Space Exploration Essays

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3 Pages 1302 Words
In the past, The human who dreamt of becoming an astronaut can not achieve his dream, because there are no missiles or machines. Nowadays, with advanced technology, this dream is achievable. His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan said that the goal of the UAE is a great goal. Which is that the UAE will enter the space industry...
10 Pages 4819 Words
Abstract This project aims to explore the overall importance of space exploration in today's world and society that has been growing more and more curious every decade that passes and what potential benefits it can offer but also what costs this exploration can have. These benefits could range from medical research using the useful aspect of zero gravity to mining...
4 Pages 1964 Words
Ever since the mid-1900s technology has been growing at a rapid rate and as of recent has become a huge part of modern society. Technology used to be just a want from the people who had the money to purchase it and did not have a truly beneficial purpose but as of recent with all the different types of technology...
2 Pages 1062 Words
On the 20th of July 1969, the human race achieved one of its greatest achievements to date. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin set foot on the surface of the moon for the first time in human history. A truly remarkable feat that captivated the hearts and minds of some 600 million people who watched as 2 humans did what was...
1 Page 570 Words
1.6 billion people are homeless in the world (“As Cities Grow, So Do the Numbers of Homeless.”). Something happened the other day that I can’t ever get out of my head. There was this guy that was probably in the war, he had one arm and one leg, he was a black man and he was very hungry. We were...
4 Pages 1594 Words
Ever since several centuries ago, human beings have being interested in the space outside our earth’s atmosphere. But it was not until the 1950s that humans were able to send artificial objects into the space to further their exploration. Since then, the two giants, the Soviet Union and the USA, have entered a space race, as part of their competitions...
2 Pages 982 Words
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Introduction There are both benefits and risks of exploring mars, but the risks most certainly outweigh the benefits. It would be very expensive, there are many hazardous possibilities for a human body in space, Mars could be a very unsafe planet, and the risk of humans going to space is very high. These are all reasons for the belief that...
3 Pages 1480 Words
Introduction Space exploration has always been a popular topic of discussion ever since the launching of Apollo 11. Even more recent, Elon Musk’s space program, SpaceX, has announced that they will be sending citizens to space which demonstrates that through a variety of space related events, society has been swayed into supporting space exploration. In fact, Pew Research Center, a...
6 Pages 2847 Words
Space has been one of the most interesting and eye-catching research and science fields during the past 60 years, since the first artificial satellite was launched into Earth’s orbit. The technological advance that has been occurring in the past decades in all fields of science is reflecting upon space technologies and is driving this field towards miniaturization with the clear...
7 Pages 3191 Words
As the global population explosively grows over the past decades, the exhaustion of energy has become a hot topic among scientists. Thus, scientists started to care about the potential colonial life on another planet, the Mars. Whether there exists a biological or microbial life on Mars become crucial for understanding the Martian living conditions. To study this, one can study...
5 Pages 2010 Words
Curiosity is an innate urge in human nature. When explorers discovered the new world, thousands flocked to explore it out of curiosity. We are on the cusp of great exploration, the planets in our solar system have started to be explored, starting with Mars. Mars has captured the attention of astronomers for centuries. In ancient times, the Greeks thought of...
1 Page 623 Words
Why do people keep trying to go into space, and explore space? Today, many countries try to explore and study space. Many people argue that space exploration is dangerous, so should not be done anymore, but why do people still explore space? There are three good reasons why we should continue to explore space. First, we're going to need a...
3 Pages 1325 Words
Abstract In this era of technology, there are different telescopes that fulfill the desire to see the distant objects such as stars and galaxies. Among all, the Hubble space telescope is the prestigious telescopes. Hubble is launched in the outer orbit of Earth's atmosphere which allows it to take extremely high-resolution images. Although the telescope is larger in size and...
1 Page 541 Words
The motivation behind the Hubble Space Telescope is to assemble light from inestimable articles so researchers can all the more likely comprehend the universe around us. In 1923, in light of the fact that the telescope went over numerous troubles, for example, air bending and molecule impedance, German researcher Hermann Oberth first proposed that a telescope could be propelled into...
