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Negative Impact of Disney Movies on Current Generation

Have you ever caught yourself whistling at work? Perhaps you have told yourself to just keep swimming? Maybe even had your knee kissed better when you hurt it as a child? Are these phrases ringing any bells in your head? If yes, you have likely been influenced by the monstrous bundle of movies created by Walt Disney. If not, I am guessing you are not part of the 116 million subscribers of Disney+. Nevertheless, you are still influenced by Disney...
2 Pages 891 Words

The Movie 'The Truman Show' and the Social Issues It Highlights

The movie ‘The Truman Show’ directed by Peter Weir reflects some of the issues within our daily society such as truth, privacy and relationship. These are the values that are important to us both personal and social. They are important as being essential to us. Everyone deserves to know the truth because it helps to strengthen the relationship between each other. Thus, we can build our relationship based on the belief towards each other. In addition, we have own life...
2 Pages 819 Words

Analysis of the Movie 'Forrest Gump' and the Questions That It Raises

“Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get”, explains Forrest Gump. Certainly, life is full of unpredictability and wonder, establishing questions such as: Why did a movie so full of simplicity earn over than six hundred and seventy million dollars around the world and win the Oscar for Best Picture in 1994? Because of the childlike, yet determined main character. This fictional character is iconic in our culture. Gump, despite being disabled, found himself...
2 Pages 1082 Words

The Memoir ‘Night’ Vs the Movie ‘The Boy in the Striped Pajamas’: Comparative Essay

World War II was a horrible war that killed millions, but sadly most of the casualties were innocent civilians. The Nazis were the driving force of killing civilians during the war with their death camps, or as they are known as concentration camps. During the war they targeted mainly Jews and the handy capped. ‘Night’ and ‘The Boy in the Striped Pajamas’ both gave views of the Holocaust; one from the view of a Jew, and one of a fictional...
2 Pages 963 Words

Analysis of Main Themes in 'Gattaca' and Film Techniques Used to Show Them

Andrew Niccol uses dialogue, camera angles, and symbolism to show the main themes of his film ‘Gattaca’ - discrimination, perfection and determination. ‘Gattaca’ is about a seemingly utopian country with no illness and no disease. Though these people are genetically made, making it physically impossible to find an imperfection. The film is about how people are treated unfairly due to being imperfect in their pristine economy. Vincent born as an ‘in-valid’ has to prove that he is just as worthy...
2 Pages 843 Words

Legality of Using Violence against Violence in 'A Clockwork Orange'

‘A Clockwork Orange’ has created a debate over the legitimacy and the effectiveness of using violence to combat violence. Within the film, Kubrick depicts a socially and politically degenerate environment inhabited by fearful citizens, violent thugs and an authoritarian government. His dark and sensationalist scenes of rape, murder and violence from our young narrator Alex De Large and the violence imposed by the state through the Ludovico technique all assist in expanding the understanding over who is legitimate to use...
4 Pages 2014 Words

Influence of the Movies ‘Triumph of the Will’, ‘Persona’, ‘Psycho’, ‘Raging Bull’ and ‘A Clockwork Orange’ on Motion Pictures

In this essay there will be an analyzes on five movies by different writers on films impacting motion pictures. These essays acknowledge the significance either positive or negative of the films to motion pictures as it focuses on a specific framework each film possess. The films include ‘Triumph of the Will’ (created in 1934 by Leni Riefenstahl, analyzed by Mary Devereux and put together by Noel Carroll and Jinhee Choi), Ingmar Bergman’s ‘Persona’ (created in 1967, analyzed by Lloyd Michaels),...
6 Pages 2860 Words

Influence of German Film Industry in 1919-1945

Since 1919, due to the inception of the expressionist movement, and its increasingly artistic take on the medium, the German film industry had started to have major impacts on not only German culture but also how film had been viewed worldwide, from a form of entertainment for lower class citizens to an art form to convey complex plots and messages. Expressionist film, like ‘The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari’, had used film to express the directors' emotions, especially his thoughts on...
6 Pages 2749 Words

Influence of Hard Rock, Urban Pop, Meditation Music and Classical Music on People

The notion that music can influence your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors has been around for a long time and does not come as much of a surprise. Renowned psychologists have suggested that knowing the preference of music leads to surprisingly accurate predictions about personality. While extensive research has been done on this subject, there is scope for so much more. Fast-paced rock anthems tend to pump up emotions while tender and somber performances have the ability to move a person...
3 Pages 1588 Words

Influence of Disney Princesses on Children's Self-Esteem and Self-Identity

Numerous academic research journals can be found into the study of the progression and portrayal of Disney princesses and their impact to children’s self-esteem and self-identity. This literature was reviewed to determine the conclusion on if both environmental and biological processes are included in the discovery of the impact that Disney princesses have on children’s self-esteem and how the two approaches interplay. Both quantitative and qualitative approaches to such research have found negative representation of women (Lacroix, 2004; Dundes, 2001;...
3 Pages 1335 Words

