Historical Figures essays

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The Great Depression and Its Effects on African Americans

Racism - prejudice or discrimination directed against a race based on the belief that ones race is highly superior (“Racism”). ‘Last hired, first fired’ was a phrase that was pinned to the black community during the Great Depression, and it perfectly described what they had to go through in the workplace. In the election of 1932, black votes were drastically swayed democrat by the entrance of Franklin D. Roosevelt, who wanted to provide assistance to the unemployed (Hollis). During the...
3 Pages 1477 Words

Dolores Huerta’s Impact on Americans’ Lives

As minorities started to populate the United States for better opportunities, xenophobia became prominent throughout America. The objective of the Chicano Rights Movement was to fight against the inequitable discrimination that afflicted Latinos. Accordingly, supporters who wished to eradicate discrimination started to join the movement. As the movement progressed, Latinos were empowered by such a movement and were eager to solve the problems, nonetheless a leader who was willing to grant a voice for the helpless immigrants was needed. Dolores...
4 Pages 1799 Words

The Lesson of the Salem Witch Trials for Future Generations

“You must never be fearful about what you are doing when it is right” - Rosa Parks. What is the right thing? Throughout society, people have been fighting to do the right thing. From America fighting for their freedom, to women's equality. Sometimes doing something right changes society, other times no matter how hard people try, evil takes over. As in the case of the Salem Witch Trials, evil won. Abigail Williams and a group of young girls were accused...
3 Pages 1195 Words

Joan Of Arc's Legacies for Today's Society

Joan Of Arc was a very significant person in medieval times as she led the French to victory at a very young age. Her commitment to religion and fighting for women’s rights have changed the future for many all over the world. Joan of arc was born on the January 6th, 1412 in Lorraine, France. Joan of Arc came from a poor farming family. She was not taught to read or write, but her mother formed a deep love for...
1 Page 458 Words

Arthur Miller’s Application of Juxtaposition in 'The Crucible'

Complimentarily, Arthur Miller’s application of juxtaposition highlights the differences between characters who are significantly different and brings to light those who don’t belong. An example of the juxtaposition Miller applies is between the characters Abigail Williams and Elizabeth Proctor. The black and white rulings of the characters would be almost ironic, bearing in mind that Arthur Miller wrote this play to expose the hazards of judging people with different mindsets or belief systems. Abigail Williams is evidently the villain of...
1 Page 451 Words

Joan Of Arc's Impact On Society

Joan of Arc was a very powerful and successful women who unfortunately lived a very short life and died at the age of 19. Her real name is Jeanne d’Arc. In 1412 Joan was born and baptized in Domremy. In 1428 at the age of 16 she cut her hair to look like a boy, she traveled to Vaucouleurs to ask the Dauphin if she can join his forces. Unfortunately, he rejected her. A year later Joan returns to Dauphin...
1 Page 512 Words

Storytelling as an Excellent Form to Express People's Public and Personal Personas

Do you remember Bill Clinton? The 42nd president of the United States, a supposed role model to the nation. Well, his scandal of 1995 reveled that he had an affair with a fellow government worker Monica Lewinski. In this case, Clinton’s choices put in perspective how a person’s public and personal actions and choices can be the complete opposite. Through the action of storytelling, we are able to reveal and experience others conflicting public and personal personas, which make us...
3 Pages 1176 Words

Joan of Arc's Main Life Events

Joan Of Arc was a national heroine of France, she was born 1412 in a village called Domremy which is located in Grand Est. At the age of 18, she had led the French army to triumph over the English at Orleans but sadly, she was captured a year later and was burnt at stake. She was included in many different events which some were very risky but she was brave enough to take all those risks. On February 13,...
1 Page 536 Words

Joan of Arc as an Admirable Role Model

Faith, service, compassion, humility, and leadership, the qualities imperative for a role model and uncoincidentally some of the College values we aspire to have at Gilroy. Joan of Arc unequivocally embodies each and every one of these qualities, proving herself to be the epitome of persevering leadership and an admirable role model suited for the College chapel. A peasant girl living in medieval France, 13 year old Joan believed that God chose her to lead France to victory in its...
2 Pages 795 Words

Joan of Arc's Life Mission

St. Joan of Arc was born on the 6th of January 1412 was an influential French military commander, martyr and one of the most significant women in history. During the Hundred Years' War she lead a French army to the besieged city of Orléans, where it achieved a strong victory over the English and their rebellious French allies. In 1430 she was captured and burned at the stake by the English. In 1909 she was beatified by Pope Pius X...
2 Pages 771 Words

