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Impact Of Spiritual Intelligence For Achieving Sustainable Development Goals

2 Pages 825 Words
Spiritual intelligence is the supreme intelligence of human being which is included with cognitive and emotional intelligence. It provides the capability for monitoring and controlling the positive and negative aspect of human life. The basic concept of sustainable development is fulfilment of the present needs without compromising the needs of future. Spiritual intelligence provides the capability to differentiate between need...

Bounds Of Believing And Being: Religion And Spirituality

2 Pages 1044 Words
In life with full of uncertainties and intact prejudices, do we even wonder if our journey is under the prospect of spirituality or just religiosity? Or it doesn’t just cross our mind since we thought that it is the same? If this is the case then we are oblivious to fact that there’s an unseen veil of ignorance that hinders...

How Music Affects The Soul

3 Pages 1580 Words
Music is powerful! Music provides relaxation. Music arouses emotions. Music allows expression. Music even changes how one perceives the world. This idea of how music affects the soul, dates back to Ancient Greece and to famous philosophers such as Plato and his student, Aristotle. Aristotle’s philosophy of music, is often debated and ignored, but his ideas are still valued by...
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Rituals and Symbols of Judaism

5 Pages 2464 Words
Exploring new areas outside of one’s personal experiences or level of knowledge can be intimidating. I found this to be true when asked to attend a religious service outside of my own religious traditions. Religion is a sensitive subject for most people. In the United States, it is common to hear people say not to discuss two things; religion and...

The Idea Of Acting On Sinful Nature In Hawthorne’s Young Goodman Brown

3 Pages 1242 Words
The short story entitled “Young Goodman Brown” by author Nathaniel Hawthorne suggests that everyone is corruptible. The Dark Romanticism story develops by Goodman Brown gradually giving into evil through the corruption of his wife, Faith, and his encounter with the devil. All the main characters are deceiving to Goodman Brown, and he sees they are corrupt. There appears to be...

Marriage And Family In Christianity

4 Pages 1641 Words
In his book what McDonald does is give what life should be like with a healthy marriage and family. There are seven parts with twenty subcategories. My objective here is to review this as thoroughly as I can but first I want to point out that McDonald’s writing style is very easy to understand. He explains each section thoroughly in...

Hell Is Other People In The Play No Exit

2 Pages 1119 Words
Tragedy is an event causing great suffering and it is considered to be a basic element of modern drama. It is a destructive and distressful in any play it could be an unhappy ending or a downfall of a main character. It is also part of our life and reality. To a certain extent each and every one of us...
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Evidence And Challenges Of Judaism

3 Pages 1553 Words
Claim Judaism is a religion that fits into the third model of ultimate reality, Transcendence. Those of the faith believe that the perfect being, God, exists and transcends the universe. People are not God but will one day be resurrected after death to stand trial in front of Him. Like all religions in the third model, it claims a person’s...

50 Years Of Black Solidarity

4 Pages 2014 Words
During the 1968 Summer Olympics in Mexico, John Carlos took action and stood for something that shook the world. Carlos action during his podium moment in 1968 was an act of years of fighting racism and being oppressed. Carlos fist salute was a symbolic gesture of the civil rights movement and black power; however, despite his notable action, he did...

The Importance Of Biblical Worldview In Christianity

3 Pages 1411 Words
God is not dead. God has existed from the beginning of time and will continue to exist for eternity. His existence is not defined by human understanding. The Psalmist talks about how God has existed from “everlasting to everlasting” (Psalm 90:2, English Standard Version). This terminology means that God has always been and always will be. Understanding these concepts is...

Double Standards Faced By Muslim Women Within Society And Community

2 Pages 974 Words
Issues of identity, independence, acceptance by society, and practice of faith are not new to women. Add faith to the mix and it becomes an even more complicated subject. This paper examines the main arguments by Jasmin Zine in 'Honour and Identity: An Ethnographic Account of Muslim Girls in a Canadian Islamic School' and Anaya Mcmurray in 'Can Black Muslim...

Chastity And Women In Koran

5 Pages 2067 Words
A quick scan of online materials on the subject of women in the Koran reveals that this religious text can refract in multiple ways. Middle East correspondent Carla Power (2015) concurs with this judgment, further elucidating that a civil rights activist “may discover freedoms in the same chapter in which a twelfth-century Cairo cleric saw strictures” (p. 1). People holding...

Hamlet: The Good Or The Evil?

1 Page 507 Words
In every story the good triumphs all but what if the good was tainted before the end of the story unfold. In the Play “Hamlet”, William Shakespeare, an English poet, playwright and an actor, widely referred to as the greatest writer and a key component to the development of modern English.With “Hamlet” being on of his greatest works it made...

The Nature Of Evil In The Film A Serious Man

3 Pages 1461 Words
A protagonist handling a series of misfortunes is a common theme in literature and film both modern and ancient. In A Serious Man directed by the Coen brothers, Larry Gopnick is put through a fast paced deterioration of his passion for life as everything he cared about was stripped from him. This film directly connects to the book of Job....

Traditional Vs. Reform Judaism

4 Pages 1675 Words
Traditional and Reformed Judaism was becoming a definite battle in the 19th century. Both sides fighting over who is right. Many Jews started converting to Protestantism and many assimilated men and women considered conversion. As was the case for Weininger. “The conflicting pressures on sensitive young men and women invariably caused much bitterness. Among some of the most privileged or...

