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Emotional Intelligence and Gender Equity

1 Page 489 Words
Gender Equity, as previously discussed, is ensuring equal opportunities, obligations and rights. This term was first tossed at the Beijing platform for Action by Islamic fundamentalists in 1995. Also Vatican followers joined hands who sought to divide their property to their kids according to their needs not equally, in their gender specific roles. According to our study, emotional intelligence plays...

The Accounting Scandal Of Enron

1 Page 539 Words
What the heck is Enron? Let me tell you. Enron formed through a merger in 1985 between two energy companies, yeah that’s what it was by the way, an energy company. It was founded by a man named Kenneth Lay, you might want to remember that name. Enron was a fantastic company and very attractive for investors. In 2000 they...

The Meaning of Justice as Equity

3 Pages 1591 Words
The word justice is associated with many aspects of society today; social justice, criminal justice and environmental justice just to name a few. However, all of these subsections have one thing in common, a societal outlook past individual gratification or concern. All of these groups or movements seek changes within their communities to reach a state of justice from a...

The Prerequisites, Reasons And Consequences For Enron Scandal

10 Pages 4628 Words
Overview Energy corporation Enron was one of the largest players in corporate America. The company grew at a rapid state and was highly favoured by analysts and investors. Although Enron’s forecasts and financial reports for the late 1990s and early 2000s guaranteed stakeholders of continuous growth, this was not the case and it eventually played out to be the biggest...

Corporation and Ethics: Banks and other Financial Institutions

5 Pages 2167 Words
Introduction On 11th of February 2019 the Royal Banking commission presented its final report on the misconduct of banking and financial sector, revealing sickening behaviour of the financial industry. The investigation was on going since Dec 2017, highlighting unethical behaviour of banking, superannuation, mortgage and other financial industries and spotlighted some shocking facts about the big corporations. The need for...

Satyam Scandal: India’s Enron

4 Pages 2106 Words
ABSTRACT From Enron scandal to Satyam scandal, many ‘false creative accounting practices’ have been created. Corporate frauds are now becoming a center of attention like Tyco, Worldcom, Freedie Mac. According to researchers, these frauds are hindering public confidence by producing fake reports. This report analyzes the India’s major corporate fraud-‘Satyam Scandal’ and what auditing issues arose in that scandal. The...

The Peculiarities Of Enron’s Scandal

3 Pages 1541 Words
Since Ethics is a fundamental part of management, it is very important for the managers and directors to know the language of ethics. Also to understand how it is impossible to separate or escape from the language of business. Any decision made in business can follow a rule or break a rule and norms, and its consequences and effects can...

The Usage Of Artificial Intelligence In Banking

5 Pages 2309 Words
Artificial Intelligence and Banking As global technology has evolved over the years, we have moved from Landline phone to Mobile, Television to Internet and Branch Banking to Mobile Banking and today we are smoothly and gradually adopting Artificial Intelligence (AI). It was John McCarthy who introduced the word AI to the world in 1956. It involves process automation of robotics...

Major Players Of Enron Scandal

3 Pages 1369 Words
Enron corporation was a very successful American energy, commodities and services company. Founded in 1985 and Headquartered in Houston, Texas. It was a merger between Houston Natural Gas and InterNorth, which were both small regional companies. The company used to sell and trade in more than 30 different products, but when it first got started it mainly produced natural gas...

Enron Scandal: Fraud, Losses And Solutions

2 Pages 774 Words
Company Profile Enron Corporation was an American vitality, items, and Service Company situated in Huston, Texas. It was established in 1985 by Kenneth Lay as the aftereffect of a merger between Houston Natural Gas and Inter-North. Enron Corporation was one of the main providers of Natural Gas, communications, pulp and paper. Enron utilized around 20,000 staff with guaranteed incomes. The...

Ethical Considerations Of Enron Scandal

4 Pages 1821 Words
INTRODUCTION This report discuses about the Enron scandal of Enron corporation which is an American energy company based in Houston, Texas. It was basically publicized in October 2001 which resulted in bankruptcy of the company and the defacto dissolution of Arthur Andersen, which was one of the five largest audit and accountancy partnerships in the world. Also along with being...

The Relation of Equity and Social Justice

1 Page 438 Words
Social justice has been part of the discussion within Scottish Parliament since it was established in 1999 with one of the first policy programmes focusing on social justice (‘Social Justice: A Scotland Where Everyone Matters -Scottish Executive, 1999). Social justice is concerned with socially marginalised groups and how society responds to this. Inclusion is education’s response to social justice and...

Enron Scandal: Analysis Of Principles of Accounting

3 Pages 1339 Words
Assignment Question: In spite of a robust accounting system, we have seen lapses, leading to many famous corporates collapsing overnight. With reference to the Enron scandal, point out the entire case leading to the scandal and subsequent laws passed by The US congress to deal with such failures. Attempt Count: 1 Introduction: Enron`s collapse was one of the biggest collapses...