Reflections on the Problem of Abuse of Power

We are not so different today as in the Seventeenth Century. People in positions of power abusing their positions is as prevalent today as it was then. ‘The Crucible’ is a 1953 play by American playwright Arthur Miller. It is a dramatized story of the Salem witch trials that took place in the Massachusetts Bay. Abuse of power is using power and authority for personal gain, and it is twice as bad when it causes an ill effect on other...
2 Pages 881 Words

Critical Analysis of the Personality of Abigail Williams

‘The Crucible’ is a 1953 play by an American play writer, Arthur Miller. It is a dramatized and partially fictionalized story of the Salem witch hunt trials that took place in Massachusetts in 1692. One of the main characters of the play, Abigail Williams is one the main character in the play who is the antagonist and involved in most of the conflicts because she represents the theme off jealousy. She is a victim of what is happening in her...
2 Pages 1104 Words

The Colonial Days of America in John Smith's, William Bradford's and John Winthrop's Works

Numerous records have been recorded of early life in America. We are fortunate to have the option to see these artistic works and comprehend the preliminaries these early Americans experienced making our nation. John Smith, William Bradford, John Winthrop are three critical men who committed their life to archiving the existence they encountered. Anybody looking at their works can thoroughly analyze their encounters, beginning with brief over views on what their identity was and why their experience matter. Since Smith,...
2 Pages 964 Words

Founding Fathers: The Revolutionary Generation

If there is one thing all Americans can agree on, it is that the government is slow acting. Too slow acting, almost like it doesn’t do anything, and when it does something, it is not the right thing (even till this today). The easiest answer to the problem of the government's inefficiency is to place the blame on a person or branch of the government, such as the President, Congress, or Senate. However, what most Americans either do not remember...
1 Page 626 Words

National Holiday for Eleanor Roosevelt

This nation needs civic and political cooperation from its individuals in order to keep an appropriately working society and government. On the off chance that a larger part of the individuals in our nation overlook their municipal duty and don't help settle on significant choices, at that point only a few people are picking who merits government positions. It is our duty as U.S. residents to guarantee our own advantages and take an interest in politics. In conclusion, community political...
1 Page 495 Words

Arthur Miller's Vision of John Proctor' Personality in his Novel 'The Crucible'

In the beginning of the play, Miller introduces the character John Proctor as an individual that remains unalterable with Proctor’s stance on honesty and integrity, unlike the narrow-minded Salem community. In Act I, Miller presents John Proctor as a bold man, standing up to hypocrites. Further on, Proctor argues with the Putnams and Reverend Parris due to bizarre accusations about witchcraft. Miller exhibits John Proctor's indications that Putnam cannot chide the devil for his children's deaths arguing. “I see none...
5 Pages 2174 Words

The Underprivileged Future of Modern American Society

No matter how ridiculous it may seem, but even today, two absolutely different public institutions - public schools and jails - are competing for government attention. And oddly enough, the prisons can be declared as the fair winners. Now, what are the reasons behind these unpleasant results? Does racism have to do anything with it? What place does racism have in our community? What is the reason behind major Black homelessness? These are some questions this paper will answer, using...
3 Pages 1361 Words

Eleanor Roosevelt and Her Huge Role in American History

Isolationism, a policy of remaining apart from the affairs or interests of other groups, especially the political affairs of other countries. This mindset of the american people was changed in 1941, when the bombing of Pearl Harbour occured killing 2,400 people. America was in World War II for only two of the six years of conflict, but they contributed so much to this struggle. Eleanor Roosevelt was the first lady at the time of World War II and in that...
2 Pages 874 Words

The Concept of Culture and Its Main Aspects

Culture is the characteristic of a certain group of people that defined things such as what language they speak, the type of religion they are, or the type of lifestyle they have and many other things. When it comes to cultures it's very different for people in different societies, not everyone has the same culture and especially they do not share the same one. Culture varies in different things such as the foods they eat, again the religion they have...
2 Pages 1088 Words

John Proctor's Personality Transformation

Chaos breaks out in the town and rumors of witchery spread. Teenage girls let out savage screams and shake uncontrollably. Everyone is panicking and blaming one another. In ‘The Crucible’, a historical fiction play written by Arthur Miller, set in 1693 Salem, Massachusetts, John Proctor, a respected farmer, tries to get the truth out and end the witchcraft madness. Arthur Miller wrote the play about the Salem Witch Trials, which started when a group of young girls were accused of...
2 Pages 1023 Words

