Philosophical Concept essays

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Inheritance Of Evil Within Human Nature

Introduction The notion of the inheritance of Evil has been prevalent since the onset of the Second World War, where homicide, rape and racism, captured the interest of moral, political and legal philosophers. As a complicated and broad term, many religions shed light on this concept from differing angles. “The way in which we understand Evil is crucial to our conception of morality”1 (Kekes, 1988). The Original Sin and Evil are seen by Luther2 as “an inheritance from Adam and...
5 Pages 2248 Words

Good Vs Evil Essay: Who Decides?

The hero rides triumphantly off into the sunset while the villain gets his just desserts. We all secretly enjoy the struggle between good and evil and in many ways, it is extremely satisfying to see the good guys defeat the bad guys in a blaze of glory. The concept of good and evil exists in every culture. They are necessary social forces influencing how humankind decides to interact with itself. Yet is appears paradoxical that human beings have such a...
2 Pages 1062 Words

Immanuel Kant's Theory Of Categorical Imperative

The word deontology comes from the Greek word ‘deon’, which means ‘duty’. Which is why the name “duty-based ethics’ is associated with deontology. (Alexander & Moore, 2016). Deontology states that regardless of the outcome, one is morally obligated to act following a set of principles and rules. It requires people to follow their rules and do their duties. According to deontology, the correctness of action lies within itself, not in the consequences of the action. Actions can be morally obligatory...
3 Pages 1492 Words

Romeo And Juliet: Fate Or Actions Consequences?

Romeo and Juliet is written by William Shakespeare in 1594-1596. It apprises two feuding families; Capulets and Montagues, that held an ancient grudge against each other. Romeo and Juliet were described as ‘star-crossed lovers’ from two opposing families. They both took their own lives to be with one other. Under the influence of many people, it reconciled the two families. Arguably Mercutio and friar Laurence are responsible for Romeo and Juliet’s death and fate that is driven by the characters...
2 Pages 842 Words

The Ambiguity Of Evil In House Of Cards, Sicario And The Underground Railroad

Good and evil. These two words illustrates one of the most recurrent themes in writing and literature that gets people into saying, what describes the barriers between good and evil? This distinct question has continued to be profoundly embedded in the human individuality since the dawn of humankind. Countless and countless of narratives have been devoted into uncovering a well-defined explanation, an ultimate answer to the question. It has been one of the most conventional themes in our time that...
4 Pages 1628 Words

Evil, Good And Innocence In To Kill A Mockingbird And Pan’s Labyrinth

The web of our life is of a mingled yarn, good and ill together. Such has Shakespeare’s notion remained part of history throughout medians of literature, plays and films to this day and this was no different during the period in which Harper Lee’s tale To Kill a Mockingbird and Guilmero Del Toro’s epic Pan’s labyrinth were set. Both narratives explore the idea of Evil Versus Good by challenging its demeanour and coexistence through the portrayal of innocence in characters...
4 Pages 1915 Words

Argument Of The Existence Of Komuso

In this essay, I am going to argue that Komuso was a factual group. And I will explore the evidence for the actual existence of the Komuso and describe the fictionalisation of this group and why this might occur. The Komuso were a group of monks who weared a straw basket on the head and wandered around Japan in the edo period. Although the existence of the Komuso is kind of mysterious and contradictory in modern studies of Japanese history,...
1 Page 527 Words

The Formulations Of Categorical Imperative Concept

An analysis of Kantian deontological is the second ethical framework that I apply to discuss this case study. According to Kantian, a proposed action is morally acceptable if when compared to two formulations of the Categorical Imperative, said action it is not prohibited. The first formulation of the Categorical Imperative dictates that everyone should “Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law” (Shaw & Barry, 2016, p.63-65)....
2 Pages 727 Words

Greek Life: Do The Pros Outweigh Cons?

Think back on history of presidents all the way to the very first, George Washington. What do almost all of them have in common? How about the Apollo 11 crew… What do they all share in common? Lets include the eighty percent of the top Fortune 500 companies too. Do you know what we get? It just so happens that they all ended up being part of a Greek organization in their college years. Dating back to the first chapter,...
4 Pages 1587 Words

Current Status And Future Prospective Of Vaccine Against Covid-19

Abstract A novel infectious disease COVID-19 pandemic caused due to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus- 2 (SARS-CoV-2), first emerged in late 2019 in Wuhan, China. Novel corona virus is member of beta-coronavirus family, having high human to human transmission than SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV. The transmission of COVID-19 occurs through respiratory droplets generated by coughing and sneezing. There is no specific treatment or vaccine registered for disease. The various antigen selected as M protein, E protein, S protein, RBD and N...
4 Pages 1833 Words

Kantian Vs. Utilitarianism In Academic Dishonesty

What is ethics? Simply put, ethics is the study of the way things should be – ethics gives insight into what people do and why they do it. There are several different types of ethics; this paper will focus on two types: Kantian Ethics and Utilitarianism. Kantian Ethics Kantian Ethics is the ethical theory of philosopher Immanuel Kant. Instead of emphasizing an action’s results, Kantian Ethics emphasizes the principles behind actions. People must treat others with respect and be motivated...
3 Pages 1343 Words

What Threat Does Soumaoro Make to Sundiata?

