Sleep Deprivation essays

27 samples in this category

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2 Pages 1095 Words
Chronic Sleep Deprivation Chronic sleep deprivation (CSD), sleep less than 6 hrs a day over a long period of time, is a prevalent condition exiting among many adults and teenagers worldwide, which leads to various lasting effects on brain and health. This essay explores natures of a review article regarding CSD as well as the journal the article is published-in,...
Literature ReviewSleepSleep Deprivation
like 175
3 Pages 1207 Words
Sleep is an essential physiological need. It is a natural process that helps in human well-being, and it facilitates better physical, mental, and overall health (Filip, Tidman, Saheba, Bennett, Wick, Rouse, & Radfar, 2017). Unfortunately, many Americans do not realize that they are sleep deprived, often feeling tired, sluggish, irritable, and drowsy throughout the day (Filip et al., 2017). Sleep...
FloridaNurseSleep Deprivation
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5 Pages 2225 Words
Sleep deprivation among healthcare clinicians as a result of irregular, demanding work schedules has been shown to be a significant obstacle in the healthcare field (Friedman et al., 1973). In comparison to other cognitively demanding industries such as aviation, healthcare professionals work longer and more continuous permittable hours (Owens, 2001). A wide range of literature has shown that acute sleep...
SleepSleep DeprivationStudy
like 293
2 Pages 928 Words
A student-athlete who is involved in student council and prom committee. A grade-A theatre nerd who would rather spend their free time watching musicals then go to a football game. At first glance, you wouldn’t expect these two students to have much in common, but upon further inspection you could make out the drained expression on their faces and the...
High SchoolSleep Deprivation
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1 Page 676 Words
When it comes to school, especially college, every student has their own problems. Stress, living costs, food, etc. are always in the back of their minds. If we talk about the topic of college, culture, and health, there is no way that we can ignore the most common issue that all of the students have; it is sleep deprivation or...
Sleep DeprivationStudent Life
like 256
3 Pages 1448 Words
Introduction Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of biochemical and physiological abnormalities that occur together, increasing the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus, stroke and cardiovascular disease (Swarup et. al., 2019). There is growing interest surrounding metabolic syndrome due to the current obesity crisis; it is estimated that as much as 1/3 of the US has metabolic syndrome, both diagnosed and...
MetabolismSleep Deprivation
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1 Page 634 Words
There has been an increasing interest in the impact of sleep deprivation (SD) on doctors performance. Sleep deprivation can result in cognitive impairment and may also impair performance in tasks that require vigilance, decision making, and memory planning, which are commonly required in shift work (e.g., doctors and health care workers). Two articles deal with the issue of sleep deprivation....
DoctorSleep Deprivation
like 201
2 Pages 1029 Words
The similarities and differences between primary and secondary literature will be thoroughly compared in this essay through a secondary review article and primary research article both exploring the impacts of chronic sleep deprivation on the human brain. The topic falls under the discipline of neuropsychology as it examines changes in behaviour and cognitive ability as a result of chronic sleep...
Sleep Deprivation
like 349
4 Pages 1703 Words
Sleep Deprivation is contributing to weaker bones Bone development is important during the teenage years to help individuals grow into healthy adults. Teenagers use their bones everyday, from walking to class to playing sports. It has been found that sleep deprivation is harming the strength of the bones in the bodies sleep deprived teens. Bone are strongly impacted due to...
PerspectiveSleepSleep Deprivation
like 229
2 Pages 1025 Words
Introduction Elite level athletes have tremendous amounts of stress and pressure to endure, for the sake of performing at peak levels time after time. Sleep loss, might be caused by a busy schedule, travelling, etc. leads to increased anxiety and fatigue which in turn decreases performance (Souissi et al., 2013). According to Fullagar et al., (2015) sleep plays a crucial...
Sleep DeprivationWingate Test
like 432
4 Pages 1805 Words
Sleep is very important for humans as sleep has important homeostatic functions. Sleep provides rest to a person after a tiring day (McEwen, 2006). However, there are some people who are facing the problem of not getting enough sleep, which is also known as sleep deprivation. Next, sleep deprivation will negatively affect the human’s brain and bodily systems. Sleep deprivation...
PerspectiveSleepSleep Deprivation
like 308
5 Pages 2219 Words
It is a problem affects roughly seventy percent of adults at least one day of every month, and responsible for roughly twenty percent of fatal car crashes. Sleep deprivation, which according to Drug intervention today, can be defined as a condition of not having enough sleep; it can be either chronic or acute. Chronic sleep deprivation is a lack of...
SleepSleep DeprivationStudent
like 449
4 Pages 1914 Words
Sleep deprivation alters our brain chemistry, making us feel isolated and irritable. We know that by our own experience by finding it hard to stay focus, to communicate, and to stay positive throughout the day when we have to wake up early in the morning. Most people, nonetheless, do not appreciate and value sleep time due to not knowing that...