Dolores Huerta and Her Major Achievements for the Society

Dolores Clara Fernandez Huerta is a living human rights hero for several Latinos, especially for women. She spent the majority of her life as a political activist who strived to get better working conditions for farmworkers. Her focus was to help out the conditions of the families of farmers. Her main help towards The Farmworkers' Movement has been dominated by Cesar Chavez. Cesar Chavez was her lifetime colleague and co-founder of what someday would become the United Farm Workers of...
3 Pages 1542 Words

Poor Sanitation Leads to Mortality

The Crimean War was a military conflict fought from October 1853 to February 1856. In the end, the Russian Empire lost to an alliance of the Ottoman Empire, France, Britain, and Sardinia. By January 1856, “Russia lost 500,000 troops, mostly to disease, malnutrition, and exposure…” (History.com Editors). In 1855, there was a discovery found stating that poor sanitation levels led to an increase in mortality rates, as seen throughout the Crimean War (Slonczewski et al. 7). Florence Nightingale, the Lady...
1 Page 503 Words

The Death Penalty in the 21st century: Archaism or Necessity

The existence of the death penalty has been existing throughout age of mankind as far as history can remember. It is not a new phenomenon that the 21st century scholars attempt to tackle and understand its place in a world of Human rights and the value of life; however, it has been existing throughout in different forms. In ancient cultures, most notably those from African tribes such as the Mandinka under Samoure Toure or the Zulu Kingdom under Shaka Zulu,...
5 Pages 2360 Words

The History of Cleopatra's Romantic Relationships

Cleopatra’s life was very interesting. Being born into the Ptolemy family, life was not easy. She had to be very smart and intelligent to even stay alive. She was her father’s favorite so she learned from the best person to rule. She got married to her father so he could have someone by his side. A year later, he died and Cleopatra and her brother were co-rulers. But as time went on, her brother wanted to rule by himself and...
2 Pages 772 Words

Florence Nightingale's Influence on the Role of Nursing

Medicine has come a long way from its origin in ancient times. As humanity and society has evolved, so has our knowledge in medicine and medical practices. Over the past few centuries, a tremendous amount of medical discoveries, vaccinations and cures, and medical breakthroughs have been accomplished. Discoveries throughout the ages have influenced and contributed to the improvement of today’s health care. Nursing over the years has greatly evolved from caring for the sick in wars, to homes, churches, into...
2 Pages 1002 Words

Argumentative Essay: Should Andrew Jackson Be Replaced by Harriet Tubman on the $20 Bill

We are learning about Andrew Jackson life in class. Which lead us to the question should Andrew Jackson be replaced by Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill? We have been doing a lot of research on this topic and I’ve come to believe that Harriet Tubman should and deserves to replace Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill. In class, we’ve learned that Andrew Jackson has done many horrible things, while Harriet Tubman did well for her whole life. Although I...
3 Pages 1172 Words

Adolf Hitler and Abigail Williams: Comparative Analysis

History Repeats Itself Over the past 6500 years, there have been numerous world leaders, some intelligent and sympathetic, some incompetent and callous. Many writers have tried to draw similarities and analogies of historic leaders in their novels. One such novel is The Crucible by Arthur Miller. In The Crucible, Arthur Miller depicts Abigail Williams as a cruel, narcissistic, and impassive person. Adolf Hitler was the leader of Nazi Germany during WWII. He and Abigail Williams share many of the same...
2 Pages 730 Words

Critical Analysis of the Issues of Gun Violence and Its Control

Gun violence stands for usage of guns in an attempt to harm someone or cause any sort of casualty intentionally or unintentionally. The discussions with regard to the ownership of firearms and proposals for combating gun violence have been largely controversial and have amassed divided public opinions as well as conflicting constitutional claims. In an attempt to tackle this problem, conflicting interpretations of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (“the right of the people to keep and bear arms...
6 Pages 2835 Words

Representation of John Adams in an HBO Miniseries: Analytical Essay

John Adams is an HBO miniseries based on the book John Adams by David McCullough. The miniseries was written by Kirk Ellis and directed by Tom Hooper. The original release date is March 16th-April 27th, 2008. This miniseries portrays John Adams and the events that transpired in colonial times with the Thirteen Colonies and their mother land, Great Britain. The first two episodes show the events of the Boston Massacre and the time when they decide to break off from...
2 Pages 741 Words

Analysis of Florence Nightingale's Environmental Theory

Elevated levels of noise might be enjoyable at a sports event or a rock concert, but not in a hospital for patients who are healing and recovering from illnesses or surgeries. The constant beeping and humming of the machines, the chatter by the medical professionals, visitors coming and going in the halls, bright lights, ringing phones, overhead paging, and televisions can impact a patient’s recovery. Many hospitals are implementing noise-reduction initiatives in the form of “quiet time” to aid patients...
4 Pages 1670 Words

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