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Essay on Earth Day

1 Page 545 Words
Earth day is an annual day when events are held globally to increase recognition and appreciation of the earth`s herbal environment. Earth day reminds us that we all share an identical planet. We are accountable for what and how we use it. Earth day is celebrated in more than one hundred seventy-five nations every year. It is especially dedicated as...

Essay on Desertification: Pros and Cons

3 Pages 1374 Words
Within the last 30 years, the state of the world’s climate has been a growing topic of discussion. Climate change can and will have drastic effects on the planet and will become the greatest threat to humans. One of these effects is desertification. Desertification is the transition of an area into a drier climate, typically associated with deforestation and droughts....

Essay on Conservation of Natural Resources

5 Pages 2186 Words
Abstract Earth provides a diverse source of life to all the organisms for their survival which are mentioned as natural resources. Natural resources encompass air, water, soil, metals, energy, and other essential components of life. All the resources are directly or indirectly associated with each other to form a suitable environment for the organisms. Over the last few decades, different...

Essay on Conservation and Biodiversity

4 Pages 1847 Words
Energy save the campaign, it’s the slogan save Save Fuel yaani Save Money. The initial face had managed to save 20 Billion with an initial budget of 1 bill. Its main intention was to bring awareness to the Indian population about energy conservation. The main objective focused on petroleum conservation, curbing waste, and improving the efficiency of fuel (Mahapatra &...

Essay on Chlorofluorocarbons and Ozone Depletion

4 Pages 1880 Words
The Receding Ozone Layer The ozone layer above the Earth is in fact disappearing and has been thinning since 1970. The ozone layer is a layer above the Earth that protects us from ultraviolet rays which cause cancer, and could potentially kill a human. Ultraviolet rays also affect animal and plant kingdoms. According to National Geographic, ”The ozone layer is...

Essay on CFCs as the Cause of Destroying the Earth’s Ozone Layer

3 Pages 1344 Words
CFCs have useful properties such as coolant liquids in refrigerators and aerosol sprays but studies in the 1980s revealed that they are the cause of destroying the Earth’s ozone layer. How was this problem addressed? Introduction Halogen derivatives are new compounds acquired when one or multiple hydrogen atoms of acyclic hydrocarbons are exchanged for an equivalent number of halogen atoms...

Essay on Canada’s Boreal Forest

4 Pages 1804 Words
The boreal zone, situated within the northern regions of the globe, stretches around 5000 kilometers from Labrador and Newfoundland in the east to Yukon in the west, extending south 1000 kilometers from the edge of the arctic tundra. Estimated to be around 270 million hectares, this boreal region covers more than half of Canada’s land area, sheltering millions of wildlife...

Effects of the Namib Desert on Namibia

1 Page 566 Words
According to researchers, Namibia ranks highest as the driest country in sub-Saharan Africa. Also, it has surface water for limited periods within a year, thus in terms of rainfall capacity, Namibia receives an average of 270 mm of rain annually. The country is divided into regions, the eastern region, and the western region. The eastern region receives about 700mm of...

Ecological Importance of Forests in Pakistan

3 Pages 1508 Words
Introduction A forest is an area that is covered with trees, plants, and animals. Forests are very important for the survival of animals that support human life. Pakistan is an agricultural country. Pakistan has almost 4.2 million ha of planted trees and agricultural forests. It’s about 4.8% of the total land area. In Pakistan's hilly areas, about 40% forest comprises...

Desert as the Driest Biome on the Earth

2 Pages 861 Words
A biome mainly referred to an ecosystem where places share similar climates. It comprises all plants, animals, and other organisms, as well as the physical environment in a specific area. A biome is distinguished by its atmosphere, and area. Biome mainly consists of tundra, forest, desert, grassland, and aquatic. A desert is one of the five main biomes on Earth....

Descriptive Essay on a Waterfall

1 Page 557 Words
The beginning of 2022 on 01.01.2022 is the first day of the beginning of 2022. Fraser Hill is located above the Titiwangsa range with a cooling temperature of 17 degrees celsius to degrees celsius On 01.01.2022 is a public holiday for all Malaysians. On that day, I and my family, father, mother, sister, and brother were. We had discussed going...

Climate Solution Report: Importance of Forests and Reforestation

3 Pages 1330 Words
Reforestation is a climate solution first proposed in the form of an annual planting program by Gordan Sloan in the mid-1900s. While the exact program never took place as replanting trees was largely viewed as uneconomical, the need for reforestation became widely accepted as a necessary implementation during the passing decades. The process gained momentum during the late 1980s due...

Climate Justice for Biodiversity Conservation Conflicts

4 Pages 1976 Words
Introduction Management of natural resources has been confirmed by observing organizations around the world provoke conflicts when scarcity, poor governance, and unfair distribution of amenities constitute its procedures. These conflicts have, in turn, caused heavy impacts on biodiversity and climate change; most of which are negative and irreversible (IUCN, 2021). The climate justice movement seeks to minimize the different forms...

