Islam essays

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Essay on Hindu View of Human Nature

1 Page 566 Words
Religion has the potential to transform individuals, bringing them happiness and a sense of engagement within their community. The expansion of religion allows individuals to connect with more people, as evidenced by the 45% of actively religious individuals in Australia who reported feeling happier, compared to the 33% who were unaffiliated. This is highlighted in an article from 'Christian Today',...

Essay on 'Aladdin' Stereotypes

2 Pages 807 Words
It would seem that it is not just the misrepresentation of Arabs and Muslims as a regressive group but also the lack of representing them in a balanced way. Pistritto in The Real Faces of Islam compares the representation of Muslims in “Islam vs Islamists”, a documentary that had taken the task to show Muslims battling with Islamic extremists in...

Essay about Muhammad Ali Being Role Model

2 Pages 1113 Words
Introduction Cassius Marcellus, Mohammad Ali Kelly was an American heavyweight boxer who is recognized as one of the greatest boxers in boxing history and one of the most important sports figures of the twentieth century. Muhammad Ali was born on January 17, 1942, in Louisville, the largest city in the USA state of Kentucky. His father's job was writing and...

Short Essay on the Prophet Muhammad

1 Page 434 Words
Concentrating on the life of the Prophet Muhammad resembles concentrating on the history of Islam. It is the life story of our most adored life and the historical backdrop of our religion. Muslims, even non-Muslims, ought to submit to the brilliant standards of the Holy Prophet to carry on with a fruitful life. Who so at any point complies with...

Essay about a Mosque Architecture

2 Pages 784 Words
The architecture of a mosque is strongly shaped by the regional traditions of the time and place where it was built. As a result, the style, layout, and decoration can vary greatly. Nevertheless, because of the common function of the mosque as a place of congregational prayer, certain architectural features appear in mosques all over the world. Mosques must have...

Why Did Islam Spread So Quickly: Argumentative Essay

3 Pages 1507 Words
Muslim expansion had a major impact on world history, the most noticeable being that Islam evolved from a predominantly Arab religion into a religion with a universal appeal. Muslims have risen from a small, fractured community on the Arabian Peninsula to the largest religious and political force in the Eastern Hemisphere, with over 350 million people. Military conquest, trade, pilgrimage,...

Comparative Analysis Essay: Catholicism Vs Islam

1 Page 604 Words
Classical antiquity spiraled down with the fall of ancient empires like Greece and Rome. Consequently, Christianity and Islam, along with their cultures, began to grow and even trade routes like the Silk Road and the Trans-Saharan developed, marking the start of the Post-Classical era. Although these trade routes were new and innovative, Muslims and Christians had opposing views on trade...

Reflective Essay on Sufism

3 Pages 1389 Words
As one hears the word “Sufism“ or “Sufi' in today’s times, two things come to his/her mind. One is that it relates to an individual phenomenon and society gains very little from it. And second, it is based on principles not incorporated by the fundamental teachings of Islam. That Sufism is something superfluous to the message of Islam. And that...

Why Did Islam Spread So Quickly Essay

2 Pages 899 Words
Introduction In the seventh century, a profound transformation began in the Arabian Peninsula with the emergence of Islam. This faith would rapidly expand to become one of the world's major religions. This remarkable spread, beginning with the Prophet Muhammad in 610 C.E., captivated and unified vast populations across continents. The speed and extent of Islam's expansion raise intriguing questions about...

Informative Essay on the Veil as a Weapon of Right-Wing Politics in France

6 Pages 2927 Words
Across Europe, nationalist movements attempting to regain sovereignty have led to the rise of populist, right-wing parties. This has also led to a rise in secularism, especially in France. The discouragement of religion in the public sphere placed a target on Muslim women as their clothing was a clear indicator of religious affiliation. The debates surrounding the wearing of the...

What Is the Enduring Significance of the Islamic Empire: Essay

5 Pages 2303 Words
Introduction to the Islamic World's Emergence To understand when and how the 'Islamic world' arose according to Hourani, I will cover a period of Arab history of about 300 years (from the 600s to the 900s). So, I will try to highlight the period of time before and after the coming of Islam as well as the influence of Islam...

Islamic New Year: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 1777 Words
Islamic New Year is the national event that marks the beginning of the month of Muharram, the first month in the Islamic calendar. The first year of the Islamic calendar began to be counted in Gregorian CE 622. That year was very important for Muslims, it was the year when Prophet Muhammad PBUH moved from Mecca to Medina ( hijra...

Essay on the Hagia Sophia as an Example of Christian Vision in a Now Muslim Piece

3 Pages 1338 Words
Coming across Christian cathedrals, they are very detectable with the architectural style and depictable with the interior design. The Hagia Sophia was built in Istanbul, Turkey 537 AD by the Byzantine emperor Justinian I. It was initially a Christian cathedral known for its famous massive dome architecture. It was rebuilt in 1453 by the Ottoman Empire and was decided to...