Impact Marketing of K-Pop Idols on Japan's Economic Growth

The boom of South Korean pop (K-pop) originally expanded to few Asian countries in mid-1990s; however, in early twenty first century, it has gained global popularity in the twinkling of an eye. The latest BTS – a Korean idol group which consists seven boys - got the first place on America’s Billboard album chart (Dal and Lee, 2019). It was also for the first time to get that record as Asian music stars. The announce means BTS got international fame...
2 Pages 1084 Words

Essay on Golden Era of K-Pop

The Golden Era of K-pop debatably started from 2008-2012, which was the second generation of K-pop, which started when TVXQ! debuted in 2003 with the song ‘Hug’. It’s called the Golden Era because the second-generation groups like TVXQ!, Super Junior, Wonder Girls, BIGBANG, Girls’ Generation, SHINee, F(X), APink, Infinite, 2PM, KARA, etc. popularized K-pop and made it a trend overseas showcasing their Korean vibe in their music. This was the time when ‘fan-wars’ had no meaning and everyone knew the...
2 Pages 1135 Words

Essay on Future of 2D Animation

In a modern world where everything is now digital, what does this mean for the future of 2D animation? This essay discusses the differences between 2D to 3D animation and examines the widely debated question, 'Is traditional animation a dying art form?'. The History of 2D Animation From ‘Despicable Me’ to ‘Frozen’ and ‘Finding Dory’, the bulk of contemporary animated films are created using CGI or computer-generated imagery. This is a stark difference from the popular animated films throughout 20th...
6 Pages 2957 Words

Effects of Animation and the Industry: Historical Essay

As far back as the foundation of photography individuals discovered that if pictures of moving items were taken in a speedy arrangement and flipped through in progression to make the bogus impression of a moving picture. Stoneware is a standout amongst the best instances of early craftsmanship still around today. One of the absolute first endeavors at making an interpretation of the unmoving picture into a moving picture is found on such bit of earthenware. About 5000 BC a piece...
5 Pages 2302 Words

Dark Side of K-Pop Industry: Discursive Essay

The K-pop industry is a music industry like any other industry in the world. It produces groups and artists who dream of singing and dancing on stage in South Korea. The K-pop industry is a rough industry for artists and aspiring artists. It produces the highest quality and production of content. The export of K-pop has made the K-pop industry worth five billion dollars. It’s a term known as Hallyu, which is the spread of the Korean wave or Korean...
4 Pages 1985 Words

Controversy Surrounding Dieting in 'Why Diets Fail': Movie Review

Among one of the episodes of the American documented television series ‘Explained’ is ‘Why Diets Fail’. The episode, which is dated 2018 is narrated by Maria Bello. The main idea of the film is body weight loss, which is believed to be related to dieting. For a long time, beauty standards have been set to make people believe that those who have a perfect body are the ‘thin’. The introduction of the film, with no doubt, makes mention of this....
1 Page 487 Words

Benefits of Classical Music Compared to Pop Music

I am listening to classical music as a I write. I am always listening. A sense of calm fills me as sonatas and symphonies ring in my ears. The gentle precision of each plucked string and pressed key helps me focus on the task at hand whether that be practicing my golf swing or revising my work from the tedious day at school. There is no doubt that classical music has lost its popularity since the age of pop music,...
2 Pages 976 Words

The Beatles' Journey: Essay on the Most Important Rock Group of All Time

“War is over! If you want it.” The dark, dreary streets of London were just crawling out of the hole left by World War II. With a new decade, there was a bright future ahead: the Swinging Sixties. It was a chance for freedom and to make a difference for the rising generation. It was the decade of the ‘British Invasion’. The Beatles is a name that is instantly recognized by the vast majority. It’s hard to find someone that...
3 Pages 1343 Words

The Beatles as One of the Most Famous Bands of the 20th Century

Introduction One of the greatest notorious groups during the 20th century were the Beatles because they revolutionized rock and rock as to how we know it today. Not only were they known to be talented musicians, but they also wrote and composed their own music. The Beatles proved to many out there that they were well liked and excited large mass of people at each of their public performances. It all began in the city of Liverpool, England, with four...
3 Pages 1546 Words

The Beatles and Their Huge Influence on Society

Introduction to The Beatles' Global Impact The Beatles have influenced the world in unimaginable ways. “Beatlemania: extreme enthusiasm for the Beatles, as manifested in the frenzied behavior of their fans in the 1960s” (Oxford Languages). The Beatles have sold over 600 million albums worldwide (CBS). 600 million is an unfathomable number but in the case of the Beatles, it makes complete sense. The Beatles were a group of British men composed of Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Ringo Starr, and George...
5 Pages 2345 Words

