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The Image of Pearl in Scarlet Letter

1 Page 534 Words
In The Scarlet Letter, not only is Pearl Hester’s daughter, but it is clear that she is also a wicked reminder of the past. In the novel, Pearl symbolizes the scarlet letter itself. The scarlet letter is meant to be a symbol of shame. That means, Pearl happens to be the punishment for Hester’s sin of adultery. Hester received this...

Isolation In Gothic Stories And Films

2 Pages 773 Words
The style of writing found in Gothic literature was used by many writers in the early 1800 and 1900s and can still be found in writing today. Within Crimson Peak by Guillermo del Toro and “Death in the Woods” by Sherwood Anderson, the theme of Isolation can be identified. Within Crimson Peak by Guillermo del Toro, “Allal” by Paul Bowles,...

The Aspects of Dystopia in Red Cloaks, The Power and An Excess Male

2 Pages 984 Words
Dystopian novels follow a frightening downfall in society. The genre explores all types of disasters, from environmental catastrophes to government failure. Dystopias are typically used to draw attention to modern day political issues. Authors depict dystopian worlds so that a reader can draw connections between a text’s dystopia and their own modern world. The genre uses pathos to hook onto...

Critical Analysis Of Medea As A Tragedy

3 Pages 1433 Words
The story of Medea by author Euripides conveys the loathsome side of human relationships, especially within a family. The society being presented in the story mirrors major situations happening in our society. Medea is a woman who has suffered a lot, and over time, she became twisted by her own pain. Euripides uses gender roles, love, marriage, and being a...

What Makes a Dystopia

2 Pages 887 Words
According to Terri Chung’s Dystopian Literature Primer, we learn that a dystopia is a “futuristic, imagined universe in which oppressive societal control and the illusion of a perfect society are maintained through corporate, bureaucratic, technological, moral, or totalitarian control.” If we acknowledge, Hulu’s original series, The Handmaid’s Tale, we can come to conclusion that the type of dystopia being displayed...

Montag's Morals In The Novel Fahrenheit 451

2 Pages 899 Words
Having just read Fahrenheit 451 in my Language and Literature class, there is quite a lot on my mind regarding the novel. There are many concepts and ideas that Bradbury mentions and references throughout the three different sections, such as the main message, which is to value the power of thought and knowledge. Bradbury also places quite a lot of...

Why Dystopia is Not the Fiction of Resistance but the Fiction of Helplessness and Hopelessness

6 Pages 2863 Words
Both Orwell and Atwood explore and present how two dystopian societies are completely controlled by different despotic regimes that restrict freedoms. In order to preserve the totalitarian states the secret police in both ‘The Handmaids tale’ and ‘1984’ the secret police invade and terrorise the personal lives of civilians so they are too scared to rebel against their leaders. Written...

The Representation Of Doubles In Irish Gothic Writing And Its Thematic Significance

7 Pages 3096 Words
This essay will examine the representation of doubles in Irish Gothic literature and its thematic significance. For the purpose of this essay when invoking the phrase Gothic, I am referring to the definition of Gothic as a genre of fiction ‘characterized by suspenseful, sensational plots involving supernatural or macabre elements and often having a medieval theme or setting.’ In addition,...

Unseen Dystopia for Only Ever Yours by Louise O’Neill

2 Pages 1010 Words
Like many dystopias O’Neill’s dystopia ‘Only Ever Yours’ focusses on the theme of entrapment. The theme of entrapment is a common dystopian trope and O’Neill introduces this through her protagonist Freida. Immediately the passage starts off with the narrator explaining how she “can’t sleep” even after taking “SleepSound”, this description instantly alerts readers and makes us question as to why...

Why Dystopian Literature is More Concerned about the Present than the Future

3 Pages 1257 Words
Writers of dystopian literature focus mainly on the present and future. Both Orwell and Atwood turn their attention to the ways in which the present plays a pivotal role in helping to shape the future. Although both novelists focus on both tenses, dystopian literature often makes readers question if these events reflect the present or events that have not yet...

High Culture/Popular Culture Debate In Relation To Romantic Gothic

9 Pages 4209 Words
High and Popular Gothic were classed as poisonous novels which were read in secret. Beattie criticises the reading of sensationalist gothic novels as a dangerous past time because “Romances are a dangerous recreation… and tend to corrupt the heart and simulate the passions” (Beattie, J, (1970), pp. 309-327). In this assignment, I will argue that the relationship between the two...

