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Descent Of The Holy Spirit

7 Pages 3292 Words
Introduction The story of Pentecost in the book of Acts folds into itself many biblical themes having to do with the work of the Holy Spirit, which establishes and reestablishes societies of faith, even if it stays out of the individual’s power to influence it. It is the day when Jesus’ followers received the gift of the Holy Spirit. This...

Collin Powell Atheism And The Argument Of Evil

5 Pages 2323 Words
Atheism. A word that describes someone as not believing in a god or gods. The standard atheist is someone who uses logic and rational thinking to determine that god does not exist. They have many tools in their arsenal to prove this, but by far their most used one is the proof of evil’s existence. However, these arguments are not...

Muslim Ladies In The Light Of Triple Talaq

4 Pages 1769 Words
INTRODUCTION This point chiefly bases on the issues of Muslim ladies in India which is looked by them in the midst of the demonstration of TrippleTalq. We overall understand that TrippleTalq was a kind of division in Islamic religion. A division is a legal movement b/w married people to end their wedding relationship before the downfall of either life accomplice...

The Negative Aspects Of The Crusades

5 Pages 2191 Words
Introduction In November of 1095 for 10 days pope Urban II held the council of Clermont at Auvergne which culminated in the pope calling onto the Frankish knights for armed expedition into the Levant with the aim of freeing Jerusalem and the tomb of Christ from the grasps of Islamic rule, when the pope finished his speech the representative of...

Has Advancements In Technology Led To A Dilution Of Acceptance Of Religious Beliefs?

3 Pages 1485 Words
Introduction Religion and Science have been in war for as long as anyone can remember. Every religion has been intimidated by technology. Bible apps, Torah-chanting apps, Buddhist prayer apps that are not what these religions preach however technology has helped religions get recognized and bringing respect, knowledge and faith into these religious communities. There are many acts that are banned...

Why Jesus Christ Is Considered To Be A King?

5 Pages 2135 Words
Can you imagine going through life being constantly scrutinized and subjected for every mistake you have ever made? Kanye West is the prime example of such an instance, and has put all of his faults and weaknesses in the forefront of his new project, 'Jesus Is King.' He accepts any wrongdoing and acknowledges that one can change and follow a...

The Punishment Is Justifiable For The Sin

2 Pages 1035 Words
In Dante’s Inferno, written by Dante Alighieri, each of the Cantos signifies a sin, each sin has a punishment created by Dante. In Canto 34, the punishment for betrayal is being chewed in one of Satan’s mouth for eternity. The punishment is justifiable towards the sin because each punishment correlates. Each of the levels get lower which mean the sinners...

The Meaning And Understanding Of Zen Buddhism

1 Page 364 Words
Zen Buddhism, a blend of Indian Mahayana Buddhism and Taoism, initially started in China. The essence of Zen is attempting to comprehend the significance of life without being misdirected by intelligent idea or language. It requires an extraordinary order which brings about complete suddenness and extreme opportunity. This regular suddenness ought not be mistaken for lack of caution. The core...

Cognitive Account Of Cults: Socio-Religious Belief Formation

4 Pages 1713 Words
Belief is the attitude or acceptance that something exists. The can be formed in two ways. First one is experience. It means that a person starts believing something after going through it. Such beliefs are very strong. Second is accepting what others tell to be true. Humans form many core beliefs in their childhood, which is a result of accepting...

The Elements Of Mysticism In Judaism

6 Pages 2671 Words
Menorah is the holy candle in the Jewish tradition that has a history of being miraculously lit by god for 8 days. It is a candle with 7 stems. An interpretation of it is that, the 7 stems represented the 7 days of creation. Another interpretation is about the 7 attributes of a godly man given in Kabbalah that it...

The Fundamentalism Of Hinduism

3 Pages 1378 Words
Focusing on solely Hinduism, the fundamentalism of Hinduism has faced a series of changes and evolution, or considerable devolution, ever since the independence of India in 1947. Hinduism is rooted back to over four thousand years, making it the oldest religion to exist. Yet, it is hard to trace its exact roots solely because it has so many roots, traditions...

Discrimination And Equality In Christianity, Judaism And Islam

2 Pages 1115 Words
With the dawn of the 20th century, we saw numerous cultural and social issues occurring. These issues have continued to prevail, some have been left unanswered or unexplored and as a society we must take each one with the respect and care they deserve. Such issues include women’s rights, same-sex marriage, scientific exploration, evolution, the rise of atheism and the...

Reconstructionist Movement: Helping To Save Old Jews And Usher In The Next Generation

4 Pages 1640 Words
The reconstructionist movement of the Jews is, in my opinion, beneficial to both the modern-day Jew and the older generation of Jewish people. For many reasons, this movement has helped to save what I would consider a much more conservative era of Jewish people who relied on the traditional ways of practicing Judaism. The reconstruction of the present-day Jew is...