Passion Of Christ From Judas’s Perspective

2 Pages 741 Words
One of Twelve Apostles, Judas had initially been Jesus's right hand man however has grown related of cult about personality surrounding Jesus, feeling their overgrown his teachings. His political along with interpersonal disagreements to Jesus set plot about play within motion (Theatre). Judas has been the inherently compelling character. He betrayed Jesus however why? Was he jealous, unbelieving or within...

Negative And Positive Implications Of Faith Based Organization

4 Pages 1716 Words
Religion is an institutionalized system of beliefs and practices concerning the supernatural realm, whereas spirituality refers to the personal beliefs by which an individual relates to, and experiences the supernatural realm (Lunn, 2009). These terms give us a concrete background on the key notion that my essay will be focused on; Faith based organizations and the implications they come with...

The Peculiarities And Sacrament Of Baptism

3 Pages 1476 Words
Christian adherents may find that the straightest path to God may be challenging at times, but the end result is the greatest reward. Christians can follow the sacrament of Baptism to be led “along the best and straightest paths to Himself [God]”. “The word baptise is said to derive from the Greek words baptizo or baptisma, which means to bath,...

The Meaning Of Baptism And What It Signifies

4 Pages 1931 Words
The issue of infant baptism has been debated among Christians for centuries. This is because the Bible does not give any explicit instruction for what the church should do for the case of infants and whether they are baptised or not. Therefore, any drawn conclusions on the issue have been based off texts written for other situations. A few of...

Religiosity Vs. Spirituality

4 Pages 2163 Words
INTRODUCTION Jesus, since his time, has placed children and the youth at the heart of the Christian faith. He has primarily taught how children and their humility could be a model to His disciples, that people who follow Him must be ‘like children’ (cf. Matthew 18:1-5; Matthew 19:13-15; Mark 9:33-37; Mark 10:13-16; Luke 9:46-48; Luke 18:15-17). Jesus has also invited...

The Influence Of Christianity on The Film The Matrix

1 Page 461 Words
In the movie, the matrix Neo is represented as Jesus in the movie. This is symbolised as the Neo also Thomas Anderson refers to the Doubting Thomas of the gospels, as well as this reference Anderson means ‘ son of man’ which Jesus uses to refer to himself. Thomas Anderson also goes by his hacker alias Neo. Neo is an...

Design As Language In St. Basil’s Cathedral

5 Pages 2486 Words
Sacred spaces are initially thought to be conventional interiors that are defined by rituals and tradition. However, a closer consideration towards its visual language reveals meaning behind the characteristics of a space. Constructed in 1561, St. Basil’s Cathedral of Russia, designed by Postnik Yakolev and Iran Barma, raises a new way of imagining and analysing the poetics of sacred spaces....

Integrity And Religion

7 Pages 3033 Words
INTRODUCTION Integrity and religion is according to the article 11 provides the freedom of religion. Article 11 illustrate about every person has the right to proclaim, possession and practice their own religion. In the Article 3 stated regarding Islam is the religion that practices in Federation. On the other hand, in any part of Federation others religion can be practiced...

Christianity’s Influence On Adherents Views Of Abortion

5 Pages 2207 Words
Abortion is arguably one of the most controversial topics in modern society. Although it may seem straightforward - life or death - it is much more complex than people think. An individual’s faith can heavily influence the lens from which they view abortion. The Christian's decision for Pro-Life and opposition to abortion is influenced by the overall Christian belief based...

Attitudes Towards Homosexuality And Dalai Lama

4 Pages 1701 Words
Many turn to their faith for guidance when it comes to sexual relationships, and Buddhists are no exception. A Buddhists ultimate aim is to escape suffering, and they believe that sex, homosexual or otherwise, should be approached with the Right Intention (BBC Bitesize 2020). A Buddhists perspective of Homosexuality is very flexible. Buddhism is considered incredibly diverse (more so than...

Global Advertising Ramadan Campaign Critique

4 Pages 1792 Words
Introduction Every year advertiser spends billions of fortunes on the campaign, while only some make it to the top. It is highly prestigious to be selected as the finalist for Global Effie 2019 winners. Those selected as winners illustrated cases that demonstrate clear objectives and the challenging results in the context of global competition. Winners were chosen for different categories...

The Roles Of Baptism In Christianity

2 Pages 1091 Words
Christianity is expressed in a variety of different ways by adherents as there are many different ways individuals interpret Christianity. Saint Francis of Assisi is a venerated figure in Roman Catholic history contributing greatly to the way Christians chose to live their lives. In the 12th century, he reminded all that Christianity was supposed to be simple and charitable. The...

Applying Christianity In A Perceived Secular Field

3 Pages 1419 Words
For the last four years, I have been working to complete my bachelor’s degree in Psychology. I plan to continue my education and become a licensed professional counselor. Psychology is defined by the American Psychological Association as “the study of the mind and behavior” (n.d., Frequently Asked Questions). The field of psychology perfectly manifests man attempting to figure out things...

Jesus Christ And And Paul

2 Pages 804 Words
According to the New Testaments perspectives, the overall basic teachings and accomplishments of Jesus of Nazareth were a way to follow the Torah and to praise one God, but in a more inward and loving way, incorporating Jesus as the true son of God. (Module Notes,2020). The general theme of Jesus’ teachings was the kingdom of God and the standards...

The Meaning And Understanding Of Covenant

3 Pages 1148 Words
The term Covenant refers to an agreement between two or more parties coming together to make a contract based on promises, privileges and responsibilities. However, in a religious and theological context, it is essentially a relationship between God and His people. While there are blessings that come with the relationship, there are also penalties if the relationship is broken. Judaism...
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