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Relationship of Landscape Paintings to My Definition of Art

4 Pages 1843 Words
In the book “Believing is seeing: Creating the culture of art”, Staniszewski considered art in many aspects. There are some here: (1) Art, like photography and popular culture, is a field of representation that is unique to modernity, and it is meant to augment out understanding of cultural creations both different and including our own. (2) Art is an original...

Relationship between Intelligence and Creativity: Psychological Approach

3 Pages 1473 Words
From an extended time, creativity has been a neglected subject in psychological research. This can be chiefly as a result of its invariably been widely believed that it has mystical influences or a divine nature. Plato said that the writer is barely able to produce what the Muse dictates and most frequently than not, even these days, writers and inventors...

Mona Lisa and Selfie Culture

4 Pages 1885 Words
There has been a vast development of new technologies in the recent years and particularly the rise of popularity of the internet and social media. I will be focusing on the impact social media has on our tastes and values and the way in which emergence of social media has had an influence on the way we perceive art in...

Reflective Essay on Workshop in Graphic Design

3 Pages 1235 Words
Graphic Designers have their own approach in order to deal with social issues and other societal, national and international aspects. It is seen that graphics have the power to demonstrate various aspects that are required to be taken in front of the people. This study focuses on an event I attended on October 15th, 2019 at San Francisco public library,...

The Legacy of Andy Warhol

2 Pages 817 Words
Introduction Andy Warhol, the leading figure of the Pop Art movement, has left an indelible mark on modern art and culture. His works, characterized by their bold color schemes and repeated imagery, have transcended the boundaries of conventional art, establishing a new paradigm in art-making and consumption. Warhol's legacy is not limited to his art; it extends to his influence...

Reflective Essay on the Lack of Senior Fashion Designers

2 Pages 1152 Words
The development of the fashion industry is vigorous, it is one of the industries that many youngsters dream to work at. However, the blooming development of the fashion industry is only focusing on the design which is mostly about children, teenagers, and adults. About elderly fashion, the fashion industry is lack of senior fashion designers. It seems like young designers...

Reflective Essay on the Concept of Selfie

2 Pages 1057 Words
As many people know a selfie is a type of self-portrait photograph, typically taken with a hand-held digital camera or camera phone. Selfies are often associated with social networking, like Instagram, Facebook, and other social media. Everyone in the whole world takes selfies for a variety of reasons. it can be from serving as a remembrance of an important moment...

Reflective Essay on Impressionist Sunrise by Claude Monet

3 Pages 1170 Words
The Art of Claude Monet - Impressionist Sunrise Introduction I chose the art which is “Impression Sunrise” that made by Claude Monet French painter, that done with oil paint on a canvas. On first sight, I found this piece of art very attractive and unique. I personally love to make more deeply observation on this piece of art. It would...

Reflective Essay on Graffiti and Street Art

2 Pages 974 Words
The practice of marking a wall to record and communicate traces back to the hieroglyphs of Ancient Egypt, though in the modern day, it resembles more so the “tags” of New York that trace all the way back to the 1960’s. Today, these markings are considered street art or graffiti depending on their message. A common misconception within the community...

Reflective and Analytical Essay on Classical Ballet

5 Pages 2568 Words
The classical period The classical era in ballet was seen to be considered in the late 1800s, following from the romantic era. Arthur Saint-Leon’s 1870 ballet coppelia is considered to be the last work of the romantic era. Marius Petitpa is thought to be the ‘father of classical ballet’ where he moved to Russia at a time that Moscow and...
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Reasons for Choosing My Project in Graphic Design: Opinion Essay

1 Page 626 Words
Graphic design is an important tool that increases your communication skills with other people. It serves to convey your ideas in a way that is not only effective but also beautiful. I chose my project because I enjoy graphic design and everything to do with it, it is an important skill that I know I will use in my future,...

Realism in Theatre

8 Pages 3778 Words
Essence of Realism Realism in drama is an artistic movement that started around the 1870s and continued up to the 20th century. The theatre of Realism simply examines the real and common problems of people. In addition, it centers on human manners__ what individuals do and why in certain social contexts. The theatre of Realism in England, during the late...

The Legacy of Ancient Art: A Critical Analysis

2 Pages 862 Words
Introduction The study of ancient art history provides invaluable insights into the cultural, religious, and social dimensions of past civilizations. J. Alden Mason, in his seminal work on ancient art history, delves into the intricate tapestry that constitutes the artistic expressions of early societies. This reading response paper aims to critically analyze Mason's perspectives, focusing on his thematic exploration of...

Principles of Experimental Design Applied to Engineering

2 Pages 1125 Words
Experiments are conducted in order to observe how changing a single factor or multiple factors affect the response variable(s). The purpose of experimental design or DOE is to create an effective procedure to create efficient experiments to make it much more easier to reach objective conclusions. Experimental design has three basic principles and they are briefly described below. Randomization This...

Postmodernism Lasting Impact on Graphic Design: Analytical Essay

1 Page 658 Words
Introduction Postmodernism is a design movement that rejects many of the tenets of modernism such as its philosophy of structure and form following function, postmodernism rejects much of this in favour of a more expressive ornate style of design with the use of humour and wit. Postmodernism also had a very experimental approach to aesthetics and often used techniques such...

