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Colonialist Suppression Of Sacred Haisla Spirituality

3 Pages 1612 Words
Indigenous writing of fiction means to explore several contemporary perspectives and shine light on the tragedies brought by Eurocentric virtues. The novel, Monkey Beach, written by Eden Robinson, takes place in a Haisla community named Kitamaat Village on the coast of British Columbia, Canada. Robinson focuses on a contemporary Haisla family and their societal outlook shaped by Euro-Canadian activity. The...

Spirituality In Architecture

4 Pages 1902 Words
Abstract The purpose of this research paper is that how spirituality affect architecture , its had two folded purpose. Firstly , it investigated the issues inferred by the topic , as how spirituality influences architecture and secondly through critical analysis of literature case study of “ Lotus temple , New Delhi”. The importance of such a temple was established by...

Religion And Its Relation To Morality

1 Page 494 Words
In regards to religion determining morality, it is not necessarily true for all people. Atheists who don’t believe in a higher force, still have morals. It is an assumption that your morals come from religion. But some argue it comes from the teaching of parents or adult figures growing up which has sticks with them throughout life. There is such...

Macbeth Summary

2 Pages 868 Words
There are multiple reasons for people to go through with evil acts but the evil acts that were carried out lead to the downfall of several characters in Macbeth by William Shakespeare. Different characters in William Shakespeare’s play Macbeth commit evil actions because of character traits they possess: anxiousness; self-centeredness; and ambition. In Macbeth, multiple characters act upon fear but...

Is The Devil Really Evil?

7 Pages 3295 Words
The Bible shows the way to go to heaven, not the way the heavens go. - Galileo You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him find it within himself. - Galileo The Philosophical and Moral Dilemma of Evil The most crucial issue for philosophical, religious and moral consideration is the statement as to the nature of evil....

Good vs. Evil In Religious Context

2 Pages 803 Words
In our world good and evil coexist in a harmony of chaos. Evil, in a terribly broad sense is simply the absence of good. Often in legends or religions, evil is denoted as something of the supernatural or magical force. It can sometimes be seen as an evil that doesn’t exist, a figment of our imagination. I’ve been listening to...

The Meaning And Interpretation Of Karma

3 Pages 1530 Words
The saying 'what goes around, comes around,' is the first thing that enters my mind when karma's mentioned. By definition, karma is an action; good or bad, fate, or destined. Karma might be used to explain the meaning of why certain things occur; e.g., I good luck or bad luck, that may be attributed to my karma. Most conventional religions...

Religion And Suicide

2 Pages 1126 Words
All across the world, suicide is a leading cause of death, according to Andrew Wu’s work. Be that as it may, several sources have reviewed religion and spirituality and how these concepts impact someone’s mental health and view towards suicide being the answer. Religion and spiritualality can have a massive impact on how one views the world as well as...

The Factors And Origin Of Evil

7 Pages 2974 Words
The dictionary definition of evil is “morally bad, cruel, or very unpleasant”. But in psychological terms what is evil? Why is this idea of being evil so feared and why are people deemed evil? Is evil just a concept that has been made up to put a label on other peoples’ actions to bring comfort to others as then then...

Hinduism And Spirituality

3 Pages 1213 Words
One of the oldest religions in the world is Hinduism. Hinduism a way of life that is based around love and respect for others. Hinduism in a complex religion; there are many variations on how to practice Hinduism. Some Hindu people are stricter and some are more relaxed (Bennet, 2010). Hinduism is practiced primarily in southern and south east Asia;...

Undoubted Faith In Allah

2 Pages 862 Words
The Quran is the only Book in this world which is free of errors as well as the only Book that can guide us towards Allah since guidance is the most precious blessings of Allah. Allah has mentioned five characteristics of successful people in the first five verses of this Surah. It is told that the people who will attain...

Spirituality In Adolescence

2 Pages 897 Words
Adolescence can be defined as a period in a young person's life between the years of 13-15 years old. Adolescence is a time for great change and uncertainty of the future. There are biopsychosocial changes, heightened awareness, and changes in cognition in this developmental period (Rogers,2019). During this time in the young adult’s life, many factors take shape, such as...

