Health Care essays

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Why Vaccination Programs Are A Public Health Priority

4 Pages 1974 Words
Intro It is estimated that two to three million people are saved every year due to vaccinations, therefore it is hailed as one of the best achievements in public health. Vaccines have been used to successfully eradicate smallpox in 1979 as part of the first successful mass vaccination programme. Vaccines have been used to almost eradicate polio and measles which...

The Role Of A Paramedic In The Unscheduled Care Agenda

5 Pages 2067 Words
The role of the paramedic within the NHS unscheduled care agenda relates to direct urgent or emergency patient care. In context to paramedics, it is directly about urgent care and emergency care, both types of care requiring assessments and planned interventions. (Making connections with the challenges of unscheduled care, 2012). Paramedics have the duty when called out to assess all...

Patient Care And Management In The Pre-Hospital Environment

4 Pages 1960 Words
The global problem of Myocardial Infarction more commonly known as a “heart attack” is well documented within the world health organisation; they have completed numerous studies within this sector to indicate areas for improvement in the of quality care in a prehospital setting. This case study evaluates the management of care approiate to scope of practise for paramedics on treating...

The Peculiarities Of Hospital Pharmacist Job

1 Page 458 Words
Hospital pharmacist job is mainly is mainly concerned with deciding which medication work for each patient. This also involves other members of the medical teams like the doctors, nurses and health care professionals. Hospital pharmacists also detect the effect of the medicines they prescribe to their patients. They follow their patients’ health under the effect of the drug prescribed. Another...

Knowledge, Attitude & Practices Of HBV Infection In The Dental Pupils At Taif University

4 Pages 1804 Words
ABSTRACT Background: The World Health Organization (WHO), states categorically that Hepatitis B infection is the world's most prevalent liver infection. Nearly forty five percent of the global population lives endemic regions. [1] Objective: To analyze the information , attitude, and practices of dental pupils regarding the Hepatitis B Virus infection at Taif university dental college institution of the Kingdom of...

Nurse As An Advocate For Patient

2 Pages 864 Words
Nurses are skilled and trained professionals who take care of people when they are sick. Nurses are entrusted with the duty of performing treatment and procedures as prescribed by the physician. A nurse advocate is a nurse who works with a patient by helping them make informed decisions about their health, translating medical terms to them when they are in...

Compulsory Vaccination For Children In Pre-school Is A Necessary Measure To Ensure Public Health

4 Pages 2051 Words
Rationale With research on vaccination in pre-school aged children, a broad research question ‘is compulsory vaccination for pre-school aged children necessary to ensure public health’ was developed based on the initial claim. This was further refined to specifically consider the eradication of infectious disease, in particular measles in Australia. Measles is vaccinated against in a composite vaccination known as MMR...

The Peculiarities Of Doctor-Patient Relationship

3 Pages 1312 Words
INTRODUCTION Medicine is of great significance for mankind. It deals with the most fundamental aspects of the human condition: birth, life, physical functioning, vulnerability, loss, and death. Estimates show that health and medical care contribute to life expectancy over several years. Moreover, they contribute to improving people’s functional ability and quality of life. However, scientific knowledge and technical abilities are...

Stem Cell Awesomeness

3 Pages 1551 Words
The development in the field of stem cell technology is quickly accelerating. It’s a field that incorporates the work of geneticists, cell biologists, and clinicians and provides the possible promise of treatment that actually works for a variety of infectious and non-infectious diseases. Stem cell technologies can benefit many patients and expand scientific knowledge on “untreatable” conditions. The power of...

The Significance Of Yoga In Public Health

6 Pages 2874 Words
INTRODUCTION “Yoga is skill in events - Lord Krishna. ‘Yoga’ is a Sanskrit term meaning ‘to join, bond or yoke together’, and the essential purpose of yoga is to convey together body, mind and spirit into a pleasant whole. Physical Education may provide the right direction and desired actions to look up the health of members of any community, society,...

Mantle Cell Lymphoma: An Epidemiological Review Of Hong Kong Patients

6 Pages 2603 Words
Introduction Mantle cell lymphoma, previously known as diffuse small cleaved cell lymphoma and centrocytic lymphoma , is a low-grade non-Hodgkin lymphoma. It is a mature B cell neoplasm, consisting of mature B cells which have exited the bone marrow. Traditionally, MCL is known to be a very aggressive NHL despite its low-grade nature, and is considered to be incurable with...

Linguistic Study Of Doctor-Patient Interaction

2 Pages 694 Words
To almost all of us, good health is a priceless asset; and the prominent role that communication plays has pushed effective medical interaction to a new level of importance. Subsequently, Fairclough (1992) stated “The main arena for medical interaction can be most comprehensively viewed in terms of the doctor-patient relationship (p. 143). The relationship between patients and doctors provides the...

The Reasoning For Midwife Compassion

1 Page 484 Words
In this short essay I will explain the reasoning for why compassion is the most important attribute for any new student midwife to display. Compassion is a feeling of pity and distress of someone less fortunate or suffering, this will include the desire to help and alleviate it (Collins Online Dictionary, 2020). The foundation for all care guidelines for a...

Cost Of A HIPAA Violation

3 Pages 1169 Words
Patients share critical health related information with caregivers and Health organizations. They do so with a belief that their data would be kept confidential. Any breach of data confidentiality can lead to critical patient information being leaked to unwanted agencies and can cause severe trust deficit between health agencies and patients. To protect the sensitive data about the patient's health...

