 Page 668 Words

Black Lives Matter: Essay Thesis Statement

Thesis Statement: To examine what has gone before and the racial discrimination against blacks to assert that the movement was unsuccessful and what we need to take into consideration going forward. Summary: From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation responds to the topic of 'how did we get here?' Taylor clarifies that 'racial separation, authorized by law in the South and custom and public strategy in the North over a great part of the twentieth century, caused aberrations among Blacks and whites...
2 Pages 882 Words

Black Lives Matter Speech

It’s just a matter of black lives The lifestyles the celebrities of this generation have us looking up to are steering us in the wrong direction. Instead, they should start advocating for social justice and participating in more organizations that help to better black culture. We need to get information and take a second to stop following celebrities for what they have. Stop basing our lives on spending money on the latest fashion. Instead, come together and help make America...
2 Pages 951 Words

‘The Chaser’ Feminist Perspective Essay

Introduction "The Chaser" by John Collier is a thought-provoking short story that explores the complexities of relationships and the power dynamics between men and women. From a feminist perspective, the story offers an opportunity to critically examine the portrayal of gender roles and the societal expectations placed on women. By analyzing the characters, their actions, and the narrative structure, this essay will delve into the feminist themes and implications in "The Chaser." The Objectification of Women In "The Chaser," the...
1 Page 507 Words

Cons of the Black Lives Matter Movement: Critical Essay

The Black Lives Matter movement is one of good intentions, but a variety of flaws. The execution of BLM tends to be one that is counter-productive. The Black Lives Matter movement began after the death of Trayvon Martin when George Zimmerman was acquitted, and individuals felt a desire to bring light to the evident issue of anti-Black racism in our country. Yet, there are a large variety of flaws within the Black Lives Matter movement and how it presents its...
1 Page 466 Words

Black Lives Matter or Do All Lives Matter: Critical Essay

There is a significant statistical difference between the numbers of black and ethnic individuals in comparison to white individuals. The 2011 census report showed that 86% of the population in and Wales identified as white and only 3.4% identified as being black and 6.8% as Asian i.e., Pakistani, Indian, Bangladeshi, other (White, 2012). This shows how white is the dominant ethnic group which can lead to some individuals believing that they are the superior group. Throughout history, it has been...
5 Pages 2435 Words

Black Lives Matter Misconceptions: Critical Essay

Black Lives Matter is a social movement dedicated to fighting racism and police brutality against Black people across the globe. Alice Garza and her co-founders started the Black Lives Matter with just a Twitter hashtag in 2013 after the killing of Trayvon Martin, an African American teenager; and it turned into a global network that builds power to bring justice. Trayvon was walking home from the store when a police officer followed him. The police officer followed and shot Trayvon,...
1 Page 495 Words

Argumentative Essay against Abortion

Abortion is a standout amongst the most fervently discussed and dubious points in America. Since the milestone choice of Roe v. Wade, in which the United States Supreme Court found that a lady has the option to pick whether to end a pregnancy, different state and government laws have steadily formed and centered that right. Therefore, it is not constantly lawful to have a premature birth whenever preceding conceiving an offspring. Exacerbating the situation, the laws on this subject change...
3 Pages 1227 Words

Essay on 'The Yellow Wallpaper' Feminist Criticism

Should gender identify the bases of one’s capability? There should be no limit to who you can and cannot be based on what you identify as. The basis of one’s capabilities should not be limited to the identity that they are given at birth or what they are seen by society. An individual’s values are not based on their gender but on what they experience through their lifetime and strive to become. The reading “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins...
4 Pages 2029 Words

Why Was Rosa Parks Significant to the Civil Rights Movement: Critical Essay

According to Kevin Kruse, (, a leader has nothing to do with seniority or one’s position in the hierarchy of a company. It has nothing to do with titles. Just because someone has a lower title, does not mean they are anything lower than everyone else. Anyone can be a leader, whether they are a child, adult, or elderly person. They could be in your place of worship, your neighborhood, your family, or even in your local grocery store. The...
4 Pages 1636 Words

Why Was James Meredith Important to The Civil Rights Movement: Analytical Essay

“The price of progress is indeed high, but the price of holding back is much higher” - James Meredith This is a quote that a man named James Meredith wrote in 1962 when the Supreme Court upheld his right to attend the University of Mississippi, which at the time was an all-white school. Meredith was therefore the first african american student at this university for which, pursuant to the ENCYCLOPÆDIA BRITANNICA’s article James Meredith, he gained national renown, especially because...
1 Page 628 Words

What Did James Baldwin Do in the Civil Rights Movement: Informative Essay

In ‘I am not your Negro’ James Baldwin stated: “To be a Negro in this country and to be relatively conscious is to be in a rage almost all the time. So that the first problem is how to control that rage so that it won’t destroy you”. From the very beginning of the documentary Baldwin’s views on race do not question what happens to black people but what happens to the country. Baldwin intended to pay his respect to...
2 Pages 758 Words

What Did Jackie Robinson Do for the Civil Rights Movement: Analytical Essay

Jackie Robinson was the first African American to play in Major League Baseball. Jackie Robinson had been interested in athletics ever since he was a little kid, his brother had inspired Jackie with his athletic achievements. When America entered World War Two, Jackie served as a second lieutenant in the United States Army. Although Jackie had a successful baseball career, he also was a striving vocal Civil Rights activist. Jackie Robinson broke the Civil Rights barrier and he inspired many...
1 Page 503 Words

Successes and Failures of the Civil Rights Movement: Critical Essay

Santoro’s unique method of measuring the extent of success of the Civil Rights Movement is refreshing, yet in some ways, limiting. For example, the nature of the survey questions posed was dichotomous, breaking the immensely complex question into two categories: success or failure. Although Santoro claims that the question forced the participants to come to an instinctive, uncomplicated conclusion, however the lack of consideration of the multiple factors that construe the arguments of the historians discussed thus far is seriously...
1 Page 662 Words

Jackie Robinson and Civil Rights Movement: Analytical Essay

When baseball was desegregated in 1945, after Rickey Branch reached out to Jackie Robinson, many things changed and the Civil Rights movement gained momentum. Jackie Robinson was the first African American to step onto a major league baseball field. This monumental event not only furthered the Civil Rights Movement but provided other African Americans with the opportunity to play not only baseball but fight for rights in other aspects of their lives. His inspiring ordeal gave awareness of the importance...
1 Page 470 Words

How Did Rosa Parks Help The Civil Rights Movement: Analytical Essay

The civil rights movement was a movement that did more than just accomplish equal rights for African Americans, but also improved economic growth in American society. This went on to foster inspiration for the 2020 Black Lives Matter movement. The people who played the most predominant parts during the civil rights movement are names that are known worldwide. They are known globally due to the many methods they used to protest and demand their own civil rights. The ideas these...
1 Page 456 Words

How Did Little Rock Nine Impact the Civil Rights Movement: Critical Essay

Remember that time in history when blacks and whites were not equal, segregated, and where inequality was the norm during this time period. Well, that was known as the Civil Rights Movement. The Civil Rights Movement was a time period between 1956 and 1965 that involved many major and historical events. Through 1956 and 1965 Little Rock Nine, Bloody Sunday, World War 2 and Civil Rights, Rosa Parks, Civil Rights Act of 1957, Woolworth Lunch Counter, Freedom Writers, March On...
2 Pages 755 Words

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