Nursing Essay Examples

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2 Pages 1092 Words
Systems development life cycle (SDLC) is a method to provide useful and effective information systems that match the strategic business plan of an organization. As new health information system is being designed, implementation, maintenance, and efficient management is necessary each step of the way (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2017). “SDLC provides a standard project management framework that can improve the quality...
2 Pages 1111 Words
Introduction Healthcare professionals are being challenged to find new ways to organize care and develop systems that hold providers accountable for the quality, cost, and patient experience of care (Ricketts & Fraher 2013). Nurses play an important role in providing quality and safe care because they are the frontline connection with the patient and are present in most settings where...
5 Pages 2045 Words
Introduction Despite completing a degree and studying for three-plus years, graduate nurses often find it difficult to transition into registered nurse. Having so much support throughout their degree, it can sometimes be a shock to the system for a graduate registered nurse when finally taking full responsibility for patients, as well as completing tasks and delegating. Even though, the graduate...
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2 Pages 696 Words
The Role of the Professional Nurse Healthcare work involves a wide scale of health professionals. Nurses are essential in the distribution of healthcare in primary, secondary, and tertiary sectors. Registered Nurses deliver various services to healthcare users in a range of settings (Royal College of Nursing [RCN], 2021). This essay will critically examine the role and requirements of nurses in...
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1 Page 635 Words
Pursuing a master's degree in adult nursing is a responsibility and a dream that I owe to myself. I want to be an example to my kids and show that single mothers can be successful and follow their dreams, contribute to society, and make a change. I have many friends who are nurses, and these people inspire me. I strongly...
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3 Pages 1378 Words
Nurses are hardworking and loving caregivers in healthcare organizations. Most nurses cope effectively with the physical and emotional demands of nursing in some situations; nurses can become very overwhelmed and develop burnout (kozier et. al., 2014). I find that nurse burnout is one of our biggest challenges in organizations. Nurse burnout can affect you physically, mentally, and emotionally due to...
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2 Pages 1039 Words
I have always had an idea of working in the nursing field because of the great opportunities and openings the medical field provides for its employees. And I have grown up to have a passion for helping people out. It truly sparks a good feeling in me every time I am able to help someone, even helping out only one...
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2 Pages 1031 Words
Growing up, I always strived to help anyone in need, and saw the onscreen media images and programs about life as a nurse and in the medical field, and dreamt that one day I could be just like them. I grew up reading books about childhood characters going to the doctor as well as children's informational books, both picture as...
2 Pages 728 Words
As a child, I was always fascinated by stories of medical professionals saving lives and providing care to those in need. Now, as I reflect on my own experiences and goals, I know that nursing is the career path that will allow me to make a difference in the lives of others. With a passion for healthcare and a commitment...
1 Page 672 Words
Bringing new life into the world is a beautiful and sacred moment. As a labor and delivery nurse, you have the privilege of being part of this incredible experience. This is why I am drawn to the field of obstetrics and gynecology, and why I aspire to become a labor and delivery nurse. The ability to care for mothers and...
2 Pages 898 Words
Working as a critical care nurse demands an individual who is compassionate, detail-oriented, and quick-thinking. In this fast-paced and high-pressure environment, the critical care nurse must be equipped to handle whatever comes their way. It is a challenging yet rewarding career path that requires the ability to work well under pressure, make sound clinical judgments, and provide empathetic care to...
1 Page 552 Words
Becoming a family nurse practitioner has many steps and takes hard work and determination. Like any other medical occupation, there are many educational requirements and certifications that must be obtained. In Tennessee, you have to complete an undergraduate degree, become a licensed RN, complete a graduate’s degree, and then obtain certification and license as a nurse practitioner. National University in...
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2 Pages 705 Words
As a child from a struggling family in the western part of Africa, and a first-generation high school graduate, it has always been a challenge to get a good education. Engaging on petty jobs to raise money for college as a teenager, getting married to an active duty military (US Army) man and eventually having to move overseas which is...
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2 Pages 725 Words
Reflecting on my educational experiences, I have Adult Nursing is what I want to do. My interest in Adult Nursing grew and was recognized when doing a work placement at an elderly nursing home named Charlton Park Care Home. I later got an offer to take on a paid part-time job as a health care assistant in the dementia unit....
1 Page 710 Words
Nursing is a noble profession requiring dedication, passion, and empathy. It’s a career choice that can make a difference in the lives of countless people, which is why I want to be a nurse. In this essay, I’ll be discussing the reasons why I chose this path and what led me to pursue it. My Journey to Becoming a Nurse...