Sundiata: An Epic of Old Mali and Macbeth both provided readers with an inside look at how prophecies and the role of fate help determine the outcomes of one’s action. Alongside the prophecies exist magic and sorcery that further influence’s one’s decision to be good or evil. In Sundiata: An Epic of Old Mali, a king named Soumaoro abandons his morals in order to instill fear into his people. In Macbeth, a soldier turned king also relies on black magic...
4 Pages 1718 Words

Evil Nature Of Mankind And Selfishness In Young Goodman Brown

In “Young Goodman Brown”, Nathaniel Hawthorne paints a picture of an evil world. A world where people who seem to be the most good turn out to be the most evil. Although we hate to admit it, we have all done something evil. It is near impossible to live inthis world without doing something with evil intentions. In Ecclesiastes 7:20, the bible says, “Surely there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and never sins.”. (Holy Bible)...
3 Pages 1416 Words

Corporate Social Responsibility And Philanthropy

The definition of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) carries a level of ambiguity within the public and private sectors. Although authors are influenced by popular definitions there is a clear expectation among literaries that businesses should uphold a set of moral values and/or actions (Garriga & Mele, 2004). One of the most popular approaches to CSR programming that businesses use as a guideline is an ethical framework (Lee, Kim, Lee, 2012). Ethics based CSR initiatives can be drivers of economic and...
5 Pages 2218 Words

Fate Is to Blame for Romeo and Juliet's Deaths

If Hitler wasn’t elected, the Holocaust could’ve been avoided. Maybe if Romeo and Juliet hadn’t met, Tybalt and Mercutio’s deaths could’ve been avoided, and even the deaths of Romeo Juliet themselves could’ve been avoided. The thing that ties each of these events together though is Fate. In the tragic play by William Shakespeare titled, “Romeo and Juliet”, two teens, each from feuding families, find each other at a Capulet party one evening. All in that same night they instantly fell...
2 Pages 900 Words

The Argument Of Evil As A Justification Of God's Existence

With the presence of omnibenevolent, omniscient, and omnipotent God, the claim on evil is absurd. Even though it has been difficult to have satisfactory answers to this question, there is no way God will allow nature of evil to take its course. In the first portion of this essay, I will address the reasons given on the evil situation by the external world, and the second section, I will provide the philosophical arguments put forward in justification of the problem...
3 Pages 1351 Words

How Corporate Philanthropy Can Harm The Communities They Try To Help

Abstract Despite the numerous amount of study done on the impacts of corporate philanthropy and corporate social responsibility from a business’s perspective, not enough attention is being paid on the community’s perspective. Corporate philanthropy could potentially result in intentional and/or unintentional negative consequences for the target beneficiaries. This paper will first define corporate philanthropy before highlighting three possible ways of firms harming the community – threatening their livelihoods, destabilizing communities through corruption and fraud, and overly focused on programs with...
5 Pages 2355 Words

Strategic Philanthropy In Business

The term Philanthropy means doing some or volunteering a charity work and strategic philanthropy refers to the organization which practices the charitable activities which are related to their business or a specific issue. Summary In the last decennia, the discussion around firms undertaking philanthropy has moved all the more overwhelmingly towards strategically motivated giving, where beside the advantages gave to society, the advantages of philanthropy to the firm are similarly considered. This way to deal with philanthropy is known as...
1 Page 572 Words

Philanthropy: Definitions, Effects And Improvements

Modern definitions of philanthropy According to Johnson (2016), philanthropy is defined as the “love of mankind; good nature”. It is the thing done for a good cause with a good heart to help someone. “One old-fashioned view of philanthropy holds that it should simply alleviate individual suffering and do nothing more” (Schmitt, 2015). In olden times, People used to Volunteer for social work without any selfish or personal motives. People use to come along for fighting against the social problems....
5 Pages 2541 Words

To Kill A Mockingbird: Good Vs. Evil

“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view… until you climb into his skin and walk around it”(Lee 189). This means you can’t judge a person about what they are and what they stand for, you have to understand where they are coming from and what they really like within themselves not what other people say. Scout and Jem finch the main characters in Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird. They learn good...
2 Pages 1115 Words

