Mental Illness essays

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3 Pages 1443 Words
Abstract Many people know someone who abuses substances or someone who has gone through addiction recovery. Even though many people have had this connection with substance abuse, they don’t understand what people go through. It is important to what people who have abused substances or are abusing substances are going through. It is also important to understand what people experience...
5 Pages 2093 Words
The biological model of psychology focuses on treating the underlying physical issues that might be causing psychological disorders. For example, let us say there are two different individuals who are suffering from psychological disorders. The first one is Eric. Everyone knows that Eric is strange. He talks back to voices that only he can hear. He thinks that he's being...
5 Pages 2109 Words
It is extremely common for patients with mental health conditions to present in acute settings rather than specialty mental health settings with acute or chronic general medical illnesses. With a collaborative multidisciplinary team approach and with proper screening and treatment, successful outcomes for those patients in an acute care setting are becoming an increasingly more standard practice. (Cerimele et al.,...
6 Pages 2852 Words
Bipolar disorder, today, can be defined as a brain disorder that causes changes in a person’s mood and energy that cause significant impairment in daily functioning. It can be categorized into three different conditions: bipolar I, bipolar II, and cyclothymic disorder. Symptoms-wise, patients with bipolar disorder experience mood episodes in which they experience extreme and intense emotional states. These mood...
3 Pages 1552 Words
Within this assessment, I will be using the BEET Tool workbook, which will be shown at the end, and a report on what I was trying to accomplish and how it went with other staff members. Due to moving and being sick, I implemented half of this task at Mater Queensland Hospital before moving and then continued the rest of...
3 Pages 1301 Words
Bradley was just three years old when his parents, Tim and Carrie, began noticing how different he was compared to other kids. While other children were able to have a full conversation, his vocabulary was limited to almost eighteen words. He was a sweet kid but didn’t interact with other children, never made eye contact, and never wanted to be...
2 Pages 747 Words
The word Autism is derived from the Greek word “autios’’ which means self. ASD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that persists lifelong. The word Autism was first used by Eugen Bleuler in 1911 as a symptom of Schizophrenia’’ (Onaolapo & Onaolapo, 2017). Normally it is found from infancy to 2 years child (Cohen, 2002). A child with this type of disorder...
2 Pages 1161 Words
Abstract These days, autism has been a very interesting scientific subject in many aspects. On the other hand, recent scientific studies show that autism is not based on a single cause. Autism is thought to have many causes, such as genetic factors and environmental factors, and it may have occurred during pregnancy or may have an impact on birth. Unfortunately,...
3 Pages 1216 Words
I received the news 7 years ago I was then going to be a sister to not one but two girls, At 9 years old I was heartbroken at the thought of my full world being rocked as I had been an only child all these years. From a very early age my family could tell Millie and Danni weren’t...
3 Pages 1443 Words
Biopsychosocial Assessment A client has presented severe mental health symptoms while at an appointment for ongoing HIV care. The client would only be seen for his appointments in his home and refused to be seen in the clinic. Utilizing the biopsychosocial assessment outline from Sands and Gellis (p. 88-89, 2012), a brief report of the client follows (Wooldridge, 2019): Identifying...
1 Page 559 Words
At its core, the Theory of Mind hypothesis describes an individual’s ability to understand situations and interpret them correctly from another individual’s perspective. The term ‘Theory of Mind’ was first introduced in the 1970s when investigating primates and intentional behaviors, and it was later suggested by Alan Leslie (1987) that these findings could possibly describe an autistic patient’s mind. His...
4 Pages 2000 Words
What is ALS? That is a common question that has plagued scientists, researchers, and ordinary people alike for many years. ALS is otherwise known as Lou Gehrig's Disease. ALS, or Lou Gehrig’s Disease, is a progressive type of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, which is a neurodegenerative disease. ALS affects the nerve cells in a person’s brain and spinal cord, in the...
3 Pages 1367 Words
Mental health is defined as an individual's concern over their emotional, psychological, and behavioral well-being. Furthermore, it is determined through the capability of managing stress and having the ability to function properly through different scenarios. It is important to observe one's mental health and seek aid when problems begin to arise. However, when there is a clear lack of attention...
