Japan essays

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2 Pages 987 Words
The United States detonated two nuclear weapons over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6th and 9th on 1945. These weapons were designed by American theoretical physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer and his six colleague scientists. Two distinct types of atomic bombs were developed Oppenheimer and his team: ‘Little Boy’ a uranium-based weapon and ‘Fat Man’ a plutonium-based...
2 Pages 924 Words
Healthcare in Japan is mostly considered to be a universal type of healthcare. Universal healthcare means that medical treatment for Japanese citizens is provided and paid for. This system is accessible to all citizens, as well as non-Japanese citizens staying in Japan for more than a year. This is quite different from healthcare in the United States, however, there are...
1 Page 505 Words
Introduction: The Treaty of Versailles, signed in 1919, marked the end of World War I and established the terms for peace among the victorious Allies and defeated Central Powers. While the treaty primarily focused on the European theater, its consequences reverberated across the globe. This essay critically examines how the Treaty of Versailles affected Japan and evaluates its long-term implications...
3 Pages 1384 Words
Introduction: Japanese knotweed is a significant alien plant species found across mostly economically developed countries. Invasive species are well-fitted to the UK’s environment and, having limited to no control methods, multiply quickly and cause social, environmental, or economic issues in many places. They spread very easily due to human and natural disturbances, such as floods or something as simple as...
2 Pages 819 Words
The formation of a civilized society entails an equilibrium between all stakeholders representing many individuals with common and diverse interests. This equilibrium balances the need and voices of the citizens through negotiation, compromise, and reconciliation so that a responsible government can then accordingly formulate and implement appropriate policies and propose legislation to defuse tension and confrontation. This may facilitate all...
1 Page 526 Words
The Second World War was unlike the First World War in that it was not seen as a European war. World War II was a clearly defined world war in that it was a war fought in two spheres and involved several countries across the globe. The first sphere was the European sphere where Germany and Italy tried to ravage...
4 Pages 1839 Words
It is an obvious fact that healthcare systems in different countries differ. For this comparative essay, I chose the country of Japan, with the intention of comparing its healthcare system with ours, America. Access Japan has a universal, public statutory health insurance system (SHIS) that provides coverage regulated by the government. It is mandatory for all citizens of all ages...
1 Page 458 Words
Schools in Japan, from elementary to high school, hold ‘Undoukai’ (Sports Day). It's usually held on around October. Recently, some schools have started to hold their Sports Day in May because Japanese students are studying for exams in October. My Japanese school also holds in May, too. There's a small opening ceremony where all the groups march in a line,...
2 Pages 732 Words
On December 7th, 1941, Japan launched a surprise attack on the United States known as Pearl Harbor. This attack would be responsible for killing more than 2,000 American sailors, soldiers, and civilians. The attack happened on Pearl Harbor, a military base in Hawaii. It was considered a surprise attack because the US was not in the war and was not...
4 Pages 1281 Words
Japan, a captivating island nation in East Asia, is a land that exudes an enchanting blend of tradition and modernity. With a history spanning thousands of years, Japan has evolved into a society that seamlessly combines ancient customs with cutting-edge technology. Its breathtaking geography, diverse culture, and unique language have captivated the world, making it a subject of fascination and...
5 Pages 2450 Words
Nobody expected it. This was an event that killed nearly 16,000 people. It was also an event that cost $360 billion dollars worth of damage. Over 2,500 people remain missing from this catastrophe. This once-in-a-generation disaster was caused by two tectonic plates colliding along a subduction zone at a 9.0-9.1 magnitude. The tsunami started when two tectonic plates from the...
2 Pages 1084 Words
The boom of South Korean pop (K-pop) originally expanded to few Asian countries in mid-1990s; however, in early twenty first century, it has gained global popularity in the twinkling of an eye. The latest BTS – a Korean idol group which consists seven boys - got the first place on America’s Billboard album chart (Dal and Lee, 2019). It was...
2 Pages 1021 Words
In this essay, I will tackle the difference and similarities between the two countries, Japan and the Philippines. Even though these two countries are near to each other, the people, climate and culture are very different. Japan belongs to the first-class countries, while the Philippines belongs to the third world countries, and that was the first difference. Japan is almost...
5 Pages 2596 Words
Japan is an island nation which borders China, South Korea, the Philippines, North Korea, Taiwan and Russia by sea. Japan’s bolstering economy makes this country of great interest for conducting business. With proper preparation foreign managers can formulate better strategy and develop better awareness throughout their intercultural interactions. Helpful knowledge includes an overview of the country’s current cultural systems and...
