Islam essays

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Ethical Issues With Islam Religion

1 Page 434 Words
Through generations and generations society has grown and developed into what it is know for today. As human beings we get to choose our own path and that also starts with what we believe in and donā€™t believe in as well. There are many religions that consist on different beliefs systems and practice techniques. Islam is an Abrahamic, monotheistic religion...

The Correlation Of Evolution And Islam

2 Pages 883 Words
Community Psychology is a very important branch of psychology it understand peoples behavior within their communities, societies, organizations, community psychology focuses more on wellness than illness its an important factor to support towards social change through empowerment of weak groups such as women who suffer from brutality, youth and children living in poverty disabled people elderly and jobless immigrants. However...

Shinto vs. Islam

2 Pages 1000 Words
'In The Name of Allah, we praise Him, and we seek His guidance in all mattersā€ Shinto is the indigenous religion of Japan. It is a complicated belief system revolving around nature and focuses on supernatural gods or spirits called ā€˜Kamiā€™. The natural force is seen as divine, that inspires and gives a feeling of admiration. This relation between Kami...

Islam Religion And A Gender Issue

3 Pages 1523 Words
In the natural world, humans live in a world where sexual aspects are involved, a vast realm that often parallels the relationship between identity and pleasure. The humanā€™s urge for pleasure is indisputable - a condition that is emphasized in daily life. Throughout history, religious perspectives and various philosophies have aimed to create a universal framework to ensure the fulfillment...

How Were Women Treated In Islam In Past And Present?

3 Pages 1608 Words
In the past men and women were never equal, even now sometimes there is still gender inequality. The Holy Quran has given the same status to men and women as it says that they are both from the same origin and due to this fact women should not be looked down upon men as lower creatures. In Islam, if you...

Were Medieval Muslim Societies More Tolerant Than Medieval Christian Societies?

4 Pages 1756 Words
There is a common misconception that the Middle Ages were a wholly Christian phenomenon, and focus often remains on the west, though it is important to recognise that other religions were present across the world during this time. To properly evaluate how tolerant various religions were, it should be considered how they interacted with each other. Christian tolerance was evident,...

Judaism, Christianity, Islam And Building Peace

2 Pages 960 Words
Judaism, Christianity and Islam are similar in that they all believe that God showed himself to Abraham. Each believe that there is only one God and conceive God to be the Creator and the foundation of law that is fundamentally moral. There is consistency in their religious texts with many of the identical figures, similar histories, and places. They are...

Similarities And Differences Of Islam And Judaism

4 Pages 1941 Words
Introduction Human life begins at birth and religions commemorate significant milestones throughout the journey of oneā€™s life such as birth. Judaism and Islam, one of the worldā€™s dominant religions, share many common features in their birth rituals such as circumcision, naming of a child and the first haircut. Thus, the focus of this essay is to discuss the similarities and...

Judaism And Islam

2 Pages 1064 Words
What are the beliefs of Judaism and Islam? The beliefs of Orthodox Judaism (a stream of Judaism) is surrounded by ideology of there is only one God who gave the Jewish law which is embodied by the written law of the Torah and the Talmud of oral law. The Torah was given to the Israelites at Sinai and Jews believe...

Islam Vs. Bioethics

2 Pages 1021 Words
To a certain extent, there need not be strict homogeneity to maintain coherence within a religious tradition for the adherents to ā€˜live successfully in the modern worldā€™. There is a diversity of expression within the widespread nature of Islam, but it is the principal beliefs in Tawhid (the oneness of Allah), Kutubuā€™llah (the books of Allah), Al Qadr (fate) as...

The Aspects Of Ethics Towards Co-workers In Islam

1 Page 553 Words
Islam is the complete code of life offering guidance in all walks of life; social, economic, moral and political. As in social life one must live together and have responsibilities according to their positions in a society. Relationship between workers is very important in a working environment. Islamic ethics set for both workers and the rulers ensure harmony, peace of...

Feminist Art In Islam

3 Pages 1548 Words
Interdiction In this project I will be looking at feminist art and its effects, influences and relations in the Islamic culture. I want to explore and study some of the impacts the and differences between eastern and western cultures on feminist arts and artists. In particular I will be looking at Shirin Neshat, an Iranian born visual artist, film maker...

The Topic Of Homosexuality In Islam

2 Pages 752 Words
The topic of homosexuality always causes a lot of controversy in Islam and people are very emotionally involved with it. There are usually alternatives in Islamic law from things that are prohibited, e.g interest is prohibited, trade is permissible, there are haram foods but there are also halal foods, but in the case of a person with homosexual orientation there...

How Marriage Was Shaped Over Time In Protestantism And Islam

2 Pages 907 Words
Marriage is one of the earliest forms of relationships. From a biblical perspective, Adam and Eve were the first spouses that gave rise to todayā€™s people. However, generations later, many religions came up, each with their interpretation of marriage. This difference resulted in different conduct across religions, prompting a deeper understanding of marriage. To do this, this paper will analyze...

The Status Of Women In Islam

2 Pages 745 Words
Women are always defined as creatures with unique traits, soft and full of emotions. Strong but might still need help at one time; a woman. The culture of respecting women has been introduced a long time ago and still be practiced until today shows how humans acknowledge each other without validating one through their characteristics and features. It is also...

