Political Systems & Ideologies essays

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Essay on Political Ideology: Impact of Terror Threats on Political Polarization

4 Pages 1871 Words
Introduction Terrorism has been a concerning threat across the world for many years, the United States has especially focused on it since the attacks on 9/11. Threats about terrorism, or rather perceived threats, have deeply affected culture and impacted domestic and international politics for years to come. Furthermore, the United States has seen a widening gap between the Left and...

Essay on Application of Political Ideology to Climate Change

4 Pages 1920 Words
Introduction Using the political ideology behind climate change as a cultural element, this essay will explore how globalization, cultural diffusion, adaptation, and adoption have consequences for the future cultural geography of places and their species. I will explore the definition and history of cultural geography and show how climate change has moved from a science-based concept to a cultural phenomenon....

Do United States Has Real or Quasi Democracy: Argumentative Essay

3 Pages 1319 Words
The most common belief amongst people all over the Globe is that the United States is the World's biggest democracy. However, whenever these beliefs change slightly, it always points out detrimental exceptions to foundational principles or core principles. For example, many critics argue that the loss of democracy in American history is a result of the election of unsuitable autocrats,...

Change in Political Ideology Regarding the Rule of Russia

3 Pages 1396 Words
Change and continuity must be assessed in terms of political ideology. The first political ideology established is during the period of Alexander II`s autocracy. In essence, tsarist autocracy centered around the concept of a divine leader whose role was to safeguard his people. Due to the Tsar`s totalitarian role and the support of the church and nobility aristocracy, there was...

What is Politics Essay

2 Pages 799 Words
Politics is a powerful force that shapes how individuals, groups and institutions interact to shape our societies. From local to global, politics permeates every aspect of life, from decisions on how resources are distributed to the exercise of power. It is an art of governance, through which different individuals and organizations can come together in order to regulate economic and...

Nussbaum’s Idea of Incorporating Patriotism and Cosmopolitanism in Schools and Its Inefficiency

3 Pages 1241 Words
In the essay ‘Patriotism and Cosmopolitanism’, written by Martha Nussbaum, she declares that our nation is shockingly ignorant to the remaining of the society. In societies, patriotism is “the devotion to and vigorous support for one’s country”. In society, cosmopolitanism is “the ideology that all human beings belong to a single community based on a shared morality”. Martha’s definition of...

Essay on Nationalism, Patriotism, National Identity and How Globalization Can Affect Them

3 Pages 1493 Words
National identity is a sense of a nation and its people as a connected whole from an internal and external perspective (internal, as the people of that nation see themselves, and external, as the rest of the world views the people of that nation), which has developed over time. The development of ‘identity’ is something very important, which means that...

Analysis of Marxist Theory within Frostpunk

7 Pages 3068 Words
Frostpunk is a city-building survival video game in which you take the role of a leader in an alternative history of the 19th century. The world has been plunged into a volcanic winter, the player is required to manage resources, assign work, and make tough decisions all so that the people survive the cold. The game is centered around the...

Critical Assessment of the Merits of Marxism

4 Pages 1839 Words
Marxism is the political and economic theories put forward by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, later developed by their followers to form the basis of communism. It is of interest to me given the stigma attached to it, largely due to past regimes claiming to be Marxist but not accurately reflecting its core principles. For the purposes of this essay,...

Comparison of Marxism and Feminism

4 Pages 1855 Words
This essay will discuss various comparisons between two sociological theories by touching on why society is structured the way it is as well as comparing and contrasting both views. The two theories that will be discussed are Marxism and feminism, both of which go on to have a significant impact upon modern-day politics. At its simplest, Marxism is a social,...

Essay on Communism in China

3 Pages 1347 Words
Communism has been around for several years, and has been implemented in varying countries including Laos, China, Cuba, Vietnam, and North Korea. Communism is commonly associated with Karl Marx’s early ideas. Karl Marx was a German philosopher who outlined his ideas in his manifesto ‘The Communist Manifesto’, which he wrote in 1848. He liked to emphasize that capitalism led to...

Bram Stoker's Novel 'Dracula' as a Representation of Marxism

3 Pages 1580 Words
Marxism is a method of socioeconomic analysis that uses a materialist explanation of historical development, better known as historical materialism, to understand class relations and social conflict as well as a dialectical perspective to view social transformation. It originates from the works of 19th-century German philosophers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Marxism is presented throughout the 1897 Gothic novel ‘Dracula’...

What Does It Mean to Love Your Country: Opinion Essay

2 Pages 884 Words
Love is a great passion. It is natural that man loves his native country. The same is the case with me, I love Pakistan for the fact that I was born into this aromatic soil and raised on its diversity. I`m a part of this soil, thus it calls me onto it. Pakistan has given me an identity, it`s who...

Was Andrew Jackson Democratic: Argumentative Essay

1 Page 508 Words
From humble beginnings, in 1767, Andrew Jackson worked his way up to wealth and national prominence. Jackson became involved in politics as a child during the Revolutionary War when he worked as a courier for the revolutionary cause. Andrew Jackson was known as the president of the 'common man.' Under his rule, American democracy flourished as never before but the...

