Human Resource Management essays

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Recruitment and Selection Process in Karachi Port Trust: Case Study

7 Pages 3219 Words
About the company Brief history: KARACHI, because of its geographical location is known as the gateway of Asia. It is considered as the safest harbor since Karachi was the small village for fishing in early nineteenth century. The Port is administered by the Brand of Trustees including the Chairperson and 10 trustees. At the time of independence in 1947, the...

Employee Retention, Training and Development: Literature Review

6 Pages 2648 Words
Abstract Employee retention is one of the most important factors that an organization needs to consider when developing its strategies. In today’s ever evolving world, retaining employees has become a challenge in itself for employers, since employees tend to change jobs very easily. Employers must therefore focus on a lot of different aspects like training and development, compensation packages, motivation...

Analysis of Positive Impact of the Variable of Disclosure of Human Resources on the Reputation of the Institution

6 Pages 2832 Words
Through the previous results reached by the various researchers, we see the positive impact of the variable of disclosure of human resources on the reputation of the institution as well as on its image, and these results are related to the idea that the image of the institution is adapted through the perceptions of the various stakeholders, In this way,...

New Recruitment Process for Teachers in Public Primary Schools and Its Implication to Quality Teachers in Tanzania

5 Pages 2461 Words
Background to the problem General introduction Human resource is one of the most significant developments in the field of organizations which has been given increasing importance. People are vital to organizations as they offer perspectives, values and attributes to organizational life; and when managed effectively, these human traits can be of considerable benefits to the organization (Ekwoaba et al, 2015)....

Recruiting for Diversity in the District of Columbia at Benjamin Banneker Academic High School

4 Pages 1903 Words
Introduction I am Sergeant Jermaine Denee Bowens with the District of Columbia National Guard located in the most important city in the Nation. The District of Columbia is the capitol of the United States and is located in the Mid-Atlantic region. The city has a total area of 68.34 square miles (177.0km2); 61.05 square miles (158.1 km2) is land and...

The Significance of Employee Retention to Organizations: Theoretical Analysis

5 Pages 2360 Words
Theories related to the study The chapter starts with introduction of employee retention concept. Utilizing Maslow Hierarchy of Needs Theory by Abraham H. Maslow (1954) and Social exchange theory, employee retention can be explained; these concepts are encapsulated in this chapter two. Both theories act as foundation to support the findings in investigating the relationship of the implementation of HRM...

Attracting, Training and Development of Human Resources in Bank Service

5 Pages 2348 Words
The determinants contributed to bank service: a case of HCMC Abstract Vietnam joins in the context of international economic integration and the booming industrial revolution 4.0. Technology is an essential factor in all fields. However, human resource management (HRM) of banking activities is a critical factor. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to explore the HRM factors impacting...

A Study on Perception of Employees towards E-Recruitment: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 1676 Words
Internet is a globally connected and organized network system that makes utilization of TCP/IP to transmit information through different kinds of media. With emergence of Internet from 1990’s employment practices have evolved, the transformation from billboards to newspaper’s job advertisement to online job portals and now even to social media recruitment has completely evolved the Hiring Process. This study aims...

Human Resources Planning in the Armed Forces: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 2085 Words
Introduction In order to successfully solve the tasks and achieve the goals set out in the concept (doctrine) of the Armed Forces, the proper management of human resources is crucial. In this sense, human resources management is an activity that is a combination of flexible and logically justified application of specific methods and tools from different spheres of the socio-economic...

Systematic Study of Organizational Behavior

1 Page 530 Words
Abstract Organizational behaviour studies about the behaviour of human being within an organization. Management have to face countless challenges in their work life. As organizations have entered into the new World which is called “GLOBALIZATION”. (research, 2020) It means to interpret an economy with the World’s economy. With the intensity of the Internet moving data at its peak, business can...

Conflict of Interest: Calibration Laboratory Accreditation in Dubai

1 Page 380 Words
Abstract A conflict of interest may happen when an organization or an individual becomes bias because of a clash between personal interests and professional responsibilities. This conflict may happen when a company or person have an interest such as money, knowledge, relationships, personal interest that may affect their actions and decision-making. (Segal, 2020) I would like to use our current...

Is Conflict in an Organization a Negative or Positive Force?

2 Pages 855 Words
Conflict can be defined when individuals or group members incompatibility leads to clashes due to different thought process, attitude, understanding, interests, requirements and perceptions. Each person has different ways on how they perceive and reacts to different situations. Peoples divergences can be explained in terms of ideas, believes, behaviour, needs, roles, religion, politics, relationships, emotions and others. Since all individuals...

The Minimum Wage Conflict

2 Pages 791 Words
The minimum wage has been the topic of many recent conversations. This conflict has gained notoriety, and become a key issue in today’s political world. This has been an issue for years as low wage workers have had difficulty providing for themselves and their families on their current minimum wage income. The demand for higher salaries has gained popularity, with...

