Moral Philosophy essays

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The Features of Ethics In Finance

Ethics is around us in majority of things we do daily either personally or professionally. To improve my ethics through reputation, trust and commitment, certain policies needed to be followed to ensure I do not engage in unethical behaviours such as help fulfil the responsibility to my clients and employers, understand and comply with all applicable laws and regulations Fulfil the responsibility to my clients and employers Fulfilment of my duty to customers by being honest and integrity. As a...
2 Pages 1027 Words

The Ethics Of Artificial Intelligence And Disruptive Technologies

As we know that Artificial Intelligence and disruptive technologies like Robotics tend to have a significant impact on the development of humanity today, Muller and Vincent C. (2020) aim to find answers to the problems associated with systems built using these technologies. The authors talk about ethical issues that arise with the use of these technological systems, their impact on privacy and surveillance, behavioral manipulation, and much more. The increasing inclusion of these advanced technological systems in the real-world will...
1 Page 621 Words

The Aspects of Ethics in Management

Today, managers at all levels, top, middle or lower, in their daily activities face some sort of ethical issues in their leadership responsibility. These issues can be related to different activities managers are engaged in, from planning and organizing of work activities at the workplace to motivating and communicating with employees. Manager’s role is not easy, they countenance with matters of right and wrong, matters of fairness and unfairness or matters of justice and injustice while decision making and acting....
4 Pages 1713 Words

The Nature of Moral Judgements

In a world that is full of confusion and contradiction, it becomes a must for each individual to define the underpinnings of his/her own adopted worldview. One significant dimension of such adoption is the nature of morality and ethics, that is to say, what one is ought to do and what is not. This question of right and wrong has occupied great minds and intellects through history. Thus, an entire literature has been produced, and still being produced today, regarding...
2 Pages 985 Words

Ethics in Information Technology

INTRODUCTION The Each general public structures a lot of guidelines that sets up the limits of commonly acknowledged conduct. These guidelines are frequently communicated in articulations about how individuals ought to carry on, and they fit together to shape the ethical code by which a general public lives. Shockingly, the distinctive standards frequently have logical inconsistencies, and individuals are now and again dubious about which principle to pursue. For example, in the event that you witness a companion duplicate another...
8 Pages 3775 Words

Ethics for All: What is it for?

The topics of Ethics is not one commonly brought up in the litany of rhetoric of educational systems along with subjects like math and science– often placing the role of molding the growing child’s moral code to the parents or religious institutions. Typically, many of these values are learned in life lessons through trial and error, pit falls and triumphs, or childhood fables which are espoused to be used as models for future behavior. As we age these lessons are...
8 Pages 3611 Words

The Physician Assisted Suicide Dilemma

Abstract Physician Assisted Suicide (PAS) is when a physician provides a lethal medication that is used to end life. With an ever-increasing responsiveness of physician assisted suicide across the world, it is important to understand the beliefs and reasoning for those for and against PAS. There has been a long debate regarding the ethics surrounding these issues. PAS has a long history and there are many laws in place across the world that either ban, or have legalized, PAS. The...
6 Pages 2807 Words

Ethics Education and Daily Lives

Just consider this for a moment, you can tell a friend an important truth, which also, might end the friendship. You recognised that the continued uses of fossil fuel and cars and planes contribute to climate change, and yet you want to get where you need to go. When you see an interaction at a party between a man and a woman that seems off and wonder if you should intervene. We face these challenges in our lives, big or...
3 Pages 1367 Words

Why Businesses Should Embrace Ethics

In our age where unethical practices are escalating and where non-government and governmental bodies are scrutinizing business organizations because of the escalated unethical practices, businesses must enhance the understanding of their ethical duties for their long-standing growth, value and reputation. Using ethics as a guide to operate an organization’s functions and operations with moral values and principles to guide their behavior, decisions and actions and is known as business ethics (McFarlane, 2013). Comment by Russel Sauer: 317 words Corporate social...
2 Pages 706 Words

Jim’s Ethical Dilemma In Utilitarian, Kantian, And Aristotle Virtue Ethical Standpoints

Imagine, if you were able to go on a botanical expedition to South America, something that has been a lifelong dream. Now, imagine ending up in the square in this very small town while on this expedition, and realizing you have just been confronted by your worst nightmare. In front of you stands twenty natives, bound and tied to a wall, all terrified, pleading for their lives. After speaking to a captain and explaining that you were not a part...
3 Pages 1386 Words

The Aspects of Internalist and an Externalist about Moral Motivation

Throughout philosophy, there is an ongoing debate concerning how our moral judgements effect our moral motivation. In this essay I will examine two different explanations of how our moral judgements are linked to motivation; internalism and externalism, whilst arguing and concluding the latter. I will begin by outlining the Ed Gein case and using it as the framework to identify the two theories. Throughout this essay, I will argue in favour of externalists, including criticisms mainly from Michael Smith- a...
4 Pages 1770 Words

Is Morality Innate or Learned?

