Discourse Community essays

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In her article “language and culture”, Claire Kramsch talked about ‘discourse community’ and ‘discourse accent’. What do you understand about those two terms? Please explain and give an example from our own culture!

Discourse is a conversation or more extended and more formal discussion of our ideas in either speech or...

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3 Pages 1170 Words
The Sneakerhead Discourse Community The Sneaker discourse community is a diverse one, which encompasses the minds of many creative members ranging from a plethora of diverse backgrounds. To communicate ideas with a central focus on modern and retro footwear, members of this group use specific terminology in their dialect. This “sneakerhead language” allows a smooth transfer of ideas between one...
2 Pages 1134 Words
Texting is the downfall of the young generation's minds and linguistic skills. This misconception drives the older generation mad due to their inability to get outside their stubbornness to allow the adaptations to the times. My reasons for researching this topic are to understand the way this community conducts itself and presents its rhetoric. Being able to control your rhetoric...
3 Pages 1458 Words
This essay uses research from both experimental studies and from discursive psychology to evaluate whether memory is both a biological and a social process and provides evidence to that effect. Within psychology, two distinct traditions take memory as their object of concern: the cognitive experimental approach (biological) and the Discursive psychological approach (Social). The Cognitivebiological approach studies the structure of...
4 Pages 1754 Words
Elevated by unsurpassed boxing skills and athletic prowess, Muhammad Ali’s iconic status is decorated with an Olympic gold medal, the title of heavyweight champion, and global stardom. However, although his exploits in the boxing ring are praiseworthy, his legacy transcends sports through his civil disobedience. Ali, using his domineering persona and allure to openly criticize racism and militarism speaks to...
2 Pages 1102 Words
Introduction Media has become an inseparable part of everyone’s life and that makes genre analysis in media discourse even more worthwhile. The topic of this essay is genre analysis in media discourse and is based on Machin and Van Leeuwen’s article (2014). I will focus on the multimodal social media discourse and more specifically on Instagram discourse. After discussing the...
1 Page 634 Words
Inquiry discourse This essay, will summarise how Facebook can be correlated to each and different discourses, then which discourse/s are the main business society relation can be Traditional management teaching cannot be correlated with the Facebook management system. As said earlier, “Facebook was not created to be a company, it was built to accomplish a social mission: make the world...
1 Page 430 Words
'Critical discourse analysis and the ethnography of language policy' by David Cassels Johnson The author analyzes the agreeable relationship between ethnography and critical discourse analysis (CDA) for the study of language policy. He examined how critical discourse analysis (CDA) combined with ethnography procures a foundation for discerning how particular policies are recontextualized in particular contexts, how such recontextualization is related...
1 Page 506 Words
This is exactly what Mamet is picturing in his play: the lost opportunities for proper and functional human connections. As Greenbaum puts it, Glengarry Glen Ross faithfully captures the “sad ethos of American capitalism.” The capitalist discourse and its inherent demand for “cut-throat competition, duplicity, and stratification” enhance “the predatory nature of masculinity” (42). Mamet’s salesmen represent masculinity gone wrong....
3 Pages 1170 Words
Donald Trump was never a credible leader. He formally became the President of the United States of America on January 20, 2017. He was an agent and used to come to unscripted TV dramas. While Trump lost the mainstream vote by an edge of 3 million, he won the appointive vote in a presidential challenge which, as indicated by the...
2 Pages 684 Words
Academic discourse is the dialogue and the way of communicating in the classroom. Academic discourse is the dialogue and the way of communicating in the classroom. Both articles come to ask the same question, “Has academic discourse changed and whether or not new discourse is improved?” Academic discourse has changed over time because the 21st century has evolved from before....
2 Pages 1153 Words
Cross country is more than just a sport. There is the obvious mental and physical toughness, but there is also raw emotion that is evoked. Coaches and teammates have the utmost respect for one another. When you run for your school, the final year becomes something memorable. For me, running in high school my senior year was the most illustrious...
4 Pages 1793 Words
Coaches nowadays typically include more than seven plays within their offense. Basketball coaches may use more, while baseball and volleyball coaches may not, but using signals and nonverbal ways to communicate plays to their players is key when effectively running a play. Depending on the sport a coach may use key terms or hand motions to signal something. In basketball,...
2 Pages 864 Words
As a newly certified coach and professional personal trainer, I am writing this report for the new comer to the discourse community of personal trainers. What is the history of this community? What are its primary mechanisms of intercommunication? What kind of threshold levels does it have? This report will explore these and related questions, drawing on my careful observation...
2 Pages 919 Words
A discourse community is people with similar interest and goals in life, share a language that helps them discuss and accomplish these interests and goals. In the nursing community, many codewords are used for different events in situations. All nurses maintain the same goals for every patient; they all have to follow their scope of practice. Everybody works together, share...
2 Pages 768 Words
Currently, being student of Occupational Therapists Assistant and Physiotherapists Assistant at Fleming college, I am writing this description for the students willing to join the physiotherapy discourse community. What is the history of physiotherapy community? What are its principal mechanisms of intercommunication? What kind of terminology does it have? This report will explore these and associated queries, drawing on my...
1 Page 673 Words
I am composing this report to deliver the information needed to become a member of the discourse community of conservation biologists. It takes legitimate hard work, preparation time and money. I will provide a solid foundation about this network of biologist, and analyze how they are a discourse community and recommendations on how to successfully and effectively enter this vocation...
8 Pages 3835 Words
Annotated Bibliography: Sources for Research Genre, as defined by Bazerman (2003) is a “Recognizable, self-reinforcing forms of communication” this mean that there is a feature that everyone can recognize and choose the appropriate ways to response to that situation. This is not the case for teachers that teach high school students about genre based on Whitney, Ridgeman & Masquelier (2011)....
5 Pages 2258 Words
Contemporary Genre Theories (ESP, New Rhetoric, SFL) The term comes from the French (and originally Latin) word for ‘kind’ or ‘class’ and appeared in rhetoric, literary theory, media theory, and more recently in linguistics as referring to a distinctive type of ‘text’. Different approaches applied in order to form a basis for defining genres. Vandenberg provides the following definitions of...
6 Pages 2917 Words
Patil states: “The term discourse community identifies a group of people with common interests and goals in life, share a language that helps them discuss and attain these interests and goals” (Patil). This is what Patil said about discourse communities and this is what it means. Discourse communities are people with similar goals and these people tend to bond together...
3 Pages 1461 Words
As John Swales’ once said in his excerpt “The Concept of Discourse Community,” “a discourse community is a group of people involved in and communicating about a particular topic, issue, or in a particular field”(Swales). Within these societies, they form their own type of subgroup, of people with similar goals who work toward said objective. I encountered a discourse community...
2 Pages 1122 Words
Between Good Writing and College-Level Writing A great writer of amazing stories like “Narnia” CS Lewis states that “You can make anything by writing” is easily compared to, writing experts who expect college essays to be done on a different level. Many writers believe that completing an essay should be done a certain fashion. These scholars and experts think that...
4 Pages 1881 Words
Suits and Ties Studying the habits of human beings, theorists have proposed different ways in which humans interact with one another. Humans associate with people through similar passions, interests, backgrounds, or beliefs. I currently want to pursue a career as a financial analyst. A financial analyst is someone that helps prevent financial risks for large enterprises and companies. So in...
3 Pages 1237 Words
A discourse community is a group of people who share a set of goals, which are basic values and assumptions, and ways of communicating about those goals. The ability to communicate is very important to a discourse community. It is important because without communication the community would not be able to convey information to each other, and they wouldn’t have...

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