‘Bombs Bursting in Air’ by Beth Johnson: Critical Essay

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In the thought-provoking essay "Bombs Bursting in Air," author Beth Johnson delves into the multifaceted concept of patriotism. She challenges conventional notions of patriotism by exploring its complexities and raising important questions about its relationship with violence and nationalism. This critical essay will delve into the key arguments and perspectives presented by Johnson in her work, highlighting the thought-provoking nature of her exploration.

Exploring the Paradox of Patriotism

Johnson begins by acknowledging the power of patriotic symbols and rituals in creating a sense of unity and belonging among citizens. She highlights the emotional impact of events such as Independence Day celebrations and the singing of the national anthem. However, she swiftly moves beyond the surface-level expressions of patriotism to interrogate its darker side.

One of Johnson's key arguments is that patriotism can be exploited by those in power to manipulate public opinion and justify violence. She questions the glorification of war and the way in which patriotism can be used to suppress dissent and stifle critical thinking. Johnson prompts readers to reflect on the blurred line between patriotism and nationalism, cautioning against blind allegiance to the state.

Unpacking the Role of Violence

Another central theme in Johnson's essay is the relationship between patriotism and violence. She highlights the paradoxical nature of celebrating the freedom and ideals of a nation while simultaneously engaging in violent acts. Johnson challenges readers to consider whether violence is an inherent part of patriotism or a distortion of its true essence.

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Johnson presents the contrasting perspectives of different individuals and groups, including veterans who question the necessity and consequences of war. She challenges the assumption that military service automatically equates to patriotism, emphasizing the importance of critical reflection and empathy in understanding the complex realities of war.

Questioning the Status Quo

Throughout her essay, Johnson encourages readers to question the prevailing narratives and assumptions surrounding patriotism. She emphasizes the importance of engaging in critical thinking and seeking a deeper understanding of the historical, social, and political context in which patriotism operates.

By inviting readers to think beyond the traditional symbols and rituals associated with patriotism, Johnson challenges us to redefine our understanding of loyalty to our country. She urges individuals to examine the underlying values and principles that drive their actions and to consider how patriotism can be expressed in ways that promote justice, equality, and peace.


In "Bombs Bursting in Air," Beth Johnson presents a critical exploration of patriotism, challenging readers to consider its complexities and potential pitfalls. Through her thought-provoking analysis, Johnson raises important questions about the relationship between patriotism, violence, and nationalism. She prompts readers to engage in critical reflection and to challenge the status quo, encouraging a more nuanced understanding of patriotism that aligns with principles of justice and empathy.

Johnson's essay serves as a reminder that patriotism is not a static concept but one that evolves and requires ongoing examination. By questioning the prevailing narratives and assumptions surrounding patriotism, readers are encouraged to develop a more nuanced and thoughtful understanding of their relationship with their country. "Bombs Bursting in Air" invites us to engage in critical conversations about patriotism and to consider how it can be expressed in ways that contribute to a more just and inclusive society.

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‘Bombs Bursting in Air’ by Beth Johnson: Critical Essay. (2024, March 31). Edubirdie. Retrieved May 9, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/bombs-bursting-in-air-by-beth-johnson-critical-essay/
“‘Bombs Bursting in Air’ by Beth Johnson: Critical Essay.” Edubirdie, 31 Mar. 2024, edubirdie.com/examples/bombs-bursting-in-air-by-beth-johnson-critical-essay/
‘Bombs Bursting in Air’ by Beth Johnson: Critical Essay. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/bombs-bursting-in-air-by-beth-johnson-critical-essay/> [Accessed 9 May 2024].
‘Bombs Bursting in Air’ by Beth Johnson: Critical Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Mar 31 [cited 2024 May 9]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/bombs-bursting-in-air-by-beth-johnson-critical-essay/

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