The Peculiarities Of Occupational Safety And Health Act

2 Pages 1124 Words
Occupational safety and health(OSH) according to Spann, W. (1972). The new occupational safety and health act. American Bar Association Journal is about issuing the occupational safety and health quality by the department of labor and for the federal enforcement that uses these standards with an instant fine or penalty for violating.The act allows workers and their spokesperson to initiate filing...

Profile Of Hospital Social Workers

4 Pages 1959 Words
Introduction Demographic profile of the respondents denotes the characteristics or socio-economic background of study population such as age, sex, education, caste, employment, income etc. When designing a research, the researcher needs to assess who to study and how to breakdown overall response data obtained from the study into meaningful groups of respondents. Both assessments are based on demographic considerations. Social...

Challenges Face By Employers In Malaysia During Covid-19 Pandemic

3 Pages 1429 Words
Introduction Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) caused by Sars-Cov-2 virus known as corona is the newly discovered respiratory disease where it spread person to person through small droplets from nose or mouth of an infected person and it has been declared as pandemic by World Health Organization. Fever, tiredness, difficulty in breathing, runny nose, nasal congestion, sore throat, diarrhea and dry cough...

Violence Against Women: A Public Health Problem

3 Pages 1241 Words
Women and Violence are two such terms that can be synonymous with each other. Every day, end number of women go through different forms of violence, be it intimate physical and sexual violence, female genital mutilation, rape, sex trafficking, early and forced marriages, domestic violence, or so-called 'honor' crimes. Mostly persisting expressions of violence against women lies in the remote...

Observation Of Medical Equipment Inventory Importance

5 Pages 2320 Words
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A vital part of the health-care technology management system is equipment inventory which needs to be frequently updated to provide an accurate look at the status of durable medical equipment in the hospital or clinic. The topics of importance should include original data collection, updated information on the equipment, or when the hospital receives new equipment or discontinuing...

Theory Of Caring: Definition And Evaluation

2 Pages 1004 Words
Nursing literature across the board asserts that caring is an important aspect of the nursing profession. Caring is an attribute that is essential in nursing. Caring is an attitude that that is innate; however, this attitude of approach may be absent from the practice of nurses. Nursing is viewed as a profession, while nurses are viewed as individual that provide...

Management Of Employee Welfare And Discrimination

1 Page 710 Words
Wages and Hours Protection-The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA): FLSA is a United States Federal law that was established in 1938. It ensures specialists by setting norms for the lowest pay permitted by law, additional time pay, recordkeeping, and youth work. This law covers full-time and low maintenance laborers in the private division and administrative, state, and nearby governments. The...

The Roles And Duties Of Public Health Practitioners

2 Pages 788 Words
The role of the public health practitioner is multifaceted. In the instance of Suffolk, and the proposed interventions, this involves overcoming a complex problem which requires partnership working across a range of stakeholders (The Open University, 2019d). Public health professionals can play a vital role in championing the needs of the local resident population (Bunton et al., 2003). This is...

Should Physician Assisted Suicide Be Legalized?

4 Pages 1965 Words
As society advances, so does its medical practices. We are more technologically and scientifically advanced now than we have ever been before. With these advances, comes the question of how we implement these technologies into our daily lives. Practices that were once considered taboo are now being considered in a different light. One such practice is that of physician assisted...

International Standards And Ethical Principles Of Universal Health Care

2 Pages 910 Words
The issue of private versus publicly funded health care remains controversial, with nations around the world employing a combination of these systems to varying degrees of success. Regardless of the system in place, millions of people still have inadequate access to health care, which can lead to poor health outcomes and decreased quality of life. In order to regulate standard...

Reasons And Solutions Of Elders Dental Care Absence

2 Pages 773 Words
In an era where technological advancements in medicine are rapidly growing, one may think that more people are receiving better healthcare. However, this is not the case since access to adequate healthcare is limited for many, especially the older generation. This is seen particularly in dental care, where a large portion of the elder population is still affected by dental...

The Role And Significance Of Caring In Nursing Practice

3 Pages 1449 Words
Caring in nursing practice is highly important and has a detrimental impact to a patient’s overall health outcome. This essay will critically discuss three aspects of caring in nursing practice and the importance they have, these topics include, caring behaviours, the 6 C’s of caring and Watson’s theory of caring. Each of these will be justified by relating them to...

The Peculiarities Of Caring In Nursing

3 Pages 1505 Words
Introduction Caring can be defined as having compassion, empathy or a feeling of concern for others. According to Jean Watson Caring is “the model ideal of Nursing whereby the end is protection, enhancement, and preservation of human dignity. Human caring involves values, a will and a commitment to care, knowledge, caring actions, and consequences”. Caring goes beyond human to human...

The Benefits Of Exercise For Your Physical And Mental Health

2 Pages 723 Words
Physical movements, drills or exercises are regarded to to be a great tool in maintaining physical wellness and fitness. We do not know what is going on internally in human body but we can certainly attribute that exercises and drills of different kinds can initiate us alone to remain fit and proactive . Firstly it can protect anybody from cardiovascular...

Should Obamacare Be Repealed?

2 Pages 1028 Words
One of the biggest controversial topics in America is healthcare, specifically Obamacare. Without Obamacare, millions of people would be without healthcare. For this reason, and many other economic factors, I believe Obamacare should not be repealed. Economic Arguments Against My Position a. The Affordable Care Act negatively impacts the supply of labor. i. Obamacare reduces employment among less skilled workers...

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