Muslim essays

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1 Page 451 Words
Muslim scholars in medicine have left a clear imprint on the forehead of history, as many bright-minded people flock to engage in a circle of inventions and innovations in various fields, including medicine, and in this article we will talk about the contributions of Muslim scholars in medicine. Ala ad-Din Abu al-Hasan Ali Ibn Abi-Hazm-al-Qarshi (1210-1288 AD) known as Ibn...
3 Pages 1338 Words
Coming across Christian cathedrals, they are very detectable with the architectural style and depictable with the interior design. The Hagia Sophia was built in Istanbul, Turkey 537 AD by the Byzantine emperor Justinian I. It was initially a Christian cathedral known for its famous massive dome architecture. It was rebuilt in 1453 by the Ottoman Empire and was decided to...
2 Pages 1020 Words
Introduction Naved Bakali’s book Islamophobia: Understanding Anti-Muslim Racism through the Lived Experiences of Muslim Youth was published in 2016, fifteen Islamophobiayears after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, were used as a catalyst to start the United States’ Global War on Terror. In this book, Bakali examines those fifteen years. Upon finishing Islamophobia, the reader will have a clear...
4 Pages 1945 Words
Introduction Phobia is defined as the “irrational or exaggerated fear or dislike of a specific thing or group”. So Islamophobia is defined as the “irrational or exaggerated fear or dislike of Islam”. Islam is a religion and the people which follow it is called Muslims. Islamophobia is when Muslims are the victim of attack just because of their religion. Excessive...
4 Pages 1756 Words
There is a common misconception that the Middle Ages were a wholly Christian phenomenon, and focus often remains on the west, though it is important to recognise that other religions were present across the world during this time. To properly evaluate how tolerant various religions were, it should be considered how they interacted with each other. Christian tolerance was evident,...
4 Pages 1897 Words
Introduction Today the complete world is facing troubles and is full of disturbance. Muslims ummah faces the same state of affairs instead it would now not be incorrect to say that muslims world greater problem than relaxation of different peoples. Muslims is passing through a very challenging and necessary situation. The muslims in world is underneath cultural raid and very...
3 Pages 1516 Words
There is an inclination to aspect at the complex relationship of the Muslim-Christian relations over the prism of recent events alone. Any account of Muslim-Christian relations, on the other hand, should consider historical events as well as processes in instruction to position current improvements in their appropriate context. Muslims were well treated under the rule of King Roger as compared...
1 Page 526 Words
Family, ethnicity, personal interests and the environment you grow up in are all factors that contribute in shaping an individual’s identity. Several aspects may influence your identity more than others. These factors influence an individual’s ethics and morals, choice of music, and numerous other characteristics of life. The surrounding environment that an individual grows up in influences a person’s way...
3 Pages 1427 Words
Religion in India is identified by the diverse existence of religious practices and beliefs. The preamble of Indian Constitution clearly states that India is a Secular State. Citizens have Right to choose their religion. Personal Laws are used to regulate matters regarding marriage, divorce, maintenance, etc for Indian Citizen. However, these laws are criticized for Gender inequality and biased attitude....
3 Pages 1172 Words
In the present world Muslim women are facing a no of challnges twin challenges one of modernity and second empowerment, so the question of Muslim women is concerned not only with the principles of 'womanhood' in Islam, but also on social constructs of women surrounded by political divergence also. In Kashmir, the term ‘Muslim women' demands and brings to mind...
2 Pages 816 Words
If there is one group of people who tend to face extreme discrimination and social subjugation in the United States of America, it is undoubtedly religious minority groups. Muslim American Women in particular, stand out amongst the rest. The degree of orientalism that Muslim women continue to face in America has increased tenfold following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks,...
1 Page 587 Words
Hollywood and Bollywood both are included amongst the well-renowned cinema industries around the world. They are socially influential and impactful industries and is increasing with passage of time. The respective research will have a comparative analysis of Muslim negative image portrayed in Hollwood and Bollywood industries. Moreover the Islamic representation will also be analyzed especially after the 9/11 incident, how...
3 Pages 1507 Words
Introduction Feminism today is a cause that several males and females are trying to champion. This is because they believe that the cause is indeed a noble one. Therefore, they fight for equal right for females, respect for females and above all, a pedestal with equal chances for females, just like the male. On this note, feminists have developed for...
1 Page 635 Words
Muslims make up a big part of our world population. Around 1.8 billion people in our world population are muslims. Muslims are people who are followers of Islam. Muslim means “Anyone or anything surrender itself to the ture will of God. Muslims have quite a lot of rules to follow. Muslims have The Five Pillars to follow. The Five Pillars...