Existence Precedes Essence Concept In The Novel Americana

Americana (1971), Don DeLillo’s first novel, has the protagonist by name David Bell. He is a young television advertising executive, who is in search of self- identity. The novel demonstrates DeLillo’s preoccupation with the American culture and the struggle between the individual and chaotic world. In this novel, DeLillo depicts the protagonist as a person who is successful in profession and fails in his personal life. The protagonist feels bored and unsuccessful in his daily routine life. He is unable...
5 Pages 2482 Words

Are Humans Inherently Good or Evil? Essay

Man is capable of both good and evil, but which nature were we originally born with? Mencius released Man’s Nature Is Good, discussing his standpoint on this topic, but in a much different light than most. Mencius clearly believes that all men are born inherently good with desires to achieve principle respect by making moral decisions. Later, in Hsun Tzu’s written piece Man’s Nature is Evil, we clearly see that his philosophy is founded upon the idea that all men...
2 Pages 914 Words

Categorical Imperative: Kant And Ross

Immanuel Kant developed a concept called Categorical Imperative. His concept acts as an ethical principle for behavior which helps in deciding whether an action is right or wrong, desired or undesired. A way to evaluate his concept is to ask what would happen if others also in the same circumstance, act the same. An example of the categorical imperative: Suppose Ram plans on cheating in an examination. If he applies Kant's categorical imperative, he will decide not to cheat because...
1 Page 387 Words

Forgiveness: Definition, History And Key Points

Once there was a hand whose fingers were good friends. The owner of hand began a dangerous task. Despite the care he gave to the rest of fingers, the thumb was always pressurized more and had lots of cuts and bruises. At first, the other fingers felt sorry for the thumb and apologized for their unskillfulness. The thumb indeed forgive them. However, this happened frequently that one day the thumb decided to forgive the fingers no more. With anger the...
2 Pages 832 Words

A Timeline Of Bill Gates’ Early Life, Achievements And Philanthropy

Bill Gates is renowned as an American computer programmer and business magnate who co-founded the world’s largest personal computer software company Microsoft. Since the formation of his company in 1975. The business mogul has held more than a few high placed positions, including those of the CEO, chairman as well as chief software architect. The unprecedented success of Microsoft placed Gates in the realm of the rich and the powerful, and he has always been listed among the world’s wealthiest...
6 Pages 2597 Words

Good, Evil, Or Gray: The Modern Perspective

Every choice becomes a consequence whether it is good or evil, and every consequence can serve a different light in a situation. As a society in an age of technology and social media, we hear everybody's story, see everybody’s struggle, and feel everybody’s pain, based on events, actions, and words. Being an African-American female, I may be judged based on the color of my skin because sometimes people can have a tendency to hurt others in a way to give...
3 Pages 1529 Words

Is Philanthropy The Love For Humanity, As Its Definition In Greek Suggests?

Its etymology describes the motive and ambition to aid and to improve the progress and quality of living of others. In practice, philanthropy builds public good, by granting money to numerous causes and by supporting the less fortunate and unprivileged people. Promulgating philanthropy is a socially desirable initiative. From a utilitarian point of view, there are citizens gratified with getting funds for free. The vital query is the reason for which wealthy individuals would experience the “love for humanity” and...
2 Pages 810 Words

African Business Philanthropy

The world is at a pivotal moment for global development cooperation. While many stakeholders are brought increasingly into international development processes, philanthropy stands apart, despite the scale, ambition and potential of philanthropy’s contributions to international development. Its resources are growing as a proportion of total Official Development Assistance (ODA), and in 2011 philanthropic North-South flows from OECD DAC donors alone was at least US$59 billion. But philanthropy should not be viewed principally as “gap filler” for ODA. Instead, and crucially,...
1 Page 532 Words

Good Vs. Evil In The Novel Salem’s Lot By Stephen King.

The theme of good versus evil within the novel, Salem’s Lot by Stephen King, seemed straightforward at first. Indeed, the vampires are a clear manifestation of evil, that big, bad, devil worshipping, drink your blood kind of evil. However, it becomes apparent that many people within the town itself are evil as well. This blurs the lines between good and evil. After all, people are supposed to be good and vampires are supposed to be evil in this kind of...
2 Pages 1022 Words

Do Our Actions Have Consequences?

Introduction Hi, you’re listening to Positive Perspectives As you recall in the last podcast I talked about truthfulness and how it is viewed in various religions. After that podcast one of the comments that I received was “hey, just finished listening to your episode. Got me thinking we all tell lies at some point in our lives, but what if we were able to know the consequences of our actions before we committed a sin?” So, today we are going...
3 Pages 1271 Words

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