The Effect of Conflict on Access to Education

5 Pages 2392 Words
Education has been an integral factor contributing to the development of humankind since the outset. For ages, the drive to learn more about the surroundings and our curiosity has prodded us to seek education. Today, schooling has become an intrinsic part of a man’s life and education is being known as a basic right in numerous countries around the globe....

The Aspects of Group Conflict

1 Page 389 Words
Sheriff’s experiment and study of inter-conflict formed the major base for the study of intergroup conflict. This experiment which he conducted made him to be the founder and father of social judgments theory which has been researched by any sociologist and psychologist to comprehend on the finding which he made. In this article the profound article is based on three...

Underlying Causes of Conflict Using the Pillar Method

7 Pages 3099 Words
The conflict transformation entails moving relations that sustain violence, whereas conflict management approaches endeavors to control and contain conflict, and therefore, conflict resolution models are steered towards shifting resolution towards affirmative results. The implications to unveil the main causes of conflict is to envision the flow of social conflict, building affirmative change procedures and mitigating conflict to enhance justice (Lederach,...

The Peculiarities of Conflict Handling

1 Page 662 Words
To make something different happen you need to implement a change. Whether planned or unplanned to achieve and establish goals, you need for first bring it fourth. In the nursing field, a change agent can be a leader or staff nurse who works in nursing. Change theories are used to bring planned/unplanned changes in nursing. Kurt Lewin, who is known...

Conflict, Influence, and Power Solving

2 Pages 777 Words
In marriages, conflict naturally occurs during a long period of time as both partners have lost similar interest or challenges individual face in their life together. Conflict is the opposition of incompatible need. In a companionate marriage, it the interdependence that a great expectation will be achieved by both partners needs. In the Conflict theory which suggests conflict is necessary...

Conflict and Community

3 Pages 1284 Words
I remember our first lecture when we were given the assignment of writing down our own definitions of peace, community, and conflict. For peace, I wrote “Acceptance of what is, trying to be best that can be.” For community, I wrote “Belonging, kinship, and support. Can be family, friends, work, or people who simply share your interest and values.” For...

Dealing with Conflict in the Workplace

2 Pages 805 Words
After the practical, I realized I could look at conflict from a different point of view – a game of strategy and something to rise above instead of something to just fear. I learnt about ‘The Drama Triangle’ which involves the persecutor, rescuer and victim. The persecutor is someone who only acts in their own interest and plays the dominant...

The Peculiarities of Conflict Resolution

5 Pages 2069 Words
Speaking from experience, a conflict has been part of my daily diet. I have been in the corporate field for 4 years, and I have encountered various and numerous conflicts with my manager and subordinates. Not just petty ones but conflicts that can lead to potential business losses. I have been resolving these using plain intuition and instinct. I was...

The Effect of Child Custody Conflict on Juvenile Delinquency and Psychopathy

3 Pages 1317 Words
Introduction This paper will describe how custody conflicts have detrimental effects on children and it will create a link between psychopathic tendencies and juvenile delinquency when exposed to parental conflict. Definitions Juvenile Delinquency. The habitual committing of criminal acts or offenses by a young person, typically between the ages of ten to seventeen. Offending. Committing an illegal act Psychopathy. A...

An Exploration On Artificial Intelligence Application: From Safety, Smart Security & Intelligence

4 Pages 1702 Words
ABSTRACT Artificial intelligence is a advanced technology, which drivevariationof economy and society ominously in the proximate future. It tinbe employed to switch human labour ship effecting various perilous then dreary chores, providing us through additional convenient and competent life. It can be a slice from the wide-ranging application of the emerging technology. In the paper, we make discussions on the...

Psychological Approaches to the Study of Conflict

2 Pages 1142 Words
Introduction The following essay is going to critically discuss the applicability of the psychological approaches to the study of conflict. Psychological approaches are one of the theories of social conflict. There are various approaches or theories under the psychological approaches. These theories are based on the idea that; conflict and aggression are inborn of human behavior. Some of there approaches...

The Seeds of Discord: Antecedents of Conflict

5 Pages 2208 Words
Introduction To understand and manage conflict well, we first must understand what conflict is and its sources or causes. Conflict[footnoteRef:1] can be defined as a serious disagreement or argument, to be incompatible or at a variance, a clash. Everyone experiences conflict at some point in their lives. Conflict is especially prevalent on and among teams. In this context, conflict happens...

Organizational Performance Management: Behavior and Coaching

4 Pages 1742 Words
Introductory Evidence-based management(EBM) means translating principles based on best evidence into organizational practices. Behavior is about science, it’s important for manager to know that behavior as all consequences are a result of the behavior. The Antecedent-Behavior-Consequence Model (ABC Model) tells us antecedents would drive the behavior, moreover, the consequences would follow the behavior. Thus, consequences can either increase the behavior...

Effect of Work-family Conflict on Commitment Organization

7 Pages 3300 Words
Humans are one of the resources needed to run an organization or company. As the main factor that runs the organization system, humans hold the role of crisis (crucial factor) which will determine the success or failure of a company. In a hospital industry, health workers are human resources who play an important role. A hospital, with abundant capital accompanied...

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