ROTC Essay

1 Page 648 Words
President Rodrigo Duterte has proposed reinstating mandatory military training in the K-12 curriculum. Duterte reportedly wants to make ROTC mandatory again to instill 'discipline' and 'patriotism' in young people, according to reports. ROTC stands for Reserve Officers Training Corps. The main purpose of the ROTC program today is to train young men and women to become officers. Students taking ROTC...

Essay on Political Ideology

3 Pages 1616 Words
Upon carefully analyzing and critiquing the six main parties’ policies and promises for Canada’s upcoming 2019 election, I have come to the decision to vote for the New Democratic Party (NDP). Of course, just like the rest of the platforms, the NDP platform is not perfect. However, it is the one that best reflects my own personal political ideology and...

Pros and Cons of Lobbying

6 Pages 2659 Words
Introduction Corporate social performance (CSP) refers to the outcomes of corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. These initiatives may include the practices and principles that businesses employ in their relation with certain stakeholders, such as communities, organizations, or institutions. The economic and political sphere has become more integrated with the growth of globalization, and businesses have consequently become more politically active...

Marx Vs Tocqueville: Analysis of Democracy in America

2 Pages 897 Words
Marx vs. Tocqueville: Solution to Alienation and Individualism Both Marx and Tocqueville have theorized about community, as well as the implications of the absence of community. The two sociologists have come up with solutions to gain community in order to avoid the opposite, in Marx’s case: alienation, and in Tocqueville’s case: individualism. When looking at both theorists, an important question...

Lyndon B Johnson and American Liberalism

1 Page 582 Words
The Great Society was the name for Johnson's domestic agenda (analogous to FDR's New Deal). It demonstrated the height of liberal policymaking in the post-World War II era. Unlike the New Deal, it occurred during a time of prosperity for most Americans. By the end of Johnson's presidency, the liberal Great Society was undergoing criticism from both the Right and...

Life of Fidel Castro and Analysis of His Ideological Beliefs

5 Pages 2132 Words
In recent world history, the western hemisphere has evolved to give birth to some of the most successful, and troubled, countries of the modern world. The history of triangle trade and the Columbian exchange of disease, food, and diseases. The Spanish imperialized much of the New World, disturbing native politics and society to establish their own. This included an economic...

Law Regulations of Lobbying in Poland: Descriptive Essay

1 Page 411 Words
The concept of lobbying means influencing state authorities in the interest of certain political, economic or social groups. In Poland, the term 'lobbying' appeared in public debates after 1989 and immediately took on a pejorative meaning. He was associated with corruption, behind-the-scenes dealing with cases and breaking the law. A negative look at the issue of lobbying is also influenced...

Karl Marx Modernism

5 Pages 2330 Words
The relationship between art and politics has been re-discussed in recent years in connection with the change in perception brought about by the debate of modernism/postmodernism. The discourse that pure modernism is an autonomous nature of art and therefore should not mediate politics (as well as morality, religion, and tradition) in ‘non-art’ spheres has lost its old power; modern methods...

Importance of Religion Based on Tocqueville’s Democracy in America: Analytical Essay

3 Pages 1318 Words
Religion is an important for understanding democracy according to Tocqueville because it restrains excessive individualism. Tocqueville felt that the best way to counter individualism was through religion. Religion has taught people that there are more things in life besides money. Tocqueville wanted to pursue and renew the American knowledge of religion to contribution to independence. Tocqueville argues that modern democratic...

Impact of Lobbying on Credibility of Oval Office: Analytical Essay

7 Pages 3543 Words
With specific reference to the Oval Office, to what degree has this institution been a source of controversy over the past half century? Over the past 50 years, the US presidency has been involved in several scandals and corruption cases that gave rise to controversy and concerns both within American society and amongst US partners (Meinke, Anderson, 2001). With the...

Athenian Democracy vs. American Democracy: Comparative Analysis

2 Pages 927 Words
Reviewed double_ok
In global politics, mentioning of the Athenian democracy and American democracy is common. Interestingly, the world’s first democracy developed in Athens at a time when it was growing imperial. However, major differences and similarities occur between the Athenian democracy and American democracy. For instance, a ‘lot chose a leader in Athens’ while a leader in the US is elected (Athenian...

5 Paragraph Essay on Patriotism

1 Page 656 Words
One of the main similarities between the two inaugural speeches is the use of emotional appeal. Emotional appeal is one of the most effective persuasive techniques as the viewers give off an emotional response before logically thinking about what the speaker says. Trump and Obama use this technique throughout their speeches by using patriotism to appeal to American citizens. To...

Impact of Neoliberalism and Globalization on the War on Drugs

3 Pages 1393 Words
Neoliberalism is a policy model that tends to bridge politics, economics and social studies. The ideology of Neo-liberalism emphasizes on free market competition and capitalism that moves away from government regulation, spending or public ownership. This ideology was identified in 1980’s during the conservative governments of Ronald Reagan in the US and Margret Thatcher in the UK (Harp 2010). It...

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