Most Influential Jewish Musicians In World

4 Pages 1714 Words
Introduction Jewish music has changed throughout history with numerous Jewish musicians who have revolutionized this unique musical landscape which is still today widely celebrated in Jewish culture. Beginning in early biblical times, Jewish music was traditional religious cantors that were sung in synagogues. Then Jewish music evolved into more secular music such as Klezmer, Classical or Israeli Pop Rock of...

The Motivations Behind The Holy Wars

5 Pages 2390 Words
The Holy Wars, also known as the Crusades have been long debated amongst historians as to what the pure motivation is to be. The commencement of the Crusades began with Pope Urban II calling the people to arms with his sermon at Clermont. The motives with the speech pointed towards the Holy Land, where many had found refuge over the...

Abortions And Religious Perspectives

1 Page 593 Words
Abortion rights have been the talk for decades, jeopardizing women's rights and freedoms for religious beliefs. Many choose to believe that a woman must carry out a pregnancy term, but enforcing religion-based opinions should not remain an option. A woman's body is hers, and the decision of wanting an abortion is her choice, and religiously based laws refuse her of...

Mystical Ecstasy And Claims Of Protestants And Catholics

1 Page 661 Words
Catholics presuppose this state of trance as the elevation of the soul to intimate union with God and its consequent detachment from the sensible world. What they however disregard to address is the grounds on which Protestant believers establish their claims that trance or swoon could conceivably be caused by diabolical influence. More common, they state that the state of...

Zen Buddhism And Enlightenment

3 Pages 1558 Words
The thirteenth century Japanese Zen master, Dogen Zenji, had the advantage of looking back at eighteen centuries of the development of Buddhist though and practice. Dogen was well informed of earlier Chinese Zen developments, and his writings and teachings show that he was on intimidate terms with the great Zen teachers of the Chinese lineage. One area of Dogen’s teachings...

The Key To Personal Identity: Mind, Body Or Soul?

4 Pages 1710 Words
The idea of ones personal identity and how people came to be, what ones purpose is, what happens to an individual after death and so forth is a topic brought up globally from the beginning of humankind. As human beings, our physical selves are composed of the head, neck, torso, arms and legs. Our form is understood as our physical...
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The Power Of Everlasting Faith

3 Pages 1482 Words
On that snowy Saturday morning as I sat there in church listening to the pastor preach with tears filling my eyes, I knew I never wanted to lose that feeling. A feeling of hope and comfort filled my soul and took me in. I knew in the end I would be okay. When I was younger I would often tell...

The Peculiarities Of The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saint (Mormons)

3 Pages 1326 Words
There is a widespread misconception that material culture is not valued by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or its members. However, since the arrival of the Mormon Pioneers into the Salt Lake Valley, there has been an emphasis on aestheticism; handicrafts, architecture, and art served not only the moral of displaced immigrants, but also proved to those...

The Mind Can Make Heaven Out Of Hell And Hell Out Of Heaven

5 Pages 2045 Words
This quote, “The mind is its own place, it can make heaven out of hell or hell out of heaven.” has been taken from the epic poem ‘Paradise Lost’ by John Milton. John Milton (9th December 1608 to 8th November 1674) was a famous 17th century poet. He used to write poems about religion and politics. His desire for freedom...
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Are Humans Fundamentally Good Or Evil?

2 Pages 985 Words
Do you really know whether you are good or bad since you are born? It is always a question that whether human is good or evil. However, another Chinese philosopher, GaoZi, believed that human nature is neither inherently good nor inherently evil but rather a “blank slate” that could be conditioned in both directions. Humans are fundamentally good because of...

The Eucharist In Sunday Mass Liturgy

4 Pages 1265 Words
Delving into the annals of Christianity, the Eucharist emerges as one of its most profound and revered sacraments. Often termed the "source and summit" of Christian life, its roots intertwine with the very genesis of the Christian tradition. To fully grasp its significance, one must journey back to its inception and trace its evolution over the millennia. The Eucharist originates...

Faith’s Impact On Substance Abuse

6 Pages 2718 Words
According to the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment and the transtheoretical model of change, “for most people with substance abuse problems, recurrence of substance use is the rule not the exception” (Enhancing Motivation for Change, 1999, p. xvii). Relapse can and most likely will occur in recovery, and should be recognized as well as anticipated by substance abuse recovery counselors....

What Is Good And What Is Evil?

4 Pages 1742 Words
What makes a person evil? What makes a person good? How does that differ from our perception of evil in today’s society? Is it possible to have evil in a world that God created? In the Bible “evil” is equated with “wrong” or “bad” and is not limited as a label to be reserved for the worst of the bad...
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