Can the Abuse of Natural Resources in African and Middle Eastern Countries Lead to Economic Disparity: Essay

5 Pages 2293 Words
Introduction: The exploitation of natural resources has always been a factor that has affected many developing countries. Natural resources are air, water, soil, minerals, fuels, plants, and animals (National Geographic Society, 2012). Countries that experience abuse of their natural resources are those that are already suffering underdevelopment, which incentivizes them to give away their resources in order for them to...

Documentary Analysis on Blue Gold: World Water Wars

2 Pages 1071 Words
I have seen the Blue Gold documentary movie and enjoyed watching it. It was directed, co-produced, and co-written by Sam Bozzo. He is also the editor of the movie. It is made in the United States. This documentary is based on the book Blue gold: The fight to stop the corporate Theft of the world’s water by Maude Barlow and...

Benefits of Optimum Use of Natural Resources

4 Pages 2042 Words
Introduction Renewable and non-renewable natural resources and ecosystem amenities are part of the real capital of the countries. They are natural wealth from which other forms of wealth are made. If these natural resources use ideal they contribute towards fiscal revenue, income, and poverty reduction. Sectors related to natural resources use provide jobs and are often the basis of livelihoods...

Are Natural Resources a Curse: Argumentative Essay

4 Pages 1895 Words
Introduction A natural resource is “materials from the Earth that are used to support life and meet people's and animal’s needs”(DHEC’s office of solid waste reduction and recycling). Any natural substance that humans use can be considered a natural resource. Some Natural resources are also renewable, which means they can be used and used and used again. Examples of natural...

Abiotic Factors in Coral Reefs

2 Pages 1231 Words
Identification and Explanation of Trend between Abiotic Factors Abiotic factors are the non-living elements of an ecosystem. Abiotic factors that are present in Long Reef Rock Platform are sunlight, salinity, and water. These factors affect the temperature and the water depth. Abiotic factors not only affect the dispersion and abundance of biotic factors, but they also influence other abiotic factors...

The 2018 Lower Puna Eruption

2 Pages 727 Words
This devastating event happened on Hawaii’s Big Island and sent lava flowing through a very populated area called Leilani Estates, a residential area located near the Kilauea volcano. Hawaii is a part of the United States of America, but it is located in the Pacific Ocean. The lava spread thirty-six thousand square meters, forcing approximately two thousand people living near...

Essay about Kilauea Volcano in the Hawaiian Islands

1 Page 545 Words
Kilauea is an incredible secure fountain of liquid magma inside the Hawaiian Islands, and in this manner the most dynamic of the 5 volcanoes that along kind the island of Hawaii. It began ejecting around 150,000 to 280,000 years prior. It is the second most youthful result of the Hawaiian hotspot and in this manner the current eruptive focal point...

Essay about Volcano

2 Pages 968 Words
This research paper is intended to travel through the history, composition, and destructive eruptions of three of the most well-known volcanoes on Earth in order to evaluate human preparedness in anticipation of Mt. Rainier's future eruption. Specifically, Mt. St. Helens, Nevado del Ruiz, and Mt. Pinatubo will be taken into consideration for the analysis. Additionally, a final overview of Mt....

Should Plastic Be Banned: Essay

3 Pages 1369 Words
Did you know that humans are dumping more than 8 million tons of plastic into our oceans every year? That's over 21,918 tons of plastic per day thrown into our ocean. Our Earth can’t hold all of the plastic we have thrown away, and we need to ban all single-use plastic. Since over 60 million plastic bottles are thrown away...

Essay about Natural Resources

3 Pages 1356 Words
Do our actions influence the future? In this world, every action we do uses one type of resource: it is not minerals and it is not sunlight but natural resources. Over the course of the development of life, the actions we have done have changed and transformed, and unfortunately, that transformation has led to a significant increase in the use...

Essay on National Parks and Indigenous Communities

4 Pages 1949 Words
In developing countries, national parks have become the subject of international conservation policies (Mombeshora and Le Bel, 2009). A national park is a region set aside by a national government to protect the natural resources for recreation and enjoyment purposes or its historical or scientific significance (Britannica, 2019). In these parks, the habitats and their associated plants and animals are...

Mining in the Philippines

2 Pages 920 Words
A destruction of surroundings due to mining. It has a vary of advantages and dangers that affects the surroundings and the lives of each human being in the Philippines. Mining is the method of digging mines to obtain minerals, metals, and jewels that serves as the livelihood to every and every human being. It provides human beings some of the...

Analysis of Italy's Green Economy and the Creation of New Jobs Opportunities

4 Pages 1895 Words
This research aims to investigate how the green economy can create new job opportunities, therefore defining some future social scenarios in Italy. The reason for which the green economy can create new employment for future generations is due to the use of new ecological and non-pollutant technologies that have been created and that will be furtherly developed in the near...

Essay on Israel and Weapons of Mass Destruction

8 Pages 3563 Words
The State of Israel’s security concerns for its self-preservation since its creation in 1948, in a hostile neighborhood, has strongly influenced its policy and the region’s feelings towards weapons of mass destruction. In this paper we evaluate Israel’s scientific and technical capabilities to develop WMD, as well as the political intent to utilize this for offensive and/or defensive purposes. The...

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