Postmodernism and Critical Theory as Education Theory

2 Pages 1125 Words
Introduction It is disappointing that it has become a norm for a lot of students to use other people's work and, thereafter give recognition to the original author(reference). Students are not usually advised that they can actually bring their ideas to the public, they tend to believe everything that’s printed on paper is true. This essay will give definition of...

Post Modernism and Consumer Behavior: Analytical Essay

5 Pages 2299 Words
Introduction Understanding consumer behavior is important for any organization before launching a product. If the organization failed to analyse how a customer will respond to a particular product, the company will face losses. Consumer behavior is very complex because each consumer has different mind and attitude towards purchase, consumption and disposal of product (Solomon, 2009). Understanding the theories and concepts...

The Positive Impact of Selfies on Society

2 Pages 902 Words
Introduction The advent of smartphones has ushered in a new era of digital communication, with selfies emerging as one of the most prominent cultural phenomena of the 21st century. A selfie, typically a self-portrait photograph taken with a smartphone, has become a ubiquitous form of self-expression and social interaction. Initially criticized for promoting narcissism and superficiality, selfies have evolved to...
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Picasso and Sadequain: Comparative Analysis

5 Pages 2314 Words
Introduction From the beginning of the world till now there is no doubt that the world holds a huge number of creative artists who they sophisticated in art, but Pablo Picasso and Sadequain marked essential attentions in the art world. The purpose of this essay is to emphasize the comparison between life and the art work of Picasso and Sadequain...

Photography Is My Passion Essay

1 Page 430 Words
One of my greatest passions is black and white photography! Yet, I don’t think there was a defining moment that sparked my interest in photography, and now I cannot imagine my life without it. Several years ago, my parents graciously gifted me my first DSLR camera for Christmas, and to this very day, it has never failed me! When I...

Personal Statement on Experience in the Field of Art History

1 Page 631 Words
When Duchamp entered his 'Fountain' to the Society of Independent Artists in 1917, it was rejected as it was not deemed art. Dadaism responded in outcry, and ever since the progression of art has been in doubt as Duchamp inspired artists to explore the bounds of visual culture. Consequently, art has moved in unprecedented directions and created new questions: Why...

Architecture Essay

2 Pages 860 Words
My passion for architecture stems from my childhood when I was recognized as being able to express my thoughts through art. [review- needs to be stronger] This evolved into an ambition to use this forte to develop a career around it, one which would enable me to apply my innovativeness to improving people’s lives and addressing emerging issues in society....

Painting and Photography in the Art of Ben Shahn: Descriptive Essay

5 Pages 2344 Words
In 1947, Ben Shahn was given his first review show at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. This presentation assisted with building up him as one of the most well-known allegorical painters of his age and confirmed a pledge to his work when the gallery was advocating for the most part European dynamic methods of painting. James Thrall...

Pablo Picasso Challenges Faced

5 Pages 2483 Words
The Life of Pablo Picasso Pablo Diego JosĂŠ Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno MarĂ­a de los Remedios Cipriano de la SantĂ­sima Trinidad Martyr Patricio Clito RuĂ­z y Picasso, also known as Pablo Picasso, was not only a Spanish painter, but also a sculptor, ceramicist, play writer, printmaker, poet, and stage designer (Pablo Picasso Fun Facts). Picasso was very talented even...

Optimizing Drug Delivery System with Experimental Design: Analysis

5 Pages 2279 Words
Introduction Some calculations will not get easy solutions in one step or immediately or by placing the values in one formula, so in that type of cases we pave the way towards different optimization methods for getting the solution. And this optimization is not that much easy in finding the solutions why because at the end we have to give...

Opinion Essay on Street Art and Graffiti

3 Pages 1458 Words
Abstract: Almost all people dream to leave their mark on earth after their death. Some of them leave Graffiti everywhere signed with their names as a special remark of them. Introduction: Street art and graffiti are two deeply linked words. The word graffiti is an Italian word that means to scratch on a surface. Today graffiti means to apply any...

Ophelia Painting: Analysis Essay

2 Pages 931 Words
Millais paints a drowned Ophelia who is at one with mother nature and the river Unity, central focus, death. Colors: Natural, the contrast of bright colors. Her hands upturned as if she is asking a question The contrast between dark and light Half Submerged she becomes part of nature around her Value: The brightness of the flowers and green-ness creates...

Abstraction in Photography: Analytical Essay

3 Pages 1230 Words
Almost two centuries after its invention, artists are still grappling with defining and discovering the limits of photography. These limits are meant to be questioned. Photography is debatably one of the most confusing mediums. It has gone through extensive interrogation, and has dramatically transformed through technological development, more so than painting or sculpture. Photography is no more than a recording...

Nighthawks Painting Essay

5 Pages 2061 Words
Artwork, such as paintings, can be a very delicate thing to produce, imagine, and understand. Not everyone can make a wonderful masterpiece nor can we all make the same exact replica of one piece of art. Every piece of art is different and unique and that is the beauty of creativity. One creative artwork would be Nighthawks by Edward Hopper....

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