Through history, there have been some very deep inquiries concerning if morality is innate or learned in humans. Morality by definition is the principles that distinguish right and wrong. Philosophers were questioning the idea of what is “right” and “wrong” but haven’t necessarily came to a conclusion during the modern-era of philosophy. (Haidt & Joseph, 2013) might say that it is innate, based on cross-cultural research, but others might say differently on that matter because of other research findings. There...
6 Pages 2798 Words

Morality of Abortion Essay

Introduction: Diverse Perspectives on Abortion The moral status of abortion is a highly controversial topic that has sparked complicated debates among citizens, governments, medical practitioners, and feminist groups alike. There are major contrasting views in regard to this extremely contentious issue. Some people oppose abortion because they believe fetuses always have a right to live. Some believe abortion is morally permissible in certain situations in particular, such as when carrying the fetus to term poses a significant threat to the...
4 Pages 2039 Words

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Free and Illegal Immigration

Immigration referring to the worldwide movement of individuals into a destination nation of which they are not natives because of social, economic and political reasons. In this paper I am going to present four authors arguments that are Risse and Kukathas relatively in favor of immigration. Brock and Mills is in favor of reducing immigration. They all have different reasons for free and restricted immigration but have similar views which will be further discussed in this essay. To support my...
4 Pages 1757 Words

Disney’s Moral Codes

When most people hear that a story involves a princess they assume right away it is just going to be about some pretentious girl who is in trouble and cannot save herself. People believe you should not look up to Disney princesses because they are not healthy role models and teach kids that they need some prince to come along and save them. However I beg to differ. I believe that Disney princesses are the best role models out there...
3 Pages 1309 Words

Influence of Business Ethics Education on the Possible Behavior of Individuals

WHILE BUSINESS ETHICS in general education is greatly dealt with the effects of teaching business ethics to a student’s moral reasoning and his/her ability to recognize moral issues and moral dilemmas and based on these how his behavior is in effect to given circumsatnces, Douglas May, Matthew Luth, Catherine Schwoerer, S White, R Walls, D. Mohr, G Wolcott, mentions in their respective papers the need for outcome-oriented research would be the need of the hour. Specifically, they are concerned with...
4 Pages 1835 Words

The Moral Argument of Requested Euthanasia

Abstract The ongoing discussion of euthanasia has its supporters and foes. It is already somewhat legal in few places in the world, but still strictly monitored and followed where it is available. Advocates fight for the cause stating that assisted-suicide provides an peaceful end to lives hindered by old age, terminal illness, and empty meaning of life. Those against euthanasia suggest that it is unethical to assist in any type of suicide and that human life should be lived to...
5 Pages 2391 Words

Engineering Ethics in South Africa

What is seen as engineering ethics in South Africa and how does this ethics apply within the industry according to the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA)? In general ethics would be the moral values a person has and how that person can apply these values to distinguish between right and wrong in concepts of systematizing, recommending and defending. In an engineering field this concepts would be applied in an engineering work environment where for example designing of projects and...
3 Pages 1404 Words

Support for the Theory of Moral Perception

Morality has and continues to play an enormous role in shaping societies. What a civilization agrees upon as right or wrong plays a clear influence in how people interact with world, be it because of their moral attitudes, social judgements or even laws. But how exactly are moral violations or just acts experienced? There is a great deal of debate in the perceptual philosophy literature on the existence of moral perception. Can moral properties be experienced at the level of...
7 Pages 3060 Words

Ethical Leadership And Critical Decision Making

Introduction This paper explores the various strategies chosen by multinational oil industries for climate change. The oil business is a standout amongst the most dominant and worldwide business segments today and its exercises and items are specifically connected with rising ozone depleting substance emissions. Understanding its environmental change techniques and activities is of most extreme significance to those strategy creators going for productive cooperation of the oil business in the move to an atmosphere inviting world. Anybody intrigued by the...
3 Pages 1330 Words