1 Page 693 Words
Nurses perform a vital role in medicine. Although their role does not carry the status of a doctor or consultant, nurses are at the center of clinics, and surgeries and are an important part of the team that runs wards and hospitals. To be a nurse requires commitment and dedication, qualities that I believe I have and that I am...
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2 Pages 775 Words
A nurse practitioner is a master’s prepared registered nurse that has received additional training, education, and certification, and is qualified to provide primary patient care (Fitzpatrick et al., 2003) Nurse practitioner is a very challenging, but also a very rewarding profession at the same time. It is a great feeling to do work that helps people to overcome their health...
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1 Page 606 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Personal Beliefs I believe a nurse communicates and works with clients, families, and team members to provide the highest quality care. I think each nurse is listening and looking carefully at each client during each encounter. I believe nursing imparts knowledge and guidance simultaneously to retain and maintain health as well as eradicate, manage or minimize poor health. I consider...
6 Pages 2592 Words
How Nurses Should Deal with Patients with Malaria Without Contracting the Disease Abstract Malaria is one of the major health issues faced on a global level and must be dealt with utmost care. Malaria can progress at a very fast rate, and patients can subsequently become too sick to even take medication by mouth. But if certain precautionary measures are...
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2 Pages 919 Words
Many people tend to believe that nursing can be described very easily, but that is not true. There are so many things that a registered nurse can do. The reflection of my first perception of a registered nurse to my current perception of a registered nurse. This new perception is from the increase in knowledge and education of most things...
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7 Pages 2975 Words
Learning disability is defined as a significant lifelong difficulty in learning and understanding, practising the skills needed to cope with everyday life, and that there is evidence that these difficulties started before 18 years of age (Gates et al, 2015). This essay will discuss critically, recent theories and methods applied in order to prioritise and safely meet the health and...
4 Pages 1955 Words
Why do I want to Be a Nurse? My name is Krista. I was born and raised in Florida. I grew up being surrounded by so many influential people. My mom was a pediatric oncology nurse and my father was a combat medic in the United States Army, my grandmother was a nurse for 40 years and her husband, my...
1 Page 687 Words
Living in different cultures throughout my lifetime, healthcare always seemed to be an essential component as to how the community would function. The backbone of the healthcare system is that of nurses, who bring palliative care to every patient. I wish to become an adult nurse so that I can support and advocate for unwell individuals as the rewarding feeling...
1 Page 548 Words
In this journal, I will be examining the similarities and differences between the code of conduct for nurses and Florence Nightingale's pledge. The code of conduct outlines specific standards that nurses are expected to adopt in their practice today. Florence Nightingale's pledge is what the early Australian nurses were expected to follow in the late 1800s/1900s and onwards. The code...
3 Pages 1534 Words
Caring for every patient’s nutritional status is crucial when it comes to the role of a nurse. This is crucial for the nurse and their patient because the patient’s life could be in danger if they do not have a healthy diet or they are not provided with instructions on how to maintain a healthy diet. Every patient needs a...
1 Page 646 Words
Hospitalization can occur frequently in older adults and can result in changes to their regular routine to following hospital protocol – meals being given at set times, scheduled medications, or perhaps being put on precautions they were previously not on. This change in routine can cause clients to feel less in control of their lifestyle, thus it is pertinent to...
4 Pages 1976 Words
'Safety and security don't just happen: they are the result of collective consensus and public investment. We owe our children—the most vulnerable citizens in any society—a life free from violence and fear. In order to ensure this, we must become tireless in our efforts not only to attain peace, justice and prosperity for countries, but also for communities and members...
1 Page 517 Words
Nursing is a particularly high-stress profession, emotionally challenging and physically draining, with a high occurrence of burnout. In addition to the negative effects of stress on nurses’ health and well-being, stress is also a major contributor to attrition and common shortages in the nursing profession. Stress, which can lead to depression and burnout, is an epidemic in nursing, but no...
1 Page 553 Words
For many people, when they think of bullying, it may bring to mind the image of a mean child picking on another either in school or on a playground. Although this is often the case, in some instances, bullying also occurs with adults in the workplace. The profession of nursing is no exception to this. The American Nurses Association (ANA)...
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2 Pages 769 Words
I choose to join the Air Force as a nurse because I am passionate about providing unique patient care to individuals in the military. The thought of caring for the heroes who fight for not only our nation but the entire world makes me feel accomplished and contented. In particular, becoming a nurse in the Air force not only allows...
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