Achieving Personal Peace in Islam

1 Page 663 Words
Personal peace in Islam is known as the greater Jihad, this should be an individual submitting to God, Allah. This is expressed in relationships with the individual’s family and society and obedience to Islamic law and peaceful relationships with society as a whole. The belief of God in Islam leads to the knowledge of God, this knowledge leads to the...

The Development of Islam in Sudan

2 Pages 748 Words
The Islamization of Islam revolutionized every aspect of the Sudanese states. It spread throughout every level of their existence. Islam is one of the great regions of the world that unite many people. It began with the prophet Muhammed in 622AD, the year the Muslim calendar takes its origin. Islam is a monotheistic and Abrahamic religion articulated by the Quran...

Difference between Islam and Christianity Essay

6 Pages 2846 Words
Abstract Religion provides many benefits to humans, and also allows human beings to make sense of our existence. Religions around the world provide answers to the ways in which we were created, and the occurrences of events, and they also provide a moral and ethical code by which we live. Christianity and Islam, are both different religions, yet they stand...

The Islamic Societies History

5 Pages 2207 Words
Islam plays a significant role in lives of many believers. It has been the unifying factor for many Muslims due to belief in one God and Muhammad as His Prophet. This essay explores the views of Muslims on the role of religion, politics, and military affairs, and how did this play out in the territorial expansion of Islam. Prophet Muhammad...

Islamic Golden Age: Rise and Fall

3 Pages 1214 Words
When we hear the word “Renaissance’, we usually refer to the European Renaissance that lasted from around the 14th to 17th centuries. Michelangelo, Botticelli, Donatello and many other names come to mind when we discuss this Renaissance, which was a period when Europe started to abandon many traditional customs from the Middle Ages and started the quest for learning. Today,...

Analysis of the Early History of Islam

1 Page 652 Words
Islam is a religion base upon the surrender to God who is one. The very name of the religion, al-islam in Arabic, means at once submission and peace, for it is in submitting to God's Will that human beings achieve peace in their lives in this world and in the hereafter. The message of Islam concerns God, who in Arabic...

How did Muslims affect European (especially Spanish) Literature

4 Pages 1766 Words
This is because after the Abbasids took power and established the Abbasid caliphate, the Umayyad dynasty had no choice but to flee. His only option was for this dynasty to move to Córdoba, now Spain. There they defeated the Visigothic king Don Rodrigo in the battle of Guadalete, thus began the Arab domination of the Iberian Peninsula that would last...

Political History of Islamic Empire

2 Pages 849 Words
Islam being one of the fastest growing religion is youngest and second largest religion and civilisation which was founded by Prophet Muhammad ibn Abd Allah in western Arabia. Much of Muhammad's prophetic career, from the time he began publicly preaching in about 613 until his death in 632, was consumed with warding off and eventually overcoming the opposition of his...

Prejudice Towards Minorities as a Social Problem on the Example of Muslims

2 Pages 742 Words
Prejudice has been an innate concept which has been growing in an individual since time immoral. It is a negative attitude and feeling towards an individual based solely on one’s membership in a particular social group. Prejudice is the broader term which has shaped certain elements such as stereotype, discrimination, etc. But prejudice includes all the aspects such as the...

Comparative Study of Ethical Concepts of Hinduism and Islam Based on Bhagavad Gitā and Quran

4 Pages 1868 Words
Ethics deals with right and wrong behavior of human beings. All the religions hold ethical component, often these can be derived from the supernatural guidance. Philosophers from decades believe that religion is necessary to lead life ethically. According to Simon Blackburn, there are those peoples who 'would say that we can only flourish under the umbrella of a strong social...

Eid al-Fitr As Muslim Religious Holiday: Reflective Essay on Islamic Culture

2 Pages 1054 Words
One of the Muslim religious holidays is called Eid ul Fitr. It is celebrated by Muslims around the world, which begins at end of the month of Ramadan, an Islamic holy month of fasting. There are only two Muslim holidays. Eid al fitr, and eid al adha. Each is celebrated after a holy month. Eid al fitr is celebrated after...
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Analytical Essay on the Qurān: Five Pillars of Islam and the most Important Muslim Practices

2 Pages 861 Words
Islam is an ancient and highly notorious religion that began in the Middle East and has spread rapidly around the world. It has attracted a following of 1.9 billion and is the second largest religion in the entire world. What do Muslims believe? The term “Islam” literally translates to “surrender” in Arabic and exhibits Muslim belief that humans are to...

Concept of Surrender Referring to a Muslim Abiding by the Five Pillars of Islam: Analytical Essay

2 Pages 827 Words
Background- Conversion or Reversion Some Muslims only use the word 'revert' not 'convert' when someone joins the religion, believing that everyone is born a Muslim, though their parents can choose to deviate them from this path. This would mean that people who join the faith are reverting to their original faith, born on the religion of their nature. The Testimony...

Reflective Essay on Traditions of Celebrating Eid

3 Pages 1345 Words
Salat/Salah Salat is a ritual prayer that is part of the ordinary routine of Muslim. It is part of the 5 pillars of Islam, which is basically the main acts/rules that are expected from all Muslims. Approximately 1400 years old, this prayer not only allows you to speak with Allah, it is also seen as a way to connect with...

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