2 Pages 810 Words
Good morning, Dr. Birkenstock, Mrs. Z, and fellow students. A minority group can be determined by the physical appearance and cultural practices that are different from those of a dominant group. Very often, unequal treatment is given upon the minority groups. Currently, discrimination against Muslim has grabbed people’s attention, because a record number of Muslim have reported religious discrimination claims....
6 Pages 2717 Words
Introduction The main topic is Current social, moral and political challenges of Muslims and their solutions in the light of Islamic teachings, while the sub topic is Islamism and how the negative image of Islam and Muslim law diminishes the spread of Islam One definition of Islamism is “the [Islamic] ideology that guides society as a whole and that [teaches]...
4 Pages 1769 Words
INTRODUCTION This point chiefly bases on the issues of Muslim ladies in India which is looked by them in the midst of the demonstration of TrippleTalq. We overall understand that TrippleTalq was a kind of division in Islamic religion. A division is a legal movement b/w married people to end their wedding relationship before the downfall of either life accomplice...
3 Pages 1210 Words
Abstract Ethical guidelines shall be put in practice by Muslim counsellors in their counselling processes. It is not only a professional obligation for the Muslim counsellors but also a religious moral adherence. These are guidelines, which put the client’s interests on top of the counsellor. It is also protects the client’s rights and aids abundantly is establishing a collaborative relationship...
3 Pages 1482 Words
Introduction The Umayyad Caliph Abdul Malik bin Marwan is remembered in the annals of Islamic history as one of the most influential and successful leaders of Islamic History. In a time of great upheaval, his most remarkable achievement was being able to unite the Islamic world and establish a strong center around Damascus, that gave the entire Muslim Ummah strength...
2 Pages 1085 Words
INTRODUCTION The spread of Islamic messages throughout the Muslim family, was very limited in the past because communication tools, such as televisions, mobile phones, computers, etc. where lacking. The most widely used, medium of communication in the past was books. The written text of the, Quranic translation, Hadith, and Fiqh among others were available in hard copies. An atmosphere, whereby...
2 Pages 1057 Words
Introduction of Muslim Friendly spa Spas and wellness centers that provide products and services under Islamic law are often referred to as “Muslim Friendly” spas. With the emergence of a large number of Muslim-friendly spas in certain countries such as Malaysia, it has become increasingly popular Muslim Friendly Spa is one of the spas that offers professional spa services in...
3 Pages 1154 Words
The creator of the Muslim faith is Muhammad. The Muslims believe that the only God and creator of the universe is Allah. Allah is the equivalent to a Christian’s God in the Muslim faith. Muslim belief states Muhammad was Allah’s last prophet. When trying to compare Muslim and Christian faith, there are no relations between Jesus and Allah or the...
3 Pages 1225 Words
The article I chose for this assignment is ‘The Racialization of Muslim Converts in Britain and Their Experiences of Islamophobia’, written by Leon Moosavi in 2014, and published in the ‘Critical Sociology’ journal. This article is about how Islamophobia negatively affects the lives of the majority of white converts in Britain. Their conversion to Islam can impact their family relationships...
6 Pages 2592 Words
There is no consensus on the concept of the Muslim minority and the Islamic State, some theorists believe that if the proportion of the state more than 50. It inevitably becomes an Islamic state, and others argue that if Muslims are a majority compared to all other religions, then the state is entitled to be described as Islamic, then there...
6 Pages 2496 Words
Although Arab and Mulims are constantly placed in the same category in the US Census, with the unconscious thought of no clear distinction between the two, they both have their own distinctive make-up that separates them. As Shelby Telhami (2002) put it “most Arabs in America are not Muslim, and most Muslins in America are not Arabs.” Derald Wing Sue...
6 Pages 2614 Words
Abstract [bookmark: _Hlk23617257]This paper is a secondary study based on online research on how modernisation has impacted the contemporary Muslim world. The paper explores the various factors that have contributed to the decline in the Muslim Ummah including the inability of the Muslim leaders to handle the challenges brought by modernisation and how this weak leadership has further led to...
4 Pages 2000 Words
INTRODUCTION Termination of beautiful marital bond due to lack of something, which can be trust or any other purpose is called as Divorce or ‘talaq’. It is the annulment of the legal responsibilities, and considered very awkward in Muslim Society. The divorce rules and regulations are under the control of ‘Sharia’, as transcribed by accepted Islamic law. Divorce practice in...
2 Pages 750 Words
Zohreh Assemi, an Iranian American Muslim lady owner of nail and facial salon was robbed and beaten badly and called terrorist. She was kicked, sliced with box cutter and her hand was smashed by the hammer. It continued to two weeks of phone calls calling her terrorist and get out of the town that her kind of people are not...

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