Gothic Sexuality In Dracula

1 Page 650 Words
The few elements that make up Gothic literature, sexuality contributes to many themes of novels. While being such a controversial topic, especially during the Victorian era, many authors continued push this element in their works. Two novels that really concentrated on the theme of sexuality was Carmilla written by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu and Dracula by Bram Stoker. Centered around...

Why Is Frankenstein A Gothic Novel?

2 Pages 706 Words
Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein combines elements from Gothic literature and romanticism. Using the elements of fear, horror and gloom, Shelley combined these elements with the ideas of nature, beauty and emotions. Authors of this time created symbols of terror that were used during this period which included the wanderer, the vampire, and the seeker in their novels. Mary Shelly being...

Feminist Dystopia in Handmaid’s Tale

5 Pages 2429 Words
Manifestation of Modern Feminism in Handmaid’s Tale It was in the early nineteen hundreds with the addition of women’s suffrage when the first waves of modern feminism began. This was one of the first steps in altering women’s previously thought power, identity, and individualism. These factors continued to be at the crux of later feminist movements especially the second and...

Female Roles In Gothic Novel Dracula

2 Pages 1000 Words
The novel, Dracula, by Bram Stoker is an important piece of gothic literature written to reflect on society’s views on female sexuality in the Victorian Era. Published in 1897, Stoker highlights the role of women in society as purely virgin and devoted to one man in their lives. The introduction of Dracula offsets the innocent side of women bringing forth...

Island Of Dr. Moreau And In The Picture Of Dorian Gray: Halloween Or A Victorian Novel?

5 Pages 2304 Words
While Wilde and Wells emphasize science as an underlying theme in their works, both authors use science to serve the bigger theme: gothic fiction, and to get the point across they use horror, suspense, and fear that is prevalent in the Victorian Age. In the Island of Dr.Moreau and in The Picture of Dorian Gray, both novels use different themes...

The Interpretation and Roles of Pearl Character in The Scarlet Letter

5 Pages 2483 Words
Pearl's Symbolism and Introduction in 'The Scarlet Letter' Throughout the novel many characters represent and symbolize many different things. One of the most dynamic character’s when it comes to symbolism is Pearl. Although many have analyzed Pearl as simply a symbol and not a character within the novel, the argument that she is in fact a true character that symbolizes...

The Portrayal Of The Main Character In The Giver

3 Pages 1202 Words
Jonas is a twelve-year-old boy who has accepted the sameness in his community just like everyone else. When December rolled around Jonas became the receiver of memory. On his first day he received the memories sunshine and sunburn. He described the sunshine as pleasant and the sunburn as pain. The more and more training he received the more and more...

Possible Dystopian Future In Fahrenheit 451

2 Pages 1034 Words
In this American novel written by Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451 is set in a dystopian future is said to perhaps be his best writing, because the novel attracted and still catches the attention of people today. At the time of the novels release , Ray Bradbury had taken witness to the inclination of Americans towards book burning in the 1950’s....

The Scarlet Letter: Lessons and Themes

2 Pages 908 Words
Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter published in 1850 was a notably acclaimed novel that was one of the first mass-produced books in the United States, sold out just a few days after its initial printing. The book portrayed its protagonist, Hester Prynne’s story of guilt and repentance after she conceived an illegitimate daughter through an affair with the town’s clergyman....

The Kite Runner: Knowledge is Unrefined

4 Pages 2016 Words
The Kite Runner tells the story of a young boy in Afghanistan by the name of Amir who befriends the servant’s son, Hassan, and later decides to betray him. As Amir was always perceived as less than perfect to his indifferent father, the feat to become closer to him resulted in a deception that would affect the next few decades...

The Peculiarities of the Book The Scarlet Letter

6 Pages 2785 Words
Located in Boston Massachusetts, during the 17th century, the Scarlet Letter begins with a gathering of Puritan colonists around a local prison. The colonists in the story seem to be waiting for some sort of public punishment of a prisoner. The mood expressed during this very first chapter of the Scarlet Letter is filled with melancholy and somberness. The only...

Dystopian World In Fahrenheit 451 And The Matrix

3 Pages 1263 Words
Published in 1953, Ray Bradbury’s novel Fahrenheit 451 focuses on a dystopian world. In which is his prediction of the 21st century, where the government controls society through technology and the burning of books. In this alternate reality technology tends to have control of the population. Similarly, The Matrix is a film directed by the Wachowski’s brothers is a science...

Literary Techniques in the Novel The Kite Runner

2 Pages 745 Words
The Kite Runner is a first-person narration with everything presented in the text coming from a character's point of view. This novel structure has a strong influence on how the reader views the characters. For example, using a narrative structure the reader understands why a character behaves in a certain way and is also able to empathise with them. The...

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