2 Pages 857 Words
The extinction of humanity is imminent, our planet is gradually becoming contaminated and slowly we are approaching the absolute end of existence, unless we expand our borders and move towards space, many scientists consider that the colonization of space is a Desirable and perhaps inevitable step in the future of humanity, Mars is the focus of many serious speculations and...
4 Pages 1930 Words
Introduction Venus, ‘the morning/evening star’ is an extraordinary planet with many similar characteristics to Earth such that it is often called Earth’s twin. Located next to Earth, despite the similar mass and composition, the two planets are also very different. Examples of this include, Venus being the only planet in the solar system that spins clockwise rather than anti-clockwise, its...
1 Page 562 Words
The exploration of Mars has been a long awaited mission. The effects however have been questioned for a very long time. Through my understanding of Martian Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the second-smallest planet in the Solar System after Mercury. It has an atmosphere primarily composed of carbon dioxide, molecular nitrogen and argon. It also contains...
3 Pages 1440 Words
Earth’s future has become increasingly unstable over the course of hundreds of years, not only do we face terrorism, climate change and catastrophic events but humans could also be wiped out in an instant by a meteor collision, says Steven Hawkins (Hoare, 2019). In order to ensure the human races survival, we must become a two planet species. Mars, being...
5 Pages 2093 Words
This paper is to analyzes the space debris dangers and risks of future exploration. There are two main issues for space exploration. Since the 1970s space exploration has widened our understanding of space, but so far for every mission that starts, it has repercussions. In 2015 National Aeronautical Space Administration (NASA) reported over 3 million kilograms of space debris, in...
2 Pages 883 Words
Astronomical distances recognized simply as astro-distances or more frequently as light years, present fascinating reasons to make ongoing explorations about the macrocosm. However, the history of astro-distances should receive close attention to understand how various calculation approaches evolved. From the development of the Hubble telescope, the existent form of calculating astro-distances means that an explicating macrocosm should present opportunities to...
3 Pages 1160 Words
To document and comprehend the purpose, discoveries, and life of the Curiosity rover, and how it contributed to analysing the habitability for life on Mars. Introduction In 1993, NASA founded the Mars Exploration Program to explore Mars, and find out if Mars could ever support life. On June 10th and July 7th of 2003, two Mars rovers, Spirit and Opportunity,...
3 Pages 1418 Words
Polish science fiction author and philosopher, Stanislaw Lem, once said, “ Man has gone out to explore other worlds and other civilizations without having explored his labyrinth of dark passages and secret chambers, and without finding what lies behind doorways that he has sealed (Lem).” When thinking of the vast and unexplored universe, people are eager to jump in without...
4 Pages 2166 Words
One of the many questions you might ask yourself is their life out into space. Well, how would we know if we cannot get there in the first place? Space travel has become a worldwide phenomenon that piques the interest of what lies beyond our galaxy. We shall be discussing whether space travel is possible beyond our current limit which...
1 Page 490 Words
Introduction: Do the benefits of space exploration outweigh the risks? Many people believe they do, with the help of space exploration, we can employ the unemployed, boost our economy, and give us somewhere to go if Earth cannot support life any longer. One of the many places in the universe that we could go to is Mars. More Jobs: NASA...
4 Pages 2043 Words
Ever since the invention of telescopes, there has been more demand for research and observations of the universe. With a growing number of diverse telescopes, each new one that came out improved, advanced, and changed our perspective on how we see the cosmos and gave us sharper and brighter resolution. With the combination of engineering and astronomy, it has marked...
3 Pages 1645 Words
Introduction The development of space-borne telescopes has heavily influenced our astronomical research and broadened our fundamental understanding of the universe. They have paved the way for astronomers to view and understand the cosmological evolution of galaxies that ground-based telescopes could not fully uncover. In recent years, advancements in space telescopes with the achievements of the Hubble Space Telescope and the...
3 Pages 1570 Words
Introduction Since technology has opened up the opportunity to bring humans to space that experience has been limited to professional trained astronauts. Visits to space have been discovering journeys for scientists but now space is being looked at as a new market place. The term space tourism is being used more and more frequently like it is in the near...
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