The Meaning of Moral Responsibility

What morality means is how we attempt to define what is wrong or right of our actions and thoughts. It also indicates what is good or bad of being who we are. There are multiple types of morality. There are moral standards, with regard to behavior. Moral identity, someone who is capable of right or wrong. The final one is moral responsibility, referring to our conscience. We ensure morality in society for fair play and helps individuals to be good...
1 Page 401 Words

Moral Dilemmas of Self-Driving Cars

In this article on the ethics of self-driving cars, the author explains the moral issues and effects of self-driving cars. When creating a self-driving car, the programmer has control over the car to make moral decisions when the car faces a collision. The passenger of the self-driving car has no control over how the car responds to accidents; they must depend on the car and its programmers. The programmer's control whose lives are prioritized when they decide who should live...
4 Pages 1916 Words

Is it Moral to Eat Meat?

Today the World is divided into two groups: those who eat meat and those who do not eat animal meat. There are many reasons why people become vegetarians but the main ones why people quit using animal meat as a food are some ethical, budget, environmental and health reasons. However, from the ancient times since people had no idea about vegetables, they had to hunt to animals and eat animal meat in order to survive. Therefore, people are genetically used...
3 Pages 1385 Words

Legal, Ethical and Moral Responsibilities of Companies

Abstract No matter what an individual does in life, from the time they are born there are certain standards that become instilled in them. From the toddler years where parents are teaching them right from wrong, proceeding to the school years and on to adult life where they are become introduced to new rules, regulations and standards in which they are expected to be upheld to. This is something that is happening from the time a child is not able...
6 Pages 2570 Words

Human Values And Professional Ethics

ABSTRACT Universal human values play an important role in the life of human at various stages including education and career. When a child enters in school, her/his behaviour depends on the home culture that is family circle. In primary and secondary school life, there is major influence of friends and teachers on her/his behaviour that is the school circle. When she/he enters the college or professional course, the social circle plays an important role which has a dominant impact on...
2 Pages 985 Words

The Objectivity of Ethics

Objectivity of ethics is an idea that tries to provide a clear way to judge conflicts by separating fact, from subjective opinion. When culture and individual opinion is mixed in to judgement, the ability to properly evaluate a situation or problem becomes more difficult. Even though a solution is agreed upon by a majority vote, that suits the guidelines of the culture, it can still be viewed wrong by outside eyes; which can lead to other issues. Which culture morally...
3 Pages 1364 Words

Ethics in the 21st Century

Ethics are the accaptable principles and virtues that are needed to conduct a process diligently. According to KD Clouser (1974), medical ethics doesn’t have its own unique methods or principles rather medical ethics is the enterprise of understanding the specialized facts and relationship of the medical world, to apply more precisely the familiar moral rules of everyday life. Factors that promote medical ethics in the 21st century According to M. Parker, T. Hope (2000), Social factor promotes medical ethics in...
2 Pages 751 Words

Are Religious People Moral?

The Oxford Dictionary defines the word moral as “A lesson that can be derived from a story or experience, or Standards of behaviour; principles of right and wrong” (Oxford University Press [online] 2019). When this is mixed with religion does having faith really determine if you have more morals that someone who doesn’t? A practising Christian would argue that the moral code as defined by the Christian Bible teaches them the difference between what is morally right and wrong. Whereas...
2 Pages 911 Words

Moral and Psychological Development of Holden in the Novel Catcher in the Rye

Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger is written in a first person narrative told by a teenager, Holden Caulfield. Holden reflects on the experiences he had over the course of a few days. The story begins at Pencey Prep, where he is kicked out and the rest takes place in New York. The essential question of this novel is, by looking at Holden’s development as a character through these experiences, is Catcher in the Rye a bildungsroman? First, a...
2 Pages 728 Words

The Basics of Business Ethics

Description of the case: Collapse of Rana Plaza On 24 April 2013, more than 1100 people were killed and another 2438 injured in a factory collapse in Sabhar, Bangladesh. (Disaster in Bangladesh, 2013) The cause of the collapse was quickly questioned in the media and the reason was serious: one day before the collapse, the industrial police had found cracks in the building and banned access. Unfortunately, industrial police’s crucial decision which could save thousands of lives and prevent huge...
6 Pages 2607 Words

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