How Islam Emphasizes Child's Right

2 Pages 800 Words
Being a Muslim, we will never get away from responsibilities in everything that we do in our life as we are the Caliphates in this world in which Muslims are responsible for their own actions. In this article, parents as well as society have to be responsible for their own children in every aspect possible. It is no doubt that...

The Issue Of Abortion In Islamic Religion

4 Pages 1759 Words
The principal point of this paper is to show conversations on premature birth in Islamic morals with regards to major moral ideas; the lawful status of the embryo, regard forever and the privilege not to be conceived.Subsequently, the latest Turkish law on the killing of foetuses, with respect to Islamic morals and stringent viewpoints, has been progressed. Morals is claimed...

The Features Of Women In Modern Islam

2 Pages 838 Words
In Islam, people are good equivalents in God's sight and are required to satisfy similar obligations of love, supplication, confidence, alms-giving, fasting, and Hajj. Islam, for the most part, has improved the status of women in contrast to the old Arab societies, restricting female child murder. Islamic law accentuates the legally binding nature of marriage, necessitating that a settlement be...

The Empire Of Reason: Science And Islam In The Golden Age

2 Pages 896 Words
Even in middle ages Muslim community the scientific process, the groundbreaking theory that perhaps the world functions however according human laws became created. That is of the Iraqi-born scientist's selfish benefit. As in other rich societies, technology developed underneath the Muslim Reich 1000 years ago. They explore the remains of Iran's former capital, a large kingdom, and the royal house...

Theory Of Islamic Work Ethics

3 Pages 1476 Words
Islam emphasises on a creative and productive effort as a source of happiness and accomplishment. This is due to the Islamic viewpoint of poverty as the promise of the devil, and prosperity as the promise of God as Allah has prescribed in the Quran: ā€œThe devil threatens you with poverty and bids you to conduct unseemly. God promised you His...

Islamophobia And Islam

2 Pages 970 Words
The ongoing issue of Islamophobia is outlined by the misrepresentation and stereotyping of Muslims in the media. The media have blamed all Muslims for recent terrorist attacks carried out by extreme groups who say they follow the religion of Islam. This chapter aims to investigate the reasons islamophobia is a global issue in societies. With further research conducted, 95% have...

The History, Meaning And Effects Of Radical Islam

2 Pages 787 Words
1968 to 1979 was the dawn of modern international terrorism within Islam. The colonial period was unsuccessful post-colonial times at state establishment, and the formation of Israel produced a sequence of anti-Western and Marxist movements throughout both the Arab and Islamic world. The initial stage of contemporary international terrorism was the growth of these nationalist and revolutionary movements. Throughout the...

Fashion And Faith In Judaism And Islam

2 Pages 1088 Words
For numerous religions, dress has been defined to include clothing, grooming, and various unique forms of bodily embellishments. It can be a symbol of religious identification, a reference of history, geography and tradition, and the method of expressing fundamental philosophical and religious practices and principles. Dress serves as the basis for an effective means of non-verbal communication during social interactions;...

Representations Of Islam Theology On Song Lir Ilir And Lingsir Wengi

3 Pages 1196 Words
Songs are has a fundamental in social life. They are accepted in the middle of society practically, intellectually, individually, communally, and as a symbolic entity (Feld, 1984). Practically means the songs are created as a kind of artwork especially literature work. Literature could be the inspiration during arranging the songs (Rene Wellek, 1977). Intellectually and symbolic entity means the songs...

Misconceptions About Islam Religion

2 Pages 1043 Words
All around the world, there are many misconceptions that non-Muslims have about Islam and Muslims. This project will be describing those misbeliefs and will be clarifying them. Peopleā€™s views and opinions matter which should be clarified and should be given information to them that they do not think that way. One of the biggest misconceptions about Islam that people have...

Fundamental Aspects Of Trading In Islam

2 Pages 1114 Words
Introduction It is incumbent for Muslims to be aware in religious affairs which involve their lives in this world, among these is the dealings related to trade. Trade is by far the common means by which wealth is acquired and Islam recognizes its role. In this regard a Muslim should learn the rulings of trade before embarking on it to...

The Peculiarities Of Culture In Islam

3 Pages 1372 Words
Abstract Working with people of the Muslim culture can be very difficult if you do not know and understand their religion. They require specific cares tailored to meet the needs of their culture. Muslims would rather use home remedies and prayer to prevent or cure an illness rather than using prescription medications because they are not created by their God...

A Conservative Islam In The Modern Political Sphere

3 Pages 1188 Words
While only fourteen hundred years old, Islam has been noted as being one of the fastest growing religions in the world. With over 1.5 billion followers around the world and over three million practicing Muslims in the United States, there are as many, if not more, sects or denominations within the religion, as there as with Christianity. As a religion,...

The Rituals Of Monotheistic Religions: Islam, Christianity, And Judaism

5 Pages 2401 Words
The Oxford dictionary defines monotheism as ā€œthe doctrine or belief that there is only one God.ā€ The central values of family, charity, and respect for others are shared by three monotheistic religions; Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. Although each religion has a different perspective on teachings and beliefs, they all have one thing in common; their belief in a single deity....

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