Enron Scandal: Role Of Business Morals

6 Pages 2984 Words
I. Abstract: 'Enron is famous Corp. was yank energy, services co. in the US. It had been fashioned in 1985, as a merge gas- Hoston and Inter-North, each comparatively little regional firms. Enron FAILURE, published ``Oct 2001``, diode a bankruptcy.' Additionally, the biggest bankrúptcy organization yank upon point, because the huge fail Co. It discovered Enron's rumored status and, noted...

Enron Scandal: Inauthentic Leadership

2 Pages 802 Words
One of the biggest American companies, Enron, fell bankrupt due to a major accounting scheme resulting in the loss of revenue, employee 401(k) plans, and loss of funds from the shareholders (Semple, 2002). Enron was a popular energy company that did business with many other companies needing their expertise and information. At the peak of Enron’s success, their shares were...

How Alexander Hamilton Tackled The National Debt

3 Pages 1284 Words
During the 1780s and early 1790s, the American debt was super high, both state debts which total 21.5 million dollars, and the national debt was very high. You’re probably going to say 21.5 million dollars are really not that much money anymore. You are correct today but back then in the late 18th century that was enormous. Money was worth...

Sustainable Equity In Learning And Education

8 Pages 3710 Words
Just as human beings cannot survive without water and food, so too do they need to develop the ability to communicate their desires to access the basic needs of life. Thus, language serves as an essential tool not only to get meaning across, but also to learn and acquire knowledge and skills. Formal education in various subject areas has made...

Concept Of Equity And Its Principles

4 Pages 1820 Words
Introduction Equity is accepted as a wonderful creation of court of chancery which expects the perfection of the justice for all, surpassing the boundaries of Common law and it came to ensure the fairness in Common law system where justice delivered through rigid and inflexible series of actions. The concept of equity derived from of natural justice because it mainly...

The Effect Of Corporate Philanthropy On Customer-Based Brand Equity

6 Pages 2550 Words
Introduction Over the recent decades, the issue of the benefits and risks associated with Corporate philanthropy (CP) has been an evolving topic on shareholders and the society as they have developed stronger expectations of firms behaving in a socially responsible way. Houqe at el (2016) purport that society’s perceptions play an important raw in contributing to firm’s success in the...

Investor Risk Tolerance Detection

5 Pages 2190 Words
Abstract Risk tolerance can be defined as the maximum amount of risk by investment that an individual is ready to take. In this paper, we explore the relationship between demographic features and risk tolerance pertaining to an individual using the KMeans Algorithm. We also propose a novel architecture using graph embeddings in Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) to contrast the use...

History Of Money And Banking

2 Pages 1033 Words
Money is any item or verifiable record that is generally accepted as payment of goods and services and repayment of debt such as taxes, in a particular country Banking in the other hand is an industry that handles cash, credit and other financial transactions as it is defined in Wikipedia. This essay will help us understand the history of money...

Banking: Private And Public Sector

3 Pages 1340 Words
What is Banking? Banking can be characterized as the business movement of tolerating and defending cash possessed by different people and elements, and afterward loaning out this cash so as to procure a benefit. Nonetheless, with the progression of time, the exercises secured by banking business have broadened and now different administrations are likewise offered by banks. The financial administrations...

Equity And Trusts: Evolution And Development

5 Pages 2188 Words
Equity refers to right doing, good faith, honest and ethical dealings in transactions or relationships between individuals. The ordinary conception of equity is,therefore, based on morality and is linked to what is normally exhorted in churches, mosques and other religious establishments. It is also captured by objective XI of the National Objective and Directive Principles of State Policy contained in...

The Operational Differences Between The Concept Of Banking In The Muslim World And The Western World

6 Pages 2904 Words
Introduction This study will try and identify the differences between the Islamic and conventional banking from earlier days as well as today. While looking at the differences the study will identify the advantages and disadvantages for both sides equally. It will also talk about finances for both banking systems. This study is going to look at all the sources available...

Drawbacks Of Home Equity Loan

1 Page 582 Words
A home fairness advance is an advance in which the lender use of his land as a security. If the investor is unable to repay the advance then his land can be captivated therefore he is liable to return back the amount. The lands possess of low-interest rates. The home equity loans Ottawa determines the value of the home along...

Digital Banking Practices In Business

2 Pages 1070 Words
Abstract Online Banking is one of the major financial activities which will be carried out by any person who has a bank account. There are different activities that can be carried out once you log in to your bank account. Once a user logs in he or she can check the bank balance, check bank account transaction history or account...

Online Banking Security

5 Pages 2326 Words
INTRODUCTION Banks global are organization that providing online and mobile financial, offering their clients a greater handy way to their banking affairs at the same time as at the identical time enhancing efficiency and saving on working prices. However, online banking has its drawbacks. Online banking account are often aimed by way of cyber criminals. Security issues remain a first-rate...

Racial Equity And Racial Equality

2 Pages 826 Words
Before I started writing this essay I was very confused on the difference. I did not know what to write about because I did not know the difference between racial equity and racial equality. After researching racial equity, I started gathering notes until I understood the difference. Racial equity is when a race gets help or resources to get them...

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