Essay on the Role of the Computer in Modern Life

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Nowadays, computers play an important role in our day-to-day lives, they are almost used everywhere, without them this modern life seems to be impossible. Computers are most likely to be a laptop or a desktop computer, but there are many different types, for example, the invention of the smartphone, which can fulfill every aspect of a computer. Computers are used in the manufacturing industry, education, banks, and almost every aspect of life. Today computers made human’s life much easier than in the past. Such as people can save their precious time by using online banking through computers, many accounts are handled through computers, one can store so much of their personal information on this device, and so on.

One of the most important positive aspects of the computer is that one can operate the Internet on it. When it comes to today’s life, from online to social media, everything can be done only through one means, which is the Internet. Operating search engines such as Google, information on anything in the world can be obtained with just a click. Social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and many more connect people from one place to another, whether they are miles away or sitting next to each other. Regarding the Internet, there are innumerable ways in which a human can make money, such as stock marketing, creating online websites for buying and selling, trading household things, and many more. Another advantage of the Internet is entertainment. One can do many things on the Internet using computers, such as playing online games, watching movies, chatting with people, and many more.

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In addition, analyzing the role of computers in modern life, it must be noted that they have significantly helped us in the preservation of information, being an excellent means of storing important data in large volumes. Nowadays student’s life is completely dependent on computers, for instance, assignments and many online projects are expected by colleges which are generally asked to be submitted online. One can choose his/her appropriate college by going through every college website on the Internet. There are many sources from which one gets innumerable information on a particular thing. E-books and many learning materials are available online, which plays a huge role in students gaining knowledge regarding their studies. Visual classes are also available for the students, making it easier for them to understand. An app such as Youtube can be a great source of knowledge for students and even adults to gain knowledge regarding any particular topic or happenings going around them.

Going forward, as per mentioned earlier, computers play an important role in keeping records or handling accounts of any company or business. For example, maintaining ledger and bookkeeping. One more important thing is that a computer provides quick access to the bank account of the individual so that they can easily make payments or check their bank details. A computer can help one be more organized, work more efficiently, and complete many tasks at the same time. Apart from this, computers reduce paperwork, we can save e-books like bills and bank statements, and we do not have not to print them.

Summing up, we can say that the modern generation is completely dependent on computers. Almost every aspect of our functioning is now connected to computers. However, like everything, computers can also be harmful to mankind, because their excessive use can harm a person physically, mentally, and socially. However, the right and limited time, if allocated to use, can prevent these risks and allow us to enjoy the benefits to the fullest.

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Essay on the Role of the Computer in Modern Life. (2023, November 21). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 20, 2025, from
“Essay on the Role of the Computer in Modern Life.” Edubirdie, 21 Nov. 2023,
Essay on the Role of the Computer in Modern Life. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 20 Jan. 2025].
Essay on the Role of the Computer in Modern Life [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Nov 21 [cited 2025 Jan 20]. Available from:

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