Evil As A Man’s Nature

4 Pages 1833 Words
Hsun Tzu, being an early Chinese philosopher and a Confucian scholar, was a highly intellectual individual, who offered a thorough and complete analysis of the Confucian theories. Also known as Xunzi, Hsun Tzu had rather conflicting and controversial theories compared to the other great architects of Confucianism; although he supported the central teachings of the religion. Xunzi believed that man’s...

What Does Faith Mean?

2 Pages 789 Words
Everyone needs faith; it binds people together through all the tragic times in their lives. Yet, with faith, comes doubt. It can either push someone away or connect them closer to God. In Marjane Satrapi's graphic novel, “Persepolis,” she uses plot, setting, and character to portray this message throughout the story. The story takes place in 1979 when Iran is...

The Meaning And Understanding Of Good And Evil

1 Page 679 Words
All our lives we have been taught what is right and what is wrong, and what is good and what is bad. There is a difference and one knows when they are good or bad. “One does evil enough when one does nothing good”(Picture Quotes). This quote states that when you do not do any good you are considered evil....

Are Faith Related Initiatives Important In Development And Peace-Building?

3 Pages 1336 Words
This profound article by Jenny Lunn stunningly encapsulates the correlation between religion, spirituality and faith, to development. Using the Critical Theory methodology, she breaks down the approach into three, and provides strong reasoning as to how religion does play a positive role on development. From the first critical theory principle of collection, analysis and interpretation of data, the three areas...

Philosophers And Scientists Views On Humans Good And Evil

3 Pages 1434 Words
The question about if humans are essentially good has been asked for many years. Different philosophers and even scientists have tried to answer it, yet there is no true answer. This topic can be controversial since we are all involved and the nature of us being evil or good is very subjective. It is very important to define the terms...

The Question Of God And Evil

2 Pages 1023 Words
Evil is among the world under this God described to be omnipotent, all knowing and all good within monotheistic religions (Judaism, Islam and Christianity). A all perfect God that still allows evil to crawl the very corners of our world and allows suffering, but why? This will be tackled in the sense of free will in defense of this God...

The Role Of Spirituality, And Workplace Friendship In People's Life

2 Pages 739 Words
In the modern world, individuals could say that with all the technology, information, and news outlets, friendship could be a thing of the past. In today's world, individuals have so much information and messaging surrounding them that it could impact their view of friendship. When looking around at our public places today, people everywhere have a cell phone looking at...

Beowulf: Is Grendel Evil?

4 Pages 1764 Words
From the poem Beowulf, we first hear of the character Grendel and how Beowulf defeated him. The writer, John Gardener inspired by the poem, Beowulf, he created a novel that showed Grendel’s past and what made him the creature he was in that poem. Pretty much like making a prequel to a movie. And in that novel, Grendel by John...

Impact Of Spiritual Intelligence For Achieving Sustainable Development Goals

2 Pages 825 Words
Spiritual intelligence is the supreme intelligence of human being which is included with cognitive and emotional intelligence. It provides the capability for monitoring and controlling the positive and negative aspect of human life. The basic concept of sustainable development is fulfilment of the present needs without compromising the needs of future. Spiritual intelligence provides the capability to differentiate between need...

Bounds Of Believing And Being: Religion And Spirituality

2 Pages 1044 Words
In life with full of uncertainties and intact prejudices, do we even wonder if our journey is under the prospect of spirituality or just religiosity? Or it doesn’t just cross our mind since we thought that it is the same? If this is the case then we are oblivious to fact that there’s an unseen veil of ignorance that hinders...

The Idea Of Acting On Sinful Nature In Hawthorne’s Young Goodman Brown

3 Pages 1242 Words
The short story entitled “Young Goodman Brown” by author Nathaniel Hawthorne suggests that everyone is corruptible. The Dark Romanticism story develops by Goodman Brown gradually giving into evil through the corruption of his wife, Faith, and his encounter with the devil. All the main characters are deceiving to Goodman Brown, and he sees they are corrupt. There appears to be...
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