4 Pages 1892 Words
Japan and Switzerland are two sovereign nation – states that greatly differ between each other from their sovereignty, government, population, and territory. Japan has both a larger territory and population size than Switzerland and their timelines of sovereignty are quite different, but their government systems share some similarities. These two nation states are prime examples of the similarities and differences...
4 Pages 1792 Words
For a long time, Japan has been known for its distinct lack of natural resources such as oil, gas, metals and other traditional energy sources, depending highly on imports for energy and raw materials for activity such as construction (Owuor, S. 2019). In this economy, manufacturing, agriculture and fishing are the main sectors, and has continued to flourish owing to...
2 Pages 1018 Words
Oshogatsu (New Year’s) There are about three thousand festivals and celebrations in Japan and New Year’s or Oshogatsu is one of the most important holidays in Japan. Unlike the New Year's celebration in the United States, the Japanese New Year’s is very traditional as it is directly tied to religion since most Japanese are Buddhists or Shintos. It is believed...
7 Pages 3314 Words
Analyse juvenile delinquency and laws regarding juveniles in Japan from a film perspective and various official data Although in Japan juvenile crime rates or adult crime rates are quite low when compared to other countries. However, there is an interesting phenomenon that only exists in Japan. According to the chart of crime rates for juveniles and adults worldwide on the...
6 Pages 2907 Words
Japanese Shogatsu The Japanese culture has many traditions and is supported by many unique holidays and celebrations. There exist countless festivals and celebrations that the Japanese celebrate on both a local level and national level honoring their country and the Shinto and Buddhist religions. Typical local festivals, also known as Matsuri, include celebrations such as Gion in Kyoto, and Sanja...
5 Pages 2352 Words
Introduction to Healthcare Systems When people think of the United States of America, they think of a country that strives for perfection among other things, but is the U.S. really the best at what counts? Healthcare is one of the most important systems within the United States and should be the most important system in most countries. There are 195...
1 Page 476 Words
Rice is enriched with calories, protein which is required for sustenance and a good port of vitamins. It is the member of a family of plants that includes grass, marijuana and bamboo. There are almost 120,000 varieties of rice and their plants can grow 10 ft. high and shoot up to 8 inches in a day. Rice is the main...
6 Pages 2915 Words
Engineering is a universal language spoken by those with the passion for designing and building the machines and structures used by humanity on a habitual basis. Some would even declare engineering as a job without borders. However, the idea of ‘without borders’ does not always necessarily apply to cultural and ideological compatibility. In the United States, engineers are to recognize...
4 Pages 2002 Words
In 1939, the President of the USA, FDR, was informed by US intelligence that Germany was on her way to making a nuclear bomb of their own. This led to the creation of the Advisory Committee on Uranium, a team tasked with harnessing and weaponising uranium. Based upon the committee’s findings, the US started funding research by Enrico Fermi and...
2 Pages 670 Words
The anime industry is hugh, but it wasn't always. Anime didn't start till the early 1900’s, and it didn't become “popular” until the 1980’s. Dragon Ball is the most well known anime but is often called a cartoon. Now anime is a lot more popular than in the 80’s and 90’s. They now even have words for anime enthusiast; weeb,...
2 Pages 797 Words
The three tectonic boundaries are divergent, convergent, and transform. A divergent boundary is when two tectonic plates move away from each other. If the plates moving away are oceanic, this may cause sea-floor spreading, which is the creation of new sea floor. As a result of how likely this occurs, continental plates tend to be older. Transform boundaries have the...
2 Pages 793 Words
In this essay, I am going to talk about the tsunami that happened in Japan in 2011. This work will provide information about where the disaster occurred, why and what consequences it had. Finally, it will be discussed what conclusions were drawn and how we can now reduce the impact of these types of events. Where Did It Occur? A...
2 Pages 780 Words
President Harry Truman determined to release nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was the optimum decision of circumstances that supported the surrender of Japan in World War II. Many arguments will doubt the atomic bombs had made results any better. While, the other handful of individuals, supporting Truman’s authorization, have considerable justification. Toss away the reasons for disagreement and contemplate...
2 Pages 901 Words
Japan is a fascinating and beautiful country in East Asia. Japan has lots of different traditions, festivals, landforms, and tourist attractions. Japan is a unique country with its beautiful landscape, people; it is lovely events and contrasting culture compared to Australia. I think we can all affirm with the suggested precondition that Japan is a remarkable and extraordinary country. In...
2 Pages 701 Words
Poverty has no root cause. Success is the one that has. Heat is analogically a result of active processes; it has sources. But cold is not a result of such processes; it is just the absence of heat. Simply put, the great cold of economic stagnation is just the absence of economic development. Economic development transforms basic, low-income, national economies...
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