The Beatles and Drugs: Analytical Essay

What is it that makes people and more specifically musicians get into drugs? This question is to be kept in mind when we talk about the most ionic band in Britain and the United States known as the Beatles. For a band that was seen as the most popular and influential during the 60s and up until the 70s with relevance still talked about today, it’s hard to imagine the band members getting into something as serious as drugs. This...
3 Pages 1194 Words

Attractiveness of Antiheroes on the Example of Shrek

Have you ever known a human who possesses the noble qualities of a hero? Probably none. Heroes embodied with noble qualities such as selfless, brave, strong, and many more to point out which is a long way from the truth and that sends out that solely the perfect can acquire those. An everyday person would by no means able to relate to these heroes who had been completely pure of heart, who simply save the day and always knew what...
1 Page 635 Words

Essay on Aestheticization of Violence in 'A Clockwork Orange'

The movie ‘A Clockwork Orange’ by Stanley Kubrick, based on the novel by Anthony Burgess, is one of the most significant in the filmography of the director. His innovation lies in the fact that Kubrick was able to aestheticize violence at the audiovisual level. Using the technique of using classical music in ultra-violent scenes, the director creates something truly great. Music seems to 'conduct' the film, perfectly complementing every frame that you need to draw the attention of the viewer....
3 Pages 1596 Words

Essay on Symbolism in ‘The Shawshank Redemption’

Seen as a movie or literary theme, the right of freedom is most of the time felt through the adventures of a person who is wrongfully accused and confined. Putting side by side two things like the right every human being is entitled to have, freedom, and an unjust sentencing creates a bright and clear contrast between what is acceptable and what is not, what is just and what is unjust, and humanity and inhumanity. In the two different adaptations...
2 Pages 1039 Words

Susan McClary's Perspectives on Mozart's Music

In ‘A Musical Dialectic from the Enlightenment: Mozart’s Piano Concerto in G Major’, Susan McClary attempts to identify the social factors of the eighteenth century and today contained in Mozart’s music that go beyond its sheer beauty. She claims that scholars treat the music of eighteenth century as too perfect and void of humanistic emotions. Further, she claims a line can be drawn between Mozart and the rest of eighteenth-century music, which was devoid of human drama and feelings. She...
4 Pages 1957 Words

Stage Presence in Western Classical Music Performance

Stage presence is the performer’s connection with audience in a way that makes them want to watch and listen to the performance. It is more than the performer’s ability to recite musical lines, sing or play the right notes. Rather, it is the ability to connect with the audience, to immerse them in the story being told and to touch their heart with the sound of music. Everything a performer does: stage attire, confidence on stage and body language; affects...
3 Pages 1217 Words

Essay on Similarities between Grendel and Frankenstein's Monster

‘Grendel’ was written by John Gardner and in the novel, unlike the creature Grendel lives at home with his mother who occasionally lacks interaction with him. Because of this Grendel isn’t too pleased with his mother most of the time. For most mothers in today’s society, they communicate with us every day however that was quite the opposite when it came to his mother. For that reason, Grendel willing wants to engage within the society, by observing the humans. The...
1 Page 498 Words

Schizophrenia of John Forbes Nash Jr. in 'A Beautiful Mind'

I have chosen to psychoanalyze the character John Forbes Nash Jr. in the film ‘A Beautiful Mind’, within the schizophrenia spectrum. Schizophrenia is a disorder that functions to impair the emotional, behavioral, and cognitive areas of an individual’s life. ‘A Beautiful Mind’ is a biographical drama film depicting the real life of John Forbes Nash Jr. Nash was an extremely brilliant mathematician whose graduate career began at the Princeton University where he earned a doctorate by the age of 22...
5 Pages 2106 Words

Review of the Movie ‘The Shawshank Redemption’

‘The Shawshank Redemption’ elegantly tells a story of redemption, hope, and friendship with an unusual perspective from prisoners. Although the concept of a convicted felon, swearing his’s innocent, is not cutting-edge, the artistry and storytelling of this film set itself apart in its genre. According to The New York Times, Janet Maslin praises the movie for its “slow, gentle story of camaraderie and growth” in a genre that's saturated with similar sentiments. The movie opens with a banker named Andy...
1 Page 543 Words

Review of the Movie ‘A Beautiful Mind’

John Forbes Nash, Jr. Is a genius when it comes to math, he was especially amazing early in his life but eventually his mental health caught up. He invents an amazing discovery early in his career and that stood up internationally. Nash was an arrogant and handsome man. Later, Nash found himself with pain and misery with his mental health. After many years of struggle, he eventually won over his pain. Finally, late in life he received the Nobel Prize....
1 Page 499 Words

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