3 Pages 1234 Words
Childhood obesity is an increasing problem, especially in developing countries, and it has different effects on people's lives in the future. Both genetic factors and unhealthy lifestyle are usually the main reasons for childhood overweight that may lead to immediate and long-term results in the private and social life of a person., but there are still other causes of obesity...
1 Page 541 Words
Introduction: Autism is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder that affects individuals across the globe. As our understanding of neurodiversity continues to grow, it becomes essential to define and comprehend autism accurately. This essay aims to provide a comprehensive definition of autism by exploring its characteristics, diagnostic criteria, and impact on individuals and their families. Definition and Characteristics: Autism, also known as...
3 Pages 1383 Words
The Analyzation of Physical and Mental Strains within​ Metamorphosis Franz Kafka’s ​Metamorphosis​ gives a glimpse into the effect of abuse, and I wish to argue that Gregor took his own life in response to the mistreatment done by the Samsa family, because these factors play a vital role in why Gregor committed suicide. To prove this perspective, I will first...
1 Page 525 Words
Introduction 'Welcome to Holland' is a widely celebrated essay written by Emily Perl Kingsley. This thought-provoking piece uses the metaphor of a trip to Holland instead of Italy to describe the experience of raising a child with disabilities. Through its powerful use of language and symbolism, 'Welcome to Holland' offers a profound perspective on parenting, acceptance, and the complex emotions...
1 Page 592 Words
Topic: the value of being alive. Specific purpose: to motivate my audience to save a suicidal person and change their lives. Did you ever hear of someone ever suicide or self-injury? It means acts that directly harm our lives or our body. Self-injury includes a variety of behaviors, including self-immolation, scratching of body parts, bumping your body against hard objects,...
1 Page 555 Words
The first purpose for social anxiousness sickness consists of genetics. To begin with, social anxiousness ailment is a common kind of anxiousness disorder. A character with social intellectual sickness feels signs and symptoms of hysteria or state of affairs in fine or all situations, like meeting new people, dating, being on employment, answering a query in class, or having to...
1 Page 593 Words
In today's installment of the movie show, we are looking at the outstanding film, American Sniper. One issue in particular that stood out to me whilst watching this incredible biography of Christopher Kyles's life which is portrayed by Bradley Cooper is that of mental health. American Sniper is a war drama biographical film in that follows the life of a...
2 Pages 808 Words
A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner and Fall of the House of Usher by Edgar Allen Poe explore the psychological criticism through avenues of agoraphobia, depression, and necrophilia. Both Poe and Faulkner use elements of gothic literature in their writing which revolved around the death of a loved one, isolation, and mental illness. In Emily’s case of losing a...
1 Page 563 Words
The overuse of smartphones may cause teenagers to have symptoms of depression anxiety, and emotional problems. Both Twenge and Campbell (2018) and Jensen et al. (2019) argue that the more screen time youngsters have, the more likely they have depression symptoms. According to Twenge and Campbell (2018), the risk of adolescents getting depression increases with screen use while Jensen et...
1 Page 701 Words
How exercising can help your mental and physical health In today’s world exercising is a key element to a person’s health. Exercising is used to keep our bodies in shape and healthy. Exercising can also be very difficult for some because they are not used to doing it and for others exercising is very natural for them. At the end...
2 Pages 919 Words
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 6.1 million children aged 2-17 years have been diagnosed with ADHD in the United States, (CDC, 2021). ADHD stands for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, there is a large number of people in the US who have this disorder, and not a lot of Americans are informed about what ADHD is what it...
5 Pages 2079 Words
Introduction Obesity is one of the leading preventable diseases in the world, such that over a third of the global population is classified as overweight or obese1. For adults, the World Health Organisation defines overweight as having a BMI greater than or equal to 25, while obesity as having a BMI greater than or equal to 301. As a significant...
2 Pages 737 Words
Attention to detail is a trait that varies considerably in the general population, with implications for global or local processes more broadly. It is an important characteristic that plays a big part in our daily lives. However, previous literature state that individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) have higher attention to detail. ASD is a developmental disorder most commonly involving...

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