Human BrainSleepSleep Deprivation
like 225
6 Pages 2653 Words
As a ploy of Television and movies, sleep deprivation is often thought of when discussing torture, brainwashing or hostage negotiation techniques. In reality, sleep deprivation is at an epidemic level in the United States. The purpose of sleep is to allow the body to heal and recharge itself from any damages done throughout the day. Sleep helps the body to...
Psychological DisordersSleepSleep Deprivation
like 313
8 Pages 3442 Words
While our sleeping habits have fallen behind in priority as a result of our fast-paced lifestyles, humanity must learn to hold adequate sleep to utmost importance in order to maintain peak physical and mental well-being, and to avoid the disastrous effects of deprivation. As the complexity of the sleep process is often overlooked, appreciating sleep means understanding the intricate biological...
SleepSleep Deprivation
like 227
2 Pages 954 Words
Introduction Sleep quality is a pivotal component of human health, influencing cognitive function, emotional well-being, and overall physical health. Despite its importance, many individuals struggle with achieving restorative sleep. This essay explores the multifaceted nature of sleep quality and the numerous factors that impact it, including lifestyle choices, psychological states, and environmental influences. By examining these determinants, along with existing...
SleepSleep Deprivation
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1 Page 448 Words
You felt rested when you woke up this morning or the other day, but were you? You had breakfast this morning and your hunger was satisfied. Your brain needs its hunger satisfied too and you feed it when you sleep. Sleep deprivation is not good for you and can have many negative side effects. Skipping your sleep can be deadly...
SleepSleep Deprivation
like 168
5 Pages 2272 Words
Sleep plays a crucial role in brain function and the systematic physiology of many-body systems. Difficulty with sleep has become widely prevalent, consisting of deficits in quantity and quality of sleep. Insomnia is a subtype, associated with difficulty falling asleep, waking up often during the night and having trouble going back to sleep. These sleep difficulties begin with short term...
SleepSleep Deprivation
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3 Pages 1402 Words
Sleep is an important activity that children, adolescents, adults, and even animals need in order to partake in daily functions. While this may be common knowledge for some, the why, and the how sleep affects daily activities is considerably more complicated. Sleep is vital for our neurosensory system, motor system, memory system, and brain plasticity over a person’s lifespan. Boyson...
SleepSleep Deprivation
like 243
3 Pages 1184 Words
Across the United States, 93% of high schools start at or before 8:30 a.m. Of these, there are schools that start at or before 7:30 a.m., causing these students to wake up even earlier to get ready, eat breakfast and arrive at school on time. According to the CDC (Center for Disease & Control), early school start times are the...
Sleep DeprivationStarting School LaterTruancy
like 432
2 Pages 967 Words
Sleep, it seems like college students can never get enough of it. I am certainly not an exception to that. Even during my days in Elementary school, I could never get enough sleep. Every night I find myself getting less and less sleep. The older I got the worse this has gotten. The most amount of sleep I can remember...
SleepSleep Deprivation
like 214
2 Pages 1059 Words
Its a well known fact that a decent night's sleep makes us feel much better. Apart from the fact that sleep gives us body time to rest and revive, it might likewise be pivotal to our brain's capacity to learn and remember. This may not be brand new information to any individual who has pulled an all-nighter preparing for an...
SleepSleep Deprivation
like 376
2 Pages 1039 Words
Sleeping in modern society is often connected with working late hours, technology among children, high stress level and bad immune, respiratory and digestive systems. Not getting enough sleep can cause a negative mood, low energy level, difficulty concentrating, and a general inability to function as usual. Significant lack of sleep exists when sleep is insufficient to support awakeness performance, and...
Modern SocietySleepSleep Deprivation
like 357
4 Pages 1671 Words
Abstract Past research suggested that undergraduate students experience academic stress, and on top of that they have to manage sleep. This study was performed to see if there was a correlation between sleep and stress. Stress was split into seven items: family life, academics, relationships, finances, overall health, and the total impact on their daily lives. Sleep was split into...
College StudentsSleepSleep Deprivation
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2 Pages 806 Words
Whether you are a parent of a teenager, or are a teen yourself you have most likely struggled with getting your kid up for school or have found yourself falling asleep in class. Many if not most high school and elementary school students struggle to get out of bed in the morning for school. This has sparked a discussion on...
Sleep DeprivationStarting School Later
like 363
1 Page 503 Words
My doctor sent me for a sleep study after my husband told him how loudly I snored. I tried to tell them that it wasn’t that bad, but as it turned out, it was. The night of the study, they put a cpap (continuous positive airway pressure) machine on me in the middle of the night. The nurse told me...
LupusPersonal ExperienceSleep Deprivation
like 233
2 Pages 765 Words
On average, schools in Canada start at 8:30 a.m. but some schools in our region such as Silver Stream start at 8:05 a.m. and others such as in the United States even start at 7:30. Even though this may not seem like a big difference, it actually is, and even the Center for Disease and Prevention (CDC) is concerned about...
Sleep DeprivationStarting School Later
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